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Transcript of REGISTRY OF TRAINING COURSES AVAILABlE WESTERN … · FOREWORD nle fusl edilim of the RegiStry...





nle fusl edilim of the RegiStry appeared in February 1973.

11 was orlginally compiled a. a support to the WHO fdlowlbip

programme 10 provide a ready reference for Member Slates regaJding

training opportunities within the WIIO Westem Pacific Regim.

There has been a Ilea~y deman~ for this RegiStry siDce that

lime and new editiros have been appearing at approximately rwo-year


\1 must be stressed that this Registry does not I1ltpon to be an

txhaustive listing of all training programmes in all countries of the

Regim. It is, however, a rt.:presentative selectioo of training

programma available in countries based on informatioo supplied by Member Sta,es of the Westem Pacific Region. The World Health

Organization has also used anum ber of these naining programmes

in implementing its fellowship programme,

Since there is an undersuoding m..H. as far as possible, fellows

coming from the Westem Padfic Regien will be placed within the

countries of the Regicn. il is hoped tha, this Registry will facilitate

and promote technical coopezatim between cotmtries.

We shall always be happy '0 ,eeeiYe any soggestiens for

improving the presentation of this Registry as well as any additicnal

infonnatioo which users feel should be incorporated.

Hiroshi Nakajima. M,D" Ph.D.

Regimal Director World Health Organizatioo

Wutem Pacific Regioo

P.O. llox 2~:j2

Manila. Pbilippines

MAY 1982





~ 1. AUSTRALIA........................... ... •.••. ..•.....• I

I. I




Chiropractic ................................... .

Dentistry ... .................................... .


1. 2. 2

1. 2.3

1. 2. 4




Diploma in Public Health Dentistry/

DPH (Denl.) ....................... .

Diploma in Dental Health/Dip 011 ...•.•

Bachelor of Dental Surgery/8DS ••..•....

Post-graducte DenIal Studies in

S pecia lized Fields .................... •

DenIal Therapy Schools ............... . Hygienist Course ............... .

Dental Technicians Training Programmes.

food Technology ............................. .

Health Administration ..... .................... .













- H -


AUSTRALIA (cmtlnued)



1.7 1.8







1. 15

1. 16



1. 19 1. 20

Health Educatim

1.!J. 1 Health Personnel Educalioo ............. .

Health Studies ............... .................. .

Laboratory Technology .••.•••....•.••.......•....

~Iediclne .•••.••••••••.•.••....••.•••..••••••••

Medicine - Post-graduate ....................... .

~'edical Nuc1eography .•....................•••.

Medical Record Adn',inisnation .................. .

Medical Technology .•.••.•...••.•...............

Nursing .......... ............................ .


1. 13.2

1. 13.3

Pre-registration Nuaing Courses ....... .

POll-registration Nuning Courses ........ .

In-service Post-registratioo Nursing













Courses.............................. . 15

1.13.4 posl-basic Coones for Enrolled and

Auxiliary NulSes ••.....••.•.•..••..•. 16

1.13.5 Post-registration Coones Conducted in

Cenlres of Higher Education ...•......•. 16

Nutrition and Dietetics ......................... .

Occupalimal Therapy ......................... .

Optometry .•.•.•••••••.••••.••.•••••.•••.•.••••

Orthoprics ................................... .

Pharmacy •....•••.••••. '.' ...•..••.•.•...••••••.

Physiotherapy ...••.••••••.......•••••.....•••....

Podiatry . ...................................... .






25 26



- Iii -


AUSTRALIA (c<IItinueel)

1. 21


1. 23


1. :2.)


~. 1


Prosthetics & Orthotics ......................... .

Pu blic Hu Ith .....•••....•....•.••........•..• .

~diography & Radiothetapy ..••...•.••...•••...•.

Radiology ..................................... .

Speech Therapy

Professiooal .................................... .

2.1. 1










Dental I .................. .

Dental Pr05thetics .......... .

Medical Post -graduate ...... ..

Medical lntemships ........ .

Dental lIygiene Therapy .............. .

junior Dental Assistant ......•..........

Dietetics ....................•........

Health Inspector ..................... ..

Assistant Health Inspector ............. .






















- iv -


FIJI (continued)








Laboratory Technology ................ .

Medical Assislanrs Coune .............. .

Pharmacy Technician ................. .

Physiotherapy ........................ .


Nuning (baSIC) ................................ .

2.3.1 General Nuning

Nuning (Post-basic) ........ " ................. .







Want Management Coune .........•... .

Public Health Nuning (Diploma Coone) ..

X -ray Laboratory Coune for Nurses ..••.•

Fiji Midwifery Training ............... .

New Zealand Midwifery Training .••••.••

Vocational Teachers Cenificate ........ .

(Univenity of the South Pacific)

FRENCH POLYNESIA ................................... ..

3.1 Territorial Nursing School in Papeete ............ .



















- v -


HONG KONG ......................................... .














Occupatiooal Therapist ......................... .

Radiographer (RadlOdiagnostic) ..•..••...•...•..••

Medical laboratory Technician .................. .

[)ental Technician .....•... .............••.•....

Environmental Health (under the Royal Society of

Health) ....................................... .

Dental Surgery Assistant

Dental Technician .........................•....

Mould Laboralory Technician ................... .

Prosthetist ..................................... .

Radiographer (Radiotherapeutic) .................. ..





General Nuning ..................... .

Health Nuning ....................... .

Psychiatric Nuning .................... .

JAPAN ................................................ .





Clinical Laboratory Technician ................. .

Dentistry ..................................... ..



Dental Hygienist ..................... .

Dental Technician ................... .

Medicine ..................................... .

Midwifery ..................................... .



























~ vi ~


JAPAN (continued)












A "istant Nune ....................... .

Clinical Nune ....................... ..

Publlc Health Nunc .................. .


Occupuicnal Therapist ......................... .

Orthoptist ..................................... .

Physical Therapist ............................. .

Pharmacist ...............•.....................

Radiology Technician ......................... .

Veterinarian ....•..............................

X-tay Technician ............................. .

MALAYSIA ............................................ .

6.1 Professional Training Programmes ................ .

6.1.1 Professiata 1 ~ Basic Degree ............ .

Bachelor of Dentimy .•...•..

Medicine .................. .

Pharmacy ................. .

Health Education .......... ..

Optometry ................ .

Food Technologist























- vii -


MALA YSIA (cootinu<d)


6.1.2 Professiooal - POll-graduate Medical


Mast.r of Surgery (General} ...

Master of Surgery

(Orthopaedics) .....••..•••.•

Master of Surgery

(Ophthalmology) .••••••••.••

Master of Surgery (Eye. Nose




and Throat) ................ 48

"laster in Parhology ........ . 4< Master in Psychological

Medicine ................... 48

Master in Public Health .•••• 48

Pa .. -medical Training Programme ............... .

6.2. I Para-medical: Basic Training 49


'i. 2.1. II

Dental Technician

Venul Nurse •••......••... .

Hospital Assistant ......... .

Assistant Pharmacy ......•...

Pharmaceutical Laboratory





Assistant ................... 50

Medical Laboratory

Technologists .............. 50

Physiotherapist ............. .

Public Health Inspector ..... .

Radiographer (Diagnostic) .... .

Radiographer (Therapeutic} .. ..

Registered Nurse .•.•........









MALA YSlA (continued)



6.3 Auxiliary


Pan-basic Training Programmes ... _ .... 52

ti. 2. 2. I

C. 2. 2.7

Cennal Slerile Supply

Service ..•.. '" . ••• ••. .••... 52

Ophthalmic Nursing ........ ..

lntensive Cormary Care

Nuning ......•..•...•......

~~idwifery Divisioo I ....... .

Operatim Theatre Technique.

Orthopaedic Nursing ........ ..

PaediatriC Nursing ......... .

Psychiatric Nursing ......... .

Public Health Nursing ....•.•

Ward t-.:anagement .......... .



52 52






Advanced Courses (or Paramedic ........ . 53



General NurslOg TUlor Coo.... 54

Midwifery TUlor Course •••.• 54

Nuning Administration... .... 54

Programmes .................. .')5

- Basic Training ............. 55

Assistant Nurse ............. 55

Dental Surgical Assistant ..... 55

junior Hospital Assistant ..... :;5


- ill -


MALA YSIA (cmtlnued)

6.3.1. 5

6.3.1. 6

6.3.1. 7

6.3.1. 8

Medical Laborat<lO}'

Technology Assistant 56

Antimalarial Inspector ...... 56

Midwife Divisim 11 .••••••• • 56

Public Health Ove""'" ••••• • 57

RUi3l NulSe ..••••••••••••••• 57

X -ray Developer •• ,......... 58

7. NEW CALEDONIA ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.•.•• • 59

7.1 School of Nunlng 59

8. NEW ZEALAND ......................................... 60

8.1 Cardiopulmmaty Technology N.Z.C.S.

(Para-medical) • •••• •••••••••. .••.•••. ••••.••• .•. 60

8.2 Chiropody...... •••• ••••• •••. ••••. •.. ...•• • •. •• • 60

8.2.1 Diploma In Chiropody.................. 60

8. 3 Dentistry •• . • • . • • . • . . • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • • . • • • • • • . •• • 60




8.3.4 8.3.$

Demal Technicians Certifitate .......... 60

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) •••••••• 60

Diploma In Clinical Dentistry

(Dip Clln Dent) •••••••..••••......•.•• 62

Master of Dental SUlgety (),IDS) .••••••.• 62

Doctor of Dental Science (DDS) .•••••.•• 63


- x -


NEW ZEALAND (continued)

•. 4 Dental Nursing (Dental Auxihary Training> ....... .

~. 4.1

8.4.2 Basic School Dental NUlling ........... .

Pc.l-baSic Course in School Dental



Nursing .•.•.•.......••..•••.••..••••. 63







8.5. I Diploma or Bachelor of Home Science

(Dip. or B.I1.Sc.) ....•....••.•..•.•.

Food Technology ..............•..••.•••.•••••.•

B.G.l Bachelor of T«hnology (Food) ••.••.•.•.

Home Science ................................ .


B.1.2 Diploma 10 Home Science ............. .

Bachelor or Home Science (B. H. Se.) ... .

Health Education .............................. .

8.8. I Diplom. in Health Education

(Roy.1 Society of Health)

Diploma for Health Inspectors .................. B.9.1 Diploma for Health Inspectors (Royal

Society of l1ealth. London) ............ 8.9.2 Diploma for Air Pollution Connol

(Royal Sociery of Health I London)

8.9.3 Diploma fot Health Engineering

(Royal Society of Health. Lmdoo)















- xi ..


NEW ZEALAND (cClllinued)

B.I0 Industrial Health •••.•••••••••••••••.••••..•••.• 65







8.10.1 Diploma in Industrial Health .••••••••.• 65

Medical LabOtatory Technplqgy ••••••••••••••• , ••• 66

8.11.1 Diploma in Medical La1>atatOty

Tedlnology ....... .. • .. ... .. • .. .. .. .. . .. 66 8.11.2 New Zealand Certificate in Science

(NZCS) ( Pa13medical) ................ 66

Medical Records

Medical Science

8.13.1 Bachelor of Medical Science



fB.MetI.Se.} _.......... ........ ...... 66

8.13.2- Master of Medical Science

(M. Med. Sc.) . '" .. •. .... .. ............ 67

Microbiology ................................ . 67

8.14.1 Diploma in Microbiology

(Dip. Microbiol) ..................... 67

M. B. Ch. B. . .................................. .


B.16.1 B.Sc. Nutrition (Hwoun) or B. H.Se.



(Science) Specializatian ................ 67

8.16.2 M.Sc. Human Nutritiw or ~'. H. Sc. 68

B.16.3 Post .. graduate Diploma in Science

(Dip.Sc. Human Nutrition) ............. 68



NEW ZEALAND (continued)

8.17 Nursing

h.17. I



BaSic Nursing Programmes ...•..........

Advanced Diploma in Nursing ••••••.•••

B.A. with Major UI Nuning Studies.




Diploma of Nuning Studies •.•..•••.••• 69












( Undergraduate)

B.A. with ~~ajor in Nurting Studies ..... ,

Nune Tutor Counes .................... •

...................................... Diploma in Obstetric. (Dip. Obot.) .•••.•

Diploma in Gynaecology & Obstetric.

(Dip. G&O) •..•••••.•.•.••..•••••••.•

Ph. D. in ObstetriCS

Occupati",al Therapy .••...•.•.......•..••••.•..

8.19.1 Diploma in Occupational Therapy •••.•.•

Opticians (including refractionists, optometrists) .... ,

8.20. I Diploma in Optometry (Dip. Opt.)

Paediatrics .................................... .

8.21.1 Diploma in Paediatrics (Dip. Paed.) .•••.•

Pathology ..... ' " ..... , ....•... " ............•

8.22. I Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DC?) ..••















- xlii -


8. NEW ZEALAND (COlltinUed)

8.23 Communi'Y Health ••••••••••••••••••••••..•••• 71

8.23.1 Diploma in Community lIea1tb • •••••••• . 71

8.23.2 Diploma in Veterinary Public Health...... '12

8.24 Public Health Engineering .••.•••. • • . • • • • • • • • •••• '12

8.24.1 Diploma in Public Health Engineering.... • 72

8.25 Psychiatry ....................................... 72

8.25.1 Diploma in Child Psychiatry

(Dip, Ch. Psychiat.) ................. 72

8.26 Psychological MediCine .................. _....... 72

8.26.1 Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DI'M). '12

8.27 Phannacy ..................................... .. 73

8.27.1 Dispensary Assistants (Certilic.\le as

Dispensary AsSistant) .................... 73

8.27.2 Diploma in Pharmacy ................... 73

8.27.3 Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) ..••.••• 73

8.27.4 Master of Pharmacy (M. Pbann.) .••...••. 73

8.27.5 Diploma in Clinical Pharmacology

(Dip. Clin. Pharmacol.) ............. , . ~3

8.28 Physiotherapy .................................. .

8.28.1 Registered Physiotherapist. • .. ... .. • .. . ... :4



- xiv -


NEW ZEALAND (cmtinued)

8.29 Radiology.. ............................. ..... • 74



Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology (DDR) ..•

Radiatioo Protection a ffieers



8.30 Radiotherapy Radiographer ....................... 74

8.30.1 Diploma in Therapeutic Radiology......... 74

8.31 Speech Therapy (Certified Teacher with

endorsement in Speech Therapy) •••••.•....••••••• 75

8.32 Social Wark ................................... . 75

8.32. 1 Diploma in Social Work. .. .. • .. • .. .. • .. • 75

8.32.2 ~I.A. (Social Welfare and Development)... 75

8.32.3 M.A. in Sociology (Option 2. Social

Work) .......................... ...... 76

:;.32.4 Bachelor of Social Work. .. .. ... . .. ... .. . 76

PAPUA NEW Gl'L'>;EA ................................... . 71


9.2 Aid Post Orderly ............................... .

Cornn1unity Health .•.••....•.••.... '" .......... .

Diploma in Community Health .•....••.•





- xv -


PAPUA NEW GUINEA (continued)








DentalOfficer ................................. .

9.3.1 Bachelor of Dental Medicine and

D,ntal Surgery (BDM & OS) •••.•••.••..• • 77



Dental Technician .................... .

Dental Therapisc. ...................... .

Dispenser . ...... " ... " ........................ .

9.4.1 Certi fieue in Dispensing .............. .

Health Educatioo ............... .. , ..... '" ..... .

9. O. I Diploma in Health Education ............ .

Health Extensial ........................... " .... .

9.6.1 Health Extension Officer ................ .

Health In.pector .............................. " .

Health Services Administration ............ ....... .

9.8.1 Diploma in Health Service Administration

National Malaria Training Centre. Madang

9.9.1 Walaria Eradication Officer










(Area Supervisor) ...................... . ~u


· xvl ..


PAPI!A NEW GUINEA (continued)


9. II


Medical Technology •.•.••••••••••••••••••.••••.• 80




Medical Laboratory Assistanr .... ....... "

Certificate in Medical Technology ...••.•

Diploma in Medical Technology ..•..•••••




"1edicine .................... .............. , ... . 81

9.11.1 Ilachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of

Surgery (M. B. B. S.) •..••.•••......•..... 81

Nuning ... '" ....•.. '" ....................... . 81

9.12.1 Basic Courses .. '" ..................•... 81 Nurse Aide (on-job training)... 81

9.12.1. 2 Enrolled Nurse (Polyvalent:

CommunilY Health and

Hospital Nuning) ..... ' . .. . . 82 Registered Nurse.... •..•.••.. 82

9.12.2 PQ5t~basic CourSeS (or Trained Nurses ...... 82 Midwifery.. ••••.••.... ..... 82 Paediatric Nursing....... .... 82 Psychiatric Nursing.......... • 83 Operating Theatre Managemenr

and Technique... .. ......... 83 Nurse Anaesthetist •..•. _..... 83


.. xvii ..


PA PUA NEW GUINEA (continued)


9.12.3 POIt-graduate Cwna

Diploma in Nursing Education ..

Diploma In NUlSing



Administration..... ••• • •• • . • 83

Nutrltlan •••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••.•••••• " • 84

9.13.1 Diploma in Nutrition........ •. • •. . •.• .• • 84

9.14 Radiographer... .. . •• .... .... .... .. ... .......... . 84

9.14.1 Certificate in Radiography ............. .. 84

10. PHILIPPINES .... .. ... ..... . ............. • .... ..... . . . ..• 85

10.1 B.1chelor of Science ................... " . .. ...... 85

10.1.1 Bachelor of Science. Prychology Major.... 85

10.1.2 B.1chelor of Sci. nee. Guidance and

Counselling Major... ... .. .. . .. • .. .. .... 85

10.1.3 Bachelor of Science. Biology Major... . •. • 85

10.1.4 B.1cbelor of Science. MajOr In Zoology..... 85

10.2 B.1chelor of Science in Education.. ......... ........ 86

10.2.1 B.1chelor of Science in Elementary

Education .. .... . • .. .. ... .. • .. . ... ..... 86

10.3 Dental Public Health (at the Institute of Public

Health) ....................................... .. 86

10.3.1 Diploma in Dental Public Health (DDPH)... 86


~ xviii -


PHILlPPlNES (caltinued)







Dentistry ................................ ' .......... .

10.4.1 Doctor of Dental Medicine •.•••.•.••.• '"

Hospital Administtatim ............................ .

10.5.1 cenificate in Hospital Administration

(CHA) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

10.5.2 Master of Hospital Admini.ltratial (CHA) •••

Medical Technology ..••...••••....•...•••.....•..

10.6.1 Bachelor of Science in Medical







T eclm ology ••••. . • . • . . • • • • . • . • . . • •• • . • • 87

Midwifery .......................................... .

10.7.1 Graduate Midwife ••••.••••••••••••.••••

Nursing •......•.......•...•••...•.•.•..•....•.•

Nutrition ........................................ .



Bachelor of Schnee in Food and NutrUion "

Bachelor of Science in Food Service






Administratlm .••••••.• '" ., .. • •••. •.•• 88

10.10 Pharmacology................................... 89

10.10.1 M.Sc. Pharmacology.................... 89


• xix·


PHILIPPINES (cootinucd)

lu.ll Physiology •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89

10.11.1 M.Sc. Physiology............... ..••.•. H9

10.12 PhysiotherapylOccupatimal Therapy.... .. . .. •••••• 89

10.13 Public Healtb ...•...•.••.••••••••••••..•.. ...•.. 89

10.13. I Maner of Public Health (MPH) •.••.••••• • 89

10.13.2 Maner of Science in Public HeaUh (MSPH) . 90

10.14 Pu blic Health Engineering ..............•• " . •. .. .• 90

10.14.1 Maner of Public Health Engineering

(MPHE) •.•••.•••..•..• " ••.•.•••••. .••• 90

10.15 Sanilary Engineering.... ••• ••• ••••• • •••• •••• ••••• 90

10.16 Veterinary...................................... 91

10.16.1 Master of Public HeaUh (Vet.)

(at tbe Institute of Public Health)

MPH (Vet. Med.) ••••••..••..••••.•••• • 91

10.11 Maner of Occupatimal Health (MOH) •••...... . .••• 91

10.18 Doctor of Public HeaUh(Dr. P.II.) " ••.. ••.. .•..••• 91

10.19 Master in Health Prof""ioru Education.. . . . • .. ... .. . 91


- xx -


SINGAPORE ..•.•••.•..••.•.•..••••.••••••.••.•••.•••••. 93

11. 1




11. 5

11. C

11. 7

A ir Pollution Coune ••••..•....•.••.•••.•.••.•.....

Dental Nune (Assistanl) ......................... .

Dt nlal Therapist ...... ....•.•.... " ., . ....•..••..

Dispensing A .. isunt •..•.•.•.••.•.•••••.•.••.•••..

Nursing .•..• " ..••...•••••••...•............•••.

11.5. I

11. 5. 2

Assistant Nune Trainlng ....... .......... .

POIt-basic Nursing Courses . ......... , .. .

Psychiatric N'uning Coune ... ,_

Operaring Thurre Nursing









Cou..., •••.•. . .•. .••••••.•••• 94 Intensive Nursing e're Coune.. 94

11. 5. 2.4 Midwifery. Paediatrics and

Community Health Care

Course ............. ,. . •••. 94 Student Nunc Training...... . 94

Public HUlth InspecI>n Coune .•.•.•..••.• , .•••••• 95

95 Radiooraphy .................................... .



Diagnostic Radiogtaphy Leading to Diploma

of the College of Radiographers ....•. , . .•. 95

Therapeutic Radiography Leading to

Diploma by the Examination Board of the

SctlOol of Radi~ raphy. Ministry of

Health. Singapore...................... 96

II. 7. 3 Advanced Radiographic Techniques.... .••• 96

- XlII -


11. SINGAPORE (continued)

11.8 School of P.-ts.duate Medical Studies. National

University of 5 ingapore ••••••••.••...••••..•••.••• 96

11.8.1 Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine

(M. Med. (lotemal Medicine» ............ 96

11. 8. 2 Maller of MediCine in PaediauiCI

I~. Med. faeellamcs) ....... .... .. .. .. .. 98

11.8.3 Master of MediCine in Surgery

(M. Med. Surgery) ........... ........... 99

11.8.4 Malter of Medicine in Obltetrics and

Gynaecology 1M. Med. (Obltetries and

Gynaecology» ......................... 100

11.8.5 Master 01 Medicine (Anaesthesia) ........ . 103

11.8.6 Malter of Science in Public Health

(M.Sc. (Public Health» ................. 104

11. S. '1 Malter of Science in Occupational Medicine

1M. Sc. (Occupetional Medicine)) ......... lOS

11.9 Medical Laboratory Technology ••.•.•.•....... " ... 105

12. TAHITI ............... .............. .. ...... ..... ...... 106

12.1 Basic Nuning Coone .. .......................... . 106


1.1 ChiropraeUe

Phillip b .. tltut. of Technology. VictorU

Bachelor of Applied Scieuce (Chiropractic) - 5 yeall ful1-l1me

1.2 Dentiltry

1.2.1 Diploma In Public Health Dentistry/DPH (Dent.)

Univenlty of Sydney - I year, 3 consecutive tenns' coune

in preventive dentistry and publiC health; must have basic denIAl

quail fica tions

1. 2. 2 Diploma in Dental Health/ Dip DH

University of Queensland - 1 year. 2 consecutive semesters

as a fuU .. time student; must have basic deOlal Qualifications

1. 2.3 Bachelor of DenIAl Surgery/DDS

5 yean - Universities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney,

Queensland, and Western Au.tralia

1.2.4 Post-graduate DenIAl Studies in Specialized Fields

Universities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland,

and Western Australia; must have balic denral quaJificatitlllJ

- 2 -

1. 2. 5 Dental Therapy Schools

2 -year certificate or diploma counes are provided by the

following institution (pre-requisite is completion of secondary


New South Wales - Health Commissioo Schools at

W estmead. Shellharbour

Victoria - Health Commission School at St Kilda, Melboume

Queensland - Department of Health schools at Yerooga.

(Brisbane). and Townsville

South AUlnaha - Health Commission School at Somertm

Park. Adelaid.

Westem Aumalia - 0) DepartmeDt of Public Health.

Mt Henry. Perth; (ii) Westem Australian Institute of Technology.

Perth (Associate Diploma)

Tasmania - Depanment of Huhh Services school at

New Town, Hobart

1. 2.6 Dental Hvgienut Coune

South AUltralia - Certificate course. 18 mmt .. full-time,

Department of Further EducatiCll. Adelaide Gilles Plains Community

College. Pre-requisite for course-dental nurse (assistant) certificate

and two yean' experience

- 3 -

1.2.1 Denial Technici~ns Training Programmes

The following counes are avaiLable C11ly to penons working

in dental laboratories as apprentices:

New South Wales - 0) Certificate coune, 2 yun full-time.

De""nment of Technical and Furrher Education. Sydney. and 2 yean

prachcai experience in a denial laboratory; (ii) 2 yean part .. time

coune for dental proalhetiltS who may deal directly with public In Ihe

provision of arrificial denlure" School of Biological Sciences, Sydney

Technical College. Pre-requisite: 2 yean as a registered dental


ViCloria - (i) Certificate coone, 3 years part-time.

Melbourne Institute of Technology; (ii) 2 years part-time coulSe for

Advanced Dental Technicians who may deal directly with publiC.

Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital. Pre-requisite: liceDled technician.

Queensland - Certificate coune, 4 yearS parr-time. 19 weeks

at the Central Technical College, Brisbane

South Australia - Certificate course, 3 yean pan·lime.

School of Paradental Studie, - Gilles Plains Community College

Westem Australia - Certificate course, 3 years part-time,

1.11 Lawley Technical College, Penh

Tasmania - Additional 2 years pan-time cou~ for (rained

technicians of 2 yean standing. Dental Mechanics Registration Board ..

Registered Dental Mechanics may deal dire~tly with public in the

provision of artificial dentures.

- 4 -

L 3 f oed T echnolCIRY

BallAral College of Advanced Edu",I"". ViClora

Bachelor of A pplled Science - 3 yean full-lime

IUwkr:Jbury Agricultural College. New Soorh Wales

Aaociale Diploma in food COIIlrol - 2 yean full-rime

GraduAle Diploma (food Sciences) - I year fuU-time

Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Techoology) - 3 yea" full-time

Univenlry of New Sooth Walea

B. Sc. In Food Technology - 4 yean full-tIme

Graduale Diploma In Food Technology - I year full-lime

Graduale Diploma (Food aDd Dnrg Analysis) - I year full-lime

Master of Applied Science (Food Technology) - 1 year full-lime

Queensland Agriculrural College

Associate Diploma In Food Proceaing - 2-1/2 yea" full-time

Diploma of Applied Science (Food Technology) - 3 yean full-time

~acheior of Applied Science (Food Technology) - 4 years full-Ume

- 6 -

Rivedn. College of Advaneed Education

AlSOCiate Diploma in LaboratOty Technology (Food Science)

2 yea .. lull-time

Royal Mdboume InStiluce of Technology

Diploma of Applted SCIence (Foods and Food Service/

Home Economics) . 3 years full-time

Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science & Technology) -

4 yean full-lime

1.4 Health Adminisnatioo

University of New South Wale5

Bachelor of lIealth Administration - 3 yea .. full-time

Master of Health Administration - 2 years full-time. Candidates

(Of the Malter', degree need not have experience in the

health field. They. however. muse hold a fir .. degree in any

discipline from a recognized university.

SClJth Australian Institute of Technology

AlIOCiate Diploma in Business (Health Administration) -

2 yean fun-time.

Graduate Diploma in Health Administration - 1 year full-time

- ij -

1.5 He.llh Educanon

Canberra College of Advanced Education

Bachelor of Applled Science in Health Education - :J years


Clal't!llonr Teachers College. Perth

Assc"_ 4Ate Diploma in Health Education - 2 years full !lrre

State College of Victoria. Toorak

Graduate Diplorra In Health - 1 year full-lime

Sycmey Teachea College

Graduate Diploma in Education. specialising in health


1.5.) ~le;tlth Persamel Education

University of New Sculh Wales (WHO!WPR Regiooal Teacher

Training Centre for Health Penmnel)

Master of Health Personnel Educatioo - 1-1/2 years tu!l-hme.

Candidates for this degree must usual1y <a) hold a degree obtaIned

after 4 years' full-time study; (b) have had approved teachin?

and. or adm11liJtrative experience at tertiary level of not less

thar ::: full-time years or ilS equivalent.

- 7 -

Under special circumstances a candidate of exceptimaJ

merit can be considered ror admISsion.

The programme requir., lull-rime Itudy urendlng Oller

a pedod of 3 academic Mulen' (or its equivalent in part·time).

Of these. two seaions are spent in the Centre, and ooe in the

candidale', home inllilUlion/counrry.

The aeparatioo of the course into core and elective

IObjeclS i. one way of tailoring rhe programme ro rhe indi vidual

~didate'l needs, while lIill maintaining a certain amount of

uoilormiry, undillar .. come in with divene backgrounds,

profeuiClla. experience and seniority. All are concerned. however.

with teaching andlor adnlinistration in health persoonel institutions.

1.6 Health Studies

University of New Soulh Wal ..

MUler 01 Health PlaMing - I year luU-lime, The programme

i. designed to provide the knowledge and skills required to undertake

relJICI'sibllilies lor the plarDling of health services at the lederal, state

and regional levels. Candidales must normaUy be graduale. of a

programme of at least'" yean duration with suitable administrative

experience in the health services.

Queensland lnstitute of Technology

Associate Diploma of Health Surveying - 2 years full w time

- s -

Deakin Univenlty, Victoria

Graduate diploma In Occupall ... al Hygiene - J year full-time

Hawkesbury Agricultural COllege. New South Wales

Bachelor of Applied Selence (Environmental H.allh) -

3 yun full-time

Western Australian In!titute of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Selence (Envir ... mental H •• lIh) -

3 yean full-time

1. 7 Laboratory Technology

Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Educ:atloo

Associate Diploma in Laboratory Techniques - 2 years full-time

Riverina College of Advanced IducatlU1

Associate Diploma in Laboratory Technology - 2 years full-time

- 9 -

1. 8 MediclJle

Univenities in all Australian States offer COOlieS, the

satisfactory completion of whIch, when followed by 12 month.

in an approved hOlpilal clinical poll. leads 10 registration. as a

medical practitiCller in lOY State or Territory of Australia.

Registration in Australia i5 required (or the lawful practice of


New South Wales .. Univenities in NSW offer five year full-ume

COLI rieS a I:

The University of Sydney

The Vnivellity of New South Wales

The Uoivellily of Newcastle A 11 other states have 6 .. year counes.


The Vnivellity of Melboume

Nmash University


The Univellity of Queensland

- 10 -

South Australia

The University of Adelaide

The mnde" Univenity of South Australia

Wester n A us(ralia

The University of Westem Australia


The Univenity of Tasmania

Admission to medical courses at most Australian universitid

depends on academic merit at matriculation level or 00 1$1 year

university results in certain science subjects. The medical courses

offered by The HindeIS University and The UniveISity of Newcastle.

however. also have some regard to the experience and assessed

personal suitability of applicants.

1. 9 Medicine - Poslgraduate

Under arrangements for the Australian scherne of health

insurance. a differential fee level is recognised between the general

practiticoer and the medical specialist. The medical specialties

eligible for the differential fee level are subject to recognition by

the National Specialist Qualificari<IJ Advisory Committee.

Generall y. regunati"" Or recognition of a specialist medical

pracH,;on" is based on the poueulon of a highe, qualificatiCll

and at least five yean of medical practice following graduation,

of which a minimum of three yean has been spent in specific

specialty training.

Relevant bodies that may be cornacred for advice on

posrgraduale n~edical training are:

Faculty of Anaesthetists. Royal Australasian College

of Surseells

Australasian College of DennatologiJu

Royal Aumalian College of General Practitioners

Royal Australian CoJlege of Medical Adminisltaton

Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and


Royal.Australian College of Ophthalmologists

Australian College of Paediatrics

Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Royal Australasian CoJlege of Physicians

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of


Royal Australa.ian College of Radiologists

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Special "aiDing programmes may be arranged. according to

individual requirements. in most of the major specialist fields of

medicine for periods ranging (rom 3 weeks to 12 morHhs. These

programme. arc designed to improve the individual'S knowledge and

technical skill and do not lead to the acquisition of a formal


- 12-

'!'be Univellity of Melboume offen profelliooal »OItgradu&1e

training in an edueatim framework in conjunction with its

leaching hcapitals. The courses are:

• tt~aster of Medicine

- Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

- Malter of Surgery

EDtry to such coones is limited to medical graduates who have

already attained the staudard equivalent to Part: 1 examination of

the specialist Colleges. The CDUnes, which include clinical

work in the hospitals, are of 2-3 yean duration.

1.10 Medic.l Nucleogr.phy

Royal Melboume Institute of Technology

Diploma in Applied Science (Med. Nuc1eography) -

3 yurs full-time

1.11 Medical Record Adminiltrltioo

Associate Diploma in Medical Record Administration -

2 years full-time. Available at Cumberland College of Health

Sciences. Sydney and the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences,


- 13 -

1.12 Medical Technology

Canberra College of Advanced fducaHQr1

Bachelor of Applied Science In "'.edical Technology -

3 yean full-lime

New South Wales In'li(Ure of TechnoloKY

Bachelor of Applied Science (Biomedical Science)

3 yeal! full-lime

Queensland In''i.u.e of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science (Med. Techno!.) -

3 yeal! full-time

Rive-rina College of Advanced Educ:arioo, New Sooth Wales

Associate Diploma of Medical Technology -

2 yeal! full-lime

Royal Melboome Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Scienct (Med. Techno!.)

3 yean full-time

-14 -

South Australian lnstirure of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Technology -

3 yea" fuJI-time

Graduate Diploma of Medical Technology - 1 year full-time

Master of Applied Science (Research) - 2 yean full-time

Wenem Australian Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science with major in Medi<al

Technology - 3 yean full-time

Graduate Diploma in Medical Technology - 1 year full-time

Major in ~:aS[er of Applied Science (Health Science) -

2 yea" fuJI-time

1.13 ~

1.13.1 P -e -regisrIStioo Nursing Coorses

Australia has a [Wo-tier level of nUlSe training. It is

possible to undertake three-year basic (Glining to become a

registered general nUlSe. Altematively, students may undertake

a hospital·based coe or two-year training course which leads to

eligibiliry [0 enrol as either an enrolled or auxiliary nurse. in

general, pre-requisite for entry into this type of training program

is successful completion of year 10 school or its equivalent.

- 15 -

Three-year full-time training programmes leading 10

eligibility to register as a general QUae are available from either

hospital schools of nUlSlng or regimal schools of nursing in all

States and Territoriesa Although education entrance requirements

differ between States, In general, pre-requiSite for ent!), into a

training programme is successful completiOll of year 12 schooling or

its equivalent.

Three-year diploma cOUlSes are available at:

Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney

Riverlna College of Advanced Education, Wagg. Wagga

Lincoln Institute of Tecbnology, Melbourne

Phillip instiblte of Tecbuology, Melboume

Queensland instiblte of Tecbnology, Brisbane

Sbln College of Advanced Educatioo, Adelaide

Westem Australian instiblte of Tecbuology, Penh

Tasmanian College of Advanced Education,

Nursing School, LauncestCll

1,13,2 Post-registration NUKing Courses

There are many post-basic coones available as either

iD"service or college-based programs. Some post-basic courses are

conducted in only CIte type of institution.

1.13.3 In-service post-registtalion nOISing courses

Details of the cou!Ses conducted as in-service progra:-r:s

are avai lable in the publicatico 'POSt Basic NUISing Courses in

Australia', This book is updated biennuaUy, The cOUJSeS offereo


- 16 -

Accident and Eme'gency Nursing

Acute Gare NUISing

Advanced Nursing Course

Anaesthetic Nursing

cardio"Thoracic Nursing

Child Health NUISing ([nfan' Welfare)

1.13.4 Post-basic COUISe for Enrolled and Auxiliary NuISes

• Communicable Diseases

Geriatric and Rehabilitation NUISing

Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing


Operating Theatre Nursing

OJ1hopaedic Nursing

Paediatric Nursing

1. 13.5 Post-registration Courses Conducted in Centres

of Higher Educaticn

Cumberland College of Health SCiences, New South Wales

Bachelor of Applied Science, Advanced Nursing -

5 years pan-time

Assoc;,ue Diploma in Community Health Nursing -

1 year full-time

Diploma of Teaching (Nursing) - 3 years full-time

Associate Diploma in Nursing Administration - 1 year full-time

Diploma of Admini",aticn (Nursin!!> - 3 years full-time

Graduate Diploma in Midwifery - 2 years pan-time

- 11 -

Arnlldale College of Advanced Edue.tioo. New South Wales

Associate Diploma in Nursing Educalion •

Extemal Studies Coune:

Associate Diploma in Nursing S(udies -

External Studies Couse

Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences. Victoria

Diploma in Applied Science Community HealUI Nursin~

(Matemal and Child Health) - I year full-time

Bachelor of Applied Science. Advanced Nursing

~ yeaR (ull-time -

Advanced Clinical Nursing t-.~aJor

Nursing Education Major

Nursing Adminislration Major

CommunHy Health Nursing Major

Comrr.unicable Diseases Nursing

Community Health Nursing

Cormary Care Nursing

Critical Care Nursing

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

General Nursing for RegiStered Psychiatric Nurses

General Nuning for Registered Geriatric Nurses

General Nuning for Registered Children's Nurses

GeriatriC Nursing

GynaeCOlogical NUrSing

IntenSive Care NUrSing

Mental Deficiency Nursing (Mental Retardation)

Middle Management Coune for Nurses and

Hospital PerSonnel

- 18 -

Midwifery NUlSing (Obstetric Training)

Neonatal Paediatric NUISing

Neurosurgical NUlSing

Oncological Nursing

Operating Theatre Nursing

Ophthalmic NUlSing

Otthopaedic NulSing

Paediatric NUlSing

Plastic Surgery NUlSing

Psychiatric NulSing for Psychiatric Nurses

Psychiatric Nursing for Registered General Nunes

Psychiatric NWSing for Registered Geriatric Nurses

Psychiatric NulSing for Registered Mental

Deficiency N UlSes

Refresber COUDe for General NulSeS

Refresher CoulSe for MidwifeI}' NulSes

Renal NUlSing

SpiDallnjuriea Coune

Stomal Therapy NUlSing

Ward Management

Philli? IOHirute of Technology, Victoria

Bachelor of Applied Science in Advanced ~ursing -

Nursing Administration Major

Nursing Education Major

Advanced Clinical Nursing Major

Advanced CommuniI}' Health NUrSing Major

Diploma in Community Health Nursing· 1 year full-time

Diploma of Applied Science in Advanced PsychiatriC Nursing

Practice - 1 year full-titre or 2 years part-time

- 19 -

Queensland Institute of Technology

Diploma of Applied Science - Community NUlSing -

1 year full-time or 2 yealS part-time

Diploma of Applied Science - NUlSing AdminiJlratiaJ -

1 year full-time or 2 yean part-time

Diploma of Applied Science - NulSing Educ&tioo -

1 year full-time or 2 yealS part-time

Diploma of Applied Science -Nnning and Unit Management -

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Sturt College of Advanced Nuning. Sooth Australia

Diploma of Applied Sci""ce (NulSing ConveniaJ Coune -

Internal) - 2 yean part-time

Diploma of Applied Science (NulSing Convenion Course -

External) - 2 yealS part-time

Diploma of Applied Science (Community Health Nu .. ing)

1 year full-time

Diploma of Applied Selence (NulSing Management) - 1 year

full-time Or 2 years part-time

Diploma of Applied Science (Psychiatric Nunlng)-l year

full-time or 2 years pan-time

Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing) - 1 year full-time

Diploma of Teaching (Nune EducatiaJ) - 1-112 yealS full-tirr:e

Bachelor of Education (Nursing Srudiesj - I year full-tirre

or 2 years part-time

- 20-

DdII:iII UIIi!e!lity. v_ ~Dllili ... major ill Badldao: of Scir:ace eg- -

3 yea. full-time

P"-&p+iI" Diploma ill Didelics - 1 year full-time -

cu4ifh'ts _ IIaId appti sod *pee .. N J Rica' .x.c:a

... pz+zeDj,' *iIlJtWririw"" a-1 ,....Idl ___ rC_SIiIII' __ "''Ie B.Sc.. .-ii ... ~ __

qMti.I.~ ill _lite • - • ft. jw:' 5 g ..,..illWWl 'I , c~ .....

ill ........ Uby ... PIzj -dagy ..

!'_-~ .. Dipiona ia Nu_ ad m-ucs -1 year fuJI-time. caadi_ ~ hold a ill¥' .... degoce ill ~. "·edicille. Denti.ilJy .. Agri"""-, jgc_g ac«'epQNe teniluy c::aomes

in Bioc:ben>i'ln ADd PIIJosiolagy

Nutrilicm ad Food Sciaace major ill Bacbelcx of Applied - 3 ~£JS foU-time

P_ -!'Dduase Diploma in Dieretics - 1 yc&' hill-time -

by ~ook fUs iuemship

On ' .. ed 1asli00te of Tecbnalogy

Goadua<: I>ifImn" in 11 __ aDd Diooleli", -

1-1, 2 yteal!- ~-1iIre

- 21 -

Univellily of Queensland

Maalen degree in Communiry Heallb (Nurrili<ll), afler

baebelor's degree in health, behavioural or agricullural sciences and

2-3 yean relevanr experience, By coune work, field work (Uni., of

Ihe Philippines) and rhesls,

I, I" Occupal1<1111 Therapy

Cumberland College of Heallh Sciences, New Soulh Wales

Bachelor of A pplled Science in Occu~li<lll1 Therapy -

3-112 years full-lime

Graduale Diploma in Occu~lion.1 Therapy - I year full-time

(B,Sc, Is pre-requisile)

Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences. Victoria

Baebelor of Applied Science (Occuparional Tberapy) -

3-112 yean full-lime

Univenlly of Queensland

Bachelor of Occu~ri<llal Therapy - 3-1/2 years full-rime,

posr-graduare srudy available

Soulh Australian InstilUle of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occuparional Therapy) -

3a l/:;: jt.:oiHli full-lillie.:

Weslern Ausrrallan Instlture of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupali<llal Therapy) -

3-1/2 yean full-!ime plus lB weeks clinical praclice


1.16 Op!Ometry

UniVeDity of Me1hoame (inOGlllJjunctim with Victoria College

of Oprometry)

B.Sc. Optometry - 4 yean full-time - Diploma

Licentiate 0lltODletric Science awarded by College m completim

of B. Sc.

M.Sc. Oprometry - 1 year full-time

Ph. D. and Doctor of Science also ayaiJable

Uniyenlty of New South Wales

Bachelor of Optometry - 4 yean full-time

Master of Optometry - 1 year full-time


QueeasJand institute of Teclmology

Diploma of Applied Science (Oprometry) -

3 yeaD full-time

-18 -

1.17 Orthoptics

Cumbetlaod College of Healtb Sciences. New South Wales

Diploma of A pplied Science (Orthoptics) -

3 y~ .. full-time

Lincoln Institute of Health Science!, Victoria

Diploma of A pplied Science (Orthoptics) -

3 yeaa full-lime

I. IS Pharmacy

Uni veaity of Queensland

Bachelot of Pharmacy - 3 yean full-time

Master of Pharmaceutical Studies - 2 to 5 years from

B. Pharmacy by coune work and project

Malter of Pharmacy - 1 year full-time - from B. Phannacy

(Hans) by research and thesis

South Australi"" Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Pharmacy - 3 yean full-time

Master in Applied Science (Pharmacy) - 2 yean full-time

Malter in Applied Science (Reseatch) - 2 yea .. full-lime

- 24 -

Tasmanian College of Advanced Education

Bachelor of A pplied Science (Pharmacy) -

3 year.; full-time

~~aS!er in Pharmacy - 1 to 3 years full time. by rhesis

after re5f"A reb

Victorian College of Pharmacy

Bachelor of Pharmacy - 3 yean full-time

Master in Pharmacy - 2 years full-time

Watem Australian Instirute of Technologv

Bachelor of A pplied Science (Pharmacy) - 3 years


~~aSter in Pharmacy - 2 years full-time

University of SydneY

Bachelor of Pharmacy - 3 years full-time

Graduate Diploma in HOSpital Pharmacy - 1 year full-time

from Bachelor of Pharmacy

~ aster of Pharmacy· full-tirr:e from Bachelor of Pharmacy

- 25 -

1.19 Ph,/!iotherapy

Cumberland College of Health Scieocei. New South Wales

Bachelor of ApplJed Science (Physiotherapy) - 3-1/2 YeI" full-time

Graduate Diploma in: Physiotberapy. Cardio-pulmmary

Physiotherapy. Manipulative Therapy. Paediatric Physiotherapy -

1 year full-time

Master of Applied Science in Physiotherapy

Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences, Victoria

Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) - 3-1/2 years


Univemlty of

Bachelor of Physiotherapy - 3-112 yeam full-time

Master in Physiotherapy - 1 year full-time

Doctor of PhilOlophy

- 26 -

South AUI"alian IPltlrute of TechDology

Bachelor of Applied Science (Pbyaicxherapy) - 3-1/2 yea ..


Graduate Diploma in Advanced IUaipulati.e Tberapy -

I year full -time

Master of Applied Science - 2 yean full-time

Weste ... AumaUan Institute of TechDology

Bacbelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) - 3 y ..... full-time plul 18 weeks clinical practice

Graduate Diploma in Manlpulati.e Therapy - 1 year


1.20 PodI&try

Dep!rtmeDt of Technical and Furthe, Educatl(ll. New South Wales

Associate Diploma (Podiatry) - 3 yean full-time

Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences, Victoria

Diploma in Podiatry - 3 yean full-time

- 21 -

Qoeensland In.titute of Technology

Diploma in A ppJied Science (Podiatry) - 3 years full-time

Sotnh Ausualian lnsrirule of Technology

Associa.e Diploma (podia.ry) - 3 years full-time

W ... em AUlllahan Instl.o.e of Technology

Diploma in Applied Science (Pod~"y) - 3 years full-time

1. 2 J Proo.h •• ics and Orthoric.

Lincoln Ins'i.o.e of Heal.h Sciences. New South Wale.

Diploma in Applied Science (Prosthetics and Orthotics) -

3 years full-time

I. 22 "ublic Health

Commonwealth Institute of Health. New Sooth Wales

Degree of Master of Public Health: 1 yeat full-time

course work. followed by candidate completing a treatise m an

approved supervised project - the treatise to be submitted not less

than two telms .rter completiCll of the finr year's full ... time cOUlIe

work. The first term consists of core subjects obligatory fOI all

- 28 -

candldat .. followed by ciecti'fe optlalS in the next two terms to

be 'a ken from eme of three areal - public health. tropical health

or occupatlemal healrh.

Altemallvely. tbe degree may be obtained by thesiJ

(limited COUtle work may be required) embodying the resul .. of

at least two yean appro¥ed lupervised research - (at the discretion

of the faculty).

Candidates for the Masten degree must have completed

a degree or degrees (involving at least 4 academic years' work)

acceptable to the Institute.

PClStgraduate Diploma in Tropical Public Health - 1 year

full-time - Candidates should have completed courses acceptable

to the Faculty of Medicine or furnish such evidence of special fitne.

as satisfies the Faculty of Medicine and the Academic Board that he

i. qualified to enter upon systemiclOUnes of study in Tropical Publlc

Health. This Diploma follows an identical curriculum to the MPH

(Tropical Health Opti ... ) with the exception that no research

treatise 01 thesis is required.

1.23 Radiography and Radiotherapy

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Radiography) -3 years full-time

Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Radiotherapy) -

3 yean full-time

- 29 -

Wostem AumaUan IlUtitute of Technology

Diploma in Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) -

3 yean full-time

Diploma in Applied Science (Thet'peutic Radiography> -

3 yeatS full-time

1.24 Radlologv

Univenity of Melboume

Diploma in Di.gnostic Radiology and Diploma in

Therapeutic Radiology - Candidates must he graduates of 2 years

standing from Bachelor of MediCine and Bachelor of SUlgery.

Univedity of Sydney

Diploma in DiagnOStic RadiOlogy and Diploma in

Therapeutic Radiology - Candidates must be graduates of 3 years

standing from Bachelor of MediCine and Bachelor of Surgery.

Stun College of Advanced Education, South Australia

Associate Diploma in Diagnostic Radiograpliy - 2 yea ..


- 30 -

1.25 Speech Therapy

Cumberland College of Health Science •• New South Wale.

Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) -

3-1/2 yean full-time

Master in Applied Science (Speech Pathology) - 2 yean


Lincoln Institute of Uulth Sciences, Victoria

Bachelor of Applied SClence (Speech Pathology) - 3-li~

yean full-time

Univenity of Queensland

Bachelor of Speech Therapy - 3-1/2 yean full-time

Master in Speech Therapy - 1 year full-time

Stun College of Advanced Education. South Ausualia

Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech pathology) -

3-1/2 yean full-time

Western Australian Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Speech and Hearing S(;lenCe - 3-1/2 years


- 21-


2.1 Professional

2.1.1 Dentistry

• The entry requirement to the Dental Course would now

be at lea.t a Cia" IlJ cerlHiealf: in the Foundatim Science Program.

Selecllon of dental students would be made at the end of tbe

foundation Science programtlle. The Dental course would

therefore be of 3 years' duratioo, after Foundation Science program. Dental I

Four-year course. Minimal entry

standard .. a paIS in the New Zealand Univenity

Entrance Examin&tim having [3ken English.

Mathematics. Chemistry. and either BiOlogy or

Physics, or a pass in Preliminary 1 Science at the

University of the South Pacific; of an equivalt:nt (this

doe. not include a US high .chool diploma). Dental Prosthetics

One -year course. This is a postgraduate

course for holden of Dip!oma in Dental Surgery who

followed 3-y ... r, 3-1!3-ye.r or 3-1!2-year course. of

training. Trainees are expected to receive not less than

their normal salaries as Dental Officers. Normally free

board, lodging and tuition is supplied in exchange for

minimal service duties in the dental clinic.

- 32 -

2.1. 2 Medicine

Five-year course. Entrance: a pass in tbe New Zealand

Vniversity Entrance Examinatiro having taken English. Mathematics,

Chemistry, and either Biology or PhysiCS; or a pass in Preliminary I

Science at tbe University of the South Pacific; or an equivalent

(this does not include a US high school diploma).

As from 1982, there will be NO Foundatioo Medical

Class at the U.S.P. All students seeking admissioo to MBBS

program for 1983 at Fiji School of Medicine will have to complete

Foundatiro Science Program with at least a Class III pass and having

attained a minimum of grade '5' in Chemistry. Physics and Biology.

The Dew MOBS course will be of five years' duratioo

after a year's Foondatioo Science program. In 1982, students who

have successfully completed Foondatioo Medical program in 1981

would be enrolled in the ls~ year medical degree program. Medical Postgraduate

Any ,ubject other than Public Health not

less than 6 months.

2.1.2.~ Medical Internship'

A vailahle OIl special request from countries

which are unable to provide intemship training for new medical graduates.

- 33 -

2.2 Ancil~ry

2.2.1 Dental Hygiene Therapy

Three-year coune. Entry requhemenlJ: New Zealand

School Certificate - English 3~ and 2 ether subjeclS 5~. one of

which must be a Science; or Cambridge School Certificate pUS.

including a pass in General Science. Physics. Chemistry. or

Biology. This coune replaces the previous 2-year Dental

Hygiene course. In addirim to the previous training as a

chainide assistant, in scaling of teeth and in dental health

education. naining Is given in carrying 0111 simple fillings. In

1974. holde .. of Certificate in Dental Hygiene were admllled

directly to the third year of the Dental Therapy cOlllJe.

2.2.2 Junior Dental Assistant

Two-year appren'iceship training by Dental Office .. and

Dental Hygienist/Therapist. Only Fiji studenu are being accepted

at present.

2.2.3 Dietetics

Three-year coune. This course trains students in the

field of institutional dietetics and public heallh nutritioo. The

filSt year of the coone iJ held at the University of the South Pacific

at Preliminary I level. but applications must be made to Fiji School

of Medicine. Entry requirement: New Zealand School Certificate -

English 3rP/o and 3 other subjecu 5CP/,. one of which must be Chemistry.

Total mark 200; or Cambridge School Certificate pass. including

a credit pass in Chemistry.

- 34 -

2.2.4 Health Inspector

Two-year course. This course of training leads to the< III Public Health Inspection lor General OvelSus

A ppointmenlS 01 the Royal Society lor the Promotion 01 Health,

London. Membership of this society (MRSH) is consideted th.

equivalent 01. US sanitarian', qualification. Applicants should

have held an Assisu.nt Health Inspector's cenificate for at least

4 years. and to hold educational qualificati.(l(15 for the coune in

respect of Fiji entrants.

2.2.5 Assistant Health Inspector

Two-year course, New Zealand School Certiflcare -

English 3~ and 2 other subjects 50'/0, one 01 which must be a

Scien",,; or CAmbridge SchOOl G.enificate pass, including a pass in

General Science, Physics. ChemiJtry Or Biology. Note; A lull

year of form 5 study, with subjects as above, will be accepted for

aveneal applicants. Failure to have obtained school certificates

passes w ill prevent an Assistant Health Inspector from proceeding

to me Health Inspec[or's course.

2.2.6 Laboratory Technology

Three-year course. Entrance: ~ew Zealand School

Certificate - English 3()11]o. Chemistry 5IYiv. anotheI subject 5f11!o;

or Cambridge School Certificate pau, including a credit pass in


• 35 -

2.2.7 Medical AlliJl&nll COUDe

Normal minimum qualificatiCll: a good pass in Science

,ubjects in the New Zealand School Certificate" Mathematics.

Chemistry and either Physics or Biology. Men and women are

accepted. This is a three-year coone which will prepare medical

&lIiJtartU to perform duties connected with preventive medicine.

clinical medicine. maternity and child health. obatetrics, family

pbnning and health administration.

Upon successful completion of the COUI'5e, the medical

assistants will be ~ted [0 remote and isolated health centres.

Only Fiji students are being accepted for the course at present.

2.2.8 Pharmacy Technician

Three-year course leading to a Certificate in Pharmacy.

Entry, New Zealand School Certificate paIS in 2 ,ubjects, one of

which must be ChemiJtry. First year IS taJght mainly at the

Univenity of the South Pacific at Preliminary I Science level.

2.2.9 Physiotherapy

Three-year course. Requires New Zealand School

Certificate - Englilh 3~. ""0 other subjects 5()l}'o, including Physics

or Biology; or Cambridge School Certificate pass. including a

credit pass in General Science. PhySics or Biology.

2.2.10 Radiography

Three-year coone. Entry: New Zf'aland School Ccrlificate­

Englilh 3of,. Physics 5010. another suhJecl 5fP!o: 01 Cambridge School

Certificate pass. including a credit pass in PhYSiCS.

- 36 -

2.3 Nuning(Sulc)

2.3.1 General Nuning

(a) Three-year cOlIne. Entry: 17-35 yean of age.

completed Fonn V and gained a po .. in English plus one orher

subject in New Zealand School Certifiute or equivalent examinatiat.

Graduate opportunities: regisUatioo as Fiji nurse or Obstetrics nurse;

a staff nune poIitim leading to a Sister's position in a hospiral or a

diJtrict or public healtb nunlng pClIition.

(b) Three-year coone. Male nune. Entry: 11-35 yean

of age. completed Form V and gained a pass in English plus O'1e

Ofher subJecr in New Zealand School Cenificate or equivalent

examination. Graduate opporrunities: regisuatiCll as Fiji nulSe

or Obstetrics nurse.

2.4 NUlSing (Post-basic)

2.4.1 Wa rd Management Coone

Foof maahs. Entry requiremems: must be a Registered

Nurse and Obstetrics Nurse. Graduate opportunities: a Ward Sister


2.4.2 Public Health Nursing (Diploma Coune)

Sixteen weeks. Entry requiremenu: must be a Registered

Nurse and Obstetric Nurse. Graduate opportunities: a Public Health

Nurse position.

- 37 -

2.4.3 X-ray Laboratory COIn ... fer Nurses

Entry requirements: must be a Registered Nurse.

e raduate opportunities: a Nune Technician pcaitioo at health


2.4.4 Fiji Midwifery Training

Six months. Midwifery syllabJs - 6 yean of ~eneral

educarioo. Proressicnal education: Fiji Regisrered Nune who has

included in her training 5 months of experience in obstetrical

nUlling. Has had 2 ye:.s experience either at a hospital or a public

hellth service since regisuatioo as a ,,"'une. Graduate opportunincs:

an Ob!tetrical Nurse positioo.

2.4.5 New Zealand Midwifery Training

SiX mont... Entry re4uiremenu: New Zealand Registered

Nurse or equivalent. Graduate opportunities: a Sister post in




Vocatiooal Teachers Certificate ( University of the Swth

Entry requirements: must be a teacher of Nursing.

Graduate opportunities: a teacher post in nursing

- 38 -


3.1 Territorial Nulling School in Papeete

ThLs establlshme.t gives 2 counes leading to:

(I) French Slale Diploma in Nursing

A([er 3 yean of fun-time Itudy. Entry requiremenu:

... Examinati(ll for first group: (2 ex&minatims in french, 3 examinaHans in science ... Chemistrj.

Physics. natural sciences)

for studenu who have not passed the "baccal&ureaf'

- Examinatioo of the second group (comments on le);t m psycho­

technique's test/interview)

For "Bachellen"l and ",cc_ful C3.didates of the fint group

General training is oriented Iowa Ids publiC heallh. Cenain subjects

(Obstetrical Nursing. MCH Nursing. Health Education. Parasitic and Tropical

Diseases) are given more houlS as compared with the official progl3mme.

(2) Territorial Diploma for Health Service Assistants

Duration of studies: 18 manhs

Entrance Examination: Primary Scboolleaving cenincate (Health

and Social Orieotation)

- 39 -

aJ Territorial diploma for Health Sen ice Assistants

b) Territorial Diploma for Dental Hygieni5l

C) Terrilorial Diploma for Laboratory Assistant

d) Territorial Diploma for Assistant HealEh EducatOJ

e) Territorial Diploma for Assistant Heahh Inspecton

f) Territorial Diploma for Psychiatric Nursing Aid

The basic counes in nursing are included in the general teaching

I Bacheliers are those who have successfully passed the end of secmdary school

examination (Baccalaureat).

-4" -


4.1 PhysiO[herapist

The lIong Kong Polytechnic offen a three-year Professional Diploma

coone in Physiotherapy. Entrance: Hong KCIlg Advanced Level Examinatioo

in 2 subjects, preferably one of them is Biology. at grade E or above plus

Hong Koog Certificate of Education in 3 other subjects at ~rade C or above

which must include English (Syllabus B) and Biology (if Biology is no!

obtained at A level). or the equivalent.

4.2 OccupatlOnal Therapist

The Hong Kong Polytechnic offers a three-year Professional Diploma

coune in Occupauonal Therapy. Entrance: Hoog Kong Advanced Level

Examinatim in at least 2 subjects, one of which should be either Biology.

PhYSics or Chemistry. at grade E or above. plus Hong Kong Certificate of

Edueatien with grade C or above in at least 3 subjects, including English

(Syllabus 8); or the equivalent. Previous experience in rehabilitation will be

an advantaw.

4.3 Radiographer (Radiodiagnostic)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic offers a three-year Professional Diploma

Course in Diagnostic Radiography. Entrance: Hong Kong Advanct:d Level

Examination in 2 subjects at grade E or above wi.ich must include either

PhYSics or Biology plus Hong Kong Certificate of Education in 3 other subjects

at grade C or above which must include English (Syllabus B); or the equivalent.

- 41 -

4.4 Medical La_tory Tecbnician

Tbe Hong K ... g PO:yteclmic offen a two-year Diploma .,...., ill

Medical Laboratory Sc:ieace. Entrance: HODg KODg Certificate of Ecmcatim

ill 5 subjeclS at g .. de C or above including Englisb. 2 relevant Scialce

subjeclS and Mathematics or the equivalent.

4.5 Dental TecbniciJlll

Tbe HODg Koog Polytecbuic offers a three-year Diploroa .,...., In

Dental Tecbuology. EUhance: Hong KODg Certificate of E4i1caw. wid!

pde E or above in 5 subjeclS including English. Mathematics and two

Science subjects selected from Pbysics. CbemiStry aDd Biology.

4.6 Envirmmental Health (UDder the Royal Society of HealIb)

The Environmental Health T .. ining School of the UrbU Services

Department in Hmg K ... g provides 3-year training cowses leallag to IlSH

Diploma in Public Health lospectiClll for Gene .. l Overseas Appointment.

Tbe scbool also provides 6-month training courses leading to IlSH Diploma

for lospector! of Meat and Other Foods. Tne former is for Swd..,t Health

lospectoIS and the latter is for qualified Health inspectors.

4.7 Dental SU!l!eI'i Assistant

Two-year balniBg. EIiltrallce: must have passed Hoog ICGeg Certificate

of Educatim Exam_tion with 5 subjects including English

4.8 Dental T ecIBiciJlll

Tbree-year ... _g. Entrance: age 18-26 years; female candidates

must be unmarried; passed Hong K ... g Certificate of Eclucatim Examination

wid! 5 _bjec .. illcludlllg EIIgl1sb. Cbemistry and Physics

- 42 -

4.9 Mould Laboratory TccllDicl&n

Three-year uaining. Entrance: age HI-26 yean; female

candidate. muSi be unmanled; passed Hong Kong Cenificate of

Eduealim Examination with 5 subjecu. including English. Physics

and Mathematics. and one of the following .. bJ<cl!: TecllDical

Drawing. Metalwork. Woodwork. Geometrical Drawing or Machine


4.10 PrOithetiS[

Three-year training. Entrance: 18-26 years: female

candidates muSI be unmarried; passed Hong Kong Certificate of

Edueatim Examination. including English. Technical Drawing. Metal­

work and preferably 2 Science subJects

4.11 ~diogra""er (Radioth.r.peutic)

Three-year training in radiotherapeutic technique, mcologyand radiography. [n(ranee: ]8-26 yean of age; female candidates must be

unmarried; should have one of the science subjects of Physics,

Mathematic. (Pure or Applied) and Biology at Advanced Level in the

University of Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and the remaining

two plus English (Syllabus B) at Grade C in rhe Hong Kong Certificate of

Educa tim. or equi valent

- 43 -

4_12 NUISIng

General Nursing

The Hong Kong Government Hospitals' Schools of

Gt.:neral Nursing are at the Queen Elizabeth'Hospital, the Oueen

Mary Hospital. the Princess Margaret HOIpilal and the KowlOCll

Hospital. The former three schools conduct a 3-year training

course in general nursing leading 10 registrauCfl with the

NUlSing Board of Hong Kmg. The School at KowlomHospital.

however. conducts a two-yur training course in basic general

nursing leading to enrolment with the NUlSing Board of

HOIIg Kong.

4.12.2 Health NUlSing

The Hong Kong Government Hospitals' School of Heallh

NUlling at tne Queen Elizabeth Hospital conduct. 2 training counes

in health nursing. A 12-moorh course prepares registered nurses

with midwifery qualification to sit for the Health Visitor

qualifying examination of the Royal Society for the Promotion of

Health and a {; -mooth course prepares enrolled nurses in basic

public health nuning.

4.12.3 p, ychiatric Nursing

The Hong Kong Government Hospital's School of Ptychiatric

Nursing attached to the Casrle Peak Hospital and 'he Kwai Chung

Hospital runs a 3-year training course in psychiatric nursing leading 10

registratim with the Nursing Board of Hong Kong .. In addition. the

School at Castle Peak HClipital runs a 2-year course in basic psychiatric

nursing leading to enrolment with the Nursing Board of lIong Kong.

- 44-

(Medium or IDslructim: Japane<e)

5.1 CliDlcal !.abo.tory Technician

Three-year COlli"'. Enlry requlrem~ 1% ysa geneal educ:atim

(6 yeats primary school. 3 yean junior high ...... 3 yeas oem ... hlgb


5.2 DeIltisrrt

Two yeats pre-dentistry plus" yean miwemry, Enlrance: 12 yean

general education

5.2.1 Denial Hygienist

One 10 two yeats course. Entrance: 12 yea .. general


5.2.2 Dental T ecbnician

Two yean; Entrance: 12 yean general educatim

5.3 Medicine

Two yea .. poe-medicine plus" yea .. univen\ry; Entrance: 12 yea .. general educatioo.

- 45 -

5.4 Midwifery

(1) FcxH-year unlven,ily: entrance: 12 years general education

(2) One-year midwifery school; enuance: 12 ye.n general

educatLCIl plus nuni.n~ school course education

5.5.1 Assistant I\' u Be

Two years al assistant nurse training school, or 3 years

high school nuning course; enfrance: :} yean general educatioo


Clinicll \ U rSe

(1) Four-year university course, or 3-year nursing school

or college; entrance: 12 years general education

(2) Two-year nurSing school or college: entrance:

assistant nurse who has acquired license after ~-year

general education and has been engaged in nUlSing

for not less than 3 years; assistant nurse who has

acquired license after 12-year genera} education

Public Healtn Nurse

(1) Four-)ear univeniry COUlSe: entrance! 12 years

general educatioo

(2) One-yt.:ar public healtb nursing school; entrance-

12 yea~ genera1 cducaTim plus nursing school l.uurse


- 4C -

5.6 Nutritionist

Two to four yean uaining school; entrance: 12 years

general educatiCll

5.7 Occupaliooal Therapist

Tnree years: entrance: 12 yean general t:ducatim

5.8 Ortnoptist

Three years I1aining schooL Entrance: 12 years general education

5.9 Physical Therapist

Three years; entrance: 12 yean general educatioo

5.10 Pharmacist

Two years pre-pharmacy plus 2 yean university: entrance: 12 years

general education

5. 11 Radiology T ecMicia.

Three years; entrance: 12 years general educatim

5.12 Veterinarian

Two years pre·vetertnary plUs 2 yean university; entrance: 12 years

general education

5.13 X-ray Tecnnidan

Two yean: entrance: 12 years general education

- 47 -


6.1 Professic:mal Training Programmes

6.1.1 proressimal: Basic Degree


Bachelor of DentiJtry

Four years. University of Malaya,

Kuala lumpur


Five years. University of Malaya,

Kuala Lumpur; National Vniversity.

Kuala Lumpur: and Science University,



four years. Sciencf: University. Penang

Health Educatim

A graduate in applied or social sciences.

21 months course in Institute of Public Health. Kuala Lumpur Optometry

A 4~yea[ degree cOllese al National Uni versity

b.!. 2

• 48 -

6.1.1. 6 Food Technologi.t

Concerned with food quality control.

B.Sc. In Food and Nutrition from Natimal University.

Kuala Lumpur. or B.Sc. In Science and Food Technology.

Agriculnne Univenily Serdang. Malaysia

Profeuimal: PClItgraduate Medical Specialists Master of Surgery ieneral)

Four yeall - National Uoiveniry. Kuala Lumpur Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics)

foof years - National University. Kuau Lumpur Master of Surgery (Oplltbalmology)

Four yealS - National University, Kuala Lumpur Master of Surgery (Ear. Nose and Throat)

Four years - National Univenity, Kuala Lumpur

G.l. 2. f) Master of Pathology

Two years - Univenity of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Master of Psychological Medicine

Two years - University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Master of Public Health

One year - University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

• 49 •

6.2 P •• medical T .. lning Programme.

6.2. I Paramedical - Basic Training

6.2.1. I D,·ntal Technicians

Processes (alse dentures. II years of general

educatioo, stngle male or female. 3 yeaD: 2 years school

based and 1 year In the field· Dental Training School.

Penang Dental Nurse

Does filling and extraction for preschool and

.chool children. 11 yea" or general education. 3 yean,

2 yean school based and I yea r in the field • Dental

Training School. Penang • r.male CIlly Hospital Assistant

Gives curative care for minor illnesses.

11 yean or general education. 3 years. 3 training

centrea available. male cnly Assistant Pharmacy

Prepares simple p reparations of drugs and

dispenses drugs. 11 yean of general edncatiat. 3 yean

training at Assistant Pharmacy Training School, Medical

Store and LabOlatory. PetaHng lay •• Before. known a,

Dispenser. Male and female.

• 50· PhArmaceutical LAboratory Aula ... "

AlliJa In making limple drug pre,,"ratl..,s

In Govemment Medical LAbotatOl)'. Petallng laya. 11 yean

of general educadon. 3 yean training at Alliitant Pharmacy

Training School. Medical Store and LAboratory. Petaling

Jaya. Male and female.

Co. 2.1. 6 Medical LAboratory Technologist

Collects specimens and cooducu a wide variety

of lests in all major biochemical disciplineS. 11 yean

general education. 3 yean training in Medical Technology

Laboratory Training School. Institute for !,'edical Research

(IMR) I year -school·based; I year allachment to IMR and

1 year in the field. Male and female. Pbysi",herapist

11 yean of general educatioo with good grades

in some science subjects. 3 yean training in school of

PIv,iotherapy. General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur. 2·1/2 yean

school~based and 6 mmths in the field. Male and female. Public Health Inspector

Plays important role in maintenance and

conrrol of environmental sanitation. food safety and quality.

occupational health, communicable diseases and safe water

supply. 11 yean general education. 3 years rraining at

Public Health Institute. Kuala Lumpur. including 1 year

in the field. Male only.

- 51 - Radiographer" Diagncahc

Takes .adiological film.. 11 yean of general

educatic:m Wllh 3 yean of training in School of RawOlherapy.

General Heapital. Kuala Lumpu.. Previously. "'Iy 2 yea ..

naining. Male and female. Radiog.apher - Therapeu.ic

Gives ramalion to cancerous growth. Works

only in Centre of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine in

General Kuala Lumpur. 11 yea .. of general

educatiCll with good grades in Science subjects. 3 years

of training in School of RadiOlherapy. Hospital.

Kuala Lumpu.. Previously. "'Iy 2 yean. Male and Female. Registered N u ne

11 yean of general educal;m. 3 years of

training in 8 nursing training schools. Female mly.

Also takes in Trained Assistant Nurse with a

minimum of 5 yean experience as Assistant Nurse and belO'W

35 years old. In this case, training period is only 2 years

4 nJmths. Female roly.

- 52 -

6.2.2 POI, .... lc Training Programme.

The.., are accredited courses meant to upgrade kDCIIoIkdge

of Registered Nona aod HOIpll&1 AaiJl&Dt In specialtJed cUnical and

health field.. Presently. an of them are canducted in the POItwic

NUlSlng School. General HOIpita!. Kuala Lumpur. In. couple of

years more training centres will be opened. Central Sterile Supply Service

Registered Nunes ally. Has some experience

working in this area. 4 months coune. Ophthalmic Nursing

Regiltered Dunes ~d hOlpiU.1 assLstant.

Has some working experience in IhiS lrea. 6 months COtlne Intensive Coronary Care Nursing

Reg1Stered Nurse. Has some wOlking

experience in thls area. 4 mooths course. Midwifery Division I

Registered Nune. 1 year COUlle.

6 Midwifery DiviJion I Tratnlng Schools available Operation Theatre Technique

Open to RN and H.A. {; mallhs COUlSe

6.2.3 Orthopedic Nulling

OpeD to RN aDd H.A. 6 mmths coo..., Paediatric NUlSing

For RN only. 6 mmths coo..., Psychiatric Nulling

Open to RN and HA. 1 year coorse -

9 months iD Psychiatric Hospital, Peak aDd 3 mouths in

Psychiatric Uoit, GeneI3l HOSpiI3I, Koala Lampur. Po blic Health Nu lling

ODe year course. Open to lIN with midwifery

Division I Certificate. TJaioiog at Pablic Health lostilllte Ward Management

For RN only. 4 mouths·course.

Advanced Courses for Paramedic

GaDdidates who have completed tutoahip courses

successfully will enjoy higher scheme of service - higher srarting and

maximum yaries.

- 54 - General Nunlng TUlor Coune

Open 10 RN wllh Midwifery Divi.i<ll i

Cerlificale <Illy or allo ",lib Public Heallh Nunlog

Cerllficale and H .. pilll Auillan' who i. regiJlered wllh

Nursing Boord. Adequale working experience in general

or Public Health Nursing. 7 yean experience a. a RegiJtered NUlle or Hospital AssistADt.

One year coune at School for Advanced

Nuning. Faculty of MediclDe. UnlvenilY of Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur. Midwifery Tutor COUISe

Open 10 Regislered Nurse wllh Midwifery

Dlvill<ll I Cerlificale and adequale workiDg experience in

Midwifery practice. 7 yean experience AI a Regi.lered

Nurse or H .. pltal Aaistant.

One year coone in School for Advanced

Nursing. Faculty of MedlclDe, Univenlry of Malaysla.

Kuala Lumpur. Nursing Adminislralim

Open 10 RN and HA who are al supervisory

levell. One year course al School for Advanced Nunlng.

Facully of Medicine. Unlvenlty of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

- 5~ -

6.:J Auxiliary Training Programmes

f:.3.1 Auxiliary ~ Basic Training Assistant Nurse

Works under direct supervision of Rtgiaered Nunes

and does simple nuning procedures. Nine yean of general

education. Two of uaining in 16 Assisranl Training

Schoob. Female only.

C. 3.1.2 Dema) Surgical ASli.naor

Gives Assistance IO Ot:ntal Officer in providing

dental care. Nine years of general educatioo. Two yean training in Dental Training School. Penang. This course

replaces In-the-job types of training beginning from 1982.

Male and female. (In Sarawak. course is 9 months mly)

6.3. 1. 3 Junior Hospual Assistant

In Perllnsular Malaysia (West) category with this

name works under direct supervision of Registered Nurses or

Hospital Assistant in Psychiatric Hospital. Psychiatric Ward

or Drug De Toxificarion Centre. NIne year5 of general

education. two years training in 2 Junior Hospital Assistant

Training Schools, Psychiatric Hospital.

In Sarawak (East MalaYSia), the category with the

same name prOvides simple curative service and works under

direct supervision of a HospHal AsslStanr or hy Ilimself in

Rural Health -Clinics. Nine years of general education. Two

years training in Rural Health Training School. Kuching,

Sarawak. Male only.

- 56 - Medical LaN .. tory Tecbnology Allilt&nt

Carries out simple laboratory procedure.

in outpatient or ward laboratoriel. Nine yean of general

eclleatiCII. Ooe year t .. ining in Scbool of Medical

Laboratory Technology. lostitute for Medical ReSearch.

Kuala Lumpur. and Ru .. 1 Healtb T .. lning School.

Kuching. Sarawak. In Sa .. wak. the same category goes

by Junior Laboratory Technician. Antimalarial Inspector

Carries out antimalarial leu vitic. such as

,upe",ises spraying reams. taking blood samples for

malarial ~rasite and giving iXtamptive trCAtment to

sUlpected malarial cases.. Nine yean general educ.t.ticm.

Intemive coune for 3 mmths while m the job at Public

Health Inltlture. Kuala Lumpur. Midwife DiviSiCII II

Provides Maternal Healtb Service both in

Matemlty ward and Rural Area. (home delivery is parr of

her dutiel). Nine yean of genetal educatim. Two yean

ttalnlng In 13 Midwifery Dlvisim 11 Ttalning Schools.

Training in 6 of them are being phased out as less

candidates are being taken.

- 51 - Public lIultt. OvelSe.r

Carries out environmental health activities

in the rural areas such as sanitation, water supply and

general health educarloo. In Sarawak and Sabah. the

same category goes by Rural Health Supervisor and

Health AulJtant. respectively. Nine years general

educatioo.. Durations of training in Peninsular Malaysia.

Sahah andSarawak are b moorhs. 9 months and 2 yun.

respectively.. Three training schools in Peninsular

Malaysill and 1 uch in Sahah and Sa.awak. Rural Nurse

A mulripurpose worker and able to provide a wide range of simple services - maternal and child health,

curative, health education and general nuning.

In Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, they are

anached to Rural Health Clinics, while in Sarawak they

also serve in Hospitals-II yean general educatioo. 2-1/2

yean training in Peninsular Malaysia and Satawak and

only 2 years training in Sabah. Previously 2-year naining

in Sarawak.

10 Peninsular Malaysia, Trained Midwife

Divisi.on 11 may also opt to do a special 6 maHh coovenion

course, to be Rural NUrSe.

Six training schools available. In a few

years time, ~ more will be ready. Female mly.

- oM - X-my Developer

Developo x-ray 1il1Tll. Nine yun general

educallCli. Nine mCIIlhs training In Rural Hullb Training

School for Paramedic in Kuching. Sarawlk. In PeninRJlar

Malaysia. m-lhe- job ualnlng.


1.1 School of Nuning

The nuning school has been operaling in New CaledOllla for

several yea... The two degrees awarded are recognized al national level:

(I) Slale Diploma in Nuning - Three years ofstudy. enlrance examinalion (completion of secondary _chool)( baccalaurut Ie vel).

PoaibiHly of subsequenl _peeiahzatlon in France.

(2) A Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing - One year of study after

entrance examinatioo. The candidates must have completed

four years of secondary school.

- 60 -


8.1 CaJdiopulmmary Technology N.Z.C.S. (Paramedical)·

Technical institutes plus in-service milling: 4 yean.

Associateship of Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology N.Z. Inc. after

2 years. N.Z.C.S. after 3 yean. Membenhip(MSCT) after 4 yean.

School certificate in at least two subjects.

8.2 Chiropody

8.2. I Diploma in Chiropody

Cenual lnsriture of Technology. Heretaunga - 3 yean

UnivelSity enttance.

8.3 Pentistry

8.3.1 Dental Technician. Certificate

Central Institute of Technology, Heretaunga - N. Z. School

Cenificate. foor yean part-time.

8.3.2 Bachelor of Pental Surgery (BPS)

l'nivrnity of Otago - Entry to tbe school of dentistry

competitive: length 5 yean; applicaticm dOle OIl 1 October

Pre-reqUisite is satisfactory completioo of year 1 of the course

(Denrallntennediate). but nOle rbat:

- 61 -

(a) AU ovelSeas student. seeking initial entty

to the coune must apply to the O,elSea.

Student Admissions Committee. P.O. Box

12-348. Wellington Noltb, by 1 July.

(b) An o ... neas student wbo bal attended a

uni'enity ovelleal must apply for admissi ...

to tbe Registrar. Uni,emty of Otago. P.O,

Bax 56, Dunedine and supply with the

application a copy of bis academic record.

Tbe application must reaeb the registrar by


- 62 -

8.3.4 Diploma In Clinical Dentistry (Dip Clin Den!)

Univenlty of Otago - Mult hold degree of Bachelor or

Dental Surgery of a UDlvenlty of New Zealand; or have been admitted ad eundem stamm; or have such other qualifications as

tbe Senate may accept. Candidate mult have gained hi. qualificatlcm at least four yean prior to 'he date of commencement

of hi. plO.,...,d coune. Du.tlOII of 'he coune shall be equivalent to at le.uI 27 weeks of full-time study.

A pplicatlon. must reaell tbe Registrar by 30 June III 1IIe year

preceding the one In which the coune i. to be undertaken. ~te

appUcatiCllI are not considered.

8.3.5 MaSter of Dental Surgery (MDS)

Univellity of Otago - Must hold degree of Bachelor of

Dental Surgery of a Unlvenity of New Zealand; or have been admitted

ad eundem .tatum; or have such other qualification as the Senate may

accept. Not normally admitted until a, leut 2 yealS after graduation.

Du.tloo of the coune for the degree shall be equivalent to at leall

two academic yean (80 weeki) full-time 'OIdy and research.

Applicatl .... mUll reach the Regiltrar by 30 June in the

year preceding the one in which the coolSe i. to be undertaken.

~te applications are not considered.

- 63-

8.3.5 Doctor of D .... al Science (Oil!)

lJD1vcllity of Otage - Must bold tbe degree of Bacbel ..

of Dental SurgeI)' of the UnlvcJSity of Otago or baft been admitted

ad elBlclem statum. A candidate sball submit a thesis embodying

die .-III of bis In_igaticas. Tbe mea. shall Dot be .. bmitled

UDtii 5 years after qualificatioo for degree of Bachelor of Dental

Surgery or tbe qualificatloo by virtue of wbich be was admitted

ad eaDdem statam. May be required to preseut fOt au ..aI auell or wdtteD eumlnati ... In the field of tbe thea..

EDtI)' fee of $NZIOO sball be fOlWanleci to the RegiSbar

with me thesis. Tbree copies of tbe thesIs are reqaIJed.

8.4 Dental NUlling (Deotal Auxiliary Ttaining)

• (Private studenu Dot accepted).

8.4.1 _c School Dental NurslDg

School of Dental NurslDg. WellIDgton -

_ JUDo COUDe eanied .... by DepaltDlCllt of Healm;

61b FOfDl Certifica.e (4 years secoodary educati ... ) minimum.

Candidates between 17 aDd 25 years of age.

8.4.2 Palt-basic COOlie In School Dental Nug

The COUDe objective is to gift increased educatioo to

e><pesteoced school dental DUlleS and to prepare mem for poolti ....

of inc_sed respmsibility in teacbing and management with !be

scbooI dental service. W dlingt ... 9 mootbs;


- 64 -

8.5 Dielitian

8.5. I Diploma or Bacbeior of Home Science (Dip. or B. H. Sc.)

Uai..,nlty of Otago - Unlftnlty Ent .. nce. Three yean

for diploma. Four yean for degree; plus I y .. r practical and theory

in hospital; State Examination after 12 months.

8.6 Food Technology

8.6.1 Bachelor of Technology (Food)

Missey Unlvenily - 4 y ..... Univeniry ent .. nce.

Sa 7 Home Scieoce

8.7.1 Diploma ill Home Science

Ualvenlly of Oligo - Unlvenlty Entrance. Three-year

course offered Is; (I) General and teaching with specialisatlCII In

food. clothing or design; (b) Food Service Admini .... tion - for

thOle wishing to t_ as dietitians.

8.7.2 Bachelor of Home Science (B.H.Sc.)

Univenity of Otago - 4 yean. Univenity Ent .. nce.

8.8 Health EducatiCII

8.8.1 Diploma ill Health Education (Royal Society of Health)

Tbls course II praentiy upended.

- 55-

...... _HcdIII'

8.9.1 _Ik:aIdo'

t « )

Qoe,.. ill.....,. .-af'kIDII prti-""Y.....,. _hI! sap 3·*' jI,'" I .. VOC'';.'' A.,.. ia a."",tjq.,~ (Me am' ·c)Ira at WeIJ~ :_ PulJItiCIwie; 6 ...... ,.,.....' tajgjwg

gay Ee. e

8,1..2 OJ , .. Air _ c....I (!!pIlSo!:iety.

....... '0. )

o.e,... 7 3 ., _-.,_6'_",. _1iII1Ie.. No J .. ___ JICIf z,..»' ....... _ (:~.,,,,, _""''"')' .... 1fI!Id<4.

8,'-3 Djr' I h)

tlMi_·_ .. ' .3,......., bJ OC'_"III_Io' ..,., ~ y .. , . aJ i' Iwli,_ F'_,...af_is~

of AirP_ c-r-o

llDi...-y at OIagD - Dunedin ,,:eolia} Sc:Iud. Mad­

)ilDII:IT'.:8a c.e :idl-tiIDe pc,zWnic year. Candidates with ])pH ~ill

bo: nrmpr4 bml __ af 1IDdy. " « .) "'" !ifi .. """. Held moly if cedUo --.. __

- 66 -

8.11 Medical Laboratory Technology

8.11.1 Diploma in Medical LaboDtory Technology

Technicalln,tirute or CentDllnstirute of Technology. HeretaungL

3 years pan-time with COtlCurreot laboDtOI}' experience followed

by 2 years. full-time in a hoIphat University Eonanee minimum

entry qualification.

B.ll.2 New Zealand Certificate In Science (NZCS) (PaDmedical)

TeclmicallnslilUte or CentrallDstirute of Technology.

Heretaonga. Three-year coome with cmcunent labclratory

experience. Various opti .... : pbysiology (for caJdiothoracic

technicians). medical labotalOly "",ctice for medical tecmologistr. chemistry os biochemistry.

8.12 Medical RecoIds

On an in-service basi, with.lIDt too high an educaticoal entry leyel.

Conducted by the New Zealand Hea1tb Records Associatim. divided into

three leyels: (al Preliminary - 1 year; (b) Intermediate - minimum of

1 year; (c)AdYanced - minimum of 1 year.

B.13 Medical Science

B. 13. 1 Bachelor of Medical Science (B. Med. Sc.)

Uniyenity of Otago - Advanced coune study of at least

3 terms. Special subjects Include Gmup A - anatomy. Physiology.

biochemistry. clinical biocbemiJuy. pbarmacology. behavioural science~ • • pathology and microbiology. Group B - ptevontive and social medicine. /

and clinical science. Require puses In third year M. B. Ch. B. degree for

group A subjects; require passes In 5th year of M. B. Ch. B. for Group B

subjects .

• community mediCine

- 67 -

8.13.2 Master of Medical Science (M. Med. Sc.)

Medical School at either University of Otago or

University of Auckland. One year" study: examination and thesis. Requires paIS in fifth year MB ChB.

8.14 Microbiology

'-\ 8.14.1 Diploma in Microbiology (Dip. Microbiol)

University of Otago - Candidate: gracmate. passed

advanced microbiology for degree of B. Sc. in microbiology or examination in microbiology for medlcine/ veterinary ..... Jificatim.

One academic year full-time.

8.15 M. B. Ch. B.

University of Otago or Auckland. Six years. University entJance.

intermediate year (first year) biology and chemistry as for B.Sc. Final

examination: No written papers from 1973. Candidates who have attained

high marks at entrance 0[ scholarship level rna y be exempted from inter­

mediate year. Not available to overseas students except from Fiji and

Westem Samoa who compete for two Polynesian places.

8.16 Nutrition

8.16.1 B.Sc. Nutrition (Hmours) or B.H.Se. (Science)

S peclalisa tim

university of Otago - 4 years. University Entrance,

preferably with chemistry and physics.

- 68 -

B.1&.2 M. Sc. Human Nutrition or M. H.Sc.

University of Otago - Admlrted to B. H. Sc. or B.Sc. or B.Sc.

Ilonoun; admitted to B.Sc. and reached standard of PCIl-pduate

Dip. Sc. admitted to satus and entitled to proceed to degree of

M .Sc. candidate shall keep terms for at least one year.

b.16.3 POitgraduate Diploma in Science (Dlp.SC. Human Nutrition)

University of Otago - R£quirements; (a) for candidates

wltb B. Sc. or B.Sc. H""oulI; (b) admitted at the status of one who

is entitled to proceed to the diploma; (C) being a graduate and not

having satisfied any of the above condition ••

B.l1 NUDing

8.11.1 Basic NulliDg Prosrammes

Three -year coo me fm countries where there are no basic

nursing programmes. Requires entry to 6th Form or equivalent.

(a) Technic&llnstitute programme leading to registration

as a comprehensive nune <general. obstetric.

psychiatric and JlIychopaedic)

(b) HOIpital bated programme leading to registration as

a general and obstetric Dune or regist .. tiCQ as a

psychiatric or psychopaedic nune

- 69 -

B. 17.2 Advanced Diploma in Nursing

Technical institute programme of 1 academic year

(February to November) connes are designed to prepare registered

nulSes for pasitic:ns of greater respmsibility in specialised nursing

situations. Candidates study either:

<a) Medical/lurgical nursing; or

(b) Psychiatric nulSing; or

(c) Community health; or

(d) Maternal and child health (can include midwifery


B.17.3 B.A. with Major in Nursing Studies. Diploma of Nursing

Studies (Undergraduate)

Massey University. Palmerstm North. Registered Nurse;

University Entrance; plus pass in pre-requisite papers as detennined

by Uni versi ty

8.17.4 B.A. with Major in NUISing Studies

This CODlSe is presently suspended.

8.17.5 Nune Tutor Courses

Ten-week courses at Wellington or HamilUll Teachers

Gollege. Basic and advanced COUlSes are offered 2-3 times yearly.

Designed to provide teaching skills for nurse rut"'.

- 70 -

8.18 Obstetrics

8.18. I Diploma in Obstetrics (Dip. Obst.)

Medical schools at UnivetSities of Otago and Auckland.

Otago - I year qualified; Auckland - 18 maabs 'Patified or

4 years qualified from Fiji School of Medicine or Papua Medical

College. Minimum duration of course, 6 mouths, at which time

must hold resident appointment In Ob/Gyo or Ob. in cases where

candidates at least 7 years regiStered and evidence of at least 300

deliveries. residential course may be exempted.

8.18.2 Diploma In Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Dip. G&:O)

University of Auck1aod School of Medicine. teqUiIes 4 yeats

qualifieci New Zealand, .01 ~ y_ from Fiji kbapl o[Medicine also

requires Dip. Obst. Two yea .. ""loing ill approved ........ (lncJudiog

op<im of 1 year .. ly'CWM H .. .aI. Suva).

8.18.3 Ph. D. in Obstetrics

Research appointment at ~ Worr.en', Hospital.

Science or medical graduates who wiSh to undertake researcb ill biochemistry, endocrinology or the scientific backglOl1nd of

obstetrics, gyoaecology and neonatal paediatrics.

8.19 OCalpational Tberapy

8.19.1 Diploma In Occupational Therapy

Centralln.titute of Technology. Hetetaunga - 3 years,

University Enuance.

- 71 -

8.20 Opticians (including ",fractiooists. optometriJlS)

8.20.1 Diploma in Optomeuy (Dip. Opt.)

Univenity of Auckland - 4 yean. University Entrance.

S.21 Paediatrics

8.21. I Diploma in Paediatrics (Dip. Paed.)

university of Auckland Medical SchooL Three years qualified

N. Z. Medical School or Fiji School of MediCine. Six-mooth course

dating resideDt paediatric appointment Auckland hospitals.

6.22 Pathology

8.22.1 Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP)

Univenity of Otago - Medical gJaduate. full-time Depanment

of Pathology. minimum 33 mootbs with at least 6 months in haematology.

chemical pathology. microbiology. 12 mootlls morbid anatory. histology.


5. ~3 Community Health

8.23.1 Diploma in Community Health (DinGomHealth)

UnivelSity of Otago Department of Community Health at the

WeUiDgtoo Clinical School of Medicine; medical qualificatioo or have

heen admitted to a degree of a uniyenity of New Zealand. or have beeD admirred ad eundem stamm as entitled to proceed to the diploma and shall satisfy the Faculty of Medicine that previOUS tJaining and experience tlr the candidate to take the coune. One academic year full time srudy. The candidate shall be examined in each module listed in the prescription and tne diploma shall not be granted unless a pass bas been obtained in each module. P .... c:riptiou (A) Epidemiological Methods and Health Infouution Science. (B) Envirm.mental Determinants of Health. (C) Health and Society. (0) Health Planning and Health Economics. (E) Health Services Administraticm and Management.

- 72 -

8.23.2 Diploma In Veterinary Public Health

Massey University (Palmenloo North). 12-24 months

qualification equivalent to B. Vet. Sc. High S1andatd of English


8.24 Public Health Engtneering

8.24. I Diploma in Pubhc Heahh Engineering

At present there is DO course running in N.Z.

8.25 Psychiatry

8.25. I Diploma in Child Psychiatry (Dip. Ch. Psych,at.)

Univenity of Otago - Medical qualificatl ... ; candida Ie

mUSI have had 1 yur's experience in general psychiatry; candidate

must hold position in Depanment of Psychological Medicine.

Univealty of Otago; previous approved experience in child psychi .. '}'

may excllJpt candidate from part or whole or cOUlle. Two years.

8.26 Psychological Medicine

8.26.1 Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DPM)

Univenily of Otago - 3 yean, during which musl hold

full-lime appointment in Department of Psychological Medicine of

Univenity of Orago. Previous approved training may exempt candidate

from part or whole of course.

- 13 -

8.27 Pharmacy

8.21. I Dispensary ASSiltants (Certificate as Dispensary Assisl&nl)

Nighr classes at technical instirutcs, or through the

Technical Correspoodence Institute. Eighteen-month training

period In pharmacy during which rime srudents undertake the

study coune.

8.27.2 Diploma in Pharmacy

Central Institute of Technology. Heretaunga. Univenity

Entrance; 3 years full-timt:. ;)2 ..... ·eeks practical training as sole pupil

of pharmacist for regutratioo.

8.21.3 Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Ph.rm .)

(There is also. B. Pharm. Hoo. Coone.)

University of Otago - Four years. University Entrance;

52 weeks practical as sole pupil of pharmacist for registration.

8.27.4 Master of Phannacy (M. Pharm.)

University of Otago - One acadenJic year; must have

B. Pharm. or be entitled to proceed to degree of M. Pharrn.

8.27.5 Diploma in Clinical Pharmacology (Dip. Clm. Pharmacal.)

University of Otago - One year full-time.

candidate must have medical qualification.

- 14 -

8.28 Physiotherapy

8.28.1 Registered Physiotherapist

School of Physiotherapy. Otago Polytechnic. Dunedin or

Auclllcnd School of Phy.iotherapy. Auckland TecbniullmUtute.

three yel.n. univeaityentranee.

8.29 Radiol"llY

8.29.1 Dipl"",a in Di.lgnollJc Radiol"llY (DDR)

Univenity of Otago - 3 yean; medical qualiflcatioo;

during the coone he must hold full-time appointment in Department

of D.agnostic Radiology in University of Otago. Including attachment

of 3 mondu minimum in nuclear mediCine; .cconliDg to experience

part of the coune may be exempted.

'.29.2 Radiaticn Protection Officen

National Radiall"" Laboratory. Chtillcburch. New Zealand

8.30 Radiotherapy Radi"llrapher

8.30.1 Diploma in Therapeutic Radi"llraphy

CentrallnS!itule of Technology. Three yeaa. University

Entrance. BaSic training in application sciences followed by specialisation and practical training in a.pproved hospitals.

- 75 -

B.31 Speech Them", (Certified TeAcher with ... doaement in Speech


One YeAr at any teached college in New ZeAland followed by 2 ye&lS

at the speech therapy department It Christchurch Teachea COllege.

B.32 Social Work

8.32.1 Diplom.r.iI! Sepal Work .

Vict .. ia Uoivenity of Wellington. Bachelod degree and. or

over 21 yean of age with some field experience in social welfare.

Two yeAd full-time, including supervised field work.

UOivedity of Canterbury, New Zealand. Uoiveniry

degree or Qualificatim in an area allied to social work and relevant

experience in social welfare. Two years full-time. Includes

supervised field work.

8.32.2 M.A. (Social Welfare and Development)

University of Auckland. Bachelor of Arts majoring in

the Social Sciences. Two years full-time. Supervised field work.

- 76 -

~. 32.4 M.A. in Sociology (Op<ioo 2, Social Work)

Univenlty of Canterbury, B.A. majoling in me of

the soclalsdences. Two yean full-time includes supervised

field work.

8.32.5 Bachelor of Social Work

Massey Univenity. Univenity Entrance. Four·year

degIee course in which fint 2 years are academic and final 2 yean

mote specifically prof_mal, Includes supervised field work

from the end of the second year.

~ 77 •


9.1 Aid Pas' Orderly

Aid POll Orderly Training School. <:ollege of Allied H<al.h

Sciences. Mr. Ambra (21 km. from Mt. Hagen). Entrance standard:

Grade VI (completioo Primary School). Course: 2 years comprising

1 year (ormal training at the School then 1 year attachment. under

supervision. (0 a health centre. Cerllficate. Males CIlly.

9.2 Community Health

9.2.1 Diploma in C:ommunilY Health

College of Allied lIealth Sciences. Pan Moresby.

Entrance: registered nUI1e or health extension officer with at least

2 yean field experience. One year course. candidates are prepared

for a supervisory role in community heaIrh work. Males and females.

Coune no. held in 1977 and 1978.

9.3 Dental Officer

9.3.1 Bachelor of Dental Medicine and Dental Surgery

(8DM. ®

This course: operates under the L'n 1 venity of PaJ1la New

Guinea, Port Moresby. Entrance standard: Grade 12 (university

entrance). four~year course. Registered in Papua New (.uinea and

:some parts of the Pacific. Males and females.

- 78 -

9.3.2 Da,,&1 Technician

Nal10nal Dca .. 1 School. Port

Entrance .tandard: Grade 10 wilh credits. Three-year coune.

CenHicale. Males enly.

9.3.3 Dental Therapill

National DenIAl School, Port Moresby.

Entrance standard: Grade 10 with credits. Two-year c .... se.

Cenificare. Males and temales.

9.4 Dupen..,r

9.4.1 Certificate: in Dispensing

College ot Allied Health Sciences, Pon Moresby.

Enlrance standard: Grade 10 with credits in English, Malhemalics

and Science. IJuratitll of course: 3 years, comprising 2 years

formal training plus 1 year apprenticeship under a qualified

pharmacist. Males and females, Reglstratien under Medical

Services Ordinance, Papua New Guinea will be considered.

9.5 Health Eduullen

9.5.1 Diploma in Health Education

Conducred al the loslitute of Health [ducati,""

College of Allied Health Sciences, Port Moresby. DUr3tioo of

coone: 1 year. Entry standard: baSic health qualifications,

teaching. social welfare. or a teaching discipline. Males and


- 79 -

9.6 Health Extension

~. 6.1 Health EUension Officer

!.ollege of Allied Health Sciences, ~:adang.

Entrance standard: Grade 10 with credits in English. Mathcmatia

and Science. Three·year course, comprising nl'1r and third ycall at Madang. second year al Comnlunity lItallh PracHee Centre.

KClinantu. Certificate. Males and females.

9.7 Health Inspector

Colle,~e of Allied Health Sctences. t.ladang. Entrance nandaN: C rade 1 () WWl creditl in ~athematics. English and Science. Duratim of

course: 3 yt:ars, comprising of fint and third yean at ~~adang with 6 mmths

apprenticeship at Goroka. Rabaul. Mr. Hagen. Lae or Pon ~~oresby uader an

expenenced health inspector. Males and females.

'J. B Health Services Administration

~. 8. 1 Dipion:a in Health Services Adrr:inistralion

College of Allied HeAlth Sciences. Port l\~oresby.

Entrance standard: the course is open to heahh workers with previous

experience in the health services if they have passed Crade 9. For

those candidates with no health service quaHfic3lion, au with

administrative experience, a Grade 10 pass is essential. Only limilt:.d

places in this course 3re available. Duration of the course is 1 year.

f:an<.iidates are prepared for a middle-management rolt' in a hospital

or in health administratioo. t-.~ales mly.

- 80 -

~. 9 Nauoml ~'al'ri' Trallllng CCllrrc. M&cWIg

~.~. 1 ~:al&ria Eradication Officer (Area SUpe!ViJor)

CertHiure. SiX rr:onths COOlie followed by 6 months

under an area supe:rvuor. Requjremeal: malaria erachcalioa

experienct: or Grade 8 with good passes. Males mly.

9.10 Medical TechnolOi!v

~. 10. 1 /l.'edlcal Laborarorr AWl&Dr

A \,j-momh naining coune in mIcroscopic work in

addillort to simple tests in haematology and biocht-mistry plus

3 months in-service training. The Medical Laboratory AssiltaDt

will be able ro provide l.aborarory '.",ice. in peripheral health

centres. Entrance standard: Grade 10. The couae is conducted

by the College of Allied Healrh Sciences, Pon Moresby. Male,


9.10.2 Certificare in Medica] Technology

College of Allied Healrh Sciences. Pon Moresby.

Entrane< ... -dald: Grade 10 with credits in English, Mathematics

and Science. Three yean. Registrable under Medical Sen-ices

Ordinance. Papua New Guinea. Males and female •.

- ~ I -

9.10.3 DIploma in Medical Technoiosy

Eotrance into this coune is limited to trained medtcal

technicians with at least 2 yean experience. Places 10 this courst:

art' very limiled. Duration of the coune is 2 yean. Candidates

afe trained as generaltechnologlslS. but, occasimally. lelected

students afe given an opportunity [0 specialize in haematology,

microbiology. biochemistry. hinopatbology or water and sewage

analysis. Males and females.

9.11 Medicine

9. II. 1 Bachelor of Medi("!nt P, Bachelor of Surgery (M. B. B. S.)

faculty of P-.1edicine, Cniversity of Papua New GUinea.

Entrance standard: Grade 10 (university entrance). Five-year

course followed by 2 years rotating residency programme.

Registrable in Papua New Guinea. Not registrable in United

Kingdom. Males and females.

9.12 Nuning

9.12.1 Basic Counes Nurse Aide (on-,'I)]-- traininl!l

Entrance standard: Grade 6 (6 years primary

schooling). One year. Trainmg at various hospitals.

Males and females.


- 82 -

Enrolled NUlSe (Polyvalen.: Community

Health and Numng)

Cenifil:ate course. Entrance standard:

Grade 8. Three yean. On successful compleriCll of

coone enrolled with Nuning Cwncil. Papua New Guinea

(E. N.). Training.' va.iws schools of nuning except

Port Moresby. Males and females. This coune '0 be

phased out a [ some fu lure da Ie. Registered Nune

General NUlSe coone. College of Allied

Heal.h Science •• Port Moresby <located a •• he School

of Nuning. Port MOfCIby General Hospital). £onance

standard: Grade 10 credits. Three yean. On successful

compledon of COUtle registered with Nuning Council.

Papua New Guinea (R.N.). Males and females.

Poo.-basic Counes for Trained Nurses

Certificate counes. College of Allied Health Sciences.

Port Moresby. Registered and enrolled nunes are eligi ble.

Registrable with Nuning Council. Papua New Guinea as an

additimal qualification. Midwifery

One year. Port ~. o.esby and Rabaul Paediatric NUl1ing

One year. Port Moresby

9.12.2. :J


- 83 -

P$ychiarric Nursing

One yt:ar. Port Moresby

Operating Theatre Management and


One year. Porr ~~ort:Shv

Nurse Anaesthetur

One year. males ooly.

College of Allied H~alth !:l<"e~, Port Moresby,

Diploma courses. D1ploo,a in NUDing Education

Entra.nce: Rtgiste:red Nurse with aT leaST

2 yean nursing experienu:. Son"e experience in teaching

desirable. Duration of course: 1 year. Candidates are

prepaed for teaching posts In a school of nursing. Males

and females. Diploma in Nursing Administration

Entrance: Registered ~une with at least

2 years nursing experience in a ll()spiraJ or in community

health plus a minimum of £ rrtonth~ experience Jr J\..~atron

level. Duration: ] year. (:andldatt'~ are prepared for

Senior Nursing Administration positions in the nursing

st:fvices, hospitals and conlmunlt)' I!ealth. }.:a1e~ and


- 84 -

9.13 NulriUm

9.13.1 Diploma In Nunition

College of Allied Health Sciences. Port Moresby.

Enuance lundarel: preference is ghen to applicants who have

completed Grade 10. Candidates .boold be regisrered. general

or enrolled nunes. bealtb Gtension officen. graduares from an

agricultural, educational or community development training

institutions. Other candidates may be deemed suitable by the

Dean 01 the Conege. All candidate. mUit bave been employed

continuously for a minimum of 6 mmths in their present pelIu.

Males or femala. DuratiOD of the coune: 1 year. of which

6 month, it carried QJt in the field under direct superviJioo.

The course lniDIltucienu for positions as Nutritioo Educators.

9.14 Radiogtapher

9.14. I Certificate in Radiography

College of Allied Health Sciences. Port Moresby.

Enrrance "andaro: Grade 10. Crediu in English. Mathematics

and Science. Three yean. Registrable under Medical Service.

Ordinance, Papua New Guinea. Males and females.

- 85 -


10.1 8acbelor of Science

10.1. 1 Bachelor of Science. Psychology Major

A four-year collegialc coune majoring in psychology.

The following natural sciences are required as baSic subjects:

General and Inorganic Chemistry (~ units); College Biulugy or

Zoology (5 units); Earth Science (3 units); Human Physiology

(3 units).

10.1. 2 Bachelor of Science, Guidance and counselling Major

A 4-yea.r collegiate coone majoring in guidance and counselling. The narura} science subjects mentimed previously

are also baSic requirements.

10.1.3 Bachelor of Science. Biology Major

• A 4-year collegiate coune majoring in Biology. The

coune includes Practicum in Community Civic Action Programme.

10.1. 4 Bachelor of Science, Major in Zoology

A 4-year coune leading [0 Bachelor of Science in

Zoology. Elective subjects include: Human Anatomy and PhYSiOlogy.

Histology and Microtechnique. Entomology. Parasitology. Offered by

the Univenity of the Philippines and a number of private universities.

- 86 -

10.2 Bachelor of Science 10 Educadcm

10.2.1 Rachel .. of Science in Elemeuary Education

Majoring in Health Education. A 4-year collegiate

COUIie in reacher edue&rioo majoring in healtb educalim.

Offered by the UnivetSity of the Philippines and the Philippine

Nounai College and a number of private institutialS,

10.3 OOlltal Public Health (At the illlutute of Public Health)

10,3, I Diploma in Dental Public Health (DOPH)

10.4 Dentistry

10.4. 1 Doctor of Dental Medicine

A 4-year collegiate COUtlO leading to the degree of

Doctor of OeDtal Medicine. Offered by the UP College of Dentistry

and a number of private schools of dentistry.

10.5 Horpital Administration

10.5.1 Certificate In Horpital AdmiD1ltradon (CHA)

Institute of Public Health - 12 months (June-May):

2 months residency in accredited hOSpital. CHA may enrol in MHA

programme if be enrols within 5 yean of obtaining his CHA, provided

the entrance requirement for scholastic standing is fulfilled.

- 87 -

10.5.2 Muter of Hl»pltal Ac!miniJtratlon (MHA)

InnUule of Public Health - 12 -moolh coone (June-May).

with 2 mCllths resideucy in accredited hospital plus tbeail or special

study CIl a specific problem within a relatively narrow field. or

pass a wrlnen comprehensive examinatiM.

10.6 ~~edlcal Technology

10.6.1 Bachelor of Sci""ce in Medical Teclmology

A 4"year medical technology course leading to the degree

of Bachelor of Science in Medical Teclmology. Offered by a

number of pri\l'ale colleges like the Univenity of Santo Tomas.

Centro Escalar University. far Eastern UniversUy. etc.

10.7 Midwifery

10.1.1 Graduate Midwife

An 18·month hospital-based training programme leading to

a Graduate Midwife cenificare. The course is offered by a number

of private schools of midwifery and the Fabella Memorial Hospital.

a Government institution.

10. 8 Nurs1ng

Post-balic collegiate COlleges of nursing granting BSN to nunes of

diploma schools ooe to two yean after three-year hospital diploma programme.

Colleges of nursing granting Masrer's degree in nuning one to 120 years after BSN

Offered by Ihe Vnivcnily of the Philippines, Vnivenily of Santo, Philippine Women's University and Far [astern University

Bastc Collegiale colleges of nuning granting BSN, 5-year


Offered by a number of colleges of nuning in the Philippines

Basic school of nursing granHng graduate nuning diploma

One-and-one half yean college and thlee years hospital.

Offered by a number of govemment and non-govcmmen( schools of nursing.

10.9 NUlrilion

10.9. 1 Bachelor of Science in Food and NUUilial

10.9.2 Bachelor of Science in Food Service Adminindtioo

A 4-year collegiate course leading to a Bachelor's degree

offered by a number of government and non-government univenities

like the University of the Philippines at Los Banos. University of

Samo Tomas, Philippine Women's University and Centro Escolar

Un iversity.

- 89 -

10.10 PharmacolollY

10.10.1 M. Sc. Pharmacology

Univenily of the Philippines, Philippine Centre for

the Health Science. Candidates must hold at least B. Sc. or

equivalent to two yean.

10. 11 Physiology

10.11.1 M. Sc. PhySiology

University of the Philippines. Philippine Centre for

Health Services. Candidates, (a) MD from recognized colleges,

(b) B. Sc. with satisfactory completiat of certain courses.

Two yeaD. Provides training for those: interested in academic and/OJ

research career in physiology.

10.12 Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy

School of A llied Medical Professions. Baccalaur~te in

occupational therapy and phYSical therapy.

10. 13 Pu blic Health

10.13.1 Master of Public Health (MPH)

Institute of Public Health. Ten to twelve months for

(a) graduates with approved medical degree, (b) graduates willi

professional training other than medicine/dentistry but with at least

baccalaureate science and 1 year experience in pu blic health. plus

thesis on a specific problem within a relatively narr~ field. or pass

a written comprehensive examination.

- 90 -

The graduate programme lor MPH requires Ihe lIudent

to tmdenake hlJ/her field practice of 2 monlhs duration alter

completing his/her academic programme. Therefore, (he length

of study lea ve granted to such studenlJ is extended from the

beginning 01 the school year in June of eAch year to the end of

May of the (ollowing year to comply with Ihis new requirement.

10.13.2 Master 01 Science in Public Health (MSPH)

Institute of Public Health. Two·year period of

academic and thesu study. Subjects available: (a) medical

microbiology; (b) medical parasitology: (c) nutrition; (c!) biometty

10.14 PubUc H""lth F.ugineering

10.14.1 Master 01 Public Health Engineering (t.:PHE)

Instilute 01 Public Heallh. candidates: (a> graduates

01 approved medical schoob; (b) professional graduates with at

least baccalaureate in science and 1 year experience in public

health. Classes begin June and end in May. Thesis on • special

problem within a. relatively narrow field. Of pass a written

comprehensive examination.

10.15 Sanitary Engineering

A 4~year coune in civil engineering is a basic reqliremenl. which

is followed by a 1 year study of sanitary engineering. Offered at the

~ational UniverSity and a number of other private colleges.

- 91 -

10.16 Ve.erinary

10.16. I Maller of Public Health (Vet.) (at the Insti.ute of

Public Health) MPH (Vet. Med.)

see MPH requirements

10.17 Master ofOccupatiooal Health (MOH)

see MPH requiremenu

10.18 Doctor of Public Health <Dr. P.H.)

Institute of Public Health. A minimum of two years for holders

of MPH or MSPH or equivalent plus a dissen.atim

10.19 Master in Health Professions Education

At National Teacher Training for the Health Professions.

Health Sciences Center. University of the Philippines System.

Eighteen manns plUS thesis or special problem study in an area

of professiooal educalicn in the health units.

The program i. designed to improve the quahty of teaching in

the health professions by increasing the educatimal competence of teachen.

More specifically. learning experiences are designed to enable

participants develop competence in the:

- 92 -

(1) planning and evaluation of educational program. In the

health profelSions;

(2) insuuc[ional processes used in the heahh professiClls;

(3) adOllnlstratiCl'l and management of educatioo organizarions

In the healrh profeSli<lls;

(4) multi-disciplinary studie$ and their applications to the

improvement of the teaching and learning in the: health


Written comprehensive examination is required,

Curriculum for Certificate in Health Professims Education

This certificate will be granted to a candidate who haJ

$Alisfactorily completed all the core coones (16 units) and a minimum of

eleven (11) elective units within a maximum period of five yean.

- 93 -


11.1 Air Pollution COlIne

Ministry of the Environment - 36 weeks part-time coorse

(ene day a week enly) to tJaIn publiC health inspecton. technical and

labotatory office .. In air pollution control work.

Enay requirements:

(a) Holden of the RSH Diploma for Public Health Inspectors; or

(b) Officer with 18 months· practical experience in air pollution

cmtrol or public health wak

Subjects include science of gases. incineration. measurement of

pollutants. air pollution technology and legislation. Successful candidates

will be awarded the Certificate of the Royal Society for the Promotion of

Health. Landm.

Instructic:ns are in English.

11.2 Dental Nurse (Assistant)

Institute of Dental Health - 2 years. females <DIy. GCE '0' level

or equivalent. 16,25 yean

11. 3 Dental Therapist

Institute of Dental Health - 1-1/2 years. males and females.

Dental NulSe Certificate with 5 years experience as Dental Nune.

- 94 -

11.4 Dispensing Assistant

Three years an-tile-job training complements with formal lectures

and practical courses; GeE '0' level or equivalent with credits in Physics

and Chemistry and a pass In English. ExamioatiCll' are cCIldocted at the

end of each year.

11.5 NUlSing

11.5.1 Assistant NUISe Training

Two yean, ~ales and females. GCE '0' level passes in

at least 3 subjeclS Or equivalent with good kncoiledge of English;

16-25 yean

11.5.2 POIt-basic NUlSing Courses psychiatric Nursing Course Operating Theatre Nuning Conne Intensive Nuning Care CauJSe

Twelve m~ths: males and females;

recognized General NUlSing Certificate with good

knowledge of English Midwifery. Paediatrics and Community Health

Care Course

Twelve mCllths; females only; recognized

General Nu"ing Cenifieate with good knowledge of English Student NUISe Training

Three yean; males and females; GCE '0' level

passes CI' equivalent in at least 4 subjects with good

knowledge of English; 16-25 years.

- 95 -

11.6 Public Health Inspector Course

Ministry of the Envirmment - 36 weeks full-time course to train

public health in'pectors in environmental publiC health work.

Entry requirements:

(aJ Officer with 1~ month,· practical experience in public health

work; and

(b) At least 3 GCE '0' Level passes or its equivalent

Subjects include anatomy and physiology. bacteriology. parasitology

and entomology. organic chemillry. statistiCi. environmental health (health

education. solid walle management. epidemiology. good hygiene and food

technology) and elementary environmental engineering (drainage water

supply. sewerage and water pollutioo). Successful candidates are awarded

the Certificate of the Royal Society for Promotiat of Health, LCIldCll.

Insttuctioos are in EngUsh.

ll.7 Radiography

11.7.1 Diagnostic Radiography Leading to Diploma of

The College of Radiog .. phe"

Two yean full-time coune.

GeE with passes in 5 subjects (2 at advanced level)

including English/English Literature/Genera) Paper. Mathematics,

Physics/Physical Science and ate other science subject (preferably

Biology). (Credits in subjecrs in School Certificate and Principal

Level Passes in the Higher School Certificate will be accepted as

equivalent to Ordinary Level and Advanced Level passes respectively

in the c: meral Cenifica Ie of Educatioo. ).

Candidates must be 18 y~ars of age and above.


- 96 -

The.apeutic Radiography Leading to Diploma by the

Examillati"" Soan! of the School of Radiography.

MiniJuy of Health. Singapore

Two yea ... GCE '0' level paaes in at least S subjecu

including English/English Literature. MathematiCS. Physics and

one science subject (prefetably Biology/Zoology) or its


Candidates should be 18 yeaD of age and above.

II. 7.3 Advanced RadiographiC Techniques

Six-month practical attachment to major hospital

centres in advanced radiographic rechniques. The practical

attachment is supplemented by a series of !ecrures/ discussims

in selected fields of interest.

11.8 School of Postg.aduate Medical Srudies. Nati""al University

of Singapore

11.8.1 M,,-ster of Medicine in I~temal Medicine

(M. Med. (lnt. Med.»

An a-week full-time course in Advanced Medicine.

preparing candidates for the M. Med. (lnt. Med.) examinatim.

A candidate is required to pass an examiaatioo ~sisting of a

wrinen sectioo. a clinical sectioo and an mal sectim.

- 97 -

In onler 10 be admined 10 Ibe eumiD&llon. a candldale

mu,,, ca) have held a medical quallficalion for al lust three yean,

and eilher (b) have compleled IWO yean fun-time appatntmall' in

inlemal medicine in hospilals approved by the S .. rd of the School;

or (e) have completed two yean full-time appolDtmenu in hospitals

approved by the Soard of the School. of which DOl lea than one year

mu .. have been 'peDI In inlemal medicine. the remaining period

having been .penl in paediatrics. thoracic medicine. paychological

medicine. cardiovascular medicine. dennatoJogy. venereal diseases.

neurology CnOl exceeding .ix months in anyone cl!Jc:ipline for

purposes of accreditation). infectious disea .... blood t ..... fu.ion

'ervices lnot exceeding three month. for purpose. of accreditation)

whilst two months will be accredited for every six months POSling in

the Accident and Emergency Department; or (d) have 'peDt six yean

in general practice. This .period may be shortened if requiremeor

(b) or (c) above hal been partially fulfilled.

A candldale must .ubmit testimonials from two referees with regard u> character and professional experience. one of whom

must be a phylician with a specialist qualificalioo recognized by the

Board of the School.

It is desirable that the applicant should ~ndergo a clinical

anachment of 3-6 months in Singapose prior to the COOlie. This

period of attachment can be arranged by the Univemty.

- 98-

11.8.2 Master of Medicine in Paediatrics (M. Med. (Paed.))

AD 8-week full-time coone in PaedialJics preparing

candidates for me M.Med. (Paed.) ex aminatim. A candidate

is required to pass an examination cmsisting of a wrinen section.

a clinical secticn and an oral section.

In order to be admined to the examinatim. a caDdidate must: (a) have held a medical qualificatim for at least

3 yealS; and eimer(b) have completed 2 yea .. full-time appointtnents

in Paediatrics in hospitals approved by 1he _rd of me School; or

(c) have completed 2 yea .. full-time appointments approved by me

Board of the School of which Dot less than 1 year must have been spent

in Paediatrics. me remaining period having heeD .pent in Maternity

aDd InfaDt Welfare Clinics. ObotelJics. Internal Medicine.

Psychological Medicine (Dot exceeding 6 mmlhs In aDY one discipline

for purposes of accreditation); or (d) have spent 6 yea .. in general

practice. This period may be shortened if requiremeDt (b) or (c)

above has heeD paltially fulUlled. A candidate must submit

testimonials from two referees with reg.ards to character and professional

experience. one of whom must be a paediatrician with a specialist

qualification recognized by the Board of the School.

It is desirable that the applicant should undergo a clinical

attachment of 3-6 mmlhs in Singapore prior to the coulSe. This

period of attachment can be arraDged by me University.

- 99 -

11.8.3 Malter of Medicine in Surgery (M.Med. (Surg.))

An 8-week full-time coune ltI Basic Medical Sciences,

preparing candidate. for the pnmary examination. An B-week full­

time course in Advanced Surgery. preparing candidates for the Rnal

M.Med.(Sulg.) and Final LR.A.C.S ... amination •• A candidate

for the degree of Master of Medicine (Surgery) i. required to pass a

Primary and a final Examinatien.

The Board or [he School may granl an exemptioo from [he

Primary examination to candidates who have passed an equivalent

examination approved by the Board of the School. A candidate may

be admitted to the Primary examination provided that he has held a

Primary examination for at least 1 year •.

In order to be admitted to the final examination, a

candidate must: (a) have passed or been exempted from the Primary

examination; and (b) have held a medical qualification for at least

4 years: and (c) have completed the following full-time appointments

10 hospital. approved by the Board of the School: (I) 10 months in

General Surgery: (ii) 6 month. in Orthopaedic Surgery including

Traumatic Surgery; and (iii) a further 12 months in General Surgery or

Onhopaedic Surgery or a further 6 moodIS in each of any 2 of the

following: General Surgery, Onhopaedic Surgery. Thoracic and

Cardiovascular Surgery, Plastic & RecQflStructi ve Surgery. Neurosurgery.

OtolaryngOlogy. Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & G ynaecolocy, Anaesthetics,

Pathology, Accident & Emergency Department or any other major

surgical specialty as may be approved from time to time. A candidate

must submit testimonial! from two referees with regard to chaiacter and

Professional experience, one of whom must be a surgeon with a specialist

qualification recognized by the Board of the School.

- 100 -

It is desirable that the applicant should undergo a

clinical attachment o( 3-6 months in Slngapo", prior to the coulSe_

This period of attachment can he arranged by the UDivenity.

11. 8. 4 Master of Medicine 111 Obstetrics and GYDaecolosy

(M. Med. (Obst. and Gynae.»

A 4-week fuU·time course in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

preparing candidates (or the M.Med. (Obst. and Gyoae.) examination.

A candidate (Ot the degree o( Mastet o( Medicine (Obstetrics &

Gynaecology) is reQulfcd to pass an examination consisting of a

wriuen section. a clinical section and an oral sectiCll. In order to

be admitted to the examination. a candidate mUll: Ca) have held

a medical qual.i.ficatioo for at least 4 years; and (b) have completed

the following full-time appointments apptoved by the Board of the

School after full medical regutratioo:

(i) either 12 months in Obstetrics and 12 months in

Gynaecology or a total of 24 months in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

(combined appointments). These appointments must be in blocks of

of 6 months, though nOl neceuarily in the same unit. During each

6-month block. the candidate should not be off-duty for more than

14 days. excluding Sundays and publiC holidays and will have to

compensate by working extra days in the secti<l1 for the extra days he had taken off.

(U) 6 months in General Surgery. Experience in surgical

specialties other than General Surgery. may be accepted by the

Board depending on the specialty. dUralioo of experience and the

circu mstances.


(iii) a further period of 6 mmths in one or more

of the following: Pathology. Intemal Medicine. General

Surgery, Paediatrics, Anaesthetics or any other posting

approved by the Board.

A candidate is re~uired to submit one of the following

three altematives:

1 - (a) the records of 1.5 selected obstetrical cases

and 15 selected gynaecological cases

personally managed by the candidate in hi'

approved appointment. Each case must be

discussed in derail with short commentarieS

relating to the case. Wherever applicable.

references may be included.

(b) one ol»tetrica.l and one gynaecological commentary

each limited to 2000 words including adequate

refeTences (not less than 10) to the literature

or II - (c) the records of 10 selected obstetrical cases and

10 'elected gynaecological ca .. , personally

managed by the candidate in his approved appoint­

ment. Each case must be discussed in detail with

short commentaries relating to the case. Wherever

applicable, 2 or more references may be included.

In addition, a summary of 30 further caseS, 15 in

obstetrics and 15 in gynaecology, each of which

should be described in no more than 100 words

without a commentary. Of the total of 25 cases of

obstetrics, at least!) !nust have been delivered

• 1<Il •

by Caesarean operation and 10 otlle". by some

form of operative delivery. Of Ihe lotal 25

gynAecological cases, 15 must be of the

category normally regarded as major opera(ioas~

(4) one obstetrical and one gynaecological

commentary each limBed to 2000 .. ads and to

include adequate references to the literature (no

leu than 10). These commentaries mus be based

OIl a series of cases analyzed by the candidate or

1 or more unusually intere51ing cases managed by

Ihe candidate. The purpose of this commenu"y is

to assess the candidate's ability to review the

literature on the subject and to cnHcally comment

on the management of these.

or 111 - (e) The summary of 50 cases of obstetrics and 50 cases

of gynaecology each o( which should be d .. cribed

in no more than 200 words including a short

commentary on the cases wherever applicable.

Also, no less than 2 references to the literature

should be made (or eacb case.

N. B. The case records must cCIltain original cerlifie.res from the appropriate

consultant cCIlfirming that the treatment of individual case has been

undenaken by the candidale personally under his superviSion.

Where the treatment inVOlved an operation. this must have been

performed by the candidate. the only exception being the case of

very major surgery or a very special technique {such as Wenhiem's

operalioo, radical vulvectomy repair of vesico vaginal fistula.

- 103 -

rCCODlll1lctioo of vagina, radiotherapy. etc.). A candidate may include 3 such cases if he hu p)a yed a respClnsi ble part in me

diagnOJi •. pre-treatment. assessment and post-operation management

of (he cases and has assisted at the operatiCll.

A candidate will not be allowed to sir thl: examination until his case

records and commentaries have been approved by the Board of Ihe


It is desi,able that the applicant should undergo a cllnicalanachment

of 3-6 mcxnhs in Singa pore prior to the coune. This period of

attachment can be ananged by the Univeniry.

II. 8. 5 Master of Medicine in AnaeSlhesia (M. Med. (Anaesth.))

A 9-week full-time coune in Basic Sciences for Anesthesia

preparing candidates for the Primary M.Med. fAoaesth.) and Primary

F.F.A.R.A.C.S. examinations.

An 8-week full-time course in Anaesthesia, preparing

candidates for the Pillal M.Med. (AnaeSlh.) and Final F.F.A.R.A.C.S.

examinations. A candidate for the degree of Master of Medicine

(Anaesthesia) is required to pass a Primary and a Final examination.

The Board of the School may grant exemption from the

Primary examination to candidates who have passed an equivalent

examination approved by the Board of the School. A candidate may

be admitted to the Primary examination provided that he has held a

medical quaUficatiCII for at least 2 years.

- 104 -

In order to be admitted fa the Final examinaHOIl. a

candidate must: <a) have passed or been exempted from the

Primary examinarion; (b) have held a medical qualification

for at lust 5 yean; and (c) have completed not less than 3 yean

full-time anaesthetic appointments in hOlpita15 approved by the

Board of the School. During thest.: :,3 years. t months may be

spent in the following: Intensive Care. ~.'edicine, and Research.

A candidate must submit testimonials fron. :.: referees with regad!

to character and professimal ex perience. ooe of whom must be an

anaesthetist with a specialist quaHficatial recognized by the

Board of the School.

It is desirable that the applicant should undergo a

clinical atr.achment of 3 to 6 months in Singapore prior to the

coune. This period of attachment can be arranged by the


11.8.6 Master of Science in Public Health (M.Sc. (Public Health))

A 9-mmth full-time coune in Public lIealth. A candidate

for the degree of Master of Science (Public Health) is required to pass

an examinatien cmsisting of a written section. a practical sectim. a

clinical section and an oral seclioo. In order to be admitted to the

examination, candidate must: (a) have held a medical qualificatim

fot at IuS! 3 yean; (b) have had me year full-time experience in

Public Hulth (and/or Occupational !>Iedicine); and (c) have satisfactorily

completed the coune leading to the degree of Master of Science (Public

Health) provided that this does not precede (b) above. A candidate is

required 10 submit a dissertation 00 a subject approved by the Head of

the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health.

11. 8. 1

- 105 -

Maller of Sclmce in Occupational Medicine

(M. Sc. (Occupational Medicine»

A 9-mmlh full-time course in Occupational Medicine.

A candidate for the degree of Master of Sdence (Occupational

~ledicine) is required to pass an examination consi.ting of a written

sectiM, a practical section. a clinical ~ction and an oral sectial.

In order to be admitted to the examination, a candidate must:

(a) have held a medical qualifiutiOD for at least 3 yean; and

(b) have had 1 year of full-time experience in Occupational Medicine

andlor Public Health: and (e) have salls(aclorily completed the COUIIC

leading to the degree of Master of SCience (Occupational Medicine)

provided !hat this dOe:J nO[ precede (b) above. A candidate is required

to submit a dissertatioo 00 a subject approved by the Head of the

Department of Social Medicine and Public Health.

11.9 Medical Laboratory Technology

On-the-job naining in one of the following areas of laboratory work:

Clinical Biochemistry. Histopathology. Microbiology. Itaematology and

Blood Transfusion. Cardiopulmonary Technology. AnaeSlhethic Technology.

Three GeE '0' levels prererably including science subjects. Sixteen to 25

years, 2 years training ror Assistant Laboratory Teclmician and 5 years training

ror Laboratory Technician Grade (this period includes [he 2 years of training

for theAlSistant Laboratory Technician grade). Examinations are conducted

at the end of the training for both grades or the coone.

• 106·


12.1 Ba,;c NUlling Course

School of Nursing. Papeete. Three·year basic nuning coune&

Baccalaureate students accepted without tnrrance examinatioos. In other

cases, an entrance examination is required. Medium of inslructioo is
