
Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

This website uses good texts and effects on the front page, it having colourful front home page, using many different colours, this website looks appealing to all audiences and looks very easy to navigate. Having clear titles and images leading you to other pages.

The font used is very clear and -precise, but still being exciting and not boring, having text that stands

The layout of this site is very compact, but still readable, having all the links to other pages in boxes close together, this is a very effective convention because of the type of website that it is, being a drug website, the images and layout used can be stereotypically linked to drug users.

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

Unicef is a charity to help people in poverty, they use their own imagery, showing how they help, and their main colour is blue. Blue is a colour that is calm and helpful, showing that their charity is willing to do all to help.

Their layout is basic having one main image at the top of the page, with many other images at the bottom, they have a lot of text and information on the front page, they use this to give background information on the website and let customers and viewers know what the website is about.

The layout of this page is very easy and very neatly laid out, being very easy to follow and view all pages and links on the page. Having links on the top for the navigation bar, but also having secondary links on the right hand side, leading you to other pages that may be of importance to you.

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

This website uses a very unusual, it uses an animation on the main webpage, this is a very useful and effective affect, it brings the audience together and because of the type of fish that it is (zebra fish), because they are a fish that heal their own hearts, so they link to the type of charity that it is.

The British heart foundation uses very patriotic colours, blue, red and white, all being very calm relaxing colours, because of the patriotic colours, it seems more appealing for all views, I feel that this is a very effective idea that I might use as well.

The overall layout of this homepage is very unique, having the animation as the centrepiece, but having links at both the top and the bottom, being very clear which links lead to what pages, using a bold clear font. The images used are also very important as they help show viewers in more detail what they are intending do, having a link with a picture over it, showing in advance some basic information about what that page and the charity offer.

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

Help for heroes is a very good example of a patriotic website, it uses a variety of colours, all being the colours of the United Kingdom, Blue, Red and White.

Help for heroes uses a range text and images, using a good balance, not using too much one media text, using these is good because they give us a clear view and ideas about what the charity is about without clicking on any links.

They use a lot of Images in their website, using images of the soldiers at work, showing them being carried off, signalling the type of help we will be giving.

This website layout filled with information, being very full on straight away, but still keeping the homepage looking tidy, having information about what they do with big clear links, but also offering a chance to help and donate from the first page.

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

On this page of the Frank website, you can see a variety of colours with faded edges, giving a colourful and effective look to the page, also being appropriate for the type of website that Frank is.

This page on Frank doesn’t have much information but links to other pages, this is effective because it suggests the pages you will be going to will have lots if information in and would not all fit on a normal web page, I think that this is a very effective way of laying out a page and I might use something similar.

This page of the unicef website is similar to the homepage, using mainly the colour blue and white, giving a warm and safe feel about it.

This page is simply laid out, just as the homepage, it has headings and side bars on it, giving many other options to transfer to other pages.

Frank stay away from using images, but make up for it by using fonts and patterns around the page, still having clear views and what they page is. The navigation bar is still placed at the top of the page but also offers other links at the bottom of the page, letting you be aware that there is also further information you might want to be aware of.

Unicef still followed on with their navigation bar being at the top, keeping consistency so viewers can always deviate from their page, but also giving a latest bar at the side for further useful information. Hey use photography on this page, showing what they do and the kind of actions they tae outside of the website.

We can also see further links on the right hand side, leading you to other important pages that they will want you to visit while on their website..

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

This donation page is very easy to follow; I think that this is a very good page with very easy instructions to make a donation, giving information needed about the donation.

Also on this page, they have other links on the page linking to other forms and donations that can be made.

The use of photography helps portray to the viewers what kind of people are involved in the website and what kind of people are helped, this is done to help the viewers see what kind of contribution they will be making if they donate.

Media Websites Research

Tomas Noad

This help for heroes page, is about fundraising, it has many images and information showing how they can raise money for their charities, this is effective because it lets viewers know how they can get involved with the charity.

This page also has many other options, not just about looking for fundraisers, but also how you yourself can start up a fundraiser, raising money yourself for the help for heroes charity.

His page is very well laid out, having bars to help show information and links, being very clear and bold fonts with smaller writing so you can still be aware of the task ahead of you. The colours are a big thing on this page, sticking with their colour blue but using darker shades and lighter shades to make certain sections such as the Titles and the links stand out.

They have kept their navigation bar at the top but doing this have made the title different as well, making it longer and stand out more, having a slogan to help get their point across to viewers.