Recall: some important homologies distinguishing the ... · Recall: some important homologies...

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Primate traits

Recall: some important homologies distinguishing the primate order:

*flexible limbs and prehensile hands/feet

*general dental formula and omnivorous diet

*color vision, diurnal, depend on vision more

*delayed maturation/development, more dependence on flexible social behavior and learning

Question: Since...are all adaptations (traits that evolved in response to the environment), what environmental context best explains why primates acquired all these adaptations?

-what environment makes color vision a beneficial adaptation?


Three hypotheses explaining primate adaptations

Visual-predation hypothesis: many primate traits are adaptations to hunting insects in the lower tiers of the rainforests mya.


Three hypotheses explaining primate adaptations

Flowering plant hypothesis: primate traits developed the same time flowering plants (angiosperms) diversified globally.


Three hypotheses explaining primate adaptations

Arboreal hypothesis: many primate traits are adaptations to living in trees


Three hypotheses explaining primate adaptations

Prosimians: Lemurs and lorises-Madagascar

Ancestral traits-reliance on olfaction

-rhinarium: moist, fleshy pad on noses-shorter gestation/maturation period-dental comb: used to groom and feed

Derived traits-smaller lemurs: nocturnal insectivores-large lemurs: diurnal


Survey of living primates

Southeast Asia islands


Derived-enormous immobile eyes-head can rotate 180 degrees



Anthropoids traits

-larger body and brain

-increased reliance on vision

-longer gestation and maturation periods

-increased parental care

-more mutual grooming


Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Monkeys: 85% of all primate species

Two groups divided geographically: New World monkeys and Old World monkeys

New World Monkeys

Central and South America

Derived-mostly diurnal-exclusively arboreal


Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Tamarins and marmosets

Ancestral traits-smallest monkeys-claws

-twin births

-males more involved in infant care


Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Old World Monkeys-tropical forests to semiarid deserts…

Cercopithecidae family

Cecropithecinae subfamily

Ancestral trasts-sexual dimorphism,

e.g., females during estrus have swelling and redness



Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Old World Monkeys-mostly in Africa (except macaques)

Cercopithecines: baboons and macaques

-omnivorous-Ischial Callosities: tough leathery pad on hindquarters


Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Old World MonkeysAfrica and AsiaColobines: colobus monkeys and Asian langurs

-narrower diet of eat mainly leaves

-Segmented stomachs - digest leaves more efficiently


Anthropoids: monkeys apes, humans

Characteristics distinguishing hominoids from monkeys

-larger brains and bodies

-shortened trunk

-no tail

-longer infant development periods


Hominoids - apes and humans

Gibbons-fastest brachiators fingers, muscled shoulders

OrangutansBorneo and SumatraCharacteristics-almost completely arboreal-sexual dimorphism


Hominoids - apes and humans

GorillasAfrica: eastern lowland, western lowland, and mountain gorillas

Characteristics-largest primates-primarily terrestrial-'knuckle-walkers'

sexual dimorphism: 400 lbs males vs 200 lbs females

Social organization: natal group-vegetarian


Hominoids - apes and humans

ChimpanzeesEquatorial Africa

Characteristics-anatomically similar to gorillas-knuckle-walking on ground, brachiation in trees

Diet: variety of plants and animal foods

Social: large fluid communities; form lifelong attachments


Hominoids - chimpanzees

BonobosAreas south of Zaire River

Characteristics-similar to chimpanzees only less sexual dimorphism

-includes frequent copulations throughout female estrous cycle

-stable male-female bonding

-more frequent sexual activity and sexual activity between members of the same sex


Hominoids - bonobos

Scientific name for our species:

Homo sapiens

-italicize-Genus is capitalized -species lowercase


Hominoids - humans

Found everywhere in all climates

-generalized features like the other apes-omnivorous

Characteristics-only living bipeds

-entirely dependent on culture

-brainsize increased enormously


Hominoids - humans

Behaviors: anything organisms do in response to external/internal stimuli

Affected by: -genetics


-Instinctual behaviors: fixed behaviors animals born with

-Plastic behaviors: flexible, learned, and feature prominently in primates


Behavior in general

Group structure can influence behavior

Dominance hierarchies-system of social organization ranking individuals by relative access to resources

-common in primates: resources for male can include access to females

-ranks are learned and can change


Social behavior

Primate social structure influenced by reproductive strategies and behavior

*Social structures common in primates

Multi-female, multi-male (most common) e.g., chimpanzees

Polygyny, i.e., multi-female, single-male (common) e.g., gorillas, baboons

Monogamy (uncommon) e.g., gibbons

Polyandry, i.e., single-female, multi-male (least common) e.g., red lion tamarins


Affiliative: friendly relations between individuals; promotes group cohesion

Grooming - picking debris out of the fur of another individual-reinforces social bonds-most important affiliative behaviors among primates

Aggressive: conflict between individuals; promotes group separation


Group behavior in primates

Grooming - picking debris out of the fur of another individual-reinforces social bonds


Group behavior in primates

Animals use different reproductive strategies to improve reproductive success

r-selection: relatively large number of offspring; reduced parental care

K-selection: opposite

Species either use r or K-selection reproductive strategies

Females and males in mammals use these reproductive strategies


Reproductive behavior - in general and in primates


Primates, like all other animal with complex social behavior compete for good mating opportunities

Sexual dimorphism: more common in species with high male competition,

e.g., Orangutan dominant males have pads on face


Reproductive behavior - in primates

-higher-ranked individuals communicate dominance to lower-ranking, subordinates

Submission behavior communicates acknowledgement of dominance hierarchy

E.g., exposing hindquarters to higher-ranks, allowing higher-ranks mount subordinates

Displays of aggressive behavior communicate rank and maintains group cohesion by reducing violent conflicts



-involuntary utterances used to express present emotional states

Vervet monkeys: specific vocalizations for birds, snakes, leopards Only present tense

Language and humans: human language is distinct

-Relies on a set of arbitrary symbols used in written and spoken communication

-Used to convey abstract concepts like the past and future

E.g., displacement - communication about objects not currently present


Animal communication versus language

Primates learn complex social behaviors that resemble our culture

E.g., in Koko and Kanzi


Primate cultural behavior

Primates learn complex social behaviors that resemble our culture

E.g., in Koko and Kanzi

Both demonstrate the ape capacity to learn to communicate, but lack syntax and grammar like humans.


Primate cultural behavior

E.g., chimpanzees…

Stone hammers used across generations

Variation in tool design seen in different chimpanzee behaviors

Termite fishing


Primate “cultural” behavior

E.g., chimpanzees…

Stone hammers used across generations

Variation in tool design seen in different chimpanzee behaviors

Termite fishing


Primate “cultural” behavior