Recce for Location

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Recce for Location

Recce for my Location

Address & Map of Location

BOA Academy –

1 Grosvenor Street, Birmingham B4 7QD

Satellite Map



Why it’s a suitable location for the scene?

We have chosen the location of the TV Studio at BOA as we feel it is easy to access and is a smart plain room to work with. As it is so bland, we have the opportunity and space here to develop a good music video with whatever effects we wish to use, and have the knowledge of knowing that no colorful walls or objects will interfere with our shoot. It is a safe environment with very little risks and this means an easier place for the camera man and artist to work. It is a well known place and so there will be no problems reporting there. There are no windows shining light through which means no different lighting interfering with the final image, however they do say natural light is the best light and so that may be a disadvantage, at least we know we can decide my lighting, angles, shadows and reflections with no input from the unreliable lighting. This TV Studio also consists of a green screen which we can then use to develop the whole background of my image. We think this is a big advantage and I can work with it a lot, we can use this to change colour, or add an image, for example make it look like the Artist is on a beach, not in a studio. This will make the final music video unique and so it won’t look similar to any other magazine. We can book the time in the TV Studio whenever it is available so again that will be up to us which makes it easy to suggest a time when the Artist and actor (being piers) and camera man are both free. We will take advantage of the room being dark and full of black walls and floors, because the theme of our music video will be dark, sharp and mysterious, so this will help my our video a lot.

The availability of location

The TV Studio is mostly always in use by the broadcast students so it will be our job to book a time slot when it is available and others are not in need of using it. We will check with Mr Butler to know who to contact in order to borrow the studio for a certain time. We will be taking a lot of shots and video footage from so many different angles which we will then look back at together and decide on effects etc. In order for us to produce and a professional and smart end product, we will need quite a few hours in the studio.

Contact details for the location

Mr L Butler <>

Mr D Walker <>

Power Sources

We located 2 power sources in the TV Studio. One on the right as I walk in, and one further along on the wall.

Lighting Issues at the Location

There is no natural lighting that will be interfering the filming as it is a fully black room with one wall of green curtains used as a green screen. It will be just the lighting from the camera effecting the final filming, this is good because this means we can determine it our self then. We will then dictate after trying a couple of shots, to weather we keep the house lights on, or have them off with a flash on the camera.

Images of the Location