Reflexive verbs and morning routine FR2 Objectives: - Communicate about your own morning routine -...

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Transcript of Reflexive verbs and morning routine FR2 Objectives: - Communicate about your own morning routine -...

Reflexive verbs and morning routine



- Communicate about your own morning routine- Describe someone’s morning routine in present tense and past tense


• What is a reflexive verb? How do you know when you see one?

• Give 2 examples of reflexive verbs in French

Vocab review

• Translate:se maquiller

se laverse promener

se raser se parfumer

se leverse coucher

Reflexive pronouns

• What are they?


Remember the song?

What are they doing?

• Look at the picture and say what the persons are doing. Use reflexive verbs.

Qu’est-ce qu’elle fait?

Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?

Qu’est-ce qu’ils font?

Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?

Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu fais le matin?

D’abord je_________, ensuite je____________, puis je_____________.

Past tense: passé composé

Let’s try to remember!

1. What are the 2 main components of passé composé ?

2. What are the 2 auxiliary verbs we can use?3. How do you know which auxiliary verb to use?4. What is the past participle of –ER verbs? –IR

verbs? –RE verbs


• I spoke French. J’ai parlé français. • I went to the movies. Je suis allé(e) au cinéma.• She danced. Elle a dansé.

How do we conjuagate reflexive verbs in past tense?

• Look at these exemples and find the rule! You have 2 minutes to write the rule!

SUBJECT+ _____+_____+_____

Je me suis levé(e). Tu t’es promené(e).Elle s’est couchée.Il s’est lavé.Nous nous sommes levés.Vous vous êtes promenés.Ils se sont couchés.

Reflexive verbs

• To conjugate a reflexive verb in past tense:


• What do we need to remember about verbs used with the auxiliary être in passé composé?

The past participle agrees with the subject.

Because reflexive verbs ALL use être as the auxiliary verb, the past participle of reflexive verbs agrees with the subject.

Ex: Elle s’est maquillée.

Ils se sont promenés.


•Qu’est-ce qu’ils ont fait ce matin?

Qu’est-ce qu’elle a fait?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a fait?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a fait?

Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce matin?

• Write 4 sentences about what you did this morning. Use reflexive verbs.

• Share with the class.

• Listen! I will ask you questions about your classmates’ daily routine.

Handout: comic strip

1. Put the images in order (number them)2. Write a caption for each image. What did he

do this morning? • Use past tense!

Qu’est-ce que Mr Bean a fait ce matin?

1. Watch the video:

2. Take notes about what you see in French.3. Write as many sentences as you can to describe

what Mr Bean did.

Useful words we don’t know:Sonner: to ring

Se cogner: to hit somethingS’étirer: to stretch

Your comic strip

• Take out the comic strip you made last week about your daily routine.

• Change your sentences to past tense. (no need to write, just in your head)

• Share orally with a classmate.• Switch.

Dice game

• In groups of 3-4• 1 judge, the others are players• Throw the 2 dices (1 with verb, 1 with subject)• Conjugate the given verb with the given

subject in past tense• The judge gives you the point if it’s correct.• When time is over, the person with the most

points wins.

Dice Game

• If one dice shows: JE• And the other shows: se maquillerYou will conjugate the verb « se maquiller » with the subject « je »: je me suis maquillé(e).

What if one dice shows « tu » and the other one « se laver »? Tu te laves. Ok! Let’s play!


• New verbs:S’ennuyer: to be boredSe passer: to happenS’asseoir: to sit down (« assis » is the past participle)

