Radical Events Social Employment Branding

Post on 06-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Radical Events Social Employment Branding



Radical Events

Social Employment Branding We’re Out There….


What is an Employment Brand?


““ An employment brand is the way your organization’s An employment brand is the way your organization’s prospective applicants, candidates, and employees prospective applicants, candidates, and employees perceperce ive you as an employer.ive you as an employer. ” ” –– Geoff Webb Geoff Webb

It’s no coincidence that many of today’s most successful and admired businesses – Google, Whole Foods, Apple, IBM, USAA, Microsoft and UPS, to name a few – are widely recognized for their forward-thinking business practices as they are for their reputations as employers of choice. These companies all share one characteristic; A Strong Employment Brand.

All companies have an employment brand. Not every company, however, realizes just how critical a role their employment brand plays in both attracting and retaining talent.

Our role is to maximize the “story” around your company, and use the inherent power of Social Media to broadcast that brand to a target audience of the “right talent” for your organization.


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Top 7 Reasons to Invest in Your Brand.


1. Improved Quality of Candidates: Companies with strong employment brands have an easier time recruiting qualified candidates, because candidates come in already understanding what the company stands for as an employer. They recognize something in a company’s culture that appeals to them and makes them feel as if they would be a good fit for the company. A well-communicated brand also helps job seekers understand when they would NOT be a good fit for a company, saving them the trouble of applying – and you the time of sorting through another irrelevant resume.

2. More Passive Candidates: A clearly articulated employment brand also helps attract candidates who are not actively looking to change jobs but would consider a good opportunity if it came their way. A global study conducted by CLC (Corporate Leadership Council) found that effective employment branding enables organizations to reach into a deeper pool of talent. The study of more than 58,000 new hires and tenured employees from 90 organizations found that organizations with managed employmen brands are able to source from more than 60 percent of the labor market, while those with unmanaged brands can source from only 40 percent

3. Fewer Costs Associated with Turnover: Companies do damage to their employment brand when they fail to deliver on the expectations they set for their employees during the interview and hiring process – leading, in turn, to higher turnover. In fact, a recent CareerBuilder survey found that 35 percent of workers cited the company as the main reason they decided to voluntarily leave a previous position, while only 28 percent cited the job itself.

4. Fewer Costs Associated with Recruitment: If you have a compelling and well-communicated employment brand message, candidates are more likely to seek you out to inquire about open positions. You save yourself the time and trouble of sourcing candidates from scratch because there’s less of a need to advertise open positions and wait for applications to come in.

5. Happy Employees (A.K.A. Productive Employees): When your company creates an environment where employees feel challenged, feel that their contributions hold valued and are recognized for their efforts, employees become more engaged in their work. This increased level of engagement leads to a higher quality of service or product, and, ultimately, a better bottom line.

6. Brand Advocates: Speaking of engaged employees… When people love their jobs, they tend to be vocal about it. For this reason, employees can be your greatest asset not only in driving your business forward, but also in filling your talent pool. Because they know what it takes to fit in and work for your company, employees are the utmost authority on who else will make a good employee. They also know how to sell your company to their peers because they know first-hand what job seekers want in their ideal employer.

7. A Better Bottom Line: Research has shown a definitive link between a company’s employment brand and its financial performance. A recent study of publicly traded companies on FORTUNE’s “100 Best Companies to Work For In America” list by professors at Michigan State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison showed a connection between the strategy of developing an attractive workplace and performing financially well. “Being an attractive employer may create an important intangible asset, positive employee relations, that differentiates the firms in a value-producing way,” the authors wrote


+ Communicating Your Brand Through Social Media

Social media provides a great platform for companies to communicate with employees and candidates about everything from announcing new opportunities to discussing the benefits of working at their company. If your company has a profile on a social networking site, make sure you’re utilizing it in the most effective way.

Create an Authentic User Experience – Use your social networking profile page (such as a Facebook page) to post compelling content (such as videos, photos, article links or status updates) that provides insight into what it’s like to work at your organization – information users wouldn’t find anywhere else. By providing them an inside look at your organization, you’re creating an exclusive user experience, engaging them and compelling them to want to work for you.

Listen, Learn and Engage – This step denotes an ongoing process. Once you have a profile and are active on the site, you can start to listen to the conversations about your brand. Allow employees and job seekers to post questions about the company. You may find that they’re concerned about issues you never would have considered addressing before. Don’t be afraid of criticism, either. This is an opportunity for you to respond and clarify misconceptions about your brand. (Because the truth is that people are going to talk about your brand – regardless of whether you’re there or not. At least now you have the opportunity to steer the conversation in your favor.)



Highlight Specific Jobs – We use the medium as a platform to give information beyond just a job

description. You can post employee testimonials, for example, of others who hold that position and

want to be advocates for the company and the job.

Visually Stimulate - Sharing videos and photos of company events is a great way to give

candidates snapshots into your organization – in ways they’ve never seen. “Day in the life” videos, for

example, give would-be employees an idea of what it’s like to work for your company, and they

resonate stronger than anything job seekers might read.

Boost Your Rankings – We explore other social networking sites where you can create a company

profile and disseminate information. A presence on multiple social networks will improve your

rankings in Google and Bing search results, making it easier for job seekers to find you when they

perform organic searches for either your company or your industry

Promote – Tapping into those passive talent streams and connect with your ideal talent requires

promotion – both internal and external. We use your social networks to market your open positions,

company news, or other messages you want to get across to job seekers. We make sure to

communicate internally as well, so your employees can further their efforts as brand advocates and

push that information out, too.

Dedicate Time and Effort – It takes time to build a following and generate engagement (and even

longer to see a return on your business), but in the long run, you will reap the rewards for our efforts.


What Get’s Measured Get’s Done Below are the metrics we will provide to test the effectiveness of your employment brand:


Number of job applicants per dollar spent

advertising the job

Quality of job applicants per dollar spent

Candidate acceptance rate per dollar spent

Aided and unaided awareness response rate

Cost per hire

Length of time to fill job openings



Turnover of new hires

Turnover of veteran employees

Employee satisfaction and engagement

Today companies like yours rely on Radical Events Social Employment Branding solutions to maximize the way they

target, engage and attract their Employees.


Digital Workforce Optimization:

Do your employees have the profile presence to attract the best talent?

Have you trained them on how to optimize their digital ID’s?

We provide a simple training/optimization solution that scales to the size of your organization

Price: $100/hr per consultant

Digital Employment Brand Audit:

Do you know what people are saying about your company online?

Do you have a sense of your true digitial reputation?

Do you understand who the digital influencers are within your organization?

We perform a comprehensive audit of your digital brand taking into account:

o Social Media o SEO o Sentiment

Pricing: $2000 for

organizations of 1000 employees and under

$4000 for organization of 1000 +employees

Video Branding Solutions: Did you know that video has an 85%

retention rate over two months compared to a 3% retention rate for text?

Did you know that an individual is 79% more likely to accept a peer recommendation over an advertisement?

We provide the means to produce a video that highlights your true employment brand that can easily be distributed via your employee population’s social profiles.

Pricing: $1000/video includes script, shooting and post production.

Digital Brand Strategy Consulting:

What is your employment brand? What are the key messages to attract

talent? How can those messages map over

differing skill sets? How do you digitally optimize your

messaging? What delivery methods do you use? We provide all the consulting

services to answer these questions for you. Our consultants are well versed both in the arts of employment/recruitment marketing but also the deep dive in strategy around Social Media and Messaging.

Price: $100/hr per consultant


Career/Website UX Design/Audit: Does your career site attract candidates? Do you lose applicants due to long application procedures? Is your messaging attracting the right talent at the right times? Is it difficult to navigate your site? We delve into a deep audit of your career site including heuristic testing

with your own applicant base to see what improvements can be made from an intrinsic design perspective.

We then make recommendations to your Talent Teams that can be implemented either a) In House by your design teams or b) by a Radical Events team member.

Pricing: $100/hr per consultant

Content Outsource: Are you creating content to speak to a talent or customer community? Are you hoping to attract talent through content marketing? Are you struggling with messaging and mapping? Do you feel like you need an extra pair of hands to help you produce

your material? Are you a vendor trying to capture a significant market through content? Then we can help you both map out compelling messaging and map that

messaging to a content release schedule and even go so far as to ghost write the content for your organization.

Pricing: $100/hr per consultant.



Radical Events

Contact Us Today: 65 Elmer Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4L 3R6

