Ralph Johnson Announces Campaign for Re-election as YDL President

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Ralph Johnson Announces Re-election Campaign

Transcript of Ralph Johnson Announces Campaign for Re-election as YDL President

BOLD. INNOVATIVE. ADVOCATE. POSITIVE RESULTS. LEADERSHIP & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT • Professional Development Workshops • Launch Chapter Officers Training Retreat • Establish Resource Wish-List • Complete Candidate Training Workshops

COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH • Develop a bi-monthly newsletter to share best practices • Create Spotlight of the Week Program • Bi-Weekly Update to Presidents • New Media & PSA Campaign

MEMBERSHIP & PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT • Establish “Of The Month” (OTM) Recognition Program • Produce Recruitment & Retention & Healthy Chapter Guides • Develop 2-yr Membership Development Strategy & Action Plan • Establish Job Bank & Member Benefits Program

FINANCE & OPERATIONS SUPPORT • Develop YDL Vendor List of Dem-Friendly, member-owned Companies • Create Chapter Mini-Grant Program • Launch YoungDemo PAC for upcoming elections • Further Develop Fundraising and Capital Campaign Strategy

P . O . B O X 6 6 9 3 3 • B A T O N R O U G E , L A 7 0 8 9 6 • 2 2 5 · 8 0 2 · 7 3 2 1 • 5 0 4 · 3 9 0 · 2 6 7 7

Fellow Young Democrat,

It is with great humility that I announce my campaign for re-election as State

President of Young Democrats of Louisiana. Since 2008, I have attended every

meeting of the Young Democrats of America National Committee to represent

our state. Additionally, I have attended every Democratic National Committee

meeting at my own expense as a DNC Volunteer and youth liaison on behalf of

our state. As we continue in this era for YDL, it is critical that we stay on the

positive course we have been on these last couple of years. As your State

President, I have been a bold innovative advocate that has accomplished

positive results for YDL here at home and across the nation. Never before has

Young Democrats of Louisiana had such an amazing record of achievement. It

takes vision, dedication, and a strong work ethic to handle the duties of this

office. When I ran for this office in 2008 after working diligently with a small

group of individuals to get the organization that has existed since 1934 back

off the ground, I ran on a 21-point platform. I am proud to tell you that 18 of

those points have been accomplished. No other candidate can claim successes

in building membership, thriving fundraising, or forging necessary relationships

with elected officials, YDA, LDP, DSCC, & DNC members, officers, and staff,

Democratic Party supporters and candidates. Those relationships are essential

to bringing much needed resources that our state desperately requires. 2010-

2012 will be a critical time for YDL, our state, and nation as we work to get

Democrats elected and to retain majorities in the legislature and Congress and

as we work to retake the Governorship and other state offices and we have

started recruiting candidates and providing them campaign training. We have

built the foundation it is now time to move to the next level and build on that!

I would be honored to have the privilege of leading YDL as State President for

another term. I ask for your continued support and look forward to listening

and sharing ideas that will move our organization to greater success!

Democratically yours,

Ralph Johnson “For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work

goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the

dream shall never die.”

Senator Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy