Quinns Baptist College Newsletter Baptist College/Publications/Newsletters 2018...started from...

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Transcript of Quinns Baptist College Newsletter Baptist College/Publications/Newsletters 2018...started from...

PrinciPal’s rePort 1

Malaysia tour 2 & 3 calendar of events . . . . 4

student accoMPlishMents 5

year 11 & 12 exaM tiMetables 6

uniforM shoP 7

notices / reMinders 8 & 9

college info 10 - 13

coMMunity news 14- 16

What’s InsideNewsletter

Quinns Baptist College

ISSUE 6 4 MAY 2018

Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)But those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Principal’s Report

Dear Parents, Students and Staff

Welcome to the start of a new term. This is an extremely busy term with NAPLAN testing and then exams. While it is important to prepare as best we can for such tests, it is equally important to note that a test like NAPLAN, or any exam, does not define who you are as a person. What testing tells assessors, is how much of the prescribed content can an individual remember, articulate, understand or demonstrate. It is a snap shot in time of what academic progress you have made from one period to the next. It is assessing how you are working towards attaining fundamental knowledge in preparation for life after school.

However, school based testing doesn’t assess most of the characteristics that are important to be good members of society throughout that life after school. It doesn’t tell us whether a person is kind or compassionate; talented in art, music or sport; or if they are adaptable, reliable, honest, genuine, trustworthy or intuitive. It doesn’t highlight our sense of humour or whether we are a good friend. It does not demonstrate WHO we are.

We are God’s handiwork that he has made according to the works he has planned for us. We must remember that while some students may be able to demonstrate prescribed knowledge, we should all be proud of the positive attributes that characterises each individual. Every person is UNIQUE. It is how we were created.

Ephesians 2:10For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Have a great term everyone!

Tamara SaundersPrincipal

Malaysia Tour

Malaysian Tour 2018

On 11 April, 10 students from Years 10 and 11, Mr Bower and I flew from Perth airport to Malaysia to commence what was to be a life changing adventure. The 12-day overlander, through the West Coast of the Malaysian Peninsular, started from Penang in the North and headed south through Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Melaka and Johor Baru. The various authentic cultural activities, including visits to a local school, the St Nicholas Home for the visually impaired and the village of Indigenous children, were rewarding highlights. The physical proximity encouraged our students to form connections, instigating the start of special friendships. Our students’ fund raising efforts were definitely rewarded when they saw the pleasure and joy on the faces of the destitute children when we visited. I look forward to our next Malaysian adventure!

Ibu Rajamoney

What our students had to say about the 2018 Malaysian Tour . . .

Rowan: My favorite thing on the trip was experiencing new cultural things and tasting authentic food as well as playing with the underprivileged village kids. I really enjoyed every moment on the trip.

Kenya: Malaysia was a truly memorable trip filled with amazing experiences. I have grown and learnt so much. The village children, the visually impaired and the children with disabilities, have touched my heart and made me realise how lucky I am. I will always hold the memories close to my heart.

Renee: The Malaysian Tour was an extraordinary experience to say the least. Long days filled with visits to various cultural sites and tourist attractions left us exhausted but delighted. And the longer nights spent devouring Malaysia’s multi-cultural delicacies and shopping until we ran out of ringgit left us dead on our feet but sated. The trips we took to the Blind Home and the Orang Asli Mission Village condemned us to an air of sobriety as we learnt about what little they had and how much we take for granted back in Australia. But these experiences also left us inspired and overjoyed by the children’s happiness and enthusiasm. Through tears and smiles; through bouts of laughter and loud music on the bus; through hot, humid days and warm, illuminated nights, we shared an experience that will stay with us for as long as we live. I want to express my gratitude to Ibu Rajamoney and Mr Bower and everyone else who made the whole tour possible.

Jade: Malaysia is an amazing destination and some of my fondest memories from the tour included jet skiing with the sun setting in the distance, learning how to paint traditional batik cloths, playing sepak takrah with the government school kids and forming fast friendships with not only them but the other students on the trip. I got the opportunity to experience many fun and exciting things in Malaysia but I was also reminded of how much we take for granted living in Australia and to really appreciate the simple luxuries in life such as clean toilets and streets. Terimah Kasih Ibu, Pak Bowser, Patrick (our Tour Guide) and all the others who joined me on this tour!

Hannah: There are so many things that happened on the trip that we will always bring us memories. It was an experience of a life time and was definitely a trip worth going on if you get the chance because you will have so much fun, and you learn things that you wouldn't usually learn and you get to experience a different culture. And you eat a lot of NOODLES!

Zak: The thing that I enjoyed most throughout the trip was visiting the village at the end of the trip. The joy and excitement on the faces of the boys and girls when we came in with food was just amazing.Rayno: I really enjoyed this experience; going to Malaysia with a lot of my friends was something I’ll never forget. I’m really gonna miss it!

Brooke: I loved being able to go to Malaysia with a great bunch of people on a once in a lifetime experience. I enjoyed every minute of it and I wish I could go back. It was great meeting new people and going to interesting places.

Jeri: Going to Malaysia was such a beautiful experience. I enjoyed every moment of it and I can’t wait to go back. I made friendships I won’t ever forget; it made a huge impact on me.

Ryen: It’s hard to put this whole trip into a few sentences because it was such an amazing experience. There wasn’t a day that went by where we didn’t do something fun and exciting. I was able to make new friends from the government school and see what their daily lives are like. Visiting the school for the blind and the village kids were some of the most overwhelming experiences, and it humbled me to know that these people are able to find such joy and happiness in the smallest things. I loved every moment of the tour, as well as all the memes that came with the memories. Thank you to Ibu, Bowser, and Patrick for making this all possible. Love from Ryen P.S Sama sama see ya

Diary of Events

Friday 04/05 Interhouse Cross Country

Monday 07/05 Year 10 Immunisation (Meningococcal)

Tuesday 08/05 Year 11 Information Evening for current Year 10 Students(TAFE & Uni Speakers)

Tuesday - Thursday 15/05 - 17/05 NAPLAN Testing - Year 7 & 9 Students

Friday 18/05 SSWA Cross Country

Tuesday 22/05 Community Group Information Evening (7pm)

Wed - Following Friday 30/05 - 08/06 Year 11/12 Exams

Thursday 31/05 ACC Cross Country

Monday 04/06 Public Holiday (Western Australia Day )

SAVE THE DATE!: 22 May 2018 - 7pm - Secondary School Auditorium

The College is seeking enthusiastic parents and community members to establish a QBC

Community Group for the purpose of supporting our students and the QBC community.

If you are interested in being a part of this exciting venture, please join us for an

Information Night to explore this more.

Further information will be provided in Term 2.

QBCStudent Accomplishments

We love hearing about students’ achievements. Please email secondarystudents@

qbc.wa.edu.au if your child is representing the state or Australia in any event.

Congratulations Callum Morrell who has been selected for the 2018 School Sport WA Boys 17 years and under golf squad.

The School Sport Australia Golf Championships are an important part of the Golf WA High Performance Pathway and a wonderful opportunity for the athletes to gain knowledge and experience.

For the 2018 School Sport WA Boys 17 years and under golf squad, a team of 6 players will be selected to represent WA and travel to the School Sport Australia 17 and under golf championships in NSW from 25th August to 1st September 2018.

Danie-Louis Oosthuizen was selected to represent Western

Australia at the 2018 National Youth Archery Championships in

Morwell, Victoria. The weather conditions were very challenging

the first few days and tested the archers skills. Danie-Louis

performed outstanding by winning a silver medal in the Field

competition, a gold medal in the Team Match Play competition

and a gold medal in the 50m Short Course competition. He also

placed 4th in the Target 1440 Competition.

Congratulations Danie-Louis, the College is very proud of your



Wednesday 30 May – Friday 8 June

DATE YEAR 11 ROOM YEAR 12 ROOMWednesday 30 MayMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

English ATAR Library English ATAR Library

Wednesday 30 MayAfternoon12.30 pm - 3.40 pm

Phys. Ed. Studies ATARIndonesian ATAR (Written) *


Music ATAR (Practical)Dance ATAR (Practical)Drama ATAR (Practical)

Room 24Room 22

TBAThursday 31 May Morning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Physics ATARDrama ATAR (Written)


Chemistry ATARAccounting ATARDance ATAR (Written)Geography ATAR


Thursday 31 MayAfternoon12.30 pm - 2.45 pm

Drama ATAR (Practical)Music ATAR (Practical)

Room 22Room 24

Friday 1 JuneMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Music ATAR (Written)History ATARMathematics Methods ATAR


History ATARMusic ATAR (Written)Psychology ATARBiological Science ATAR


Tuesday 5 JuneMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Human Biology ATARMathematics Specialist ATAR


Mathematics Methods ATAR Mathematics Applications ATAR


Tuesday 5 JuneAfternoon12.30 pm - 2.45 pm

Dance ATAR (Practical) Room 22 French ATAR (Orals) TBA

Wednesday 6 JuneMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Psychology ATARBiological Sciences ATAR


Human Biology ATARVisual Arts ATAR Specialist Mathematics ATAR


Thursday 7 JuneMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Geography ATARAccounting ATARChemistry ATARDance ATAR (Written)


Physics ATARDrama ATAR (Written)


Friday 8 JuneMorning8.30 am – 11.40 am

Mathematics Applications ATAR Library Phys. Ed. Studies ATAREconomics ATARFrench ATAR (Written)


*Year 11 Indonesian Orals will take place during normal class time prior to the examination period


o Full College Uniform is to be worn to all examinations

o Ensure you are at the examination room 5 minutes prior to the start of the session

o During the examination period students are only to attend school on the days they have an examination and for the duration of that examination

Uniform Shop

QBC Uniform Shop Hours


8:00am – 12:00pm (All students & parents)(For uniform fittings please come in AFTER 8.30am)12:00pm – 12:30pm (High School students ONLY)

1:30pm – 3:30pm (All students & parents)(For uniform fittings please come in BEFORE 3.00pm)


8:00am – 12:00pm (All students & parents)(For uniform fittings please come in AFTER 8.30am)12:00pm – 12:30pm (High School students ONLY)


ABSENTEESPlease contact Student Services on 9305 8808 by no later than 9.00am in the event of unexpected absences or sick-ness that necessitates your child being away from the College for the day or for any length of time. A written note should accompany your child and be handed to his/her teacher upon their return. A medical certificate is required to explain prolonged absences.

Absentees can be emailed to secondarystudents@qbc.wa.edu.au, we will forward these to the relevant Form Teachers which will count as written notice.

QBC &Notices Reminders


During the remaining three terms of the school year, Student Services desperately require volunteers to wash the bed linen each week, for one term. It is only for one bed and no ironing is required!

Please contact Student Services on 9305 8808 if you can help out for a Term.


Early Discharges

If you need to collect a student early from the College for an appointment, please write a note in their diary for them to show their teacher to be excused from class. They need to then make their way to the Student Service Office where they will be signed out by their parent or guardian.


Please note that any uniforms bought and sold on the

second hand uniform website must be done privately

and not through the College office. Unfortunately, we

are unable to take on the responsibility of receiving and

delivering money and uniform items to and from students.


Please notify the school as soon as possible if there are any changes to the frequency or bank account details relating to school fee direct debits. Unless informed otherwise, your previous details used in 2017 will be used for 2018.

Direct Debits will continue to be made as follows:

1 payment on 20th February (Annual)

2 equal payments on 20th of February and July (Half Yearly)

4 equal payments on 20th of February, April, July and October (Quarterly)

10 equal payments on the 20th of each month February - November (Monthly)

COMMUNICATION WITH THE COLLEGEWe love to get feedback from the QBC Community. Should you have any general feedback you wish

to communicate, please obtain a feedback form from the Administration Office and return it. For more

information on how to provide feedback, please visit our website at:



STARTS: STUDENTS Wednesday 31/01/2018

ENDS: STUDENTS & STAFF Friday 13/04/2018


STARTS: STUDENTS & STAFF Monday 30/04/2018 ENDS: STUDENTS Thursday 28/06/2018

ENDS: STAFF Friday 29/6/2018


STARTS: STUDENTS & STAFF Monday 16/07/2018 ENDS: STUDENTS Thursday 20/09/2018

ENDS: STAFF Friday 21/9/2018


STARTS: STUDENTS & STAFF Monday 08/10/2018 ENDS: STUDENTS Thursday 06/12/2018 ENDS: STAFF Wednesday 12/12/2018




Vocal/Plano Vocals/Guitar Plano


Guitar Drums Vocals/Plano

To organise lessons for your child please contact BONITA HOLTHAUS

0448 099 129 musiclessons@qbc.wa.edu.au




9.00AM - 10.00AM

The Second Hand Text Book Sale is a great opportunity for students/ parents to buy and sell their second hand books.

The Book Sale will take place outside the

High School library on Saturday 9th December 9.00am to 10.00am sharp.

We recommend sellers come prepared with change and book prices.

We also suggest that buyers come early and bring a sturdy bag for purchases.

Please feel free to donate any 2nd Hand School Uniforms.


MONDAY 2:50 – 3:30

TUESDAY 2:50 – 3:30

WEDNESDAY 2:50 – 3:30

THURSDAY 2:50 – 3:30

MATHS DEPARTMENT Y7 Math Library (H.Enslin)

Y8-10 Math Rm 6 (Rotation) ACF & Econs Rm 13 (S.Dinkelmann)

*B.Tranter by appointment

HASS DEPARTMENT Y7-10 HASS/ History/Geography/

Psychology Rms 13, 2C and 5

MATHS DEPARTMENT Y10-12 OLNA Rm 7 (M.Labuschagne) ACF & Econs Rm 13 (S.Dinkelmann)

*B.Tranter by appointment

MATHS DEPARTMENT Y11 Math Rm 17 (P.Acutt) Y12 Math Rm 6 (D.Kruger) Y12 Math Rm 20 (P.Bell)

* R.Robertson by appointment

* M.Labuschagne by appointment

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Y7-10 Science/ Biology/ Chemistry

Rm 32 (A.Peters) Y7-10 Science/ Human Biology

Rm 31 (M.Smith)

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Y7 Rm 4 (C.Robinson) Y12 Rm 16 (D.Meyer)

Y10-12 OLNA Rm 18 (M.Scallan)

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Y7-10 Science/ Physics

Rm 30 (L.Lane)

HASS DEPARTMENT Y7-10 HASS/ History/Geography/

Psychology Rms 13, 2C and 5

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Y7-10 Science/ Y11 Biology/ Y11

Integrated Science Rm 29 (T.Charleson)


Y9 Rm 18 (Mrs Jansen) Y10 Rm 8 (D.Wong)

Y11 Rm 15 (M.Mulcahy)

N.B. The above times refer to Years 7 to 12. Should these times clash with other commitments, students are encouraged to make individual tutoring appointments, where mutually possible, with staff. Upper school students should speak to their relevant staff members should they require tutoring outside these times.


WHO? For high-school age students from any school, Years 7 – 12.

WHEN? Friday nights during the school term from 7pm – 9pm. See the Term 1 Youth

calendar on the next page!

WHAT? We have 3 types of nights: Openhouse (choose your own adventure),

D&M (deep & meaningful faith) and Excursions!

SIGN-IN? Youth must sign-in, pay and receive an entry stamp at the sign-in desk each

Friday (located at the carpark gate near the uniform shop). If youth is new, we will need

parents contact details including name, mobile number and email. Sign-in ends at 7.15pm.

COST? Most nights are only $2 which allows us to provide snacks and drinks and make the

night awesome.

OUR LEADERS: Our high-school leaders run much of what we do! Our 18+ leaders are all

Working With Children Checked. Contact Ed (Youth Pastor) for further info: 0447 770 982.

If you’re looking for glitz, pizzazz, shiny happy people with perfect teeth and kids who never

muck up then you might have to go somewhere else...However if you’re looking to be part of a

pretty earthy bunch of people who are just doing their best at loving God, loving one

another and loving the community around them then you’ll probably slot right in.



Meeting 9.30am Sundays in the QBC Primary Auditorium

Quinns Baptist Church

@quinnsyouthQuinns Youth

The Latest from Quinns Kids…

From 2 July 2018, the child care fee assistance

your family receives will change.

Get ready for the new Child Care SubsidyComplete your online form now through myGov.

Learn more about the new subsidy and how to transition.

Estimate what your new Child Care Subsidy might be, go

to the Payment and Services Finder.

Community News

ATAR Master Classes for Year 11 & 12 Classes available Sundays and afternoons after school

• Specialised classes that help students maximise their grades and strive for top marks• Each week, the teacher will focus on a particular topic in the syllabus, students will getin-depth explanations, examples and questions to practice.

• Receive expert coaching and individual feedback from one of WA's top ATAR teachers.• Ideal for students seeking higher achievement and advanced insights.

Tuition Help for Years 7 - 12Various classes available Saturday and Sunday from 9am up to 2pm

Term 2 Enrolments now open

High School Tuition Help


Venues: Churchlands Senior High School, Perth Modern School and Rossmoyne Senior High School.

9314 9500 PO Box 627 | Applecross | WA 6953


• An affordable way for students to access top quality and highly qualified tutorsthroughout the term who have proven success in improving student's schoolachievement.

• Individualised help according to the learning needs and academic goals of each student• Students receive help on their specific needs, clarify problem areas and can supplement

learning with additional worksheets and questions.• Students will build their skills and understanding in a small group environment (3 - 6


Enrol online: www.academicgroup.com.au

1. Once online - Go to Our Programs and select year level

2. Click on the program you wish to enrol in

3. Select the Enrol Today button to view timetable and enrol

For a brochure visit www.academicgroup.com.au or speak with your Year Coordinator.

Enrol online:

Venues: Perth Modern School and our Applecross Office.


Mentoring Adolescents

This is a course for teachers and others who work with adolescents.

Course Aims: Adolescence can be a difficult path for many young people as they attempt to find their own identity in an ever changing and challenging world. Based on recent research, this course updates participants’ understanding and provides practical and creative ways that teachers and mentors can seamlessly integrate assistance to adolescents within their day- to- day roles.

The course focuses on practical application - teachers will learn strategies aimed to help adolescents improve their mental wellbeing and build healthy self-esteem. Although this course aims to empower and up-skill the individual teacher, a number of simple and effective strategies and tools could be adopted by whole of school with a view to healthy self esteem culture. The course covers:

How to assess what’s going on for the adolescent while establishing an alliance with them. How we can roll with the student’s resistance to engaging with us. Ways of working with adolescents who are depressed, angry, disengaged or emotional.

Highlights will include:

Understanding what happens in the adolescent and adult brain that makes changing some of our patterns difficult but not impossible.

Ways that people enter change via the ‘Change Triangle’. How to identify 10 Unhelpful Thinking Styles that appear in the language of young people and how

to respond supportively. Gaining a deeper understanding of anger and learn 4 strategies that young people use to mismanage

their anger that can keep them stuck in feelings of low self worth. Learning fun psychological strategies that help us defuse from the unhelpful ‘stories’ that our minds

create that cause us stress and unhappiness. Active listening skills and empathic responding. Experience through activities why these often

neglected aspects of communication are vital to connecting with an adolescent.

Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm Fee: $220 - includes a light lunch

Places are limited so please book now on 6164 0200

WEST LEEDERVILLE Level 1, 22 Southport Street, corner of Cambridge Street

Tuesday 8 May 2018