Remembrance day

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Transcript of Remembrance day


Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Remembrance Day

2 November, 2013 2

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Remembrance Day

What are we remembering?

–We remember all the people who

have died in wars.

2 November, 2013 3

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Let’s Remember• Design a



• Include: Title, Date

of Events.

• Use images from

the powerpoint to

help with ideas.

2 November, 2013 4

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

The Pride of


“Britain couldn’t have

come through both

wars if they hadn’t the

Indian army.”Field Marshall Sir Claude Auchinleck,

British army commander during World War II

2 November, 2013 5

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Shared Heritage

• World Wars I and II connect every family

in Britain.

• A sense of pride

– The contribution of so many Muslim soldiers

of the British Indian Army

– A shared heritage into a meaningful weapon

against prejudice.”

2 November, 2013 6

Tomorrow’s Successful Men


• 1.7 million men and women of the

Commonwealth forces died during

the two World Wars.

• There are 23,000 cemeteries,

memorials and other locations

worldwide where they are


• When you search the name

Muhammad on the

Commonwealth War Graves

Commission website, it states,

“There are too many results, and

the top 1001 is displayed.”

2 November, 2013 7

Tomorrow’s Successful Men


Muslims at prayer in a

large tent which has

been set up outside the

Woking Mosque as

part of the Eid ul Fitr

celebrations. Included

are men of the Royal

Indian Army Service

Corps, 1941

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Tomorrow’s Successful Men


• Private Mobed Shaffi of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps

(RIASC) listens to the broadcast with some of his fellow

soldiers around a table in the Hall of India, 1942

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Tomorrow’s Successful Men


• Newly-arrived

Indian troops

parade on the

quayside at




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Tomorrow’s Successful Men


• Indian workers carry

out checks on a

consignment of newly

constructed 75 gallon

auxiliary fuel tanks at

the Hindustani Aircraft

Factory in Bangalore,


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Tomorrow’s Successful Men


• An Indian Army soldier smoking a hookah at a

camp in the New Forest in October, 1914

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Tomorrow’s Successful Men

We Remember Too!

2 November, 2013 13

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

We Remember Too!

2 November, 2013 14

Grave of a Muslim soldier, serving in the French army during World War II

at the military cemetery near the citadel of Dinant in the Belgian Ardennes.

The headstone says his name is Ben Mohammed Tagele,

Died for France 20-5-1940.

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Medals of Honour

2 November, 2013 15



• Born on the 20th

of October, 1888

in the village of

Dab in the

Chakwal district of

the Punjab

Province of

present day


• The first Indian

recipient of the

Victoria Cross.


• Mir Dast was born

on the 3rd of

December, 1874.

• Received a

Victoria Cross

on account of

his bravery.


• Ali Haider was

born on the 21st

of August 1913 in

Kohat (Pakistan).

• Rreceived the

Victoria Cross.

• He died on 15th of

July 1999



• Born on the 1st of

January, 1954 in

Moscow, Russia.

• Noor was the only

Muslim woman to

receive a George


• Noor joined the

Women’s Auxiliary

Air Force as an


Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Lost Voices

2 November, 2013 16

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

No Comments!

2 November, 2013 17

Indian widow of George Cross hero must

pay £12,000 to get medal back

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

First they came …“First they came for the communists, and

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and

I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me — and

there was no one left to speak out for me.”Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

2 November, 2013 18

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Never to be Silent

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings

be upon him, said, “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor

or is being oppressed.” It was asked, “O Messenger of Allah, we help

the one being oppressed but how do we help an oppressor?” He said,

“By seizing his hand.” Sayings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Source: Sahih Bukhari 2312; Sahih Muslim 2584

2 November, 2013 19

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Never Again“Never Again”

will we stand still while there is injustice in the world.

“Never Again”

will we keep silent while innocent people are being murdered.

“Never Again”

will we turn a blind eye while homes are being demolished.

“Never Again”

will we close our ears while civilians are being displaced.

“Never Again”

will we be silent in the face of tyranny and injustice.

“Never Again” will we be silent

2 November, 2013 20

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Acknowledging the

Contribution“Our forebears, as well as the

people of this country, owe an

enormous debt of gratitude to

the Muslim soldiers who gave

so much on our behalf in two

World Wars – as well as in

numerous smaller conflicts


2 November, 2013 21

General Sir David Richards

Chief of the Defence Staff,

former Head of the British Army

Tomorrow’s Successful Men

Forgotten Heroes• The Muslims, Arab and Indians Contribution

• Facebook – We Remember Too


• Articles: Emel Magazine





• Youtube–


2 November, 2013 22
