Question 3

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Question 3

Question 3

Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout my planning and creation of my media package, I carried out some audience feedback on particular aspects in which I either; struggled to decide on or simply needed reviews from my target audience to find out what they want to see. I carried out quite a few questionnaires and surveys to gain audience feedback, and from this feedback I was able to develop or change particular aspects.

I carried out my first questionnaire in the middle of planning my ideas for a storyline, after brushing up on my first initial ideas post, I straight away wanted to know if I was taking the story in the right direction, hence I created a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions, which helped me plan the making of my trailer.

Firstly I wasnt sure if my target audience prefer a simple Social Realist dramatic story, or whether they would prefer a hint of the Crime genre intertwined into it. From the results I was able to identify that they do like Crime, so I made sure to create a story with this particular hybrid genre.

There were also quite a few props that came to my mind when I was considering a storyline for a Social Realism or Crime type movie. So I also added this question into the questionnaire, and from the results; Weapons, cigarettes and Drugs & Alcohol were the most popular answers, all of which I included in my trailer and played a huge part in affecting my main characters behaviour.

Another one of my questions asked about the characteristics they want to see within the main character, I chose four of my favourite responses, and built up my main character based from these answers. I also included a question about whether the music can draw my target audience into the trailer, majority answered yes, so I made sure I picked an intriguing piece of music which will catch the attention of someone straight away.

I also gained some feedback from my teacher and peers of my very first film synopsis, and realised that my story wasnt clear enough to understand. From this I put myself in the position of my target audience and rewrote the synopsis with a completely different and clearer story.

After my trailer was uploaded onto YouTube, I received a few comments on what people think about my product. From these comments it is clear to see the genre and narrative within my trailer are clear, and they liked my editing, however they wanted more dialogue.Looking back, if I was to recreate the trailer again I would include a lot more dialogue between my two main characters, rather than full of sound bridges.

Focus Group

I also recorded a Focus group where I managed to get some feedback on my trailer, I then used this feedback within my reflection to see how I could have done things differently in terms of creating the trailer.From the feedback within this video, the specific elements I would change within the creation of my trailer are; maybe including more characters or character interaction and dialogue, as this would have also solved the problem of my trailer being quite short.The positive aspects within my trailer that my focus group liked were; the fact that there was a very clear and ordered narrative, the editing techniques (the flickering scenes and the changing pace within to match the tension), and the soundtrack which fitted the genre.PositivesImprovements
