Racism and paul henry

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Racism and paul henry

    IsntitalljustPCClaptrap ?

2. WhatdidPAULHENRYactuallysay
On Monday 4th October 2010, Paul Henry interviews the NZ Prime Minister John Key, on TV OneBreakfast show
One topic discussed was the appointment of a new Governor General
Mr Henry then mentioned ArnandSatynand, the current Governor-General and as ked Mr Key whether the Governor General was :
"even a New Zealander
Henry then asked Key about his next choice of Governor-General:
"Are you going to choose a New Zealander who looks and sounds like a New Zealander this time? Are we going to go for someone who is more like a New Zealander this time?"
3. TheResponse
(1) Those against Henry saying it was racistand offensive.
(2) Those supportive claiming it was all PC fuss over nothing.
(3)Those saying that it was about free speech
Initial response from TVNZ news and current affairs PR manager AndiBrotherston initially responded that
"The audience tell us over and over again that one of the things they love about Paul Henry is that hes prepared to say the things we quietly think but are scared to say out loud."
4. WaswhatHenrysaidRacist ?
What is racism ?
A social system of domination, that is, of a specific kind of power of one group over other groups (Van Dijk, 2005, pp. 1-2)
Racist discourse use of language to promote racism by means of text, visual or verbal communication
Racial practice non verbal promotion of racism by imposition or force ie. Apartheid
5. Pausing to consider
European, white, culture is dominant in New Zealand.Origins in colonisation by British.
Many of the social systems, norms and structures still reflect this.
Portrayal by some of the NZ way of life being threatened by migrants and refugees and Maori radicals
Some see colour as a major factor, all these coloured foreigners and now asians as well. Problem portrayed as being the fault of such people ie: these people dont fit in or try to integrate, are involved in crime or languish on benefits
6. What questions do the Comments raise
What does a New Zealander look and talk like ?
What attributes does someone have to have to be more like a New Zealander ?
Would a white Zimbabwean farmer look and talk like a New Zealander?
Who is a New Zealander ?
When should a New Zealander such as ArnandSatynand, be considered not a New Zealander ?
7. The Answers
Mr Henry did not see Mr Satynand as a real New Zealander because he was not white skinned
Mr Henry would consider as a real New Zealander someone who was white skinned and spoke English as a first language
Mr Henry denigrated Mr Satynand by portraying him as some lesser class of New Zealander
Mr Henry further denigrated Mr Satynand by implying that he was not suitable as Governor General, given that he did not look and talk like a New Zealander
8. Aspects of Racism
Clearly the comments are indicative of abelief that a certainculture, race or group should be dominant. This verbal expression is an example of racial discourse
Similarity with colour blindness (Bonilla-Silva, E. 2006). Not mentioning that Mr Satynand was brown skinned but then implying this made him not a real New Zealander
Indicator also of Stereotyping Satynand not one of us not the in group (Hogg and Abrams1988).
9. TVNZ Response
Who is the we referred to in the response ?
What is it that we think but are too scaredto say ?
Was it an official endorsement of the comments Henry had made ?
10. Response enhances Racist Discourse
Implication the we refers to people in the in group, people like us ie. Real New Zealanders
Implication there is some hidden truth our culture being spoiled by non typical New Zealanders
Implication only real New Zealanders should hold important office like that of Governor General
Implication that this is general knowledge but real New Zealanders scared to speak out
Example of the New Racism (Van Dijk 2000 pp33-34).
11. But isnt this just PC gone crazyWasnt Paul Henry just exercising free speech
What is Political Correctness (PC) ?
Does PC encourage or discourage racism ?
Is distinguishing people and their abilities on the basis that they dont appear to look and sound like us, a good or bad thing ?
What is free speech in a democracy ? Does free speech include allowing racist beliefs ?
Did the position that Mr Henry held, and TVNZs response, aggravate the seriousness of what happened ?
12. Summary
The comments by Paul Henry were racist in that they endorsed the view that only certain New Zealanders were real New Zealanders
Some say it was not intentional and was not meant to be racist. In context, difficult to see how Henry could not have understood what he was saying at at time
Situation was aggravated by an apparent official endorsement of what Henry said
It was colour blindness. What he meant was that a governor general should look and talk like those in the dominant culture. Ie. Not be of Indian descent
Racist view is still racist view, whether or not intentional and despite a genuine belief that the view is correct. Nothing to do with PC