
Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Question2improve

PostureThe posture of my model and Drake here are the same, there is no theatrical pose or un natural stance, it’s a very calm relaxed shoot where the model just acts almost natural, I incorporated this into my shoot

AngleThe angle of this shot is at eye level, there is no need for a high or low angle image so therefore I kept the camera level with the model and the eyes in the top third of the image, using a cameras thirds grid I lined my subjects eyes up on the to third line.

Shot TypeThe shot type of these images is a medium to medium close up shot, this means that the image is cropped just above their elbows, this keeps a close up image with facial details without being too close in to the image.

Costume & PropsFor my costume and props I didn’t choose the exact same as seen here with Drake however I did add two props that were associated with this social group, that being the bandana and the zipped up hoodie. The quantity of the props was also important and as I didn’t want an imbalance of props that the model is wearing, if I would have done this the image would have been made overkill by the props. Also the dark colour scheme as seen on drake is reflected in my image with the use of the dark coloured bandana and dark coloured hoodie. This was also helped by my research into the costume and props as seen in my research and planning.

ExpressionThe expression on the face of drake is emotionless, there is no straining in his face to suggest any of that, I took this into account with my shoot as I had my model just have a neutral glare at the camera, with the bandana covering his mouth it was crucial that the models eyes and forehead were in a neutral state.

Images composed on photoshop

PropsBandana is used as a mice en scene prop, the bandana was popular with this genre of music mainly as a mask to hide peoples faces during riots or social events. It is a popular prop and therefore I included this on my main front cover.

CostumeThe dark colour scheme of the hoodie is another stereotypical convention with this demographic. It is classed as typical item of clothing for this demographic, therefore making the model ‘trendy’ and appropriote for the

LightingThe high key lighting on the face of the model creates shadows where the hood is, meaning that the eyes and top head of the model are in clear view. This works well with the colour scheme of the magazine being dark, as this contrast this and makes it stand out. As well as working well with the bandana and hoodie.

Shot TypeThis close up was zoomed in and cropped on my final front cover. This is because the head of the model only filled a small portion of the magazine. Where as when it was zoomed in as much as my final magazine is, it creates a more intimate, personal and detailed image.

AngleThe angle of the shot is eye line, this is so that the model is looking directly at the reader through the magazine. I wanted to have this engagement as opposed to looking down or away from the magazine, as the most eye-attracting part of the image, I found from my audience research was that the images are more important than the words. Therefore this image connection was immediately needed to get that hook for the consumer.

PoseI had my model pose in a relaxed state. This was because I did not want to attract any attention away from the head of the model. His bandana, hoodie and head are the main features here, furthermore on a close up image it would have been hard for the pose to be recognised and will have been unnecessary

ExpressionThe expression of the model is a calmed expression. There is a neutral expression. From my research on models in this genre a large majority of them were displaying a neutral face. Therefore I had my model just act relaxed and calm. I did not want anger or a fear to be portrayed across to the consumer so therefore this image conveys nothing in terms of facial expression