Rennaisance luther religious wars

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Rennaisance luther religious wars

Religion, Warfare, and Sovereignty

1540–1660Jessica Hammerman

Today we will

• Brief history of the Renaissance

• The Reformation (Luther & Calvin)

• Thirty Years’ War

• Document: Edict of Nantes

The Renaissance, 1350–1500

• Rebirth, but from what?

Features of the Renaissance

• Deep interest in Classics

• Culture of display and consumption

• Weakness of the Church led to rise of secular power and ideas

Renaissance Humanism

• Replaced the scholastic emphasis on logic and metaphysics with the study of language, literature, history, and ethics

• Revived Classical Latin as the only way to read and study (therefore contributed to its demise)

Renaissance Europe, 1500

Renaissance Art

• Botticelli

The Age of Dissent and Division, 1500-1600

Martin Luther

Some of Luther’s Achievements

• Translated and rapidly disseminated the Bible in his native language, German

• Defied the church, printing several pamphlets and book called To the Christian Nobility (1520)

Saint Peter’s Basilica

From From http://saintpetersbasilica.org

• Pope Leo X condemned Luther at Worms (1520)


• John Calvin (1509–1564)

• Urged Christians to conceive of themselves as chosen instruments of God

• Luther: Christians should suffer; Calvin: Christians should labor for God

Calvinist Ordinances• Drunkenness:

That no one shall invite another to drink under penalty of 3 sous.

That taverns shall be closed during the sermon, under penalty that the tavern-keeper shall pay 3 sous, and whoever may be found therein shall pay the same amount

If anyone be found intoxicated he shall pay for the first offence 3 sous and shall be remanded to the consistory [church governing body]; for the second offence he shall be held to pay the sum of 6 sous, and for the third 10 sous and be put in prison

Songs and Dances.

If anyone sings immoral, dissolute or outrageous songs, or dance the virollet or other dance, he shall be put in prison for three days and then sent to the consistory.

(source: Hunt 433)

• Peace of Augsburg made Lutheranism a legal religion (1555)

• Calvinism spread to France, and followers were known as Huguenots

• 10,000 H’s died within six weeks

Holy Roman Empire in 1600

The Thirty Years War(1618-1648)(1618-1648)

Defenestration of Prague, 1618Defenestration of Prague, 1618


Edict of Nantes

• Who wrote this?

• What is its message?

• When was it conceived?

• What is an edict?

• What stood out to you?

Europe at the end of the Thirty Year’s War,

after the Peace of Westphalia (1648)