Relay 2010 Event Standards 5D’s - applied to achieve >> Growth – in all areas

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Relay 2010 Event Standards 5D’s - applied to achieve >> Growth – in all areas Potential – broaden the base of involvement and participation Quality -- build and sustain the pride and the passion creating that magical Relay experience. Relay 2010 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Relay 2010 Event Standards 5D’s - applied to achieve >> Growth – in all areas

Relay 2010 • Event Standards

• 5D’s

- applied to achieve >>

• Growth – in all areas

• Potential – broaden the base of involvement and


• Quality -- build and sustain the pride and the passion creating that magical Relay experience

Relay 2010

5D Movement Strategies

• Leadership D – Committee recruiting blitz

• Team D – Team recruiting blitz

• Survivor D - Engaging systems in survivor recruitment

• Fund Raising D – Fund raising club / team level recognition

• Event D – Utilize customer input and feedback to improve event

quality / create the Relay ‘experience’

Relay 2010

(Event Standards and 5D’s) +





5D Movement Strategies =


Steve Steve ZamzowZamzow

Chief Staff OfficerRelay For Life

High Plains Division

The High Plains Relay ‘Nation’ – 2009 …

Organizational Presence in 706 communities

1,400+ Community Chairs and Co-Chairs

14,000+ Committee members

23,000+ Team Leaders

60,000+ Cancer Survivors

400,000+ Participants

500,000+ Luminaria

3,200+ ACS CAN Members

1,000,000+ Donors

High Plains Relay 2009

$47 million

4% decrease

$1.24 per capita

$2,075 team average

$66,500 event average

53,824 population per event

People Growth

Teams +4%

Survivors +5%

Caregivers +5%

Participants +24%

Region Revenue Growth

KC/Northern Missouri $ 10K 0.5%Panhandle $ 50K 3.0%

Hawaii Pacific $ 63K 3.1%

West Texas $ 66K 4.6%

Nebraska $106K 3.3%

Oklahoma $147K 3.1%

Mike DanyMike Dany

Chief Executive OfficerHigh Plains Division

Mike Dany, CEOHigh Plains Division

Historical Context: The American Cancer Society Brand




90%+ name recognition

“No one from the Society visited, but a nice woman from Reach to Recovery did and was very helpful.”

Before branding, program logos had lives of their own

The branding initiative 1999-2000

• External assistance from leading international firm, Interbrand

• Began as a review of the inter-relationships between the Society and its sub-brands

• Rapidly recognized need for refinement of entire visual identity system










After branding, focus is on the “master” brand

Keeping our brand relevant

• Continue to build on the excellent reputation

• Seek new ways to drive deeper understanding of what the organization actually does

• Transparency, accountability, maintenance of public trust

• Respond to contemporary challenges

Saving Lives from Cancer:The American Cancer Society Value Proposition


Do Americans understand the mission of the American Cancer Society?

Consumer awareness remains high

But few recognize all we do

What is the one thing you most closely associate with the American Cancer Society?

Understanding is down

How much do you think you know about the ACS? Do you feel you know a lot, a little, or not much at all?

Yet the Society continues to enjoy the highest reputation

Organizational reputation on 1 to 10 scale

The more people know about the Society, the higher they rate our reputation

Reputation of ACS among those with varying degrees of knowledge of ACS


“What exactly does the American Cancer Society do?”

We do a lot! Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, CPS-3, Look Good Feel Better, Man to

Man, Relay For Life, Patient Navigation, Telephone Navigation, Treatment Guidelines,, NCIC, Clinical Tools, Colorectal Screening, Breast

Cancer Screening, Early Investigator Research, Nobel Prize Winners, Cancer Incidence, Cancer Mortality, Cervical Cancer program, Lifeline, ROCKS, Hope Lodge, Gas Vouchers, Disparities, Access to Care, Education, Cancer resource

Network, Patient Service Centers, Lodging Coordination, Clinical Trial Matching, Wig Banks and Prosthesis, 4,000 Communities, Insurance

Assistance Program, Financial Assistance, Referral Outreach, Patient Resource Center Coordination, Volunteers, Quitline, Guides and Information, Diversity, International, Survivors, Caregivers, Newly Diagnosed, In-treatment, Patient

Resource Centers, Medicaid Qualifications, Collaborations, Medical Ambassador Program, CRM, Celebration on the Hill, State Pain Initiative, C-

Tools, Journals, Cancer Information Database, National Partnership for Comprehensive Cancer Control, Black Hills Center for American Indian Health,

Books and Publications, Cancer Legal Information, Cancer Survivorship Conference, Durable Medical Equipment, E-NCIC, Early Detection Guidelines,

Health Reminder Assistant, Hospital Choice Tools, Promotores Pilot, Nutritional Guidelines for Reducing Cancer Risk, Ethnic Media, Community

Access to Resources Grants, State Comprehensive Cancer Coalitions, Tender Loving Care, Cancer Survivors Network, Road to Recovery, Cancer Survivors Network Newsletter, African American Cancer Survivors Study, Caregivers Quality of Life Studies for Hispanic and Asian Populations, Study of Cancer

Survivors I & II, SPARCCS, 2bMe, Daffodil Days, I Can Cope, End of Life, Hospital Fairs, Prostate Cancer Education, NBCCEDP, Circle of Life Plus,

Financial Guidance, Memorial Honor Program, Mosaic of Memories, Scholarships, Stories of Hope, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Prescription Drug Assistance Program, Statistical Evaluation, Health Links

Program, Smoke Free Legislation, Body & Soul, Notes to Neighbors, Coaches vs. Cancer, Great Americans, Reach to Recovery

The Society needs a value proposition

A compelling, tangible explanation of how a company or individual will benefit from using or engaging your services

We do a lot! Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, CPS-3, Look Good Feel Better, Man to

Man, Relay For Life, Patient Navigation, Telephone Navigation, Treatment Guidelines,, NCIC, Clinical Tools, Colorectal Screening, Breast

Cancer Screening, Early Investigator Research, Nobel Prize Winners, Cancer Incidence, Cancer Mortality, Cervical Cancer program, Lifeline, ROCKS, Hope Lodge, Gas Vouchers, Disparities, Access to Care, Education, Cancer resource

Network, Patient Service Centers, Lodging Coordination, Clinical Trial Matching, Wig Banks and Prosthesis, 4,000 Communities, Insurance

Assistance Program, Financial Assistance, Referral Outreach, Patient Resource Center Coordination, Volunteers, Quitline, Guides and Information, Diversity, International, Survivors, Caregivers, Newly Diagnosed, In-treatment, Patient

Resource Centers, Medicaid Qualifications, Collaborations, Medical Ambassador Program, CRM, Celebration on the Hill, State Pain Initiative, C-

Tools, Journals, Cancer Information Database, National Partnership for Comprehensive Cancer Control, Black Hills Center for American Indian Health,

Books and Publications, Cancer Legal Information, Cancer Survivorship Conference, Durable Medical Equipment, E-NCIC, Early Detection Guidelines,

Health Reminder Assistant, Hospital Choice Tools, Promotores Pilot, Nutritional Guidelines for Reducing Cancer Risk, Ethnic Media, Community

Access to Resources Grants, State Comprehensive Cancer Coalitions, Tender Loving Care, Cancer Survivors Network, Road to Recovery, Cancer Survivors Network Newsletter, African American Cancer Survivors Study, Caregivers Quality of Life Studies for Hispanic and Asian Populations, Study of Cancer

Survivors I & II, SPARCCS, 2bMe, Daffodil Days, I Can Cope, End of Life, Hospital Fairs, Prostate Cancer Education, NBCCEDP, Circle of Life Plus,

Financial Guidance, Memorial Honor Program, Mosaic of Memories, Scholarships, Stories of Hope, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Prescription Drug Assistance Program, Statistical Evaluation, Health Links

Program, Smoke Free Legislation, Body & Soul, Notes to Neighbors, Coaches vs. Cancer, Great Americans, Reach to Recovery

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, CPS-3, Look Good Feel Better, Man to Man, Relay For Life, Patient Navigation, Telephone Navigation, Treatment Guidelines,, NCIC, Clinical Tools, Colorectal Screening, Breast

Cancer Screening, Early Investigator Research, Nobel Prize Winners, Cancer Incidence, Cancer Mortality, Cervical Cancer program, Lifeline, ROCKS, Hope Lodge, Gas Vouchers, Disparities, Access to Care, Education, Cancer resource

Network, Patient Service Centers, Lodging Coordination, Clinical Trial Matching, Wig Banks and Prosthesis, 4,000 Communities, Insurance

Assistance Program, Financial Assistance, Referral Outreach, Patient Resource Center Coordination, Volunteers, Quitline, Guides and Information, Diversity, International, Survivors, Caregivers, Newly Diagnosed, In-treatment, Patient

Resource Centers, Medicaid Qualifications, Collaborations, Medical Ambassador Program, CRM, Celebration on the Hill, State Pain Initiative, C-

Tools, Journals, Cancer Information Database, National Partnership for Comprehensive Cancer Control, Black Hills Center for American Indian Health,

Books and Publications, Cancer Legal Information, Cancer Survivorship Conference, Durable Medical Equipment, E-NCIC, Early Detection Guidelines,

Health Reminder Assistant, Hospital Choice Tools, Promotores Pilot, Nutritional Guidelines for Reducing Cancer Risk, Ethnic Media, Community

Access to Resources Grants, State Comprehensive Cancer Coalitions, Tender Loving Care, Cancer Survivors Network, Road to Recovery, Cancer Survivors Network Newsletter, African American Cancer Survivors Study, Caregivers Quality of Life Studies for Hispanic and Asian Populations, Study of Cancer

Survivors I & II, SPARCCS, 2bMe, Daffodil Days, I Can Cope, End of Life, Hospital Fairs, Prostate Cancer Education, NBCCEDP, Circle of Life Plus,

Financial Guidance, Memorial Honor Program, Mosaic of Memories, Scholarships, Stories of Hope, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Prescription Drug Assistance Program, Statistical Evaluation, Health Links

Program, Smoke Free Legislation, Body & Soul, Notes to Neighbors, Coaches vs. Cancer, Great Americans, Reach to Recovery

Simply stated, ACS saves lives from cancer four ways:

Helping People Stay Well

Helping People Get Well

Finding Cures

Fighting Back

Helping People Stay Well

Helping people quit smokingGetting the right screening testsLive a healthy lifestyle

Helping People Get Well

Make informed decisions about careFine moral supportPractical solutions to daily challenges such as transportation, lodging and navigation

Finding Cures

Largest private source of cancer research fundsPlayed a role in nearly ever major cancer research breakthroughDeveloped drugs to treat leukemia and breast cancer, proved mammography effective screening

Fighting back

Increasing government funding for cancer researchImproving Access to affordable, quality health careMaking communities smoke-freeRelay For Life

Market Reaction to the American Cancer Society’s Value Proposition

Understanding improves dramatically after seeing value proposition

Percent excellent or good understanding of what ACS actually does

Understanding improvedsignificantly across all groupsand demos

Gains of greater than 50% Those not affected by cancer Men 35-54 Non-donors

Gains ranging from +15% to +42% People touched by cancer Society volunteers Advocates Donors

The greater their understanding the greater their intent to give, volunteer, and recommend ACS

Understanding of what ACS does >

Knowledge is only good if it’s relevant

Brand Communications


Helping People Stay WellBy educating them on steps they can take

to prevent cancer and find it early

Helping People Get WellBy providing accurate and timely informational,

emotional, and practical support services

Finding CuresTo further understand its causes, determine how best

to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it.

Fighting BackBy continuing government funding of cancer research,

creating smoke free communities, and improving access to affordable, quality health care

Simply stated, ACS saves lives from cancer four ways:

Helping People Stay WellBy educating them on steps they can take

to prevent cancer and find it early

Helping People Get WellBy providing accurate and timely informational,

emotional, and practical support services

Funding Cancer ResearchTo further understand its causes, determine how best

to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it.

Encouraging Federal and State Lawmakers to Fight Cancer

By continuing government funding of cancer research, creating smoke free communities, and improving

access to affordable, quality health care

Simply stated, ACS saves lives from cancer four ways:

Creative Concept

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- Please follow your personalized agenda on the back of your nametag

- High School / College attendees have a different breakout track

Lower Level

Upper Level


- Evaluations will be received via email on Monday following Summit

- Relay Stores open during lunch

- Please leave all table décor on your tables