Renaissance and Reformation Exploration and Absolutism Enlightenment and French Revolution...

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Transcript of Renaissance and Reformation Exploration and Absolutism Enlightenment and French Revolution...

Renaissance and


Exploration and


Enlightenment and French Revolution

Industrial Revolution


WWII and Cold War

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Modern World Final Review Jeopardy

The Renaissance was a rebirth of __________.

Art and literature.

What was the first full-size book Gutenberg printed?

The Bible.

Someone who excelled in many areas of study was called


Renaissance man

What is “secular”?


What was one of John Calvin’s major teachings?


Who conquered the Aztec empire?


What were the three reasons why European explorers started


God, Glory and Gold

_______ was the belief that there was a certain amount of Gold in

the world and money represented power.


What was the purpose of most joint-stock companies of 1500s

and 1600s?

Funding colonies in Americas.

True or False. The Portuguese and Spanish led the way in exploration because of new navigation tools such as the



What was another name for the Enlightenment?

Age of Reason.

Who wrote, “A Vindication of Rights of Women”?


What is a synonym for the French word “estate”?


Why did philosophes support the use of the guillotine?

The machine was viewed as a fair method of executing people.

The violence that rocked the French countryside in 1789 was

called ____________.

Great Fear.

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

It was surrounded by water and had an excellent transportation


The Weimar Republic was the postwar (WWI) democratic government of _________.


The Weimar Republic was the postwar (WWI) democratic government of _________.

What were the four MAIN causes of World War I?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism

The Peace Treaty signed to end World War One took place on _____________ , 1918 at the


November 11, Palace of Versailles

True or False. An effect of the Treaty of Versailles was France was forced to decrease the size

of their military.


What is the policy of giving in to an aggressor’s demands in order

to avoid conflict?


Who did the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact with in



What prompted G.B. and France to declare war on Germany?

German invasion of Czechoslovakia.

What was the name of the desperation German counter-

attack that occurred towards the end of WWII?

Battle of Bulge

According to Hitler’s plan, Germany would become living

space for _________.

The Aryan Race.

Double JeopardyRenaissance

and Reformation

Exploration and


Scientific Revolution and French Revolution

Industrial Revolution


WWII and Cold War

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What view of human nature did Machiavelli support in his work?

Strong leaders should be feared by their citizens.

What was Henry VIII’s reason for splitting with the Roman Catholic


His desire for a male heir.

What was the practice of selling indulgences?

The clergy sold “ticket” or pardons that released people

from their sins.

True or False. The Jesuits were formed by the Catholic Church.


True or False. The reason for the Reformation was that Martin

Luther said that he could interpret the bible.


This individual was Hapsburg loyalty and assembled the largest

armada in history and still lost.

Phillip II

This individual was known as the “sun king” from the Bourban

dynasty, ruled seventy two years and built the palace of Versailles.

Louis XIV

This absolute monarch never married and used Poor Laws to make local areas responsible for

their poor and unemployed.

Elizabeth I

This Romanov monarch took control of all agricultural and craft

production, took away all the peasant’s rights and ventured

west on a trip called the “Grand Embassy”

Peter I

This Tudor monarch’s father had six wives and killed two of them; one of them was this monarch’s


Elizabeth I

_________ were state schools that were set up by Napoleon



The Scientific Revolution began when a small group of scholars

began to question _____________.

The center of the Universe.

Who felt that people could discover things about the world

by creating the scientific method?

Francis Bacon

Napoleon’s rule is best described as a(n)___________.


________ refers to the time period that Napoleon ruled after

escaping the island of Elba.

Hundred Days

Give one new technology from WWI.

Tanks, poison gas, machine guns

Facism was the government in ______ and the leader was


Italy and Mussolini

What is the policy of a stronger nation imposing its government

on a weaker nation?


What is a policy that describes a deep devotion to one’s country?


True or False. Diversity in the industrial cities decreased during

the Industrial Revolution.


The violent attack on Jewish shops and stores by Nazi mobs on November 8th and 9th, 1938

was called __________.


Who earned the nickname the “Desert Fox” during WWII?

Erwin Rommel

What does the use of Kamikaze pilots show about Japanese


They valued national honor and the policy of nationalism more

then individual life.

Who were the allied powers during WWII?

Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain.

Which two cities were the atomic bombs dropped?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.