REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - Nova Scotia · PDF fileRequest for Quotation for Halifax Regional...

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Transcript of REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - Nova Scotia · PDF fileRequest for Quotation for Halifax Regional...

Name of Company Quoting _________________________

Request for Quotation for Halifax Regional Municipality(HRM)

Quotation Q13M013 Supply & Install Wiring and Lighting Poles and Fixtures-Emera Oval, Halifax

Description of requirement:

To supply all labour, equipment , materials, tools, etc . to supply & install wiring and lighting poles andfixtures at the Emera Oval, Halifax, per the terms, conditions, specifications and drawings, etc. stated inHRM Quotation Q13M013.

Delivery Date: Day 2013.04.10


RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13RFQ Collective NumberQ13M013Contact person/TelephoneMitchell Crowell / 902 490-4207

This number must appear on all invoices lading bills, containersand correspondence.Send queries DIRECT to Purchasing Agent.Please send completed RFQ to: Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Division Suite 103, 40 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2N5THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER

No mandatory or Non-Mandatory job site meeting for HRM Quotation Q13M013

Closing Date:

Quotation Q13M013 closing Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 4:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST).

Quotations can be delivered to HRM Procurement located at Alderney Gate, 40 Alderney Dr., Suite#103, Dartmouth NS, or faxed to Mitchell Crowell, HRM Procurement at (902) 490-6425.

HRM Standard Terms & Conditions:

The Terms and Conditions for this solicitation can be located at either the website at:

or picked up at the Procurement Office, 40 Alderney Dr., Suite #103, Dartmouth NS.

Submission of a response to this Request for Quotation confirms that your company has viewed andaccepts these Terms and Conditions.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions:

Questions concerning specifications, requirements or application contact Steve Oakey at 490 4746 ore-mail

Questions concerning the terms and conditions or the procurement process contact Mitchell Crowell at490 4207 or e-mail

Workers Compensation, Safety and Insurance requirements same as stated in HRM Standard Terms andConditions.

NOTE:*****************************************************References to state three applicable customer references for doing similiar work. References to statename of company, contact person, telephone and location and description of work done. References to bereturn back with HRM quotation form by the closing date and time.*************************************************************

This quotation job will be awarded depending on budget approval and funding for this project less any

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13


discount payment terms.

Pricing will not be released until funding is in place and this quotation is awarded. Contractors will begiven the name of the low price bidder only if requested. This quotation is not a public opening.

The Contractor shall properly execute and complete all of the work indicated and called for in thespecifications and drawings.

The Contractor shall coordinate all divisions of the work including the work of all subcontractors andsuppliers. Be responsible for scheduling and expediting their work and deliveries, including correction ofall defective work.The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by all persons or parties engaged on the work withall laws, building codes and ordinances insofar as they apply to work carried out under this quotation.

The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses and certificates, and approved engineering plans ifapplicable and pay all fees required for the performance of the work which are in force at the date ofquotation submission.

Work of this trade must be executed by a company who has at least a minimum of three (3) yearsproven first class experience in this type of work or personnel doing this work. Contractor must haveadequate equipment and qualified staff to expediently complete the job in an efficient work person likemanner.

Scope of work:

For the supply of all labour, material, equipment to supply and install wiring and lighting poles andfixtures at the Emera Oval.

Attachments form part of this quotaion

-Quotation Oval Electrical Q13M013 9 Pages

-Column Light DOC 4 Pages

-Oval Electrical E-04 1 Page

- Urban scape light 5 pages

Pricing Summary Section:

Total Inclusive Cost to supply and install wiring and lighting poles and fixtures at the Emera Oval perthe terms, conditions, specifications and drawings, etc. regarding HRM Quotation Q13M013

$ __________________

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13


Does contractor offer any special payment terms, if yes payment terms are _______________

If not, payment terms are NET 30 after HRM Project Manager signs off as work completed.


Equipment must be serviced by a local company or if not HRM will not pay any costs other than onsite labour and parts once the warranty period has expired.

Health and Safety Act

Every contractor shall take every precaution that is reasonable in the circumstances to ensure thatevery employee, selfemployed person and employer performing work in respect of the project complieswith the latest revision of the Nova Scotia Health & Safety Act and Regulations, HRM Health & SafetyRegulations and all other safety measures as required by authorities having jurisdiction.

Safety Plan

Within three (3) days notification of award the contractor shall provide Steve Oakey with a safety planper Steve Oakey e-mail address This plan shall include but not be limited toidentification of safety hazards anticipated during the project, solutions to those hazards, safetyprocedures, identification of designated safety officers and provisions for safe access to the site workfor HRM staff and consultants. Receipt and acceptance of the safety plan shall be mandatory prior tocommencement of work. HRM Corporate Safety may also do periodic inspections during the jobduration.

Examination of Site

All contractors who may in any way be affected by the existing conditions of the site will be held tohave examined the site and familiarized themselves with the character and extent of work necessary tocomplete the contract according to the specifications. No claims for extra payment will be entertainedby reason of difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonablyinferable from an examination of the site prior to delivery of this quotation.

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13


Deduction for Uncorrected Work

HRM Project Manager may deem it to be in the best interests of the HRM to make an appropriatededuction in the Contractor's payment where work has been damaged and/or does not comply with theContract.

Notice of Completion

When work is complete, request in writing that a final inspection be made by HRM Project Manager.Upon the Owners and/or HRM's concurrence that the work is complete, attend the final inspection andparticipate in the preparation of a deficiency list.

Deficiency Corrections

Correct all deficient items and advise HRM Project Manager in writing when complete.

Contractor to state any subcontractors the contractor will be using and what the subcontractor isdoing, please list below:

Contractors Information:

Contractor's Safety Officer's Name ____________________________

Tel# ________________ Cell# ________________________

Fax# ______________________

E-mail address ________________________________

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13


Contractor's supervisor on site

Name ____________________________

Tel# ________________ Cell# ________________________

Fax# ______________________

E-mail address ________________________________

Contractor's back-up supervisor on site

Name ____________________________

Tel# ________________ Cell# ________________________

Fax# ______________________

E-mail address ________________________________

Contractor Quoting:

Name of the Company (Print)_____________________________________

Address of the Company _________________________________________

Province ________________________

Postal Code __________________

TEL#_______________________ FAX#_____________________________

CELL# ____________________ E-MAIL Address ____________________

HST#___________________________ OR GST#_______________________

Name of Company Rep. (PRINT)______________________________________

Signature of Company Rep. _______________________________________

Date ______________________

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13



Mitchell Crowell, HRM Procurement OfficerTel 490 4207 / Fax 490 6425



Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions for this solicitation can be located at either the website at:

or picked up at the Procurement Office, 1st Floor, Suite 103, 40 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, NS.

Submission of a response to this Request for Quotation confirms that your company has viewed and accepts these Terms andConditions.

----- NS RFQ number/date2060017446 / 2013.02.13


HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Facility Development - Parks Oval Electrical- Wiring and Lighting QUOTATION # Q13M013

The contract documents for this quotation, in order of precedence, are as follows Supplementary Terms and Conditions General Requirements - Specified Price Tender ( Instruction to Bidders General Specifications Works Specifications Details Bid Sheet Contractor Safety Management Policy Substance Abuse Prevention Policy Appendix B - Health and Safety Questionnaire 1) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS


1) Names of Parties 2) Form of Contract 3) Description of Site 4) Programme of Operations 5) Work Stoppage 6) Change Orders 7) Guarantee 8) Protection 9) Clean Site 10) Payment 11) Storage of Materials and Equipment 12) Materials - Equipment 13) Safety Requirements and Regulations 14) Site Security 15) Project Contact

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 2 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013


Facility Development - Parks

Oval Electrical - Wiring and Lighting

QUOTATION Q13M013 Prices are requested for the supply of all labour, material, and equipment to supply and install wiring and lighting poles and fixtures at the Emera Oval.



The Owner under the terms of this Contract is the Halifax Regional Municipality, 3rd Floor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Contractor under the terms of this Contract is the person or firm or Company whose tender has been accepted by the Owner and includes the Contractor's successors and permitted assigns.

The Project Manager under the terms of this Contract is the assigned HRM parks capital projects representative.

HRM under the terms of this Contract means the Halifax Regional Municipality.


The Contract shall be as per terms and conditions of this specification and associated drawings and documents.


The site is located at North Common on Cogswell St, Halifax It is recommended that tenderers visit the site in order to satisfy themselves as to the following: .1) means of access to the site.

.2) general location of the work area and of working and storage space available.

.3) conditions which may prevail on or adjacent to the site during construction.

.4) adjoining private/City fences, trees/shrubs, concrete/asphalt walkways, overhead and

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 3 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013

underground services, lawn areas, etc. which require protection during the progress of the works. Care must be taken to avoid disturbing these sites.

.5) It is the Contractor’s responsibility to arrange for all required utility locates at each

respective site within this Contract. Cost to repair all damages to any utility caused by the Contractor though the execution of this Contract shall be borne by said Contractor.

.6) facilities to be provided for other contractors or workers of the Owner who may be

employed during the progress of the works.

.7) the surface condition and the nature of the ground and subsurface. No allowance beyond the Contract Sum will be made for any alleged ignorance in respect of these matters.


.1) Project must be substantially complete within 8 weeks of receipt of P.O. #.

Substantial Completion has been reached when the Work is ready for safe use or is being used for the purpose intended and has been accepted as such (in writing) by the Project Manager.

.2) The pre-construction meeting is mandatory. Construction cannot commence until

the pre-construction meeting has been held.

.3) Possession of the site will be given to the Contractor at the commencement of construction and remain until construction is complete.

.4) All of the above works shall proceed only during good weather conditions. The Project

Manager reserves the right to stop all work during periods of inclement weather. In the event of work stoppage, or approved change orders (see 1.6 below), the stipulated completion date may be adjusted accordingly and agreed revised date provided in writing.


.1) In the event of inclement weather resulting in a work stoppage and anticipated need for

substantial completion date extension, the Contractor shall notify the Project Manager in writing (fax, e-mail, mail) of the delay a minimum of 24 hours before the original substantial completion date. Written approval of the extension by the Project Manager must be obtained. See section 1.22 Closing Down Work General Requirements

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 4 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013


Procedure for contemplated change order is as follows:

.1) Site meeting (if required) is arranged between Contractor and Project manager.

.2) Contractor submits (in writing) a breakdown of additional costs or credit(if any) and

anticipated extension of substantial completion date to the Project Manager for written approval.

.3) Change order work cannot proceed until written approval is received.

.4) See Section 1.31, Valuation of Changes, A in the General Requirements.


.1) The Contractor shall guarantee the Works and materials for a period of two(2) years from the day following substantial completion. The Contractor shall leave the work/site in perfect order at completion.

.2) Deficiencies, as determined by the Project Manager, shall be corrected and/or replaced by

the Contractor during this period. No payment by the Project Manager shall constitute a waiver of the two year guarantee.

.3) Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provisions in the Contract shall relieve the

Contractor of responsibility for negligence or faulty materials or workmanship within the extent and period provided by law.


The Contractor must protect, uphold and maintain all existing pipes, ducts, sewers, service mains, overhead and underground cables, fencing, asphalt/concrete walkways, etc. during the execution of the works.


The Contractor shall remove debris during the course of the works and shall leave the site free of all debris of excess materials upon completion of the works. All adjacent pathways and roads shall be kept free from the accumulation of all deleterious material through the construction period.


.1) This is a Specified Price contract. Payment shall not be made based on quantities measured in the field until Final Completion of the work (in accordance with the specifications).

.2) Final Completion has been reached when the works are 100% complete with no

deficiencies and the Project Manager has accepted this in writing.

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 5 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013


Materials and/or equipment are to be stored and maintained in an orderly manner satisfactory to the Project Manager during the progress of the work and shall be removed from the site immediately upon completion of the job or when ordered to do so by the Manager. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to and damage caused by any equipment the contractor leaves on site during the construction period.


Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labour, water, tools, equipment, light, power, transportation, and any other goods or services necessary for the execution and satisfactory completion of the work. All permits/licences etc. necessary for carrying out the works shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor unless otherwise stipulated.


In accordance with the Nova Scotia Department of Labour - Health and Safety Act and Regulations, the HRM reserves the right to suspend works should the Project Manager find the Contractor in violation of any applicable construction safety codes, or in the opinion of the Project Manager is otherwise jeopardizing site safety in any manner. The Contractor, however, remains responsible for maintaining safe work practises and site safety whether the Project Manager is present or not.


.1) The paths on the Common are very busy. The contractor is to ensure pedestrian traffic is to not obstructed. .2) Secure work area and divert pedestrian traffic as necessary to safely install the light

fixtures. .15) PROJECT CONTACT

Interested bidders may contact Steve Oakey at Facility Development - Parks, HRM at 490-4746. Specifications, Form of Quotation, Halifax Regional Municipality plan and all other pertinent documents may be examined and obtained at the office of the Procurement Manager. A mandatory pre-construction meeting will be held after contract is awarded at a date stipulated by the Project Manager.

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 6 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013 2) WORKS SPECIFICATIONS

1 General 2 106 Colum Lights 3 107 Urban Scape Light Standards 4 108 Wiring 5 109 Light Receptacles. Details:

Site Plans E-04 Cut Sheet Column Light Cut Sheet UrbanScape Light

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 7 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013 Works and Specification General The lighting fixtures will be delivered to the HRM depot on Macintosh St., Halifax. It is the responsibility of the contractor to transport the light standards and fixtures to the site. It is the contractor’s responsibility to protect all materials on site during construction. Note the drawing of the planter with the 4 Column Lights is not representative of what was constructed. 106 Column Light Standard Unit of Measurement: Each (Ea) This item includes: coordinate delivery from HRM and transportation to site; assembly of pole and fixtures and installation on concrete base at specific orientation as directed at site; connection of pole wiring to underground field wiring system; grounding electrodes and conductors. All pole and fixture assembly to be included in this item. Poles and fixtures supplied by HRM. 107 UrbanScape Light Standard Unit of Measurement: Each (Ea) This item includes: coordinate delivery from HRM and transportation to site; assembly of pole and fixtures and installation on concrete base (base and anchor bolts included elsewhere); connection of pole wiring to underground field wiring system; grounding electrodes and conductors. Poles and fixtures supplied by HRM. 108 Wiring/Hookup Unit of Measurement: Lump Sum This item includes: supply and installation (pulling into conduit) of wiring complete with RW-90 copper conductors as shown on the Project Drawings and testing of system 109 Plug Receptacles Supply all labour material and equipment it install two plug receptacles in light standard base LS26 and LS27


.1) The Contractor shall keep the construction area as clean and tidy as possible during construction.

.2) The Contractor shall take all necessary action to prevent inconveniences to nearby residents, and park patrons, and to control dust from construction by cleaning mud/dirt from the road and sidewalks as required.

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 8 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013

.3) All existing roadways, driveways, sidewalks, grassed areas, street signs and utilities which are disturbed as a result of the undertaking of this Contract, must be reinstated to their original condition or better, unless otherwise specified.

.4) On completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove all temporary signs, barriers, etc., and leave the site in a neat and tidy condition, free from debris, refuse and mud , to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

.5) All disturbed areas to be graded to blend smoothly and naturally with adjacent grades. No ponding will be permitted.

The cost for the reinstatement of all disturbed areas as described herein is to be included within the Contractor Bid Price unless otherwise stated.

Halifax Regional Municipality Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting Page- 9 - Quotation Q13M013 February 13,2013

Bid Sheet Bidder _________________________________________________________________ Indicate Earliest Start Date (For Evaluation) ___________________________________ Ms. Anne Feist Operations Manager, Procurement Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Division Suite 103, 40 Alderney Drive Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N5 Dear Madam: Having examined the drawings and specifications for the Oval Electrical – Wiring and Lighting, as well as site conditions affecting the work, the undersigned offers to furnish all labour and materials required for a complete job in accordance with the said documents at a price as follows; This is a SPECIFIED PRICE Contract. Unit prices will be used for additional work as approved by the Project Manager. The HRM reserves the right to accept all or any combination of itemized bid prices and/or increase or reduce quantities within each contractors bid price. The HRM will not combine bids from other bidders but may choose to carry out work using it's own forces and Standing Orders and /or substitute its own materials. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT PRICE

QUANTITY PRICE * note: unit prices do not include tax 106 Column Light 16 $_______each $_______ Standard 107 UrbanScape Light 15 $_______each $________ Standard 108 Wiring/Hookup 1 Lum p Sum $________ 109 Receptacles 2 $_______each $________

Sub Total $ PLUS HST

Halifax Emera Oval (67378) Column Light

Column Light 02-13-2013 Page 1 / 4

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Description of Components:

Light Engine: Composed of 5 main components: Lens / LED lamp / Optical System / Heat Sink / Driver Electrical components are RoHS compliant. Lens: Made of clear polycarbonate curved lens, permanently assembled and sealed onto the lower part of the heat sink. Lamp: (Included)(Included), Lamp type Philips Lumileds Luxeon R. Composed of 48 high performance white LEDs and 16 Blue LEDs high performance - total:70w lamp wattage. Color temperature of 4000 Kelvin nominal, 70 CRI. Operating lifespan based on LM80 results after which 50% still emits over 70% (L70) of its original lumen output. Use of a metal core board insures greater heat transfer and longer lifespan of the light engine. The LED circuit board is included with a connector, (no connection wire required for ease of replacement). Upwards: 0º White-White, 180º Blue-white Powered by 4 lamp modules of 16 LED and 1 driver. Two lamp modules are located on each side and the driver is located in the bottom of the base and is accessible by the access opening. Optical System: (LEV5), I.E.S type V (symmetrical), Vertical position. Composed of high-performance acrylic refractors lenses to achieve desired distribution optimized to get maximum spacing, target lumen's and a perfect lighting uniformity. System is rated IP66. Performance shall be tested per LM63 and LM79 and TM15 (IESNA) certifying its photometric performance. Heat Sink: Made of cast aluminum optimising the LEDs efficiency and life. Product does not use any cooling device with moving parts (only passive cooling device) Driver: High power factor of 95%. Electronic driver, operating range 50-60 Hz. Auto-adjusting to a voltage between 120 and 277 volt AC rated for both application line to line or line to neutral, Class I, THD of 20% max. Maximum ambient operating temperature from -40F(-40C) to 130F(55C) degrees. Certified in compliance to cULus requirement. Dry and damp location. Assembled on a unitized removable tray with quick disconnect plug.

Type 5 Blue LEDs Solecity Light Columns

Qty 2 Light Column ULLC100-[70W64LED4K-001]-R-LEV5-120-17-PP-MC

Comes with 4 steel anchor bolts, 3/4" X 17" + 3", 8 nuts and 8 washers. Important: Do not obstruct space between anchor plate and concrete base.

-B.C.: 10 1/2" (267mm) - Material: Cast Aluminum - NOTE: Bolt Circle Allowed: 9 1/2" to 11 1/2" 241mm to 292mm

Base & Bolts Information Anchor Plate Free opening

Halifax Emera Oval (67378) Column Light

Column Light 02-13-2013 Page 2 / 4

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

The current supplying the LEDs will be reduced by the driver if the internal temperature exceeds 176F(80C), as a protection to the LEDs and the electrical components. Output is protected from short circuits, voltage overload and current overload. Automatic recovery after correction. Pole Shaft: Made from a 7 1/8" (181mm) wide by 5 3/8" (137mm) deep elliptical exclusive shape, extruded 6063-T6 aluminum tubing, welded to both the bottom and top of the anchor plate. Maintenance Opening: The pole shall have a 3 1/4" x 8" (83mm x 203mm) maintenance opening centered at 11" (279mm) from the bottom of the anchor plate, complete with a weatherproof aluminum cover and a factory assembled copper ground lug. Base Cover: Two-piece oval shape base cover made from cast 356 aluminum, mechanically fastened with two stainless steel screws discreetly concealed. Options: (PP), Painted Pannel. Color to be specified with code MC (Multiple Color).

Halifax Emera Oval (67378) Column Light

Column Light 02-13-2013 Page 3 / 4

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Description of Components:

Hardware: All exposed screws shall be stainless steel with Ceramic primer-seal basecoat to reduce seizing of the parts. All seals and sealing devices are made and/or lined with EPDM and/or silicone. Finish: Multiple colors (MC). In accordance with the AAMA 2603 standard. Application of a polyester power coat paint (4 mils/100 microns) with ± 1 mils/24 microns of tolerance. The Thermosetting resins provides a discoloration resistant finish in accordance with the ASTM D 2244 standard, as well as luster retention in keeping with the ASTM D 523 standard and humidity proof in accordance with the ASTM-D2247 standard. The surface treatment achieves a minimum of 2000 hours for salt spray resistant finish in accordance with the tests performed and the ASTM-B117 standard. (See detail drawing for color) LED products manufacturing standard: The electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) are assembled in compliance with IEC61340-5-1 and ANSI/ESD S20.20 standards so as to eliminate ESD events that could decrease the useful life of the product. Quality Control: The manufacturer must provide a written confirmation of its ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001-2004 International Quality Standards Certification. Web site information details: Click on any specific information details you need: Paint finish / Warranties / ISO 9001-2008 Certification / ISO 14001-2004 Certification


Halifax Emera Oval (67378) Column Light

Column Light 02-13-2013 Page 4 / 4

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Halifax Emera Oval (67378)

SPEC20121001_102232_67378_13.DOCX 10-01-2012 Page 1 / 5

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Type 1 Halifax Common Pathway Qty 10 Luminaire MPTC-110W64LED4K-ES-LE3-120-BKTX

Description of Components:

Hood: Made of die cast A360.1 Aluminum alloy 0.100 (2.5mm) minimum thickness, mechanically assembled to the cast aluminum heat sink. Guard: In a round shape with 4 arms and a built-in mechanical ring, this guard is a one piece die cast A360 Aluminum alloy 0.100 (2.5mm) minimum thickness, mechanically assembled to the fitter. Access-Mechanism: A die cast A360.1 Aluminum alloy 0.100 (2.5mm) minimum thickness technical ring with latch and hinge. The mechanism shall offer toolfree access to the lamp. An embedded memory-retentive silicone gasket shall ensure weatherproofing rated IP66. Light Engine: LEDgine composed of 4 main components: LED lamp / Optical System / Heat Sink / Driver Electrical components are RoHS compliant. Maximum ambient operating temperature up to 40C(104F) degrees. Lens: Made of soda-lime tempered glass lens, mechanically assembled and sealed onto the ring of the access mechanism. Lamp: (Included), Lamp type Philips Lumileds Rebel ES. Composed of 64 high-performance white LEDs, 110w lamp wattage. Color temperature of 4000 Kelvin nominal, 70 CRI. Operating lifespan based on LM80 results after which 50% still emits over 70% (L70) of its original lumen output. Use of a metal core board insures greater heat transfer and longer lifespan of the light engine. The LED circuit board is included with a connector, (no connection wire required for ease of replacement). Optical System: (LE3), I.E.S type III (asymmetrical). Composed of high-performance acrylic refractors lenses to achieve desired distribution optimized to get maximum spacing, target lumen's and a perfect lighting uniformity. System is rated

EPA: 1.698 sq ft / weight: 32.2 lb (14.64 kg)

Note: 3D image may not represent color or option selected. Logos above include link, click to access.

Text Box
UrbanScape Light

Halifax Emera Oval (67378)

SPEC20121001_102232_67378_13.DOCX 10-01-2012 Page 2 / 5

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

IP66. Performance shall be tested per LM63 and LM79 and TM15 (IESNA) certifying its photometric performance. Street side indicated. Dark Sky compliant with 0% uplight. Heat Sink: Made of cast aluminum optimising the LEDs efficiency and life. Product does not use any cooling device with moving parts (only passive cooling device) Driver: High power factor of 95%. Electronic driver, operating range 50-60 Hz. Auto-adjusting to a voltage between 120 and 277 volt AC rated for both application line to line or line to neutral, Class I, THD of 20% max. Maximum ambient operating temperature from -40F(-40C) to 130F(55C) degrees. Certified in compliance to cULus requirement. Dry and damp location. Assembled on a unitized removable tray with Tyco quick disconnect plug resisting to 221F(105C) degrees. The current supplying the LEDs will be reduced by the driver if the internal temperature exceeds 176F(80C), as a protection to the LEDs and the electrical components. Output is protected from short circuits, voltage overload and current overload. Automatic recovery after correction. Surge Protector: LED Driver 3 poles 10KV surge Protectors that protect Line-Ground, Line-Neutral, and Neutral-Ground in accordance with IEEE / ANSI C62.41.2 guidelines. Fitter: Made of die cast A360.1 Aluminum alloy 0.100 (2.5mm) minimum thickness, the fitter is complete with a watertight access door giving access to the driver rated IP66, and a terminal block that accepts (#2 max.) wires from the primary circuit. Comes with an easy self adjusting system with two 2 set screws 3/8 16 UNC for ease of maintenance and installation. Fits on a 4"(102mm) outside diameter by 4"(102mm) long tenon. Luminaire Recyclable Material: 82.5% of the materials used in this product can be recycled. The calculation is based on the weight of contents.

Halifax Emera Oval (67378)

SPEC20121001_102232_67378_13.DOCX 10-01-2012 Page 3 / 5

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Description of Components:

Pole Shaft: Shall be made from a 4" (102mm) round extruded 6061-T6 aluminum tubing, having a 0.226" (5.7mm) wall thickness, welded to both the bottom and top of the anchor plate. Maintenance Opening: The pole shall have a 2" x 4 1/2" (51mm x 114mm) maintenance opening centered 20" (508mm) from the bottom of the anchor plate, complete with a weatherproof aluminum cover and a copper ground lug. Base Cover: Two piece round base cover made from cast 356 aluminum, mechanically fastened with stainless steel screws. Note: A tenon will be provided when the luminaire or bracket does not fit directly on pole shaft. Tenon not shown on the drawing. IMPORTANT: Philips Lumec strongly recommends the installation of the complete lighting assembly with all of its accessories upon the anchoring of the pole. This will ensure that the structural integrity of the product is maintained throughout its lifetime.

Type 1 Halifax Common Pathway Qty 10 Pole APR4U-14-B104-BKTX

Comes with 4 steel anchor bolts, 3/4" X 17" + 3", 8 nuts and 8 washers. Important: Do not obstruct space between anchor plate and concrete base.

-B.C.: 8 1/2" (216mm) - Material: Cast Aluminum - NOTE: Bolt Circle Allowed: 6 3/4" to 10" 171mm to 254mm

Base & Bolts Information Anchor Plate Free opening

Halifax Emera Oval (67378)

SPEC20121001_102232_67378_13.DOCX 10-01-2012 Page 4 / 5

640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7

Description of Components:

Wiring: The connection of the luminaire is done using a terminal block connector 600V, 85A for use with bare son (#2 max.) wires from the primary circuit, located inside the fitter. Hardware: All exposed screws shall be stainless steel with Ceramic primer-seal basecoat to reduce seizing of the parts. All seals and sealing devices are made and/or lined with EPDM and/or silicone. Finish: Color to be black textured RAL9005TX (BKTX) and in accordance with the AAMA 2603 standard. Application of a polyester power coat paint (4 mils/100 microns) with ± 1 mils/24 microns of tolerance. The Thermosetting resins provides a discoloration resistant finish in accordance with the ASTM D 2244 standard, as well as luster retention in keeping with the ASTM D 523 standard and humidity proof in accordance with the ASTM-D2247 standard. The surface treatment achieves a minimum of 2000 hours for salt spray resistant finish in accordance with the tests performed and the ASTM-B117 standard. LED products manufacturing standard: The electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) are assembled in compliance with IEC61340-5-1 and ANSI/ESD S20.20 standards so as to eliminate ESD events that could decrease the useful life of the product. Quality Control: The manufacturer must provide a written confirmation of its ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001-2004 International Quality Standards Certification. Vibration Resistance: The MPTC meets the ANSI C136.31-2001 table 2, American National Standard for Roadway Luminaire Vibration specifications for Bridge/overpass applications. (Tested for 3G over 100 000 cycles by an independent lab) Mechanical resistance: In order to ensure the mechanical resistance of the poles, the reflected area should be calculated according to AASHTO standards and resists to a wind of 140 km/hr. Web site information details: Click on any specific information details you need: Paint finish / Warranties / Installation pictures / ISO 9001-2008 Certification / ISO 14001-2004 Certification / ISO 9001-2008 Certification / ISO 14001-2004 Certification / cULus Certification / CSA Pole Certification


Halifax Emera Oval (67378)

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640, Curé-Boivin Boisbriand (Québec) Canada, J7G 2A7


ATTENTION CONTROLLER PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN ASAP ELECTRONIC PAYMENT REGISTRATION FORM Electronic commerce has changed business practices globally. These changes allow HRM to work m ore efficiently with ve ndors on day-to-day business transactions. The Halifax Regional Municipality electronic payment process is fully in place to enroll all vendors doing business with HRM. Payment of invoices electronically will benefit you immediately through:

The elimination of your time spent depositing payments

Immediate access to your funds on the payment date

The elimination of delivery disruptions due to Postal delays or lost mailings

The elimination of the threat of fraud, lost or stolen cheques

In order to register to receive electronic payments of invoices from Halifax Regional Municipality, please complete this form and attach a voided cheque if applicable. The form must be signed by a designated signing officer of your company. HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE:

The Halifax Regional Municipal ity and its banker are entitled to rely on the information supplied by you. Paym ents made to the benef it of the benef iciary vendor to the account identified herein shall satisfy the obligation of the Halifax Regional Municipality to the beneficiary vendor respecting the amount paid. It is the responsibility of the benefi ciary vendor to insure that payments are actually received. PAYMENT INFORMATION Vendor Name: HST registration number: ________________________ (If applicable) The voided cheque or Bank transmittal form supplied by your Financial Institution, will provide us with all the necessary Banking information. *Note – Do not send in if you’re already enrolled for Electronic Payment with HRM

REMITTANCE INFORMATION Please indicate how you would prefer to receive your payment details. (Please check one) E-mail address: ________________________________________. No remittance advice necessary Contact Name: _____________________ Title/Position: ___________________ Phone (____)_______________________ Fax: (____)______________________ I/We (the undersigned) hereby authorize Hali fax Regional Municipality to make deposits to our account as per the information provided above and deliver remittance as indicated. I/We acknowledge responsibility to ensure the correctness of the information, to confirm receipt of the payment funds, and to immediately advise Halifax Regional Municipality if payment is not received. Signature: _________________________ Signature : _________________________ Date: ___________________________ PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM BY MAIL, FAX, OR EMAIL TO: Halifax Regional Municipality Attention: Joe Colley Finance Division P.O. Box 1749 Halifax, NS B3J 3A5 Fax #: (902) 490-4175 Telephone#: (902) 490-7357 Email:



CONTRACTOR HEALTH & SAFETY QUESTIONNAIREContractors wishing to submit proposals to the Halifax Regional Municipality must

complete this questionnaire and submit it to HRM Finance Department with their bid information


Company Name:________________________________________________________________

Company Address:______________________________________________________________

Telephone Number:_____________________________________________________________

INSURANCE/WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COVERAGE:Is your company covered by general liability insurance, automotive insurance, 9 Yes 9 Noumbrella policies, etc., that would cover the cost of damages to, and incidents involving third parties?

Is your company in good standing with the Workers’ CompensationBoard for the Province of Nova Scotia? 9 Yes 9 No

If no, please explain _______________________________________________________

SAFETY PERFORMANCE:Does your company have any non compliance or outstanding issues with 9 Yes 9 Nothe Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour, such as stop work orders, pending charges/prosecutions, or recent (within the last year) convictions or fines?

If yes, please attach a note explaining the details, including current status or resolution.

SAFETY PROGRAM:Does your company have a written health and safety policy signed by 9 Yes 9 Nomanagement?

Does your company have written safety policies, procedures, 9 Yes 9 No and safe work practices applicable to the scope of work to be performed, including clearly defined safety responsibilities for managers, supervisors and workers?

How do you communicate your safety policies and procedures?


How often do managers/executive officers visit the work site? ___________________________

Please explain how you conduct on site inspections, including how often they are conducted, what theycover and who conducts them?______________________________________________________________________________



Does your company have a risk assessment procedure? 9 Yes 9 No

Does your company have a procedure in place for investigating 9 Yes 9 Noincidents, accidents and near misses?

Please attach a list and contact information of all supervisors you will be using on site, as well as anysafety coordinator or persons responsible for job site safety.

Do you provide on the job training to all employees? 9 Yes 9 No

Please indicate how you inform your workers, other workers or persons at or near the workplace ofany workplace hazards to which they may be exposed.



Do you have a disciplinary policy in place for anyone committing health 9 Yes 9 No and safety violations? Please describe:




Do you have a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee or 9 Yes 9 NoRepresentative?

Do you have a preventative maintenance program for tools and 9 Yes 9 No machinery?

Do you have a health and safety policy in place for incorporating sub 9 Yes 9 No contractors into the workplace ?

Please provide any other information relating to other programs or activities that you believedemonstrates your company conducts their projects safely and in accordance with all health and safetyrequirements.



__________________________________ ____________________Signature Date

__________________________________Position / Title