Regional Workshop on International Migration Statistics Cairo, Egypt 30/6/2009-3/7/2009.

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Transcript of Regional Workshop on International Migration Statistics Cairo, Egypt 30/6/2009-3/7/2009.

Regional Workshop on International Migration Statistics

Cairo, Egypt30/6/2009-3/7/2009

Summary of the questionnaire on

International Migration Statistics

Fathia AbdelFadil

Team Leader, ESCWA Statistics Division

• Questionnaire was sent to all ESCWA member countries

• 12 countries sent back their answers

A- General Questions

Question 1: Do you compile international migration data from the following

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

population censuses 8 1 3

administrative records 5 3 4

households surveys (HHS)

8 2 2

other specialized surveys 5 4 3

if answer to question1 was other specialized surveys; please specify

• Trial survey for workers migrants as an annex to the labor force survey

• Family health survey, demographic health survey, migration survey

Question 2: Do you use estimates of migration/ emigration

answer # of countries

yes 3

no 8

No answer 1

if the answer is yes, please specify

- from vital statistics

- from questions on current residence and past residence-

Question 3: Do you use occasional surveys or any other survey (i.e. Labour Force Survey) which include migrants

Answer # of countries

Yes 6

No 5

No answer 1

Question 4: Do your sources record

yes no

# of countries # of countries

country of birth 8 4

country of citizenship 10 2

country of last residence 11 1

Question 5: Do the data include the following variables

yes no

# of countries # of countries

gender 11 1

age 11 1

occupation 10 2

level of education 10 2

reason for migration 8 4

Thank you

B- Population Censuses

Question 6: Do you include the following questions in your population censuses questionnaire

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

country of residence 8 2 1

Country of birth 5 5 1

country of citizenship 7 3 1

Question 7: If your country hasn’t yet conducted population census for the 2010 round, are you planning to use in the coming population census for your country

yes No No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

same questionnaire 3 3 5

more detailed questionnaire 4 2 5

Already census 2010 round conducted

2 - 1

Question 8: Do you publish and disseminate data compiled on issues related to international migration from census data

Answer # of countries

Yes 7

No 3

No answer 1

Question 8a: If answer was yes, do you publish these by

yes No No answer

# of countries # of countries

# of countries

sex 6 1 4

age 6 1 4

occupation 6 1 4

Question 9: Do you use the international migration data from census to:

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

estimate out international migration over the inter-censual period

5 4 2

as a complimentary source with other sources

6 3 2

Thank you

C: Household Surveys (HHS)

Question 10: Do you use the HHS as one of sources to estimate immigration and emigration

Answer # of countries

Yes 4

No 6

No answer 2

-if the answer is yes, please specify the frequency of carrying out the HHS

-* between the 2 census, but depending on the need to provide data

-* no regular round to make special surveys related to migration

-* 3 – 5 years

Question 11: Do you compile data in International Migration from the following surveys

yes No No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

Labor force survey (LFS) 7 4 1

LSMS – living standard measurement survey

8 4 -

i. Cross Border:

Question 12: Do you ask all travelers to complete border card on arrival and departure

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

at arrival and departure 5 7 -

at arrival only - 8 4

at departure only - 8 4

Question 13: Do you have fully computerized data entry at the borders

Answer # of countries

yes 10

No 1

No answer 1

Question 14: Do you use border cards on arrival and departure or do you use electronic registered approach

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

arrival and departure cards

5 3 4

electronic registered approach

11 1 -

Question 15: Do you use optical reading of passports and recognition of biometric characteristics

Answer # of countries

yes 7

no 4

No answer 1

Question 16: Do you use any of the following cards

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

cards for the foreigners on arrival 5 4 3

cards for the foreigners at departure 5 4 3

cards for other Arab countries on arrival 3 5 4

cards for other Arab countries at departure 3 5 4

cards for nationals on arrival 4 5 3

cards for nationals at departures 4 5 3

no cards are being used 5 2 5

Question 17: Do you use 2 cards to be filled at the arrival, one is left with the border authorities and the other kept by passengers to be submitted to the border authorities at departure

Answer # of countries

yes -

no 12

No answer -

Question 18: Do the arrival cards include the followings

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

expected duration of stay 1 7 4

purpose of visit 4 4 4

country of usual residence 3 5 4

original citizenship 5 3 4

Question 19: Do the departure cards of the nationals include the followings

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

expected duration of stay - 7 5

purpose of visit 4 3 5

country of usual residence 4 3 5

ii. Registration of the nationals

Question 20: Do you have a population register system

Answer # of countries

yes 9

no 2

No answer 1

Question 21: Does central population register system exist in you country

Answer # of countries

yes 11

no 1

Question 22: Do you use standardized identification number

Answer # of countries

yes 9

no 2

No answer 1

Question 23: Do you use other methods to register nationals:

Answer # of countries

yes 5

no 6

No answer 1

Question 24: Do the municipalities have any role in population register system

Answer # of countries

yes 1

no 11

Question 25: Does your population system cover registration of emigration

Answer # of countries

yes 6

no 4

No answer 2

Question 26: Does your population registry system cover only foreign population

Answer # of countries

yes 2

no 9

No answer 1

Question 27: Do alien registers allow your country to produce migration statistics for this category of population

Answer # of countries

yes 5

no 6

No answer 1

Question 28: Do you have population registers for your nationals residing abroad

Answer # of countries

yes 6

no 6

Question 29: Do you use this registers to counting stocks of nationals abroad

Answer # of countries

yes 2

no 8

No answer 2

iii. Residence permits

Question 30: Do you use residence permits as one source of international migration

Answer # of countries

yes 7

no 5

Question 31: Do you coordinate with Ministers of Interior Affairs/ national statistics offices

Answer # of countries

yes 9

no 3

Question 32: Do you follow a certain criteria in defining who need a resident permits to be issues

Answer # of countries

yes 8

no 4

if answer is yes, please specify the criteria -visa and work permit and other criteria are specified by the department of residence/ ministry of interior

- It depends on the duration of stay, reason and objectives and the individual by himself

- Criteria of ministry of interior

-Law of residency and issuance of all types of visas

Question 33: Do you differentiate between short-term migration and long-term migration

Answer # of countries

yes 5

no 7

if answer is yes, please specify period of short term and long-term

- short term = 1 to 5; and long term = 5+

-short term of migration < 6 months

- temporary stay, one year stay, permanent stay

-short term of migration < 6 months; long term =1 year+

Question 34: do you use the resident permit information to produce/ create statistics database related to foreigners and international migration

Answer # of countries

yes 5

no 6

No answer 1

Question 35: Do you use resident permit to measure in long term migrants’ flows and stocks

Answer # of countries

yes 7

no 2

No answer 3

Question 36: Does your country produce statistical tables form resident permits information

Answer # of countries

yes 6

no 4

No answer 2

Question 37: If answer is yes, please specify if data available is breakdown by

yes no No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

sex 6 1 5

age 6 1 5

Country of residence 7 - 5

Type of stay 6 - 6

Year of entry 5 - 7

Tables are not breakdown - - -

Question 38: Does the information from resident permits allow you to specify short term movement from long term flows

Answer # of countries

yes 3

no 6

No answer 3

Question 39: Do you include seasonal workers and international students in resident permits

Yes No No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

seasonal workers 7 3 2

International students 9 2 1

iv. Visas

Question 40: Do you use information on visa to estimate migration flows and stocks

Answer # of countries

yes 4

no 8

Question 41: Do the following registry/ database available in your country

Yes No No answer

# of countries # of countries # of countries

Consular Registers 6 3 3

Work permit register 9 2 1

social security databases 9 2 1

asylum sector database 3 5 4

Question 42: Do you use the above registers/ database as a complementary source for international migration statistics

Answer # of countries

yes 5

no 6

No answer 1

Overall comments

• there is a future project in collaboration with the International Organization of Migration to improve the administration/ management of migration data in Iraq. It is also implemented in collaboration with different ministries especially those related to migration, can have then data on migration and on international migration

• - we have an old, organized and punctual system for migration registration- use of technical information in migration statistics- use of residence permit and registration of foreigners is being centralized- we started dealing with data from civil status and which contains data on migration