QCL 14 v3 Best practices, Banasthali University, Sugandha Kapoor

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of QCL 14 v3 Best practices, Banasthali University, Sugandha Kapoor

Submitted by:

Sugandha kapoor

Shruti Tandon

Himani Sharma

The best practices are the methods or techniques used by any organization that has consistently shown superior results as compared to the other methods. This can be used as a benchmark to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things. It is a set of guidelines, ideas and ethics that represent the most efficient or prudent course of action. It is a well-defined method that contributes to a successful step in the development of any organisation.

These are described as a general outline for a variety of situations.

For example: For accountants, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles represent best practices for their profession.

Indian army sets an example for everyone. The facilities that it provides to its

employees is a benchmark for all the organizations working anywhere in the world.

It provides pension to its employees.

It provides free travel facility to the servicemen called as warrants.

Canteens facility provided by the army give the employees tax-free commodities.

Ex-servicemen quota provides them facility at every instance even after they leave

their jobs.

Their children get admission in central schools (Kendriya Vidyalaya).

Free medical facility is given by the army hospitals called as military hospitals.

After retirement also they get medical facilities in hospitals called ECHS.

The dignity of defense personals is a big profit for them.

Posting and tenures subsequent to commissioning: In accordance to the training

received , proficiency acquired and aptitude shown, one gets posted to various

regiments. Unlike in a civil environment where a posting means virtual uprooting of

a household and starting a fresh new station is merely a change of scene.

Job satisfaction: the sheer variety, sense of purpose, responsibility and pride negate any sort of job dissatisfaction in Indian army.

Foreign courses and postings: Indian army is renowned world wide and interaction with foreign armies is extensive.

Training programme: Training is given to retired or retiring people so that they can well adjust in the civil environment. It is called resettlement training course.

Quality of life: This job offers employees the adventure, challenge, excitement, honor that no one can get in any job.

Variety and adventure: It provides memberships to best clubs of the country like that of horse riding, swimming, golf etc. posting to exotic places gives one an opportunity to see India.

Professional enhancement: It provides various opportunities to develop like;

Opportunities for higher studies.

deputation in various scientific institutions like DRDO,DGQA etc.

Foreign assignments on UNO and Indian embassies.

Promotions based solely on capabilities.

After retirement: Since a servicemen is much fitter he is able to get another chance in any parallel occupation. They also get reservations in almost all kind of jobs.


As an Indian army officer at 21 what one experiences no one else can even imagine of sucha life style." What comprises quality of life?”on one hand is a job with thick pay packetbut the drudgery of 9 am to 9 pm , no avenues and time for extra curricular activities, noscope for adventure and excitement, no social status no family life etc.

On the other hand is a job which offers you challenge, some of the intangibles that makequality of life in Indian army are:

Service of motherland.

A profession to be proud of.

Pure and noble profession.

Honor and respect.

No stagnation a new challenge every day.

Opportunity for growth.

Sports and adventure activities.

Messes ,clubs and canteen facility.

And the list goes on….

In somewhat chaotic economic and social conditions prevailing in our country the army lifeis an island of sanity and a social order that is envy of our countrymen.


Army affords a very open, impartial and transparent avenue for professionalenhancement. For a professionally dedicated officer with sincerity and dedicationsky is the limit. Salient aspects of professional enhancement and advancementare:

Opportunities for higher studies in India and even abroad.

Deputation in various scientific institutes like DRDO,DGQA,LRDE,ITI and hostof others. Foreign assignments in UNO and Indian embassies and missions.

Foreign assignments in connection with procurement of advanced technology andweaponry and training to handle and care of the same.

Promotions are solely based on capability and no space for any extraneousconsiderations.


Even after laying down the uniform army officers continue o have the most respectedcitizens in any society. This added to their ingrained code of conduct and ethicalvalues enable them to occupy a special social niche in society. His do or dieattitude and mental ability ensures that he never grows into old age , butcontinues to contribute thus remains a valued member of society. Many postretirement facilities include:


Free hospital facilities.

Travelling .

Canteen facilities.


Training is a judicial mix of technical, military, and managerial instruction, in

top class institutes run by Indian army and a host of prestigious institutes and

establishments including IIT’s and DRDO’s. In accordance with the training

received, proficiency acquired and aptitude shown, one gets posted in various

regimentals, staff or instructional appointments in organization throughout the


Additionally officers proceed on deputation to various organizations and foreign


Unlike in civil environment where a posting means a virtual uprooting of family

and starting a fresh new station in army it is merely a change of scene. With a

number of stations following under the purview of the peace stations and with

better infrastructure facilities coming up even in small sations , the pangs of

moving are easily speeding up.

Posting helps an individual to achieve following:

View entire country.

Prevents stagnation in life.

Keeps the life adventurous and enjoyable.


Everybody defines ‘social status’ in his own way. But what is provided by the army

is called the real status. It is an undisputed fact that the status of a warrior has

stood the test of time and history and time has uphold a soldier in esteem and

offer him a unique status society. By joining the army one becomes the member

of an elite and exclusive brotherhood which is a need of every human being.

1) Postings are not always favorable. It depends on the employees . It may be possible that an employee may prefer stability in his life rather than moving to different places.

2) Their should be an increment in the payment given to the soldiers. The service provided by them is lot more than what they get as compensation. Therefore a sort of extra pay must also exist in army.

3) The promotions take a very long time in army. To get promoted from one rank to other no matter a soldier works hard a particular time is to be completed to achieve that post. The promotions should be little early.

4) Too much of temporary duty(TD’S) in ones carrier makes the life more miserable as they need to go to some place within a short span of time and if they don't get reservations then also they need to go . Hey don’t get any help from the army. So, the authorities must make sure the conveyance of the employees.

5) If previously the children studied in private schools they don't get admission in central schools. Due to frequent postings the children have a lot of problems in changing the schools and then also they don't get admissions in central schools. So it should be allowed that every child can study in central school whether he studied previously or not.

Army is a best profession one can apt if he wants to serve the motherland.

A person wanting thrill, adventure and passion in life should definitely join army.

Indian army provides a status that every individual dreams of in his life.

Pensions are the most apt things that army gives. From almost all the professions the pension will be removed but from the defense it will never.

Indian army is counted among the world’s most powerful armies and working with such a prestigious organization makes a person proud of himself.

Not only the perks but the innumerable facilities provided by the army like: canteen, railways facility, medical facility, education facility makes it a dream job for every individual.

Very correctly said about a soldier:

“to every men upon this earth,

Death comes sooner or later.

And how can a man die better,

Than serving his mother earth.”