Rally Cry World Book...The World of Rally Cry Extraordinary: Beyond what is usual, ordinary,...

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Transcript of Rally Cry World Book...The World of Rally Cry Extraordinary: Beyond what is usual, ordinary,...

The World of Rally Cry

The World of Rally Cry

Rally Cry Created by: Christopher Cortright and Nathan Richmond

Written By: Christopher Cortright

Art By: Christopher Cortright

Layout: Nathan Richmond

Requires the use of the G-Core Game System

DedicationI would like to thank my wonderful wife for always supporting me and my good friends Nathan and Rick for

constantly putting up with my wild ideas and constant changes. I would also like to thank everyone like me who has gone out on a limb in an attempt to create something new and exciting.


This book is designed to be an introduction to the world of Rally Cry and to act as a hopping on point for the upcoming Rally Cry expansion books.

Copyright Hardluck Ink 2012No reproduction without written permission; printing for personal use allowed.Art by Christopher Cortright; no reproduction without written permission.

The World of Rally CryExtraordinary: Beyond what is usual,

ordinary, regular, or established.

Extraordinaries: A person or being who has greater-than-human powers and abilities.

Welcome to EarthLook all around you and witness the splendor and grandeur that is Planet Earth. Our beautiful blue-green world has always been a place where wonders are possible. From the earliest days of discovery to the age of exploration through today, where sentient super-computers monitor vast technological frontiers, mankind has always looked toward the future and the unknown. Cape wearing super-humans zip through the sky alongside flying cars while those below go about their daily lives in relative contentment. The worldwide economy has begun to stabilize after years of depression and the quality of life across much of the globe is on an upswing.

In the east the Red Menace controls the majority of Asia and Europe as it has since the end of World War 2. Never content with the gains that it made at the end of the war, the Soviets have the strongest and most stable society anywhere on the planet and they know that the miracle of Communism can bring prosperity to the rest of the world. The power of the Russian Juggernaut is unquestionable and they eye the rest of the European continent, gauging its neighbors for possible expansion.

Intergalactic visitors have come to our world a number of times, some for war and others for peaceful reasons. Many of these travelers have chosen to stay. Their presence frightens many but their efforts have helped to guarantee the future of the planet and have assisted the people of Earth take their first steps toward joining a burgeoning galaxy-spanning society. Mankind has made its first steps into the night sky, having created life on the Moon as well as having visited Mars.

The United States has been forever scarred by the destruction of three major cities while a young metropolis grows from the remains of a previous enemy. New York struggles to keep its identity and Lincoln Station quickly overshadows even the busiest cities across the globe. The nation is on the brink, great success and an ever brighter future on one side while failure and great loss loom on the other.

Despite the number of advances that have been made the world is not subdued, far from it really. Despite efforts to the contrary war and suffering are still common across many parts of the world. In many of these locations mundane soldiers and weapons have been replaced by extraordinary operatives who fight for their homes, for honor, or simply for the right price.

Brawls between extraordinaries are common, and all manner of madman and evil genius seek to unleash evil plots across the land. Despite the general public’s overall sense of safety and security there are things lurking just outside of their notice. All manner

of evil corporations, secret societies, and inhuman creature seek to undo the peace that mankind has struggled to create.

The Birth of the Super-HumanAs World War Two reached its climax the Germans found themselves up against the wall. The American-led Allied forces were pressing in from the West and a powerful Russian army was smashing everything in the East. The early Blitzkrieg strikes that had spearheaded the German advances were a thing of the past and the Furor knew that it was only a matter of time before his Third Reich would fall.

In a fit of anger and desperation Hitler decided to abandon all rules of war and began to utilize all manner of experimental weapon, from potent rocket-propelled bombs to powerful chemical weapons. The German forces were quickly and efficiently pulled back from their fronts and entrenched around the capital. From these positions the Germans held off the Allies and their Russian compatriots successfully for months. As the weeks passed the war ground to a halt just as the first World War had. Massive stretches of farmland became chemical-soaked graveyards and men died in their thousands for small gains they would in turn lose shortly after.

The horrors of the Great War of decades past once again reared its head across Europe and it was believed that the war would stretch out without an end for years to come. It was during these dark days that something amazing happened, after weeks and months of being subjected to all manner of biological and chemical attack people from all across the front began to exhibit amazing and terrifying powers. These rare individuals were quickly put into use by their superiors and the face of war changed. Individuals became as potent as entire squads and their abilities made them something to be feared.

Unfortunately for the Germans the majority of these super-human ‘births’ took place among their enemies. It was hypothesized that the creation of these abilities was a result of some sort of combination of the experimental chemicals that had mixed and floated all across the Allied and Russian sides of the trenches. The tide of the war fell against the German forces and in a matter of weeks the war was over to the delight of the other nations of the world.

By the wars end it was believed that well over two hundred American G.I.’s had manifested super-human powers and although they refused to confirm the rumors it was held that the Russians boasted even more. What was unknown to anyone at the time is that for every person that exhibited powers there were many more that didn’t. These people went about their lives after the war as normal, marrying and having children as if nothing had happened. It is from these unknown and largely faceless individuals that the following generations of extraordinaries would be sired.

Immediately following the end of the war there was a massive push by the governments of the world to unravel the secret to what caused the creation of the super-humans. All manner of experiment was conducted in the name of

science and scores of returning soldiers lost their lives at the hands of the nations they had just spent years defending. Slowly advances were made and secrets were revealed and the first intentional super-human was created. To this day the governments of the world experiment with creating the perfect solider and although there have been several important breakthroughs there have been even more failures. Researchers and covert agents have gathered enough information to conclude that the Russians boast the highest number of super-humans among its population while the United States trails behind them. Other nations such as England, France, and Italy also have seen a rise in the number of extraordinary individuals, but these still fall far behind the numbers boasted by the other two world-powers.

Who is Extraordinary?Originally the word extraordinary only applied to those born with some sort of super-human ability but as the years have passed the advent of powerful technologies have made it possible for even so-called ‘ordinary’ people to harness great power. Today the word extraordinary is used to describe anyone, or anything, with fantastic abilities and powers.

Not everyone who has some sort of special trait or power is a spandex wearing super-human. It is believed that there are far more people with powers that do their best to simply live out their lives in peace and quiet. Even among those who have taken on public lives there are those that still yearn for the times before they journeyed into the life of being adventurers.

For those that fully embrace what it means to be extraordinary the limits are endless. Everything from government contracts, to corporate sponsorship is available to the enterprising person. There are those that have gone from unknown street-heroes to world famous media darlings and these people learn to appreciate the high life and everything it entails. The only major variable is just how long they get to enjoy their position.

Unfortunately being a star isn’t for everyone. The pressures of public life have been known to break people, causing them to go to any ends to maintain their popularity and station. Added to that is the increased danger of having enemies and upstarts constantly seeking to undo the heroes good works. Many times this is caused by jealousy and anger that this person has made it while others have so little, but it is all too common for others to attack the hero in an attempt to simply make a name for themselves.

Extraordinaries and the GovernmentIn spite of the fact that the nation, and indeed the entire world, has been saved several times by the actions of intrepid extraordinaries, there is still a measure of distrust afforded to the majority of them. It’s not that they haven’t proven themselves, rather it is that so many of the possess powers and abilities that simply cannot be explained. Adding to that is the fact that a handful of extraordinaries have exhibited power levels that would allow them to flatten an entire city. All of these factors

combine to make the government and the general public fear most adventurers, regardless of whether they are hero or villain.

In an effort to better understand and catalogue the myriad of special abilities that are found in super-human society, the Horrigan Bill was passed into law eight years ago. Simply put, Horrigan’s Law requires that anyone exhibiting extraordinary abilities report themselves to the Federal Government for the purpose of listing their known powers and to categorize them according to their general level of strength.

The truth of the matter is that at the time of its creation the government had no real way to enforce the Horrigan Law. Its detractors felt that it would be a large and irreversible step toward our nation becoming an iron-fisted police state where anyone better than average was suspect of something. Add to that is the fact that the majority of extraordinaries hide their talents and seldom if ever use them. There are also those that have powers that have proved to be genuinely helpful to society. Take for example the super-human intellect exhibited by Will Weston. It was, in a large part due to his extraordinary genius, that the means to dramatically increase the output of farm land was created, thereby ending hunger across much of the world.

Enforcing the LawIn light of recent events there has been a serious push by both the general public as well as the government to crack down on the number of extraordinaries who have chosen to ignore the Horrigan Law. Lawmakers believe that the violent actions attributed to superhuman brawls will continue to rise with no end in sight unless something is done. The actions that left so much of Sacramento, New York, and Washington DC uninhabitable are easily the worst super-human related events in history and the government is determined to not allow such to happen again. To this end the President and Congress are working on a serious amendment to the Horrigan Law that requires all extraordinaries, regardless of power level or intent, to register their abilities or face severe punishments. These proposed punishments would consist of heavy fines, imprisonment, and in the cases of those responsible for multiple deaths, execution.

The amended law will require that all extraordinaries not only register their superhuman abilities but to submit to DNA cataloging and tagging. The tag will not only report the subject’s location at any time, but will also notify officials whenever they use their powers. The proposal allows for only one way to avoid the tagging. If the subject completes an eight year tour with one of the branches of the military they do not need to submit to tagging, although they will still be required to have their powers and DNA cataloged.

The Guardian ProgramThe idea of state sponsored super-humans is not a new one, neither in theory nor practice. There have been several nations, the most notable being Russia, with such agents for years, and although the United States has had a number of clandestine agents over the years they have only had a handful of overt extraordinary operatives. With the increased attention being that the Horrigan Bill and its amendment is getting,

it seemed only natural that the government would find fit to increase its recruiting of extraordinary individuals for its own ends. These specially sanctioned people are referred to as Guardians and receive vigorous training and support. Not to be outdone, the corporate sector of the country has seen fit to follow suit and begin sponsoring Guardians as well.

In order to sponsor a Guardian the parent company must pass an extensive examination of its records, policies, and actions over the years. Once the company’s affairs are deemed in order they must make a substantial ‘donation’ to the government’s Extraordinary Registration Fund and make payments each year to retain the right. There are only a few official Guardians in operation under corporate auspices but it is believed that there are scores of companies that have applied.

Technology and HumanityAs the twenty-first century rolled on a number of important technological discoveries heralded in an era of human enhancement. Some of the most notable discoveries included cures for many forms of cancer and the near worldwide eradication of illnesses such as Ebola, HIV, and Aids. Along with these advances came the first publically available cybernetic enhancements as well as the invention of biological replacement parts. Mankind was able to extend their lifespans to greater lengths than before and the ravages of time were not nearly as threatening as they used to be.

Man has nearly perfected the science of terra-forming, which has allowed farming to begin in such remote and desolate places such the Sahara Desert as well as on the moon. Several countries, most notably the United States and Russia have made great gains in the field of agriculture and crop management. These advances have combined to virtually end hunger on the planet, and even the most isolated regions are able to feed its people.

People are able to take to the skies in personal flying cars and single person jet-packs are available to those with enough cash. A network of high velocity mag-lev trains criss-crosses much of North America and has reawakened the people’s desire to see the beauty that is all around them. For many people the cities no longer hold their charm and these folks have moved into the country to create new lives and new communities that they can be proud of.

Even things like the internet have seen dramatic changes. Taken for granted for so long the ‘net has gone from an information storage unit where people would micro-manage their daily lives, to a fully interactive dreamscape where anything seems possible. The uses of this incredibly powerful network has helped to create an all new reality that is full of possibilities and has been declared to be mankind’s New Final Frontier.

The fact of the matter is that all these marvels are just the tip of the technological iceberg of today. Fully sentient artificial intelligence systems operate alongside cloned workers to help build a brighter tomorrow. There are reports of vat-grown super-soldiers battling alien invaders and even the most powerful extraordinary seems to be just a little bit more

understandable. Scientists have even discovered a small worm-hole just beyond Mars and believe that this gateway will open the door to humanities exploration of the galaxy.

America the BeautifulDespite the efforts of countless despots and terrorists, as well as the effects of a crippling worldwide economic downturn, the United States has remained one of the world’s most powerful nations. It was American ingenuity that has led to the near total end of hunger among the people of the world, brought us the flying car, and helped to cure most forms of cancer. It was this combination of factors that helped pull the nation out of the near total collapse of its finical infrastructure.

Today there are jobs just waiting for the taking and fortunes to be made. It is a time of unprecedented growth and there are opportunities to be had. The average person is able to meet all their needs and is able to afford more of the creature-comforts that make life easy and enjoyable.

Carnage comes to the USJust when everyone thought that the hard-times were nearly over tragedy struck the United States. One year ago an army of necromantic drones, led by a mysterious being known only as Carnage, launched a massive attack on New York City as well as Washington DC. These attacks were extremely well orchestrated and more brutal than anything anyone had ever witnessed. The battle for the two cities lasted for weeks; and in the end both were left shattered and desolate and the rest of the nation was left reeling. Today America struggles to cope with the loss of two such important cities while the rest of the world looks on with a mixture of concern and greed.

District of Columbia, Washington D.C.“Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy...none of them, for all their foresight, could have predicted what would happen when Carnage came to town.”-Senator Marshal Polt

Considered by many to be at the core of American patriotism and hope, Washington’s cultural centers were left in ruin by Carnage and his drones. When the country began to recover from Carnage’s attacks there was little time to rebuild the monuments and other famous places of the city. This, combined with the loss of so many governmental jobs, left the city with few options.

Now, with the loss of so much life in the city and across the country, there is little hope left in DC. There are currently only a handful of efforts ongoing to restore the city to its former state. Although there is only a limited amount of resources being spent in the city many feel that only once the monuments have been rebuilt and honor is returned to the city, that the nation can truly begin to heal.

Despite the severe damage to the city Washington DC is planned to be reclaimed and rebuilt by the Federal Government. It is only a matter of time before the relief effort kicks into full speed and the city is once again up and running. The choice to rebuild DC

over New York is esentially one of finances. Washington was not devastated to anywhere near the same degree as New York and does not seem to garner the continued attention of Carnage.

Illinois, Chicago“It’s funny, for years our town had to live down the stigma of being the home of Capone and the like. Now we have to put up with the fact that the President lives here.”-Lewie, homeless person

Chicago has always held a place of influence in the United States but after Carnage’s attacks it became more important than ever before. The decision to move the central government to the Windy City was not taken lightly. When it was decided that Washington DC was no longer suitable for the task a coalition of city representatives was created to determine where the Capital would be.

At first it was thought that there shouldn’t be one centralized location for the capital. The detractors said that a single governmental city would just make another prime target for Carnage but in the end it was decided that it would be easier to defend a single location over multiple sites.

After much debate Chicago was chosen. The driving factors being its central location in the country, its size, and the fact that there was already a strong government presence in the area. The government was slow to reform in the city, but now that it has it is acting in an all new manner. The party lines have thinned and there is a sense of patriotism and unity unseen in decades.

Chicago is now the center of government in the country and the move has been beneficial to the Windy City. Jobs, money, and opportunities abound and most importantly the people of Chicago feel safe. The entire area is now the most heavily patrolled and guarded location in the country. The safety of the city is thanks to more than the army stationed there. Many extraordinaries, specifically the survivors of the White Cabal, have made the area their new home. The Cabal has moved their headquarters to the city, leaving their longtime home of Salem, Massachusetts and while the process of creating a new sanctum has been time consuming and costly but it is necessary for the safety of the city.

All manner of defenses both mundane and extraordinary surround the city to an extent unseen anywhere in the world since the days of World War 2. The closer one comes to the city the heavier the defenses. Patrols frequent the streets and skies above the city while the lake is constantly swept for anything suspicious. Despite the curtain of defenses around the city many wonder if it will be enough to ward of an attack should Carnage set his sights on Chicago? Still the prospect of government jobs and the perceived safety are enough to keep most citizens in the city.

Michigan, Detroit“The Motor City is up and running again!”-TV Slogan

Eleven years ago the nation’s first extraordinary was elected into

public office. The Machinist, a renowned hero and perennial media darling, was elected as Mayor of the city in a landslide vote. After years of economic stagnation the Motor City has once again gained prominence across the nation since the moment of the Machinists victory. Long dormant factories were reopened and tasked with the job of producing the goods that the nation and world are in dire need of. Furthermore, the terrible losses of so many military grade arms and armor to Carnage’s forces in the east have helped Detroit’s fortunes improved dramatically.

Miles of factories, both old and new, produce materials for the war effort around the clock. With the loss of such a large portion of the militaries armored divisions during the attacks it is vital that these resources be replaced. The number of jobs that have flooded into the city has caused Detroit’s economy to flourish. Detroit has quickly become one of the most influential cities in the country through sheer economic power alone. The fortunes of the Motor City have spread throughout much of the region, creating a sense of stability and prosperity unseen in the state in ages.

The importance of the city and its production values have not been lost on the government. There are already plans in the works to station more military forces in the area. There is also a full team of sanctioned extraordinaries awaiting final approval for deployment to the region. This team is to be under the auspices of the Machinist and act as the cities official defenders.

New York, New York City“People sure aren’t dreaming of going to the Big Apple anymore. It isn’t enough to have to worry about being mugged by hungry gangers, but one also has to worry about stumbling into a cell of drones while looking for a place to sleep.”-Rob, NYC survivor

New York, once the glittering gem of society, power, and influence on the eastern seaboard is now a shattered shell of its former self. Constant skirmishes with Carnage’s drones have left their mark on every street and neighborhood in the city. When the attacks began people fled the city in droves and, considering the inherent danger involved in returning, has left much of the city as a veritable ghost-town, although there are still those that call the city home. Some people choose to remain out of stubbornness while others stay to protect their assets. The majority stay because they simply have nowhere else to go.

There are still efforts by government and religious services to aid the city, but most have chosen to simply write off the city as a loss and move on. With so much of the country suffering at the moment the general consensus is to leave New York to its own devices until the rest of the country is taken care of. The sudden evacuation of so many American cities has left countless homes and businesses vacant, just waiting for the imminent looters to come along. Surprisingly there were only a small number of scroungers at first.

The fear of being caught in one of the many running battles was enough to keep most thieves in hiding at first. As time has passed greed, and basic necessities, have grown to the point where even reprisals by the law or by Carnage’s forces aren’t enough to keep everyone in hiding. The black market across the US is one of the

largest and most profitable of any major city in the world, even after the trials of the attack. Not only are wealth and luxury items in high demand but so are such things as food and medicine.

South Dakota, Lincoln StationThe site of a failed alien invasion, Lincoln Station has grown swiftly around what remains of the Mount Rushmore memorial. The city has become a treasure trove of technological advances of all kinds, and is now the center of the scientific community across the planet.

The most important advance that was discovered in Lincoln Station was the star-drive of the fallen alien craft that demolished the memorial. Despite so much damage the engine continued to operate and it was determined that its endless energy could be used to power all manner of devices. Today the star-drive, known as the Infinity Engine, powers not only the city but also much of North America. The energy provided by the Infinity Engine is endless, free, and causes no known form of pollution making it the perfect fuel source for a multitude of devices.

Today Lincoln Station is one of the largest cities in the nation and is still growing in leaps and bounds. The massive number of research facilities, factories, and other manufacturing sites has helped to create a standard of living that is unrivaled anywhere else in the nation.

Important Organizations

Circle of Seven“If the Circle of Seven truly exists then mankind has been led around by the nose for only God knows how long.”-Thomas Matterhorn, FBI liaison officer.

“The Circle of Seven is just another piece of speculative nonsense. We supers have enough trouble keeping the peace between our own groups to have one ‘master’ sect manipulating us all.”-Rampart, when asked about the truth behind the rumors of the Circle.

According to whispers there is a small group of powerful extraordinaries that has been orchestrating the actions of the entire super human community for several decades. The actions of the Circle are delicate and subtle, leaving almost no record of their involvement and that is exactly the way they like it. The stories go so far as to say that the Circle has existed for nearly 100 years and has been behind nearly all of the major landmarks in human history. It is believed by researchers that both the Korean and Vietnam wars were the result of the machinations of the Circle of Seven.

If even a portion of the tales attributed to the Circle of Seven are true than they are one of the most powerful and far-reaching groups to have ever existed. With so much of the country in shambles it is feared that the Circle will be able to exert untold influence on the future of the nation.

The most frightening rumor about the Circle of Seven

links its actions to the start of the Great Depression. It is believed that their manipulations in the world markets were what lead to the crash of the American stock markets. Conspiracy theory experts believe that this was part of a grand experiment to see if they could cause mass panic amongst the people and a long lasting state of economic suffering.

The members of the Circle are said to be dedicated to keeping the human race in check and preventing it from reaching its peak. The Circle believes that only those with extraordinary abilities should be in any position of power. For the Circle it is only a matter of time before a great cleansing war takes place. The war they envision will take place between the mundane armies of the world and the collected might of the extraordinary society.

Cult of Amon’teth“Oh Unseen and Omnipotent One, I offer this child’s soul up to thee!”-Cultist of Amon’teth during a ritual sacrifice

The Cult of Amon’teth dates back over two millennia to the time of the city of Lemuria. The ancient lemurians were believed to be an enlightened, noble people. The truth however is much more sinister, the lemurians are ardent worshipers of a monstrous intelligence known as Ahm’nat. The lemurians believe that Ahm’nat resides on the edge of the world’s collective consciousness and feeds on the fears of all those living on the Earth.

The Cult of Amon’teth is not satisfied with merely worshiping their great god, they wish to sacrifice the entire world to its greatness. For centuries they worked toward this end only to be thwarted by the massive earthquake and resulting tsunami that destroyed their island nation. Not all lemurians were destroyed in the cataclysm that ravaged their society. A number of them have even managed to survive to the modern day. These ancient survivors orchestrate convoluted plots in attempts to regain the attention of their lost god with the hopes of again gaining its favor.

For centuries the cult has operated behind the scenes, making small moves here and there to aid in its greater goal. The cult prefers to act in secret but has tried more direct means of achieving their goals. It is believed by those in-the-known that the Cult of Amon’teth was directly responsible for many of the atrocities that were laid on Adolf Hitler’s door during World War 2.

Cult members are not afraid to recruit followers from all walks of life but are most attracted to those in positions of power and influence. The cult preaches the ideas that might makes right and that there is no sin in gaining worldly pleasures. Many of the followers of the cult are sadistic hedonists but there are those who are privy to the secrets of the cult and fully embrace the lemurians dark goals.

Human Supremacy Today (HST)“Ain’t nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, so long as you’re pure.”-HST propaganda

“HST is responsible for more hate-crimes than any other organization active in the United States.”-Excerpt from FBI documents

Human Supremacy Today, known as Haste from its abbreviated name, is a multi-national hate group. HST is dedicated to the idea that any mutation is impure and therefore all mutants are evil and not to be trusted. With offices in eleven states and numbering more than 50,000 members worldwide HST is the world’s largest human supremacist organization.

Haste is directly responsible for more than a dozen bombings and scores of attacks on mutants in the last year alone. These hate driven attacks have resulted in the deaths of over 50 people. Despite mounting evidence there have only been a handful of convictions involving HST members.

Today HST is stronger than ever. People are scared and any many turn to any sort of support group they can find. Membership continues to grow in the face of more violent clashes between extraordinaries. Human Supremacy Today insists that without the influence of mutants there wouldn’t be such violence in the extraordinary community.

Mahizara“I have only met a handful of the mahizara but I have grown to admire them for their sense of justice and desire for peace.”-Alpha

“There are more alien invaders than the press has revealed. There are other, more secretive aliens hiding among us! It is these hidden creatures that will bring about the fall of mankind.”-“Excerpt from a popular conspiracy theory website

The first agents of the galaxy-spanning police force known as the Mahizara arrived on earth in the months following the defeat of the Ya’liak invasion force. In the beginning it was feared that the arrival of the mahizara was representative of another alien invasion but their unfailing charity and noble deeds quickly gained them acceptance by the world’s super-human community. In only a matter of years the mahizara went from a mysterious collection of alien invaders to a group known for its heroic actions and desire to spread peace and law across space.

The mahizara are not a singular race, rather they are a conglomeration of the people of over a dozen worlds across the galaxy. These twelve planets came together to form a union dedicated to bringing order to the cosmos. They also sought to aid other peoples in becoming valuable and productive members of the Mahizara Coalition. Unfortunately the mahizara understood that not every planet was ready for inclusion in their galactic union and took to protecting these immature peoples from other interstellar threats.

The existence of extraordinary powers is unheard of among the mahizara and the myriad of abilities exhibited by the people of Earth both excites and frightens them. The length that humanity has gone to expand their talents encourages the mahizara to believe that the Earth will be a perfect

candidate to join the Coalition in time. At the moment the planet is still considered to wild and chaotic to be inducted onto the star-spanning community, but it is felt that with the proper guidance and time that the people of Earth will be welcomed by the worlds of the Mahizara Coalition. While the Coalition represents nearly a score of inhabited planets there is not a single massive military unit that governs mahizara space, the member-worlds are simply to spread out to allow for such an entity to operate cohesively. Instead the mahizara utilize specially trained and equipped agents hand-picked to become the police and protectors of the Coalition. Each of these individuals, known collectively as the Klar’edat or Star-Guard, is equipped with a powerful artifact known as the Omni-Gauntlet. It is the Omni-Gauntlet that allows them to take the battle to the enemies of the mahizara and lets them go toe-to-toe with all but the most powerful extraordinary.

Scimitar“We will take the weak and mewling masses and turn them into our army of retribution.”-Scimitar Colonel during a speech to her men

“Scimitar deals daily in the misery and suffering of the public. They take the desperate and offer them a better life, only to enslave them.”-Excerpt from classified FBI files

Scimitar is an organization specializing in cutting-edge technology of all kinds. The extended goals of the organization are unknown but they are known for their desire to gather examples of the most advanced technology they can. This desire for knowledge has led the group to confrontations with extraordinaries that use high-tech gadgets to gain their abilities. The more advanced the tech the more likely it is to be seen in general use by this organization. Operatives have been seen using working laser weapons, advanced body armor, and other marvels to achieve their goals.

The group is known to use a slew of genetically modified people to achieve their goals. Cybernetic enhancements as well as gene-manipulation are just some of the ways that Scimitar modifies their subjects. More often than not these subjects are unaware of their master’s true goals and many times are even unaware of whom they are truly working for. Secrecy is paramount to Scimitar and it prides itself on protecting its technology. Weapons and armor are made to self-destruct if not operated correctly and implants are modified to melt down in altered subjects. So far there have been no operating examples of any Scimitar technology captured by law enforcement agencies.

Scimitar has shown special interest in the besieged cities of New York and Washington DC. These war-torn cities are ripe with opportunities for the organization. The hierarchy of Scimitar believes that there is a slew of secret technology hidden among the wreckage. There is also the fact that there are so many homeless indigents upon which they may perform their experiments.

Across the Globe…While America was pulling itself out of its dark days the

rest of the world was struggling to do the same. Progress in several important fields had stalled for decades and was only starting to regain momentum. The multitude of advances that were making their way from the States to the rest of the world were a great boon to the multitudes, but it was still slow going for most parts of the globe.

EuropeEven as the United States began the slow process of rebuilding and improving itself after the massive recession, many of the other nations of the world continued to suffer. For over a decade the socio-economic state of Europe was in a state of perpetual downfall. Entire countries went bankrupt, rioting become commonplace, and fear ruled most of the nations of the European League. The U.S. and NATO did everything they could to help, but there were simply too many regions that needed critical assistance that they were unable to act fast enough.

Today many European nations are looking toward the East for aid. It is hoped that by seeking alliances with the still stable Soviet Union that there can be some sort of respite garnered for those suffering so much. As would be imagined such a movement is appalling to others such as the United States and Canada, but only time will tell which way Europe falls.

The Russian JuggernautIt was only the USSR, the much feared communist giant of the East that made it through the great series of recessions and insecurity nearly unscathed. Since the early 70’s Soviet economists had been predicting just such an event and the Russians were well prepared when it finally took place. For decades the soviets had been secretly stockpiling everything from food and potable water, to fuel and raw energy.

At the end of World War 2 Russia was allowed to maintain control over the majority of their wartime gains. The strength of their military, both mundane and extraordinary, put them in a place of power from which they have yet to be removed. Today much of Eastern Europe, including all of Germany, is firmly under the control of the Soviet Nation. The control of such a large portion of the landmass gives them a near stranglehold on the economy of the region.

While the United States was spending billions to prefect the process to end world hunger, the Russians had been working at a maddening pace to use their own scientific breakthroughs to terra-form much of the Siberian wilderness turning it into a great bread-basket from which to feed itself and its allies. Conspiracy theorists have noted the similarities between the American and Soviet programs and wonder how much of this powerful technology was stolen from the other. Only time though will tell which of the two systems will work best in the long run.

Deep in the Siberian tundra all manner of natural resources were unearthed, granting the already powerful nation an even stronger position across the globe. Coal, natural gas, and oil were discovered in abundance as well as deposits of mercurium, the super metal that has revolutionized the creation of cybernetic devices across the globe.

The Russian military and its multitude of extraordinary agents is the largest and most dangerous in the world and many fear that the Cold War, which has stretched on unabated since the end of World War 2, will become a more open one as the USSR eyes its weakened European neighbors and sizes them up for forced annexation in the next few years.

The Middle EastWhile the majority of the world was suffering from the ravages of the economic downturn, many parts of the Middle East were in a state of celebration. To many, especially among the countless terrorist organizations, the financial instability was seen as victory.

Afghanistan and much of the surrounding area has been firmly under the control of the Soviet State since the mid-80’s and there is no sign of the Russians relinquishing control any time soon. In fact it is the presence of such a strong military force in the area that keeps much of the Middle East pacified as even the haughtiest terrorist organizations are afraid to tangle with the Russian war-machine.

The Far EastIt took many years for Japan to recover from a devastating combination of the recession and a powerful series of natural disasters. Even today many parts of the island nation are still struggling under the pressure to rebuild. Despite all of the country’s problems it is once again striving to become a strong player on the world stage.

Meanwhile in China things are beginning to approach an important point in history. China made it through the recession years relatively unscathed due to its centuries of isolationism and its ability to produce so much of its goods internally. Today, with their strong ties to the Russian powerhouse nearby, many speculate that it is just a matter of time before they too decide to test their military. Tensions all across the region are on the rise and even Japan is eyeing its neighbor warily.

AfricaThe continent of Africa presents a sharp dichotomy to those who study it. In the northern and far southern portions of the landmass things are steadily recovering. There is aide money for those nearby, and expansions are once again being made. Everything seems to be ok, especially among the more wealthy nations.

It is in the more desolate portions of the continent where things have fallen even further into chaos. Warring tribes, petty despots, and selfish extraordinaries all vie for what is left of the regions resources while the death-toll spirals ever higher. Stories have been making the rounds of an extremely powerful extraordinary whose powers resemble one of the fateful four horsemen. This being destroys everything it touches and battles and skirmishes break out wherever it walks. Efforts have been made to determine who this being is and if it is possible to stop it, but thus far all attempts to contact it have failed.

Central and South America

With some notable exceptions these two regions barely felt the impact of the world-wide crisis. The standard of living throughout the majority of these areas was already so poor that there was little damage that could be done. By and large most folk went about their daily lives without even knowing what was going on in the rest of the world.

One exception is the numerous drug cartels that controlled large portions of both Central and South America. For them the economic crisis actually meant an upswing in their profits and possibilities. It was simple really, people still needed an escape from their lives and the drugs the cartels provided would always be in high demand. The cartels became more brazen in their actions and took over larger ‘territories’ than ever before. This was especially true along the border area with the United States, where the American Border Patrol was rendered impotent.

Today the areas on either side of the border are parodies of Wild-West towns, with armed men parading around drinking, whoring, and taking advantage of anyone who crosses their path. Even in well-established American cities along the border there is a greater sense of fear knowing that at any moment violence could break out.

…Below the Surface…

Lost CivilizationsThere have been stories and legends about hidden cities across the globe for generations. Even today there are dozens of conspiracy theorists and rumor-mongers that believe these stories.

AtlantisAtlantis has always been believed to have been a mighty city-state populated by a race of enlightened people. Despite peoples insistence that the fantastic nation existed there was never any sort of proof to the matter until recently. Twelve years ago a mysterious beacon appeared deep below the glacial ice-fields of the Antarctic landmass. It took nearly a year for scientists to reach the origin site of the signal but when they did they were amazed. The researchers discovered a massive, incredibly ornate, and beautiful city. And to make matters more astounding was that the city was warm. It was as if the entire region was surrounded by a nimbus of heat.

To the dismay of the gathered scientists the city was entirely empty. Not a single person, animal, or even insect was found after a thorough search. Despite this fact, the city still felt as if it were inhabited. Fires burned, food was cooking, and music still echoed across throughout the city. It was as if all of Atlantis was suddenly abandoned by its masters, leaving only moments before the researchers arrived. Even today there is a lingering feeling of being watched prevalent across the city. This inescapable feeling has been enough to force several scientists to leave as the unseen eyes have borne down on their souls. Despite this there are still dozens of teams searching for any hint of what happened to the cities inhabitants.

There has been good that has come from the discovery of the abandoned city. Several technological advancements have

been reverse-engineered from Atlantean devices and the region around the city is ripe with all manner of natural resources.

LemuriaOver the centuries there have been endless stories of Atlantis, the same does not hold true for its sister city of Lemuria. There are no grand tales of Lemuria’s beauty and glory; instead there are only whispered tales of brutality and fear. Even those stories of Lemuria that have made it to the mainstream are limited in scope.

Lemuria is believed to have been, like Atlantis, a major city lost to antiquity. Even during the height of its power it was a secretive site whose people wanted nothing more than to retain their privacy to study and worship as they desired. Little is truly known about the studies of the lemurains other than the fact that they were obsessed with the worship of some unseen deity.

The people of Lemuria were excellent astronomers, fortune-tellers and seers, and it is thought that it was this power that brought about the end of their society. The most common story of their end states that the ancient lemurians finally made contact with their ancient power, and in so doing unleashed a cataclysm that devastated their island-continent.

Although no one knows for sure where Lemuria was located, it is commonly believed that it was somewhere in the south Pacific, among the scattered islands that dot the area. The most mysterious fact is that ancient artifacts believed to be lemurian made, are being discovered across the globe even today. These artifacts point to the idea that the lemurian empire was much more far reaching than previously believed. The other disturbing fact is that many of these ‘artifacts’ show detailing only capable through the use of modern tools. The newly found relics even seem to date to only the last decade or so, as opposed to the several thousand years ago that one would expect.

The truth of the matter is that the lemurians were forced into hiding centuries ago by the actions of the ancient atlanteans and it is only in the last few decades that the lemurians have become free to once more cause all types of chaos on those they deem below them.

…into Space…

Satellites and StationsMany of the nations of the Earth have made the journey into space and some have even gone so far as to build orbiting space stations. These stations are used for a variety of purposes from experiments, to leisure activities. The most famous satellites are corporate owned and dedicated to both entertaining the public as well as raising awareness about the possibilities of space travel and life.

ExcelsiorThe oldest privately run station in orbit is the Excelsior. Excelsior is an experiment in cooperation between several different corporations. The station operates as an experiment that has outgrown its original design. Every day experiments of all kinds takes place in a variety of fields from weapons tests, to

cloning, to cybernetic enhancements takes place in high orbit.

The appeal of the station is due to location. As a site so far above the planet it is outside of the direct jurisdiction of many of the laws of the nations that helped build it. This was done on purpose to allow for the less desirable tests to be performed far from the eye of the public.

The government is totally aware of the black-bag nature of the experiments performed on the station and has actually financed several of them. It is all too important a facility to simply allow the corporations to use for their own good. It has been rumored that there are all manner of secret government experiments going on onboard the Excelsior. Experiments in everything from efforts to create mind-controlling artificial sweetener, to the creation of the next step in nuclear weapons is believed to take place there.

Far-See 1 and 2Far-See 1 is owned and operated by directly by Kymetsu Motors and is easily one of the most opulent resorts available anywhere on or above the Earth. Far-See 1 was built with the hopes that it would be the first in a series of resort stations that would cater to the rich and famous.

The station has all the amenities of a 5-Star resort and then some. Nearly any extreme diversion that a person could hope for is available. Indoor skiing, massive climbing facilities and even space-walks are available for the daring. Reservations at Far-See 1 are booked over two years in advance and can cost upwards of one million dollars depending on the plan booked.

The second Far-See station, even larger and more extravagant than the first, had opened to rave reviews in the weeks prior to Carnage’s attacks. Far-See 2 was in geo-synchronous orbit above New York when the assault on the city began. The crew of the station attempted to move it out of the despots reach but all contact with the station was lost shortly after the battle began.

LunarisEasily the largest man made structure in orbit around the planet is the moon base Lunaris. Built with funds from several American corporations, Lunaris is meant to open the door to a new and exciting frontier for the people of Earth. The station is designed to show that life can survive on the moon so long as things are done the right way. Several years ago scientists discovered that much of the raw stone of the moon actually contained traces of water. Once it was determined how to retrieve this water it became possible for man to stay on the moon for extended periods of time.

Thus far the people of Lunaris have been able to terra-form several acres of land, providing food to the people of the base and a large-scale water processing plant supplies more than enough water for all those involved. The terra-formed portions of the moon are protected by giant force-fields and mundane domes. The combination of protection measures has proved extremely efficient thus far. Projections forecast that with the proper training of personnel and the acquisition of important material that the station could easily double in size in the next two years.

New EdenCreated by one of the most powerful super-humans known to exist, New Eden is a small enclave of powerful extraordinaries located on the surface of the moon. The entire enclave was constructed overnight by the power of its master, Genaris. Once a well-renowned hero, Genaris has become disgusted with mankind’s constant battles against one another and created what he says will be a utopia in the so-called Sea of Tranquility.

Genaris and his followers believe that the planet is doomed and that only the chosen people shall survive. A master of manipulating both inanimate material as well as the minds of people, Genaris has declared New Eden as a sovereign country and that he and his people will defend it to the death from the ‘outside oppressors’.

Protectorate StationThe home base of the Mahizara on Earth sits in orbit around the equator. The station is designed to be both an orbital platform for Protectorate actions as well as a staging base for Protectorate ships arriving in the system. The station is manned by a variety of different species from the various Coalition home-worlds but the three Star-Guard operatives all hail directly from Tharmet 2.

There have only been a handful of earthlings to have made the trip to the Protectorate Station. This is due to the Mahizara desire to keep their advanced forms of technology out of the hands of those who may misuse it. The Mahizara believe that offering the people of Earth the means to travel through interstellar space would be a mistake as things stand now. Until the humans are better able to police and control their own planet they should remain bound to the system of their birth.

Protectorate Station is the most technologically advanced station in orbit but it is not without its problems. The anti-matter fuel that powers it is only available in small amounts and via starship transport from deep space. Additionally the station gives off a massive electro-magnetic signature making it impossible to mask its position in orbit.

Alien VisitationsThere have been three encounters with extraterrestrials over the last 50 years. These encounters have run the gamut of from friendly, to downright hostile. Time and again the Earth has been attacked by alien invaders only to be defeated repeatedly by the Earths many super-beings. A small handful of times the visitors to the Earth have, for one reason or another, chosen to remain. These visitors do their best to fit into our society and to live lives of personal fulfillment. Through the works and deeds of the mahizara it has become easier for other species to become accepted by the humans they live amongst.

MahizaraThe Mahizara are the most recent extraterrestrial people to make contact with the planet and are the only culture to make peaceful contact with the people of Earth. As part of an interstellar coalition of planets, the Mahizara seek to assist the Earthlings in becoming a viable member of this

coalition. The Mahizara act tirelessly to protect mankind from alien threats such as the Tarklip and Ya’liak as well as any others who would attempt to take over the planet.

TarklipThe Tarklip, a race of interstellar businessmen and swindlers first came to the planet in the 1950’s and began to ply their alien-goods across the planet. The Tarklip deal only in precious stones and metals and are all too happy to offer ‘credit’ to new customers. All too often this credit comes at a rate that is impossible to keep up with, making repayment impossible. Once a customer defaults on the deal the Tarklip swoop in take back their merchandise and anything else the person had of value. Sadly several small countries made deals with the Tarkilp and have been forced into terrible concessions to prevent the aliens from taking over their lands.

Ya’liakThe first encounter with the Ya’liak was an attack that took place in the early 1970’s and caused the destruction of the Mount Rushmore monument. It was only though the actions of a small force of human extraordinary commandoes that the invaders were held at bay long enough for more defenders to gather and repel the attacks. Today the surviving Ya’liak wage a guerrilla war against the ones that so soundly defeated them.

Other PlanetsOnly a handful of times have travelers from Earth made the voyage to planets outside our solar system. Each of these times was due to interactions with outside races. Although the Earth has many science programs capable of putting men into orbit none have invented a way to make interstellar travel possible.

MarsThe red planet has been visited a handful of times both by different space-agencies as well as by extremely powerful super-humans. The collected findings have found our planetary neighbor to be rich in all manner of minerals and the ground is surprising fertile given the right situations. This makes the planet suitable for terra-forming. This has created a new space-race to determine who will be the first nation to begin settling the planet.

Secretly there have also been two encounters with Martian life-forms. Both times these have resulted in conflicts but it is hoped that soon there will be peaceful contact made. No one on Earth wishes to become part of another alien-born conflict and the governments of the world will go to great lengths to ensure such never happens. Thar’met 2Thar’met 2, the central planet of the Mahizara Coalition, has been visited by earthlings twice in the last year. Delegates from Earth, combined with Protectorate members assigned to the planet, are making a concerted effort to sway the leaders of the Protectorate to step in and act directly against Carnage and assist in the rebuilding of the lost American cities. Thus far the leaders of the Coalition have hesitated to act as they try to decide if they should actively interfere in the natural growth of the planet and its inhabitants.

…and BeyondWhile the general public is aware of the existence of extraterrestrials they have been kept in the dark about the existence of other dimensions. Although scientists have only been able to detect five other dimensions it is believed that there are endless others awaiting discovery. The home dimension is known to explorers as Alpha Earth.

There are only a small handful of known ways to transverse the universal barrier but there are those who have tried to use them for their own gain. Many time villains from Alpha Earth have made attempts to control one of the other Earths only to be stopped, either by heroes from Alpha Earth or the denizens of the attacked dimension. There have also been a handful of attempts by extra-dimensional beings to attack Alpha Earth.

Several times heroes from Alpha Earth have made journeys to these alternate Earths and time and again have returned with fantastic, and sometimes terrible, stories about what transpired there.

Beta EarthThe first of the additional dimensions is designated Beta Earth. Beta Earth is nearly identical to our own world although there have been several recorded extraordinaries throughout its history and each of these has been able to somehow manipulate some sort of unknown energy pattern to great effect. It has been surmised that the connection between Beta Earth and the Void is much stronger in this dimension than on Alpha Earth and this is what has led to the extensive prominence of magic in the world.

On Beta Earth the Gods of Legend, beings of immense power, walk the land and rule over their subjects with an iron grasp. The world is still in its early feudal period and great kingdoms wage war against one another for the delight of their Gods.

Delta Earth Delta Earth is a war-torn world where World War 2 has stretched on for over two decades. Nearly the entire planet suffers the deep scars signifying the use of atomic weapons. Science has evolved much differently than on Alpha Earth. Things like steam driven jet-packs, ray guns, and mind-control helmets exist alongside more mundane technologies. There have been no recorded extraordinaries on this world other than exceptional people born with great intellects.

Adventurers seek out hidden artifacts and other legendary items among hidden ruins and jungle wildernesses. The world map of Delta Earth still contains a myriad of unexplored region just ripe with lost treasures.

Gamma Earth Gamma Earth is a world of extremes. Volatile deserts and deadly arctic glaciers sit on either edge of a slim band of temperate lands. The people here are involved in a war of attrition with creatures from the shadows while doing their best to survive in horrible conditions.

A single massive city-state rules over countless smaller cities and settlements like a brooding spider. Years of conflict, reduced now to an endless sprawl of trench warfare, has weakened the entire society of the region nearly to the point of collapse.

Theta EarthTheta Earth, also known as Purgatory, is a grim mockery of our own Alpha Earth. The land here is controlled by hordes of demonic creatures and all manner of abominations. It is believed that the concepts of Hell and damnation are based in part on accounts of this twisted dimension.

Mile upon mile of desolate waste punctuated by twisted copies of Alpha Earths cities make up the landscape here. The entire dimension is perpetually cloaked in a red-shadowed twilight. People who find their way here accidently are often driven mad by the never ending deluge of guilt and suffering that is a constant reminder that they are utterly alone.

The VoidThe Void is the most misunderstood of the known alternate dimensions. It is a dimension of twisted physics and unseen threats. The void is believed to be the home of ancient monstrous intelligences that seek dominion over each other in a massive war of attrition that has lasted for millennia.

Despite the dangers of the Void there are many who attempt the journey for the sake of knowledge. There are those from across the world believe that the unexplained energies of Beta Earth originates deep within the Void and that all manner of hidden secrets lie hidden in its twisting landscape.

Allies and Adversaries


Marcus ArthurName: Marcus Alexander ArthurIdentity: PublicAffiliation: None, although he is a specially designated UN delegate to the mutant community.

Personality: Despite his outward exuberance and fame, Marcus would prefer to live out his life in a simple

way. He longs for days when he can be free of the problems he currently faces and just live a somewhat normal life. Marcus enjoyed his early days as a heartthrob, but would settle down with one woman for the rest of his life if fate would only allow it.

Description: Marcus is a handsome, fresh faced, man with a friendly smile and gleaming green eyes. The only outward sign of his mutant nature is his blue skin which has been slowly darkening as he ages. Marcus wears a specially designed

suit of blue and white armor when going into battle. This armor is built to amplify his already formidable powers.

About Marcus: Marcus was a famous child actor and pop-star who went through a dramatic change when his superhuman powers erupted for the first time at the age of 17. While acting as guest host for a popular late-night comedy show a crazed former fan leap onto the stage and plunged a knife into Arthurs chest. Marcus instinctively lashed out with his undiscovered power over sound, blasting his attacker with raw sonic energy. When the dust settled most of the stage was destroyed as was the hearing of the attacker.

For several years Arthur went into seclusion before appearing at the scene of an anti-mutant demonstration. At the demonstration he spoke passionately about the need for mankind to understand one another and for there to be peace among both mundane and mutant. From that point on Marcus toured the world advocating peace and even presented his case to the UN.

Marcus adamantly despises anyone that would impinge on the liberty of another being, extraordinary or not. He is especially hated by groups such as Human Supremacy Today for his stance on human and mutant rights and they have gone so far as to attempt to kill him on three different occasions. Each of these attempts failed miserably due to Marcus’ wary nature and mastery of his powers.

When Carnage took over so much of the East Marcus found himself in a position he wasn’t entirely prepared for. Gone were the days where words would be his only weapon. Marcus has seen firsthand the atrocities that Carnage has wrought on the people and has vowed to do all he can to stop the despot. Marcus now travels all up and down the Eastern Seaboard doing his best to help those who have been displaced by the despot’s attacks. He fights only when necessary, attempting to use words and careful planning over hasty and sudden actions but he will take the fight to his foes when necessary.

Rumble: 10 Health: 60Might: 20 WILD: 50Agility: 10Moxie: 20 Smarts: 10Perception: 20Spirit: 20

PowersFlight 10 (30)Sound Generate/Control 20 (40)

Special Focus Musician +20 Equipment‘Drum-Solo’ Body Armor: 20-Increases sonic based powers by 20-points

Obidiah TempestName: Obidiah TempestIdentity: PublicAffiliation: Fireforce

Personality: Cold, calculating and cunning are three words that are most commonly used to describe Obidiah. None of these are these are false, and truth be told there are far worse that he could accurately be called. The

simple truth of the matter is that Obidiah will do anything and everything that a person can to increase the fortunes of both himself and the corporation that bears his name. He is entirely no-nonsense and refuses to take any sort of flak from anyone. His actions are always swift and sudden, often taking his rivals by surprise, leaving them wondering exactly what just happened.

Description: Obidiah is a tall slender man with shoulder length white hair and a neatly trimmed white goatee. Not known for his personal excesses, Obidiah is most often seen wearing durable suits or slacks and dress shirts. Obidiah’s left hand is a gleaming chrome cybernetic replacement, having lost his hand in a training accident with one of Fireforce’s less temperate members. Despite his advancing years he carries himself well and still trains vigorously each day.

About Obidiah: Obidiah Tempest is the primary share holder and CEO of Tempest Technologies and may very well be the most powerful man in the nation. A deep thinking and introspective man, Obidiah is known for his philosophical stances on running his company and TT’s importance in the future of the nation itself.

Obidiah has been the president of Tempest Technologies for the last 40 years and even though he is now in his late 70’s he shows no signs of slowing down. Obidiah controls the company that bears his family name with an iron fist and any rumors of his retirement are quickly squashed and it is said that the only way he will leave his seat on the board of directors is when he is dead.

Obidiah is first and foremost dedicated to the growth and overall influence of Tempest Technologies. He is ruthless in his business dealings and approaches all business interactions with a cold calculating reason devoid of emotion. Stories abound that Obidiah is personally responsible for many of the secret studies and experiments that are attributed to TT’s R and D department. It is widely believed that it was Obidiah’s personal hand that guided the process that created Tempest Technologies team of extraordinary protectors, Fireforce.

Despite the destruction of so much of what he deems ‘his’ city, Obidiah ardently refuses to leave New York and actually has several plans concerning it. These plans are kept close to the vest but there are many assumptions about what they may be. It is of no surprise that teams bearing Tempest markings have been seen throughout the city looking for only god-knows-what. Whatever it is that he is looking for has eluded him until this point, but it is only a matter of time before he finds

what he is after, then who knows what he will go after next.

Obidiah will go to any length to achieve more personal influence or power for his company. He uses Fireforce as the ultimate deterrent for industrial espionage or theft. Every group that has made the mistake of crossing Tempest Technologies or Obidiah has met a painful end at the hands of the members of Fireforce.

Rumble: 20 Health: 50Might: 10 WILD: 80Agility: 10Moxie: 10 Smarts: 30Perception: 20Spirit: 30

PowersCybernetic Hand 10

Special Focus Brawling +10Business Savvy +20

EquipmentPersonal Teleportation Device 40


BloodshedName: UnknownIdentity: SecretAffiliation: Crimson Slash

Personality: The easiest way to describe Bloodshed is to use words like bloodthirsty, murderous, and sadistic. He doesn’t hesitate to use violence to get what he wants and there is nothing out bounds when it comes

to hurting others. He rarely speaks, preferring to allow his actions speak for him. His laugh is bloodcurdling at best and his screams of anger are even worse. Bloodsheds moods swing rapidly and heaven help anyone in his path when he is manic.

Description: Standing several inches over 6’ tall, Bloodshed is recognizable by the billowing shock of red hair that frames his chiseled face. Much of Bloodsheds body is covered in scars, most notably the large one that crosses his throat. Bloodshed is never seen without his leather jacket and often wears black leather pants and heavy motorcycle boots.

About Bloodshed: Bloodshed is the leader of the island gang, Crimson Slash. Having emerged onto the gang scene in the district only a few months ago, Bloodshed has cut a swath through the leadership of the gang and firmly entrenched himself as the leader. With Bloodshed at its helm the gang has changed from

a group content with running protection and extortion rackets into a gang of thrill-killers, rapists, and budding serial killers.

Bloodshed carries himself with an arrogant swagger and has a violent streak a mile wide. He is just as likely to lash out at his own gang members as he is at an innocent. He is almost totally fearless and has been known to attack even well-known extraordinaries if he thinks he has a chance of beating them. This has earned him even more attention than his actions normally would, which is in turn only serving to ramp up his anger further.

What Bloodshed has not revealed to any of his cohorts is that other than the leather jacket with the gang’s markings and a strange dog-tag, he has no recollection of his past further back than just before he took over the gang. He remembers his killing skills with frightening accuracy, but beyond that everything is a blank. At first he was frustrated with this, but as time has passed he has simply given up on recovering his memories, instead living life through his rage.

Several weeks ago Bloodshed was severely beaten and thought to have been killed by one of the neighborhoods vigilantes. Despite his apparent demise Bloodshed has recently been seen wandering the streets attacking anyone and anything that crosses his path.

Rumble: 20 Health: 80Might: 30 WILD: 50Agility: 20Moxie: 10 Smarts: 20Perception: 20Spirit: 10

PowersClaws 50Regeneration 20Sixth Sense 10

Special Focus Brawling +30


RampartName: William James RampartIdentity: Public; nearly everyone on the planet has heard of Rampart.Affiliation: Slave and primary executioner of Carnage

Personality: Previously opinionated but shrewd with a wide generous streak, today he

is silent, brooding, and deadly.

Description: Standing just over seven feet tall, Rampart has

a powerful and heavily muscled physique. Over his face Rampart wears one of Carnage’s shining chrome control plates. He sports a white and red costume with a long, flowing red cape, something that he would have found ridiculous before his capture and enslavement by Carnage.

About Rampart: The winner of Essex Magazines ‘Extraordinary of the Year’ competition an amazing eight times, Rampart is the most recognizable super human today. Rampart, who has never attempted to hide his true identity, is known the world over as a working class hero who rose from nothing to being the premier hero of the day. Rampart has saved countless thousands from injury and death over the years and he has touched millions of lives with tales of his bravery and self-sacrifice.

During the battle in Washington Rampart did all he could to protect the citizens of the city. He even went so far to attack Carnage directly. Carnage proved too powerful for Rampart and the heroes unconscious body was taken away by a cadre of drones.

It was during the battle for the New York that Rampart reappeared. To the horror of many Rampart is now a slave to Carnage’s will, a puppet to be used as the despot wishes. Rampart is now responsible for the injury and death of a countless number of innocents and property damage in the millions of dollars.

There is a coalition of heroes who are actively seeking a way to reverse Carnage’s control over Rampart and return him to his former self. Twice now heroes have confronted Rampart and twice there have been deaths. Despite the efforts of some of the noblest heroes on earth Rampart remains fully under the control of his new master Carnage.

Rumble: 30 Health: 250Might: 100 WILD: 70Agility: 20Moxie: 100 Smarts: 10Perception: 20Spirit: 40

PowersArmor 60Flight 50Regeneration 30

Special Focus Brawling +30


ShanName: Wesley ShanIdentity: PublicAffiliation: Formerly a member of Righteous Firefight. Shan is now often seen with a small group of fire elementals, otherwise a total loner.

Personality: To call Shan a hothead is a total understatement. He

is quick to anger and holds a grudge for an extremely long amount of time. In fact it is unsure if he has ever forgiven a slight done to him. He is all too eager to use his powers on anything that catches his eye and revels in the feeling of power that destroying valuable things gives him.

Description: Slim and muscular, Shan always exhibits traits of his powers. Small embers appear here and there in his beard and small trails of flame spark over his bald pate. Often wears only a pair of tight fitting leather pants and a cut off tank-top.

About Shan: Little is known about Shan before his inclusion in Righteous Firefight, a team of vigilantes based originally out of Chicago. For the first several months of his membership Shan served well enough but as time passed his actions became more erratic and uncontrollable. Much like the flames which he has control over he is prone to fits of sudden violence and powerful emotional responses. For a time his teammates were willing to put up with this, but as he became less controllable their patience eventually wore out and he was ejected from the team.

Today Shan is a man on a mission to punish anyone who mocks him or those who would attempt to quench his flame. He has convinced himself that it is up to him to purge the world of the impure in a lake of flame and will go to any length to destroy those he has determined are unclean. His trail of vengeance is not limited to those who oppress others though. He has been known to actively seek out extraordinaries who exhibit fire based powers like his own and to attack them without provocation.

Shan has such fine control over his flames that he is able to manifest small, semi-intelligent creatures that he calls his elementals to help him in his tasks. The majority of the time these constructs act as little more than petulant children lashing out at everything around them. It is only when under their master’s direct control that they become a true threat.

Rumble: 20 Health: 70Might: 10 WILD: 30Agility: 20Moxie: 20 Smarts: 10Perception: 10Spirit: 10

PowersFire Control/Create 40

Flight 20

Special Focus Flame Casting +20
