Report Painter

Post on 26-Nov-2015

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Report Painter

Transcript of Report Painter

Creating a Report librarySAP Easy Access->Information Systems->Ad Hoc Reports->Report Painter->Report writer->Library->CreateT code-GR21


Enter the Table and the Library DescriptionClick on characteristics and select the characteristics you need in your report

Select the Characteristics and give them the position in the order you need them in the report. Similarly repeat the same for the Basic Key figures and the Key figures.

Save the LibraryCreating the ReportsSap easy Acess->Information Systems->Ad Hoc Reports->Report Painter->Report->CreateT Code-GRR1

Click on

Here you need to define the Rows and the columns and the general selection Criterias.For Column 1-Key FiguresColumn 2-Basic key Figures with CharacteristicsColumn 3-FormulaRows-Cost element GroupsOAS_WAGESOAS_SALARYOAS_P_IMPDefining the rowsDouble-click on ROW 1

Here you define the Characteristic Values or Groups

To enter the group click and then enter the Cost Element Group OAS_WAGES click on and then confirm .

First row is defined, and repeat the same for the rest 3.

Define the formula for the fourth row

Select the formula button and enter

Enter the formula as below

After defining the formula click onNow enter text-TOTAL in the short text field and select copy text.The text will be copied to Medium and Long.Confirm with .

Now defining the columns

Since the first column is to use Key figures, Select the predefined Key figure button and enter

You get the Key figures which you defined in the Library and in the order you assigned.

Check and confirmNow proceed the same way as for column 1.But this time select Key figures with characteristics check.

For column 3 select the formula

Define the formula as below and enter.

Now enter the General Data SelectionsGoto-Edit-General Data Selections

Enter the following data and confirm.

Once the general data selection is defined, check the report for errors and save it.Now assign the report to your Report GroupGoto-Environment->Assign Report Group

Now execute it

HierarchiesRun the report without explode option

Now we change the report and explode the rows to expand selectionTo Explode the rows, Position the cursor on row and Goto-Edit->Rows->Explode

We have three characteristics for explodingPrevious screen was for with do not expand option.Now we select it to Expand and see the differenceThe rows are expanded as below with Material costs and Other costs.

Now if we select the option singe values, below is the screen shot

There is not much difference in this option and do not explode ,but when we execute it, then we see the difference.Create Modal Rows and ColumnsModal rows and columns need to be defined in Libraries of the reportTo use the same in different libraries, we need to copy from one library to another if the target Library has the required fields.Path-SAP Easy Access->Information systems->Ad Hoc reports->Report Painter->Model->CreateT code-GRR4

Now proceed the same way in defining the columns.Now using the models defined, create a new report

Similarly repeat the process for columnsThe repot structure is done

Horizontal pages in ReportCreate a new report Z522

Define new horizontal pages

Now here you define the columns just as previously with a difference as to using Actual Quantity instead of Actual Cost

Report is created and can be executed after adding the report group.The Pages can be navigated using .Working with Independent Sections

Here you could see to sections in the report.Using Cells in Formula column

To select the cells double click the cells with the intersection of employee and Actual Qty and Employee and Plan Qty.

Highlighted ticks shows that the cells are selected.Now go back to the previous section.

Now in the previous screen define a new column next to the variance column with the formula

Execute the reportCell in form report

New section report

Formatting of Report

Standard Layout is independent of reportFormatting options for the report-1. Short text, Medium text, long text2. Overscore or Underscore for summarization levels3. Expand/Collapse of Summarization levels4. Format group for Column _number formatLayouts are defined at Header levelReport Layouts can be made permanent by ticking the Change allowed during execution flag.The parameters that can be changed in a report are-1. Page Control2. Rows3. Lead Columns4. Column 5. Column Heading6. Representation7. Language8. GraphicsThe layout of the report can be changed only during the development phase of the report.The layout parameters for specific sections take precedence over the global layout settingsSection settings can be modified in the report outputSection layout consists of-1. Rows Total2. Row Texts3. Column Texts

Assign the layout to your reportEdit->Report Header->Layout

Before changing the layouts repoer executed

After changing the layout

Format groups and Other Formatting

Change the 0 above the variance column to 1After this we need to change the formatting of the variance column.Before changes, settings are as below

To change the column formatting-Select the column-goto-Formatting>Columns

After chnagng the formatting

Similarly change the Row formatting by placing the cursor on the subtotals row.example

Change the format with over score and underscore