Relgious schism

Post on 27-May-2015

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this shows and illustrate the history of the tangible result of revolutio

Transcript of Relgious schism



(the Aglipayan Church)

Archbishop Bernardino NozaledaAnd Gen. Basilio Augustine

VS.Revolutionary leaders:Artemio ricarteMariano TriasEmiliano Regio de Dios

Archbishop Bernardino Nozaleda

Gregorio Aglipay

Emilio Aguinaldo

Aglipay go to north to investigate the condition of the bishopric in Nueva Segovia and he secured the release of two Jesuit priest

Aglipay went back to Manila to report to Nozaleda BUT… was


October 20,1898 –

Aguinaldo appoint Aglipay as

Vicar General,

this made Aglipay to be the religious leader Of the revolution movement

Filipino Republican Army

Oct. 21,1898 -Aglipay issued a letter to the Filipino clergy urging them To organize themselves into a cohesive body geared to national emergency.

Oct.22, 1898-Aglipay issued a manifesto asking -the Filipino clergy -to organize themselves and -take charge of all vacant parishes


Nozaleda Aglipay

April 29,1899-Nozaleda charged Aglipay with usurpation of power and he

excommunicate him on May 5.

- He also declared that Aglipay is a usurper and Schismatic.

- But Aglipay charged him of starving the people

Mabini and the National Church

Agilpay called an assembly at PaniquiTarlac on Oct.23, 1899

Agenda:•Filipinization of Catholic church•Prevention of anarchy in religious matter•Provisional constitution of the Filipino Church was framed

Mons. Placido Chapelle

On January 2 1902, He arrived at the Phillipines.He is known to be pro –friar and insulted the Filipino clergy

He said that they are incompetent thus holding menial position only on the Church

The schismInfluenced by Chapelle’s undiplomatic language

Salustiano Araullo and Jose Chanco-Filipino in Rome who laid the Filipino problem before the Pope

Pope John Paul II 

Isabelo de los Reyes-

“Enough of Rome!”1901-he campaigned relentlessly for the establishmentOf Filipino church. On July , he founded the Union Obrera Democratica

Pascual H. Poblete- scheduled a mass meeting at the Zorilla theater. But it did not take place………

That same night ,Isabelo de los Reyes called a meeting to his Union

Aglipay was appointed as Obispo maximo

Independent Church was Established

Executive comittee

• Priest:Adriano GarcesJ. BarlinManuel RoxasToribio Dominguez


They denied any connection with the independent church

•Trinidad H. Pardo

•Fernando Maria Guerero

•Martin Ocampo

•Manuel ortigas

Aglipay and the Jesuits

Father Francisco Foradada-

Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero and Joaquin LunaInvited Aglipay to an interView at Jesuit house atSta. Ana Manila .

He Insulted the Filipino priest that urge Alipay to continue the schism

Now, let’s get to know their Doctrines …

Father Joaquin Villalonga

Deal with Aglipay after what Foradada had done and he urged him to come back to the catholic faith.

Aglipay is accompanied with young priest Santiago Fonacier

Consecration of Aglipay

Aglipay was consecrated on September 6 1902 as bishop and he also accept the position of supreme BishopOct. 26- First mass of Aglipay as supreme bishop Jan.18, 1903- He was consecrated as supreme bishop of the bishop of isabela , Cagayan, Pangasinan , Nueva Ecija, Cavite and Manila

They believe that …

• It is essentially naturalistic• Revelation is impossible• And so with miracles and


1. All religions are good and equal.

2. The Gospels do not possess historical value.• Except for the book of Mark and

some Logia of Matthew.

• They believe in this because according to them the Gospel books are full of interpolations (addition or somethings).

3. The Bible is just like other books.

• According to them, the Bible is just like any other book like Mythology or a folklore of various people.

• It is not inspired and it is full of errors.

4. God Exists.

• According to them, we can form some idea of His nature.

• We cannot say He is the Creator in a strict sense.

• Trinity Person of God is denied.

5. ‘Creation’ is denied.• Existence of Angels and

Demons are also denied.

• Man is a product of evolution.

• The soul of man is material and comes from the soul of the parents, in the sense of generationism.

6. Existence of Grace is denied.

• The original sin is also expressly denied.

7. Jesus Christ Existed.• Even though if He existed they

believe that He was not the Messiah and He did not announce the Kingdom of God.

8. Divinity of Jesus is denied.

• They believe this because according to them Jesus was subject to errors and defects.

9. Death of Jesus was expiatory.

• He redeemed us not with His death but through His examples and teachings.

10. Mary is not the mother of God.

• Duh?! Obviously she’s not! God has no mother.

• They believe the virginal concept of Jesus by Mary.

• Her virginity was admitted but later denied.

11. There is no supernatural state of any kind, and

consequently no grace.• Charity for them is just natural love.• There’s no source of truth except reason.• Even human testimony seems without

validity.• Therefore, Faith does not exist.

12. Sacraments are ritual prayers.

• Baptism doesn’t cleanse the soul of original sin.

• Confirmation is merely ratification of baptism in adults.

• Eucharist is just a memorial and there is no transubstantiation.

• Penance is useful for counsel but there is no real absolution of sins because only God can forgive sins.

13. There is no ‘other life’.

• Death is the total penalty of our sins.

• There is no such thing as hell, heaven, purgatory, limbo for babies.

So what is their moral theology?

• Their moral theology is based on the assumption that the purpose of mans existence is HUMAN PROGRESS.

Be faithful still!

Thank you !