Rector’s Corner Weekly Calendar - · 3 Divine Mercy Sunday El Rincón del Rector El...

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Transcript of Rector’s Corner Weekly Calendar - · 3 Divine Mercy Sunday El Rincón del Rector El...


Divine Mercy Sunday

MONDAY, APRIL 9 5:45pm... Schola rehearsal, Bishops Hall 6:30pm... Total Consecration Mass, Cathedral 6:00pm... Adult Confirmation, Donahue Cafeteria 6:00pm... Faith & Reason encyclical study, Sheehan

TUESDAY, APRIL 10 6:00pm... Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA), Donahue Cafeteria

WEDNEDAY, APRIL 11 Cathedral office closed 1:30-3:00pm 8:30am... CSSM School Mass, Cathedral 1:30pm... Cathedral staff meeting, Bishops Hall 5:30pm... PTC family meeting, Donahue Cafeteria 6:00pm... Schola rehearsal, Bishops Hall 6:00pm... Finance Council, library 7:00pm... Bible Timeline series, Donahue Cafeteria 7:00pm... St. Augustine Choir rehearsal, Sheehan

THURSDAY, APRIL 12 7:00pm... Catholic Scripture Study, Bishops Hall

FRIDAY, APRIL 13 6:30pm... Spanish choir rehearsal, Sheehan

SATURDAY, APRIL 14 9:00am... Baptism Class (Spanish), Donahue Cafeteria 9:30am... Baptisms (English), Cathedral Noon….. Schola rehearsal, Sheehan 12:30pm. Notre Dame luncheon, Donahue Cafeteria 5:30pm... Cathedral Gala, AT&T Conference & Event Center 7:30pm... Concert series-Arte Musique benefit, Bishops Hall

SUNDAY, APRIL 15 10:30am.. CFF Classes English-Language classes 12:15pm. CFF Clases de Español 4:45pm... Blessing of religious ítems after Mass 6:00pm... Together in God’s Love, Bishops Hall

Weekly Calendar Rector’s Corner

Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-26 - JOY

Joy, χαρά, in NT Greek, is used to indicate "self-being in self-transport . . . a culmination of existence." Joy strains beyond itself, inhabited by the spark of the divine. "Joy is not just a state of feeling but a way of making the world manifest. Joy is determined by the discovery of being in its joyousness” (Theological Dictionary of the New New Testament, Eerdmans).

We know joy because God rejoices. Preparing for his Passion, Jesus first addresses his disciples at the Last Supper. He invites us to know his joy as his friends, and by become like him:

“By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:8-14).

And then, as Jesus prepares to give Himself completely for us, to the Father, he says this: “But now I am coming to you. I speak this in the world so that they may share my joy completely” (John 17:13).

Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is not the perfect life, with all the qualities in place for well-being. Joy can be found in the midst of the desert as well as on the mountaintop; joy can be found in the valley of the shadow of death as well as on the beach of contentment and delight. Joy is the choice to find God in all moments, in all things. Henri Nouwen says this of joy:

"God rejoices because one of his children who was lost has been found. What I am called to is to enter into that joy. It is God's joy, not the joy that the world offers.” It is the ability to rejoice in the small, hidden things of daily life. "The reward of choosing joy is joy itself. Living among people with mental disabilities has convinced me of that. There is much rejection, pain, and woundedness among us, but once you choose to claim the joy hidden in the midst of all suffering, life becomes celebration. Joy never denies the sadness, but transforms it to a fertile soil for more joy” (Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, 114-116).

Welcome to Easter Joy! I have experienced a glorious start to the Resurrection season with the Cathedral community during Holy Week and Easter. The entire days of these glorious liturgies reminded me of the great privilege to be part of the community of Jesus’ disciples. The invitation to know His love is both personal and universal. Our liturgical life is always a "moment captured in time" of our visible members, who yearn to become saints among the saints with the Mystical body of Christ. Thank you for all you do. May the joy of Christ be ever present in our hearts, thoughts, feelings and actions in the days ahead. Fr. Tim


Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas April 8, 2018

Please pray for those who have died: Theodore Nsabimana

those in need of healing: * Jerry Aksland, Christina Barron Almaguer, Kay Alonso, Ryan Arredondo, Rosalinda Barajas, Gloria Sanchez Barret & family, Ebodia Bautista, Robert Barrera, Ira Bearden, Reef Bonsmann, Charlotte Bosak, Benny Brewer, Betty Brown, Brian Burditt, Juan Burrola, Sr. & Yolanda Burrola, Dr. Roseanne Butera, Aaron Carroll, Ken Craig, Betty Cravens, Jeanne Crawford, Claudia De Los Santos, Mary Jane De Los Santos, Carmel DiCarlo, Alex Duarte, Brandon Durieux, Dorothy Fuller, Glenn Gardner, Suzanne Garvil, Jesse Goldiano, Mary Gott, Sammy Greco, Eloisa Harkrider, Hope Herrera, Lillian Eve Herrera, Herrera Family, Vanessa Holmes, Diane Ballesteros-Houston, Angel Hyder, Chuck Jehlen, Sherry Joseph, Helen Kouri, Molly Lane, Ledesma Family, Peggy Lee, Rachel Leigh, Eric Limones, Richard Maldonado, David Mallak, Linda Marie, Richard Martin, Linda Martinez, Lynette Mayer, Richard John Mcklintok, Ralph Mergler, Msgr. Frank Miller, Kiera Miller, Michael Miller, Lupe Moncebaiz, Veronica Moore, Fabio Morales, Sr., Robert Mueller, Chandois Norton, Ludwicka Norton, Colleen Parrado, Maude Patton, Milton Patton, Portia Peterson, Joyce Pfertner, Gary Porfirio, Sharon Pokorski, Mary Elizabeth Powell, Edward Renteria, Carol Richardson, Joel Rivera, Jorge Rivera, James Roberts, Harry Romo, Linda Romo, Chloe Sanders, Marrlene Sato, Preena Scergill, Iris Sizemore, Kazuko Smith, Denise Spangler, Frances M. Strickland, Bill Tarpley, Lena Torres, Linda Trevino, Roland Trevino, Sherry Trevino, Eugenio Valdez, Bernard Vasek, Amiee Vassilli, Jesse Vielma, Shane Walden, Thomas Walker, Louise Walters, Cicely White & children, Jennifer Whitmore, Victoria Williams, Wendy Woodruff, Carol Young, Vicente Zavala

and those serving in the military: HR Shelby D. Aparicio 1LT Patrick Kuiper LCPL Eric E. Muñoz 1LT Kyra Barone CPL Christopher Madere Capt. Nicholas Naquin Capt. Mary E. Boyle Capt David McGuire Sgt. Kenneth A. Saffell A1C Paige Derry Capt. Lawrence McNamara Capt. Sean Snook PFC Andrew DiCarlo Christopher Mercado, USAF Sgt. William Speer PFC Rick German Capt. Chris Morrow Spec 4 Chris Trevino 1LT Cory Houck Ensign Evan Moses Christopher Ty Trevino HN5 Jinuel Jehlen LT Shane Moses

* Call parish office when names of the living can be taken off the prayer list.

Monday, April 9 6:30am……………………………….Sam N. 12:05pm………………………..Jack Keller† 6:30pm………………………Sangeeta Isaac

Tuesday, April 10 6:30am…………………….Wayland Rivers† 12:05pm………………….Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, April 11 6:30am……………………...Aubrey Mayes† 8:30am………………………Mrs. Jim Kari† 12:05pm…………………Maxwell Garrison

Thursday, April 12 6:30am…………………...Georgina Blanco† 12:05pm……………..Conversion of Sinners

Friday, April 13 6:30am……………………………Julia Diaz 12:05pm……………………..Madere Family

Saturday, April 14 12:05pm……..Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Vinklarek† 5:30pm…………….Gonzalo & Julia Lopez†

Sunday, April 15 8:00am………………..Anne & Tony Fayad† 9:30am ………………….Elladean Chambers Noon ………………..Cathedral Parishioners 1:45pm…………………………Jake Medina 3:30pm…. …………………..Madere Family 5:30pm……………………..Daniel P. Kelly†

Mass Intentions

Stewardship & Development

Second Sunday of Easter The Christian community described in Acts understood and practiced total

stewardship. St. Paul reports the believers did not claim anything as their own, but held everything in common and distributed to each whatever was needed.

Capital Campaign* (as of 1-17-2018) Campaign Goal…………………..$ 2,526,000

Total pledged…………………...$ 2,021,935 Total received from pledges……$ 1,928,631 (95% of pledged) Total received in one-time gifts...$ 222,748 Grand total received…………….$ 2,151,379

*Help support Saint Mary Cathedral; text a dollar amount to 512-714-2568.

Offertory Collection (weeks of 3-25 & 4-1-2018)

Budgeted amount needed each week: $21,500

Actual Collection 3/25…………...$ 21,258 4/1……………..$ 26,299 Over/(Under) 3/25………… ($ 242) 4/1……………$ 4,799

Second Collections Cathedral Improvements………...$ 3,438 St. Vincent de Paul……………...$ 2,944

FY 2017 Year-to-Date Budget…..$ 817,000 FY 2017 Actual Collection…….. $ 843,532 Over/(Under)……………………$ 26,532 Attendance 3/25…………………2,315 4/1 ...(numbers incomplete)

Next Sunday’s Second Collection

(April 14-15, 2018) Cathedral School

SANCTUARY CANDLE In thanksgiving for

n the Madere Family

April 1 to April 14, 2018

Easter Flowers Envelopes are available in the pews. Remember a living or deceased loved one with a dedication. Donations help offset the cost of Easter liturgy flowers. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Easter flowers on the high altar

are given in thanksgiving for

our Eternal Father’s Divine Mercy and

for our Lady, the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

by an anonymous donor.


Divine Mercy Sunday

El Rincón del Rector

El fruto del espíritu, GL 5, 22-26 La alegría

La alegría, χαρά en el griego del nuevo testamento se usa para indicar “el estar en el auto-transporte…una culminación de la existencia.” La alegría se esfuerza más allá de sí mismo, habitado por la chispa de lo divino. “La alegría no es solamente un estado de sentimiento sino una forma de hacer que el mundo se manifieste. La alegría está determinada por el descubrimiento de estar en la alegría” (Theological Dictionary of the New New Testament, Eerdmans).

Nosotros conocemos la alegría porque Dios se alegra. Al prepararse para su Pasión, Jesús habló primero a sus discípulos en la Última Cena. Jesús nos invita como amigo a compartir en su alegría y así convirtiéndonos parecidos a Él:

“En esto es glorificado Mi Padre, en que den mucho fruto, y así prueben que son Mis discípulos. Como el Padre Me ha amado, así también Yo los he amado; permanezcan en Mi amor. Si guardan Mis mandamientos, permanecerán en Mi amor, así como Yo he guardado los mandamientos de Mi Padre y permanezco en Su amor. Estas cosas les he hablado, para que Mi gozo esté en ustedes, y su gozo sea perfecto. Este es Mi mandamiento: que se amen los unos a los otros, así como Yo los he amado. Nadie tiene un amor mayor que éste: que uno dé su vida por sus amigos. Ustedes son Mis amigos si hacen lo que Yo les mando” (Jn 15, 8-14).

Y luego, cuando Jesús está por entregarse completamente a nosotros, al Padre le dice esto: “Pero ahora voy a Ti; y hablo esto en el mundo para que tengan Mi gozo completo en sí mismos” (Jn 17, 13).

La alegría no es la ausencia del sufrir. No quiere decir que es una vida perfecta donde todo está en su lugar para el bienestar. La alegría se encuentra tanto en el desierto que en las cimas de las montañas; la puede encontrar en el valle de sombra de muerte así como en la playa de la satisfacción y el deleite. La alegría quiere decir que uno se escoge encontrar a Dios en todos momentos y en todas cosas. Sobre la alegría, Henri Nouwen dice:

“Dios se alegra porque uno de sus hijos que se había perdido ha sido encontrado. A lo que yo estoy llamado es a unirme a esa alegría. Es la alegría de Dios, no la alegría que ofrece el mundo.” Es la capacidad a regocijar en las cosas pequeñas y escondidas de la vida. “La recompensa por elegir la alegría es la propia alegría. Vivir entre gente con enfermedades mentales me ha convencido de ello. Hay muchos signos de desprecio, dolor, y muchas heridas entre nosotros, pero una vez que eliges descubrir la alegría escondida en medio de tanto sufrimiento, la vida se convierte en una fiesta. La alegría no niega la tristeza, sino que la transforma en una tierra fértil para cultivar más alegría.” (Nouwen, El regreso del hijo pródigo, 114-116).

¡Bienvenidos a la alegría de la Pascua! Yo he experimentado un comienzo glorioso a la temporada de la Resurrección con la comunidad de la catedral durante la semana santa y la Pascua. Estos días de gloriosas liturgias me recordaron del gran privilegio que es en ser parte de la comunidad de los discípulos (continua)


PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN. Has your child been baptized, received the sacrament of Holy Eucharist or ready for Confirmation? You can contact the church office at or 512-476-6182 to find out at what age and how you can begin preparations for your child to receive Sacraments.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS welcomes those who want to become Catholic or are seeking full communion in the Catholic faith through the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. More information found on the Cathedral website. Contact Deacon Vince at 512-576-4788.

SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY: For those married outside the church, the process of marriage validation can help them establish a valid Catholic union. This will bring many blessings to your family. For more information, call the parish office at 512-476-6182.

Por aquellos casados fuera de la iglesia, el proceso de la convalidación del matrimonio los pueden ayudar a establecer una válida unión católica. Esto los traerá muchas bendiciones a su familia. Para más información, llame a oficina parroquial, 512-476-6182.

Cathedral School

Next week the Cathedral will host our annual Gala benefiting Cathedral School of Saint Mary. If you have not purchased your tickets, these can be purchased online or at the table outside after this Mass.


Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary with a special Rosary and Mass on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Monday, Apr. 9, at 6:30pm, in the Cathedral. for more information

Total Consagracion a Jesus a Traves de Maria tendrá lugar en un rosario y misa especial en la solemnidad de la Anunciación del Señor, el lunes , 9 de abril, a las 6:30pm, en la Catedral. Visite para obtener más información.

(continuación) de Jesús. La invitación a conocer Su amor es personal y universal. Nuestra vida litúrgica siempre es un “momento capturado en el tiempo” de nuestros hermanos en la iglesia quienes desean convertirse en santo entre los santos dentro del cuerpo místico de Cristo. Yo les agradezco a ustedes por todo lo que hacen. Que la alegría de Cristo esté siempre en nuestros corazones, en nuestros pensamientos, y en nuestras acciones durante los días que entran. Padre Tim


Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas April 8, 2018

Liturgical Minister Schedule

Readings for WEEK OF APRIL 9-15, 2018:

Mon…. Is 7:10-14;8:10 Ps 40:7-11 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 Tues…. Acts 4:32-37 Ps 93:1-2,5 Jn 3:7b-15 Wed… Acts 5:17-26 Ps 34:2-9 Jn 3:16-21 Thurs.. Acts 5:27-33 Ps 34:2,9,17-20 Jn 3:16-21 Fri…... Acts 5:34-42 Ps 27:1,4,13-14 Jn 6:1-15 Sat….. Acts 6:1-7 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19 Jn 6:16-21 Sun…. Acts 3:13-15,17-19 Ps 4:2,4,7-9 1 Jn 2:1-5a Lk 24:35-48

April 7-8, 2018 5:30 PM

8:00 AM 9:30 AM

Noon 1:45 PM

Spanish 5:30 PM

Lectors Lectors Lectors Lectors Lectores Lectors

Tes Wilczynski Hee-Jung Kim John Colyandro L. J. Smith Juanita Tovar Norman Garza, Jr.

Cherilyn Young Sulema Vielma Clarisa Marcee Mario Garcia Rosario Nava C. J. Martinez


H2—-Jerry Harris H2—Steve Dickman H2—Deacon H2—JoAnn Arroyo H2—Deacon H2—Marsha Mitchell

C1—Jeanne Crawford C1—Louise Porfirio H3—Mike Nicklaus H3—Edisson Guevara H5 Choir—E. Ramirez C1—M. Dusterhoff

C2—Harry Crawford C2—Lorene Perry H4—Rudy Gonzales H4—L. J. Smith C1—Mariano Martinez C2—B. Vinklarek

C1—Philip Williams H5 Choir—Alma McGraw C2—Eliseo Tovar

C2—Sebastian T. C1—

C3—Jaga Murphy C2—Rosy Jalifi

C4—Edna Dunger C3—Jose Poutou

C4—Rachel Cortez

Altar Servers—Kevin Farris: EMHCs—Charlene Morris: Lectors—Natacha Wagner:, & Teresa Pione: Sacristans—Cherilyn Young:

Liturgical Ministry Coordinators


The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, in the Donahue Center Cafeter ia. Final session April 11.

Coordinator: Rudy Gonzales, Lead Ushers

Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Gary Porfirio

Sunday 8:00am Jesse Vielma Sunday 9:30am Rudy Gonzales, Jr. Sunday 12:00pm Fernando Cortez & AJ Jalifi

Sunday 1:45pm (Spanish) Eliseo Tovar Sunday 3:30pm Latin Mass José Melendez

Sunday 5:30pm George Hindman


Catholic Scripture Study: Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm in the Bishops Hall. For questions email

Book Study—St. John Paul II’s encyclical, Faith and Reason. Join us in studying this encyclical that continues to be relevant to the discussion of religion’s relationship with science, Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm, in the Sheehan Room. Call Deacon Vince at 512-576-4788, with questions.

April 14-15, 2018 5:30 PM

8:00 AM 9:30 AM

Noon 1:45 PM

Spanish 5:30 PM

Lectors Lectors Lectors Lectors Lectores Lectors

John Hellerstedt Sulema Vielma CSSM student Joan Pearsall Ricardo Martinez Marsha Mitchell

Cherilyn Young Natalie R. Rodriguez CSSM student Monica Ballard Maria Marino Natacha P.-Wagner


H2--Martin Aleman H2—Deacon H2—Deacon H2—Deacon H2—Deacon H2—Deacon

C1—Yvonne Hellerstedt C1—Margaret Myers H3—Rudy Gonzales H3—John Donatucci H5 Choir—C.G. Sanchez C1—B. Vinklarek

C2—John Hellerstedt C2—Steve Dickman H4—Lee Smith H4—Rachel Cortez C1—Yolanda Bornal C2—Marsha Mitchell

C1—Mike Nicklaus H5 Choir—E. Guevara C2—Mariano Martinez

C2—Hee-Jung Kim C1—JoAnn Arroyo

C3—V. Matocha C2—Sebastian T.

C4—David Matocha C3—Rosy Jalifi C4—Jose Poutou

Ave Maria Gift Shop: Volunteers needed Sundays, 10:45-11:30am. Contact Jessica at or 512-476-6182.


Divine Mercy Sunday

Support our bulletin advertisers! Bulletin advertisers have the support of our parishioners.

Their ads defray the expense of printing the bulletin.

You may have noticed there are currently several ad spaces available. Please contact Thomas Miner, at 512-452-3413.

April Is Child Abuse Protection Month Matthew 18:2-6

The Catholic Church is committed to ensuring the safety of children and young people and providing pastoral outreach to victims and survivors of sexual abuse by clergy. The Church’s mission to protect and heal stems from the Gospel: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ provide us with the perfect foundation for our efforts to create safe environments for children. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Mt 19:14).

“We remain ever vigilant in the protection of children and the outreach to those most harmed by sexual abuse. The Church cannot become complacent with what has been accom-plished.” —Former USCCB President Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, 2015 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. For more information and resources on preventing child abuse in your community, visit http://www.

Pastoral support for victims of sexual abuse The Diocese of Austin is committed to providing confidential and compassionate care to victims of sexual abuse, particularly if the abuse was committed by clergy or a church representative. If you have experienced abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church, please contact the diocesan coordinator of victim assistance and pastoral support at 512-949-2400.

Apoyo pastoral a las víctimas de abuso sexual La Diócesis de Austin se compromete a proporcionar ayuda confidencial y compasiva a las víctimas de abuso sexual, especialmente si el abuso fue cometido por el clero o un representante de la iglesia. Si usted ha sufrido abusos por parte de alguien que representa a la Iglesia Católica, por favor comuníquese con el coordinador diocesano del asistencia a víctimas y apoyo pastoral al 512-949-2400.

How to report an incident of concern The Diocese of Austin is committed to preventing harm from happening to any of our children or vulnerable adults. Go to (or call the EIM Office at 512-949-2447) to learn what to do, and how to report, if you suspect sexual or physical abuse and/or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult; and what to do if the suspected abuse is by clergy, or an employee or volunteer of any diocesan parish,

school or agency.

Cómo reportar un caso de abuso La Diócesis de Austin esta comprometida con la prevención del daño a cualquier niño) o adulto vulnerable. Vaya a www.austindiocese/preorting (o llame a la Oficina de EIM al 512-949-2447) para saber que hacer, y como reportar, si usted sospecha abuso físico o sexual 7/o negligencia hacia un niño o adulto vulnerable; y que hacer si el abuso que se sospecha, fue llevado a cabo por un miembro del clero, o un empleado o voluntario de cualquier parroquia diocesana, escuela o agencia.

Fight hunger by participating in St. Vincent de Paul’s 4th annual Help Fight Hunger Challenge till April 30. Write your check to: ”St. Vincent de Paul Fight

Hunger” or “SVdP Fight Hunger”; place it in the pink envelope located in the pews; drop your pink envelope in the collection or return to the

parish office, or give electronically by visiting and

designate “St. Vincent de Paul Fight Hunger” or “SVdP Fight Hunger” in the Special Giving


Your contributions and those of our matching gift donor will enable us to stock our food pantry and feed families in need throughout the year.

April 22—Save the date! Join the Food Pantry Angels Sunday, Apr. 22, in Bishops Hall, for a delicious breakfast of huevos rancheros and tamale plates or biscuits with sausage gravy, to support the Fight Hunger Challenge. In addition to serving , the Angels are partnering with Catholic Daughters of the Americas for a bake sale and raffle. There will be many baskets of prizes to win. Look for a Catholic Daughter this Sunday to purchase a ticket.

Our Bulletin advertisers are the best! Our bulletin

ads defray the expense of printing to our parish. It is a great way to support our parish and advertise your business. If you have thought about putting an ad in the bulletin or know someone that owns a business who might be interested, contact Thomas Miner, 512-452-3413.


Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas April 8, 2018

Vocation Discernment

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The World Day of Prayer will be observed Sunday, April 22, also known as " Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. You can find many resources to promote a culture of vocations on the USCCB Vocations webpage (

El día mundial de la oración, también llamado el domingo del Buen Pastor, se llevará a cabo el domingo, 22 de abril. El propósito de este día es para cumplir públicamente con el mandato del Señor de "Pedirle al Señor de la cosecha que envíe trabajadores a Sus campos" (Mt 9,38; Lc 10,2). Por favor, oren para que los jóvenes escuchen y respondan generosamente al llamado del Señor a las vocaciones a la vida religiosa. Se puede encontrar muchos recursos para pro-mover una cultura de vocaciones en el sitio web de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (

Project Stephen: Catholic men of Central Texas, are you sensing a call to the permanent diaconate? Would you like help with what this means and what might be next? Discuss the possibility of your call with your pastor and then, with his permission, come explore next steps with Project Stephen. We meet every third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm, at the diocesan Pastoral Center. More information available at

Men’s Discernment Dinner for single Catholic men ages 18 and older with an openness to discerning a priestly vocation—April 11, 7:00-8:30 pm at Borromeo House. Contact Fr. Jonathan Raia, Vocation Director, 512-949-2430; email

Prayer for Vocations: God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. (from

Ordination to the Priesthood Saturday, May 19, 10:30am

Saint Mary Cathedral

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for April: For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.

Experience the ancient traditions and music of the Church. Latin/English & Latin/Spanish missals provided.

Sunday, April 15, 3:30pm—High Mass—Second Sunday after Easter. Blessing religious items after Mass. Sunday, April 22, 3:30pm—High Mass—Third Sunday after Easter. Sunday, April 29, 3:30pm—High Mass—Fourth Sunday after Easter.

Latin phrase of the week: Cognoverunt discipuli Dominum Jesum in fractione panis. The disciples knew the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Luke 24:35

To receive news and updates about the TLM, visit our website: Be social, “Like” us on Facebook: St Joseph Latin Mass Society. _________________________________

Traditional Latin Mass

Ave Maria Gift Shop Hours of Operation

Wednesday-Saturday 11am-1pm Sundays 11am-2pm

A volunteer ministry of Saint Mary Cathedral