Reducing Energy and Water Bills

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Fraser Allport, CEO of Energy, Water, and Taxes, LCC, provides the tools to reduce the energy, water and tax bills for your plant, property or facility. Fraser helps you understand that energy, water and tax bills are variable expenses that can, and need to be, proactively managed.

Transcript of Reducing Energy and Water Bills

The 21st Century “ Smart “ Building is all about Enhanced Efficiencies and Productivity driving Profitability. 21st Century HW and SW is driving this Second Deming Revolution in Total Quality Control and Total Workplace Management. Please visit :

Profitable Green projects are " Eco-Pragmatic " : Economics, not politics, is the driver.

Use Less and Produce More. That's the common-sense business definition of " Green " that is both market-driven and makes sense in the real world. Your Property’s HW and SW are the Supply Chain that delivers Efficiency and Excellence, which then in turn drives Productivity and Profitability.

So Master The Logistics – Get your HW and SW to perform at 100%.

The Big Picture

The Problem

• Most facilities substantially over-pay three of their largest variable costs:

Their Energy, Water and Tax bills. But these are Variable Expenses, not Fixed. • You can reduce these three expenses by proactively combining 21st Century Green

Technologies with various Tax Incentives.

• Reducing O&M will directly improve the Profitability of your Property / Plant / Facility.

• Operational Excellence also elevates the Reputation and Branding of your P/P/F.

• Total Quality Control yields higher Productivity, Occupancy, Lease Rates, and Market Value.


Increase the Asset Yield / NOI of your Property / Plant / Facility through Operational Excellence and TQC.

That’s what “Green” is really all about.

Today’s Goals

Increase the Market Value, Profitability and Branding of your Property / Plant / Facility by :

Reducing Energy, Water and Tax bills

Reducing O&M

Increasing Efficiencies – Operational and Cultural

Future Proofing – As Green becomes Code

Learning how to make “ Green ” and “ Sustainability ” a Profit Center, not a Cost item

Understand The Business Imperative – Energy, Water and Tax bills are Variable Expenses

that can, and need to be, proactively managed. They are not Fixed Expenses.

Action Plan – Whether it’s Top Down or Bottom Up ... It is easier than you think to

implement a simple plan that reduces your costs and enhances efficiencies.

Just Start the Process and you are on your way to continual Progress.

Reducing Energy, Water, and Tax Bills for

Your Plant / Property / Facility

This is normally a 2 or 4 hour CE Course offered by Energy, Water, and Taxes, LLC

and approved by Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

This course is offered to all participants and their Staff as free CE upon request.

Today we are going to talk about :

Making Cost Reduction and Increased Efficiencies part of your Business Plan

WHY you should care about reducing O&M and “ Future-Proofing ” your property.

HOW to reduce Utility and Tax bills for your Plant / Property / Facility.

WHAT simple and specific steps you can take to start an ACTION PLAN that gets Results.

Mandate Performance – Implement “Results-Based” Projects that will make your Property

more Valuable in many ways. Case Studies and Success Stories available upon request.

The Five Myths of Going Green

Let’s debunk the Myths first so that we all enter this presentation with an open-mind.

Email to obtain this article by Fraser Allport in its entirety.

1) MYTH: Green is politically driven.

TRUTH - “ Green “ is about Energy, Water, and Tax Efficiencies that reduce O&M

expenses. Green is economically driven. Reducing costs saves money.

Eco-pragmatism is about saving money, not about politics.

2) MYTH – Green costs a big, upfront outlay of Capital.

Truth – Green is profitable from Day 1 when Quantifiable / Verifiable Savings exceed

Project’s Financing cost. We generate a C/B Analysis that makes sense as a necessary

and profitable Capital Improvement. Project generates Positive Cash Flow from Day 1.

The Five Myths of Going Green cont.

3) MYTH – Green curbs Growth because it costs too much and constrains the markets.

TRUTH - Green and Sustainability will dominate The 21st Century, replacing 20th Century

technologies and processes. The 21st Century is a new kind of World, with better HW

and SW, better manufacturing processes, applications, and technologies. Going Green

is really about 21st Century Modernization and Capital Improvement projects that enhance

a property’s Productivity, Profitability, Asset Yield, and Market Value. Green is

The Second Deming Revolution of TQC. Recognize a Paradigm Shift … and Adapt.

4) MYTH: Green is an expensive “ luxury ” item, costing more than it saves.

TRUTH : Green is increasingly coming down the cost-curve to “ Cost-Neutral ”.

Use a discipline of projects with a a short payback period and Green will pay

long-term dividends that greatly exceed upfront costs.

So stop buying the cheapest, which actually costs more in the long run because that

equipment uses more energy and water. Use Life-Cycle Analysis & procure Efficiency.

21st Century HW and SW that saves money, and lasts.

The Five Myths of Going Green

5) MYTH: The Business Owner / Property Manager must go it alone.


Understand that State and Federal Energy and Water Tax Incentives improve a project’s

ROI, Payback, and Cash Flow.

State and Federal Tax incentives are, effectively, subsidies that discount a project’s cost

for the builder and owner. There are also often many rebates and incentives from your

local Utilities.

Fact : Deming always advocated “ Embracing Change “. Your company and facility can

be a Market Leader, or Laggard.

Please see documentation at the links below:

WHY You should care about reducing your

property’s Utility and Tax bills

Reducing O&M and Tax Bills improves Cash Flow and Profitability, which is a

critical factor for surviving these difficult economic times.

These days, a “ Competitive Advantage ” is having Cash when your competition

does not. “ Sustainability ” has become its own Profit Center.

Please see :

A “ Green ” Property operates, leases and sells better. An efficiently-run and “ Lean ”

Property offers many benefits that are detailed at: ( See Resources # 1-5 in Footnotes )

“ Future-Proofing ” ensures survival in the marketplace. Nobody wants to work at,

lease space in, or buy a “ Brown ” property that has above-market O&M expenses,

poor IAQ, bad Lighting, and poor climate control from an inefficient HVAC system.

The Business Case for caring about your property’s Utility and Tax Bills

WHY should YOU care about reducing your property’s Utility and Tax bills? ( Cont. )

If you are a Property Manager or Facility Engineer … Your job security and advancement

depends on your property’s performance and profitability, especially these days.

People who are agents of change and bring profitable, money-saving ideas to Management …

will be recognized and rewarded.

Change the Culture to one of Total Quality Control, Expense Reduction, and Exceptionalism

…and watch your bottom line improve quickly, dramatically and permanently.

Energy and Water Efficiency is the “New Normal” for Property/Facility/Plant Manager.

And Equipment runs better and lasts longer.

You are the catalyst for Change at your Property – Be Proactive

Take All The Credit for prompting action that elevates both you and the company/property.

Another incentive for You to Act...

Reducing your Energy, Water and Tax bills has many benefits:

You have a specific, tactical issue / problem that needs fixing NOW.

Benchmarking and Auditing – You want to quantify and verify in your facility. You cannot manage what you cannot measure.

Cost Reduction & Cost Management – You want to reduce O&M facility-wide, permanently.

Capital Improvements – You want to upgrade and “ Future-Proof ” your facility with 21st Century HW and SW. This is a must for your survival and success.

ROI and Cash Flow – You are pursuing Sustainability as its own Profit Center.

TQC – You are pursuing a strategic, systemic approach to Quality Control and Efficiencies boosting Profitability. Sustainability becomes a Competitive Advantage and a source of Cash Profits as its own SBU.

Another Incentive for You to Act … ( Cont. )

• When Green becomes Code – You see the handwriting on the wall in California and

New York. Enforcing Green Codes is lucrative business, good PR, and politically popular

for Federal, State and Local authorities. Expect more “ Green Codes “, and be prepared for

the new “ Green ” Rules and Regulations. Become Green … before Green becomes Code.

• Social Capital – For some companies, Green and Sustainability are as much about PR, Public Goodwill and Branding as they are about Cost-savings through Efficiencies.

Which incentives motivate you to reduce Utility and Tax Bills ?

A Holistic and Synergistic Checklist for Facility Management

A “ Smart Building ” Strategy integrates HW and SW

Building Information Modeling and Integrated Project Delivery

Water – Irrigation, Conservation, Storm-Water, Water Treatment

Water - Rainwater Collection, Cisterns, Clean Drinking Water

Cold Water Cooling - Liquid Desiccant and Chilled Beam Systems

Revenue Enhancement for Hospitality Properties

Tax Reduction – Energy Tax Incentives and Cost Segregation

Renewable Energy - Solar & Wind Power, BioMass

Green Architecture, Construction, Interior Design

Green Roofs, Cool Roofs, and Integrated Roofs

Building Envelope and Air Tightness Testing

Building Envelope – Roof Leaks, Ponding, etc.

“ Smart ” SW to interface with the “ Green ” HW.

Fire Detection and Protection Technology

Remediation – Mold, Mildew, and Condensation

HVAC, DOAS, Geothermal, Heat Recovery, Enthalphy Wheels

Refrigeration, Chillers, Cooling Towers, Condensate Recovery

A Holistic and Synergistic Checklist for Facility Management ( Cont. )

Preventive Maintenance – Ounce of prevention

Computerized Management Maintenance Systems

Efficient Lighting – LED and many other 21st Century choices.

Thermal Imaging, Insulation, Weatherization, Envelope Sealing

Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality – Corporate & Building Wellness

Utility Cost Recovery – We have multiple services that target Savings.

EPA and Environmental Compliance – Federal to Local

Cyber Security – Smartware, Green IT, Data Loss Protection, SIEM

Energy Management and Automation – Software and Hardware

” Small Wind ” Power - As low as 5 mph

LEED Commissioning and Green Building Certifications Energy Tax Incentives calculated, certified, and filed. Project Financing and Guaranteed Savings Post-Project Service, Warranty, and Guarantees Post-Project Training and Education for Occupants Post-Project ROI - Leveraging “ Green “ Marketing and Branding of your facility

Where Do You Start ?

Categorize and Prioritize :

Breaking The Whole into Parts

What is most urgent in your facility ?

What is biggest Expense in your facility ?

What is/are your biggest day-to-day headache(s) ?

What would simplify your Life/Job the most ?

What is Management’s # 1 focus and Goal ?

What are the issues from the floor and Staff ?

What uses the most Energy and Water ?

Eat The Elephant …

One Bite At A Time

Understand that Capital Improvements are always Strategic. Energy, Water and Tax efficiency for your facility are long-term projects. Rome was not built in a day. Like Home Improvement … You’ll get there.

Understand that “ Future-Proofing ” your facility for The 21st Century and making it TQC Efficient requires looking at EVERYTHING – Every process and protocol. Take a holistic and synergistic approach to HW, SW, and People, and how they interact in your facility’s operations.

How To Start The Process

Start At The Beginning:

Build The Team – C-Level Executives.

Benchmarking and Baseline :

Obtain a full audit of your Utility Bills going back as far as 5 years.

You need a Baseline starting point because you cannot manage what you cannot measure.

Determine how your Utility expenses break down: How much of your electric bill is HVAC vs. Lighting,

vs. Machinery, etc. ? Where are you using, and losing, water, and how much ?

Again, the starting point is obtaining Forensics. Quantify and Verify the math and the usage as

your baseline starting point.

Build your Team by getting outside / expert help to collaborate as a team with your in-house Staff.

Breaking The Checklist Into Cost Segments





HW - Engineering


Finance – CFO / Procurement

People, Process, and Protocols.

Bad ( Occupant’s ) Habits vs. Best Practices. Occupant habits are critical.

Get a Buy-In from C-Level Executives.

Efficiency and Excellence become the Culture and The Mission.

Prioritize – Let The Math Lead You

The Utility Bill Audit, and The Energy and Water Audit of your facility will give you a baseline of measurable and verifiable forensics. That accurate Math that will then tell you where your facility consumes the most … and thus, where you should start to pare costs.

Start where you have the :

Highest ROI

Shortest Payback

Biggest Tax Incentives

That’s how you start – Your Facility’s audits will give your entire Team the forensics, which then takes you in the direction of the most impactful, profitable, and quick-payback projects being undertaken in descending order. Outside experts will help you design a Critical Path Method for doing projects in a systematic and sequential order. The CFO will handle the Tax Savings component.

Follow The Money and The Math …. Now That’s a simple and fool-proof Action Plan.

Leverage The Gains

“ The Paid - For - With Savings ” Model will allow you to self-finance your way through Capital Projects.

Cost Reductions and Savings from the first Green project provide the capital for financing the next project.

Stay at the process as a permanent Mission Statement.

The TQC – Deming Model : Efficiencies enhance Operations, Margins, Cash Flow and Profitability

a) Finish the project with Occupant Habits and Training

b) Post-project Marketing for Branding, Goodwill and Social Capital.

c) Who is responsible for post-project Measurement, Warranty, Guaranty, Maintenance and Service issues ?

What’s First = An Action Plan Define, Commit, and Act

• Understand that Sustainability is a Profit Center / Competitive Advantage.

• Commit to Sustainability as part of a Mission Statement -

• Take a Holistic and Synergistic approach to your Facility.

Buildings are like bodies – Everything works together.

• Do not compartmentalize amongst departments or people. Build a Team that communicates.

• Engage everyone systemically and strategically.

• Build Your “ Green Team ” - CEO, CFO, CTO, CIO, Chief Engineer

• Who is your Team Leader / Project Coordinator ?

What’s First = An Action Plan Define, Commit and Act ( Cont. )

• Reach out to experts – Local, National, Global. This is not DIY / OTJ training

• Demand Competitive Bids

• Demand Performance Contracts / Success Fees

• Demand Quantifiable / Measurable and Verifiable Data and C/B Analysis

( i.e. - Forensic Engineering is ROI, Payback Period, and Tax Incentive calculations. )


All Macro, Strategic, and Systemic Change take time. Green and Sustainability are a process,

not an event. This is not a tactical, short-term, one-off project. This is about profitable Long Term

Capital Improvements that Future-Proof your property for the 21st Century.

Action Plan Checklist

Total Quality Control / Total Workplace Management will include :

• Data Logging : Monitoring, Measuring, and Maintenance for your valuable Equipment.

• HW and SW interface compatibility, including CMMS and EAM.

Remember: None of this “ Green “ HW works without “ Smart ” SW to manage, monitor, and maintain it.

• Post - project Warranties and Guarantees

• Post - project occupant habits and training

• Post - project Marketing, Branding and Enhanced Revenue opportunities.

Commit To The Process

• Commit : All Macro, Strategic, and Systemic Change takes time.

• Green and Sustainability are a process, not an event. Greening your company and

facility is not just something that the company pays lip service to and does once

annually. Your company and facility truly become Green by understanding and

practicing these methods.

• The Deming Model:

TQC and Efficiencies are the drivers for productivity and profitability.

• This Model is called Asset Yield, and that’s what Green and Sustainability are really

all about in the final analysis : Squeezing The Most From The Least.

• Green is about Using Less … While Producing More. That’s The Mantra.

The First Step in Your Action Plan

1) Reach out to experts to conduct a Utility Bill

Audit. This will give you Cost Recovery and

Cash Flow, as well as a baseline for going

forward. Find Consultants who work Nationally.

2) Working with outside specialists, the CFO is

responsible for the Tax Savings component

( i.e – Energy Tax Incentives, Cost Segregation.)

Free and Easy Resources to assist you with

starting an Action Plan

1) Start with your City and State, and then do a simple internet search for your geography with words like :

Energy and Water Audit / Utility Audit

Sustainability Consultant

Energy and Water Efficiency

2) Ask your CPA about the deductions in IRS Code Section 179 D

3) Ask your CFO about Tax Savings with “ Cost Segregation “

4) Use the phrases that I outlined in the above Checklist. Pick the phrases and topics germane to your property,

and then just add your city and state as part of the search.

5) Contact your local Utility Companies and inquire as to the free programs that they offer for reducing Energy

and Water bills.

6) Ask your local Colleagues and the Trade Associations that you belong to what they have done to reduce their

property’s Energy, Water, and Tax bills ?

7) Subscribe to the free e-newsletter from sites that you research, visit, and like. and watch the knowledge come

in daily. You will go Up The Learning Curve daily, in small, steady, incremental, manageable and voluntary

bites that help you without overwhelming you. Please visit the many links throughout this presentation.

8) Contact Fraser Allport at 305-351-6922 for a Free Consultation. Our firm works Nationally and Globally.

Additional Free Resources for starting a simple

and specific Action Plan

The Ultimate Takeaway - Free Resources Galore : Links, Websites, Articles, Directories, Archived Webinars, etc.

Start At The Beginning

• Reach out to experts to conduct a Utility Bill Audit of your property / facility / plant. Only work with firms that have capabilities Nationally and Globally.

• These audits are free. Find Auditors who work on a Success Fee – They only get paid for finding you savings. Demand forensics, and only pay for Results.

• Be Proactive – Only you can start this process.

Capital Improvements Take The Long View

Take The Long View - 10 years to get 100% better and future-proof the property with 21st Century technology. 10% better per year for the next ten years straight will get you to a completed, 21st century retrofit in 10 years = Take the long view.


• Future-Proof your property for survival and success with 21st Century Technologies and Total Quality Control. Capital Improvements = Comp’ Advantage.

• Follow The Money and Math Rules so that you are always doing profitable projects. Have a Discipline for wisely investing in your property.

• Be Proactive – Find experts who work Nationally and Globally so that you have access to the world’s best People and Technologies.

Summary … continued

• Buy your HW and SW simultaneously so that they are compatible and interface properly.

• Only buy SaaS – Software as a Service.

• Reduce before you Produce :

Before adding expensive, energy-producing Solar and Wind to your property, reduce energy consumption by focusing on the big three energy-users – Lighting, HVAC, and sealing the Building Envelope. These three areas offer the greatest savings and the biggest Tax Incentives. The cheapest KW is the one that you never use through energy reduction, not the one that you produce.

Energy, Water, and Taxes, LLC



Reducing Energy, Water and Tax Bills for Properties

Office 954-251-3334 Cell 305-351-6922

Skype 954-889-7608 /

10 am to 10 pm, EST - Monday through Saturday

We are headquartered in Miami, FL. , USA and work Globally.

We work on a Success Fee - We only get paid for Savings.

Call us for your Free Energy and Water Savings Analysis.

Fraser Allport’s Biography is available at and