Qmq Finals 27/3/17

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Qmq Finals 27/3/17



Mayank AggarwalAyush Malviya

RULES:4 rounds in the quiz:Dries - 1Written Round - 1Written Round - 2Dries - 2


Q1. ID the singer

Mallika-e- Ghazal Farida Khanum

Q2. The place X shown in the image(next slide) has been described as the greatest executed British work of monumental architecture of the twentieth century.

It was built between 1928 and 1932 and is the largest of its kind in the Commonwealth. It was inaugurated by the Prince of Wales in the presence of the then President of France.

A similar structure Y exists elsewhere in the world which is an icon for the city it is in and there is a very specific connect for X and Y.

Give me X and Y and the connect.

X THIEPVAL MEMORIAL, a war memorial to 72,246missingBritish Empireservicemen who died in theBattles of the Sommeof theFirst World Warbetween 1915 and 1918, with no known grave.

Y INDIA GATE, NEW DELHI , a war memorial to the indian soldiers who laid down their lives fighting for the british in the first world war

The connect: Designed by the same person, Edwin lutyens

Q3. This originated in 2007, after Laney Griner uploaded to Fiickr, a photograph of her son trying to _______________. Initially interpreted as hatred for a certain type of beach activity, it slowly changed to its current version which Laney liked.

This has been used in ads for Vitamin Water, Virgin Mobile UK, Baracks Obamas Pass Immigration Reforms campaign among others.

Most recently, it was successfully used to raise funds for Laneys husbands kidney transplant thereby raising over $100,000.

What am I talking about?

Q4. This particular formula was used by Parker pens for a 1970s advertisement campaign, in which a hand is shown writing this smoothly and flowingly on a piece of paper.

Formula for what?

3.5 shots of gin and a half a shot of vermouth over 4 parts (H2O)3 (water cubed = ice), finished off with three stirs

This is the recipe for making a Martini.

Q5. X is a Canadian-American actor who portrayed a character which has been criticized by some people for being a homophobe and cringe worthy but is one of the funniest ones by popular opinion.

He admitted to battling Vicodin and alcohol addiction for about 30 years and in a way, this affected his work. He has also converted his old beach property into a sober living facility.

Identify X and give me the effect his drug addiction had on his work.

Matthew Perry

Due to his drug addiction, he admitted to having forgotten 3 seasons of FRIENDS (Season 3 to 6)

Q6. The man shown in the image (next slide) was an experienced aviator during WW1, and in 1913, he became the first person to fly over the Mediterranean.

But outside of his home country, no one remembers his flying accomplishments. What he is known for, is an event named in his honor, which, surprisingly, he has no connection to.

ID the person or name of the event.

Roland Garros

Q7. This is a list(image on next slide) of the top 9 record breakers in a very specific sport, quite popular among the teens in many countries, including India. So much so, that they even think it could be a good contender for an event in the Olympics.

Name this sport.

This is Speedcubing. These are the top 9 people who have solved a 3X3 (hence 9 names :p) Rubiks cube in the shortest amount of time.

Q8. Priced at $12.5 million and studded with 1,200 Sri Lankan pink sapphires, this particular object features a 90-carat emerald cut diamond as its centerpiece worth $10.6 million alone. It has also been called by Guinness Book of World records as the worlds most expensive ___.





Q1. Locations of nuclear power plants in India.+5 for each correct answer+10 if all 7 correct

Q2. List all elements in the periodic table which have been named after objects in the solar system.+5 for each correct answer+10 for all 9 correct.


Q1. Locations of nuclear power plants in India.+5 for each correct answer+10 if all 7 correct


Q2. List all elements in the periodic table which have been named after objects in the solar system.+5 for each correct answer+10 for all 9 correct.



6 XKCD comic strips, containing references to pop culture, science, current events etc.

FITB+5 for each answer+10 Bonus if all are correct









Jurassic Park


Zero and One




Apollo Program


Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat



Q1. ID the speaker / Put Funda.

Q2. In the image on the next slide, something has been blanked out.It's related to a record and another one which it came close to breaking.

X: The blanked out partY: What is the first record?Z: What was the second record?A: Why was the second record not broken?

X: BB Nimbalkars innings of 443*

Y: Highest score in First class cricket by an Indian / Only Indian to score 400+ in an innings in first class cricket

Z: The then record of highest runs in an innings in first class cricket 452* by Don Bradman

A: He left the match after Day 2 because he was getting married the next day

Q3. X, the name by which this entity is currently known, is not its initial name. Starting off in 1945 with the small number of ships remaining after WWII and various treaties, it was initially under the control of the Second Bureau of the Demobilisation Ministry and was used for repatriation of soldiers and minesweeping operations.

In 1947, something happened due to which the role of X changed to the exact opposite of the former one. In 1952, the Coastal Safety Force was formed with the help of the United States which wanted the country to be atleast partly self-dependent when it came to its security

In 1954, the Coastal Safety Force was separated and X was formally created.

Recently, when X sent its largest ship Y, designated as Z on a tour of duty to the South China Sea, the 1947 event was in the news again.

Give me X, Y, Z and the 1947 event.

X JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self Defense Force)Y Izumo, a helicopter carrierZ DestroyerThe event Japanese constitution drawn up which prohibits the acquisition of offensive weapons (Article 9)

Q4. There is an image on the next slide. Put funda.

The La La Land Tour

Q5. This is Estdio Milton Corra, located in Macap, Brazil(image on next slide). There is something very distinctive about the location of this stadium due to which it gets its commonly used name.

What is it?

The stadiums located at the Equator and hence gets the commonly used name Zero, which means Big Zero, referring to the Equator

Q6. On the next slide, there are two images. Put funda.


This is the no shot offered rule in LBW decisions

i) OUT because batsman offered no shot

ii) NOT OUT because batsman played a shot

Q7. This is a 200 page book (image on next slide) authored by a relatively unknown person named Sheridan Simove. Despite that, it managed to outsell famous works such as Harry Potter and The Da Vinci Code after its release in 2011.

It has a rating of 4.3/5 on Goodreads and reviews like:

This book will undoubtedly become a great companion in the millennia old philosophical debate about whether or not you actually can judge a book by its cover.

A must read for students studying anything to do with gender politics. This is a deeply insightful and philosophical read and in many ways

What is so special about this book?

The whole 200 pages of the book are completely blank

This is the author's way of saying that a man thinks about nothing except sex

Q8. Connect.

I love LucyMoon landingBerlin WallSteve JobsDiscoThai foodStar wars/trekNirvanaRockyTroubleman

Captain Americas to-do list after he wakes up in The Winter Soldier


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