Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of RA - BILL2

Department/Area:London - (London Eye, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben etc)

Date of Assessment:20/9/13

Assessment No:2

DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITYUsing a digital camera to take photographs for the panoramic shot that will be included on the billboard

HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONTight compact spaces, vehicle impact/collision (cars, vans, motorcycles etc), physical harm – attack by person, getting pushed by people in large crowds, risk of equipment being stolen/damaged/breaking

PERSONS AT RISK (who might be harmed and how? are there any groups especially at risk?)Photographers and journalists could be at risk of getting pushed or shoved by people in tight, compact and crowded areas. If people are pushed, their equipment could also risk getting damaged or breaking. There is also a risk of being hit by vehicles such as cars when crossing the road in a busy area. In the public area there is also a risk of physical harm; being attacked by a person or getting any equipment such as a camera stolen.

EXISTING PRECAUTIONS (what controls are currently in place?)Photographers and journalists are briefed on any safety precautions before the visit the area. They should ensure all camera equipment is safely secured around their necks to reduce the likelihood of the equipment being damaged. Also, they should be aware of road safety to ensure they are not in harm from any vehicles when crossing roads.

other riskassessments

ANALYSIS OF EXISTING PRECAUTIONS (are the precautions effective; if not, why not?)During the briefing, they can be briefed of all potential hazards before visiting the area. This means they have a good understanding of what could be potentially dangerous in the area and allows them to be prepared in case any of these hazards occur.The photographers and journalists may be at risk from any physical harm therefore should be made aware of knowing what emergency services to call in the case of an emergency. Also, cameras should be tied around the neck securely to make sure it doesn’t fall and get damaged. Photos will also be taken in a safe area e.g. away from the traffic to ensure the editors do not put themselves at risk of physical harm.

ACTION REQUIRED (what further action needs to be taken to control/reduce the risk?)

Action By whom Target date Date completed

Make sure camera is secure around the neck to ensure it doesn’t fall or get damaged

The group 20/9/13 20/9/13

Briefing on road safety to ensure no one is hit by a vehicle The group 20/9/13 20/9/13PERSON(S) CARRYING OUT THE ASSESSMENTPrint: Signature: Date: