Q4 Human Resource reporting · February to 14.1% in March (page 8). The vacancy rate within...

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Transcript of Q4 Human Resource reporting · February to 14.1% in March (page 8). The vacancy rate within...


DATE 28 April 2015

REPORT FOR Trust Board of Directors – Public

REPORT FROM Dr Neil Pease, Director of OD & Workforce

CONTACT OFFICER Dr Neil Pease, Director of OD & Workforce

SUBJECT Monthly Staffing Report




Following the poor February Deanery rotation it is assuring to see that the vacancy rate amongst medical staff has decreased slightly from 14.75% in February to 14.1% in March (page 8). The vacancy rate within registered nursing has risen from 8.88% to 9.54% although this remains below the Yorkshire and Humber average rate of 10.5% (page 10). The situation is monitored weekly at the Executive Team meeting. The vacancy rate within unregistered nursing (health care assistants) has increased from 3.38% to 4.10%. Although there is no anticipated difficulty in recruiting to these vacancies a closer inspection needs to be performed to make sure there are no underlying issues driving this increase. -The vacancy rate within registered Allied Health Professionals has increased from 3.8% in February to 5.45% in March which is partly due to an uplift in establishment although this increase requires monitoring (pages 11 and 12). There continues to be some exciting developments on the marketing aspect of recruitment. The Trust has increased its presence at Hull University and attended their career events. To date 22 applications have been received from student nurses who graduate this year with the final applications likely to be approximately 40. Ten Portuguese nurses were due to start work at the Trust in May but 5 have chosen not to come to the Trust (page 10). This has been identified as a priority area of review by the Director of OD & Workforce and the Chief Nurse. The March sickness rate was very impressive dropping to 2.81% from 4.23% in February (page 22). The return rate for exit interviews remains disappointing with only 18 out of 60 staff leavers completing interviews (page 15). Ideas need to be developed that can improve the response rate.








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Maintaining adequate safe staffing levels

ACTION REQUIRED BY THE BOARD Note the content of the report

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 2 of 28 pages



Dr Neil Pease, Director of Organisational Development and Workforce Dr Karen Dunderdale, Chief Nurse & Deputy Chief Executive

Dr Lawrence Roberts, Acting Medical Director

April 2015

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust actively seeks to promote equality of opportunity and good race relations. The Trust seeks to ensure that no employee, service user, or member of the public is unlawfully discriminated against for any reason, including their religion, beliefs, race, colour, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, age, social and economic status or national origin. These principles will be expected to be upheld by all who act on behalf of the Trust, with respect to all aspects of this document

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 3 of 28 pages

Board Considerations / Recommendations /Commentary

There continues to be some exciting developments on the marketing aspect of recruitment. The new short films promoting the Trust and its opportunities have been recorded in both English and other languages. To do this the recruitment Hub has worked with existing NLaG staff to record testimonials in their own language. This will be very beneficial when recruiting overseas. Furthermore the films were produced with A level media students at a local college which kept production costs at a minimum.

The March turnover rate for medical staff witnessed arrest in the declining trend with a return to growth in the fill rates for clinical vacancies. This was expected following the poor February rotation but it is assuring to see that the vacancy rate of 14.75% in February is now 14.17% in March.

In relation to registered nursing vacancies March has seen a slip in the vacancy rate from 8.88% in February to 9.54%. This remains below the Yorkshire and the Humber average nurse vacancy rate of 10.5%. Recruitment figures are reviewed weekly at the Trust executive team meeting and recent weekly reports would suggest that the position is stabilising.

The vacancy rate for unregistered nursing (Health Care Assistants) has reached 4.10% in March from 3.38% in February. The Board will recall that several months ago this figure was close to zero %. There may be a legitimate reason for why this vacancy rate is over 4% but bearing in mind the trust does not struggle to recruit HCAs further work needs delivering to understand what sits behind this statistic.

The Trust has really increased its presence at Hull University recently. A strong presence at recruitment and career events has seen 22 applications so far from student nurses graduating this year with the total number expected to be circa 40 applicants. NLaG through the recruitment team and the networking project are planning to hold a ‘pop up’ job shop at the University on a regular basis. This will be an interesting innovation and the Trust should watch closely if this presence has a further positive effect.

The report refers to a cohort of Portuguese nurses who were due to start work at the Trust in May. 5 out of the 10 nurses have chosen not to come to the Trust. A piece of work is being undertaken to explore the rationale for this high dropout rate and what the organisation can do to stop this happening in the future. This subject requires close scrutiny going forward and if there are aspects of working at NLaG that require improving these improvements must be delivered as soon as possible.

The March sickness rate was very impressive dropping to 2.81% from 4.23% in February. It is hoped that the continual trend of improvement (sickness levels down every month since January) will continue. It is worth noting though that of all sickness at the Trust, over 50% is long term. Improving long term sickness should be a key priority in the new financial year for 2015/2016.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 4 of 28 pages

The return rate for exit interviews remains disappointing. Of the 60 staff leavers last month only 18 exit interviews were completed. The directorate needs to think of improved strategies to improve this return rate.

The final observation for this month’s Board report is the vacancy rate within AHPs. The figures for AHP vacancy rates when broken down to registered and unregistered show a slip from 3.8% in February to 5.45% in March for registered AHPs. This will need to be reviewed next month to gauge if this is due to an increased in establishment as suggested or a genuine higher turnover rate.

General Recruitment Update

This report provides an update on the staffing position within the Trust, identifying key issues and details on recruitment initiatives. It also highlights key recruitment challenges within the month of March 2015 and activities that have taken place up to the date of report submission. Key issues for the Board to note this month include: Local and UK Recruitment

The full Recruitment Team have attended two days of training for the Trac vacancy management system before the launch scheduled for the last week in April. Briefing sessions have been organised for late April/early May for any NLAG staff member to attend which highlights the major changes and acts as a Q & A session. The formal ‘go-live’ is on schedule for the beginning of May following the installation of upgraded computers for the Recruitment Teams to run the new software.

Work continues with a number of external agencies and the national NHS job board for recruitment which has resulted in the following successes:-

Consultant in Cardiology

12 month fixed term offer made and has been accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Emergency Medicine

Appointment with GMC on 18 May, expected to start approximately 20 May 2015.

Specialty Doctor Acute Medicine

Anticipated start date June 2015. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

Consultant General Physician

Offered 12 month post – accepted. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

Consultant General Physician

Offered 12 month post – accepted. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 5 of 28 pages

Consultant General Physician

Offered 12 month post – accepted. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

Consultant General Physician

Offered 12 month post – accepted. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

Consultant Haematology – Cross Site

Offered 12 month post – accepted. Does not require visa, has given notice to current employer, start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Emergency Medicine DPOW

Offered permanent post – accepted. Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship granted, awaiting visa.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics DPOW

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics SGH

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics SGH

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics SGH

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics SGH

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Trauma & Orthopaedics DPOW

Offered 12 month post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Trauma & Orthopaedics SGH

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Trauma & Orthopaedics DPOW

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Consultant Radiology

Offered fixed term for 3 months, awaiting acceptance.

Trust Grade Urology Offered post fixed term for 12 months, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Urology Offered post fixed term for 12 months, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Trust Grade Urology Offered post fixed term for 12 months, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Paediatrics SGH

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Paediatrics DPOW

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 6 of 28 pages

Specialty Doctor Paediatrics DPOW

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Specialty Doctor Paediatrics DPOW

Offered permanent post, accepted. Start date to be confirmed.

Current adverts on NHS jobs include, Clinical Fellow General Surgery, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Consultant Respiratory Medicine and Consultant Cellular Pathologist, Lincoln County Hospital.

Following the recent attendance at Hull University Career Fair in March by both Recruitment and Nursing representatives, a number of nurses whom are due to graduate in September 2015 are due to secure employment with the Trust shortly.

Individual employee video testimonials promoting the Trust and the various posts have been filmed which also represents the many varied nationalities employed by the Trust. These videos will be used to promote the Trust at local, UK and Overseas recruitment events.

Overseas Recruitment

Scoping work continues to identify priority vacancies that need a targeted recruitment focus for both nursing and medical vacancies.

The overseas recruitment trip to India is booked for the 1st May to the 9th May 2015 and the panel have now received a large amount of interest and will be interviewing a large number of candidates for Staff Grade vacancies within Accident and Emergency and Radiology Consultant posts.

A full year’s schedule for all recruitment tours and career events has been prepared for both nursing and medical professions. Work is currently being undertaken by Recruitment to ensure sufficient support is aligned to assist with interviews and attendance at these events.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 7 of 28 pages



January February March

1 Establishment (WTE) 5442.18 5595 5259.3 5314.06 5301.23 5301.23

2 Vacancies (WTE) 3.03% <6% 6% 6.17% 6.49% 6.49%

2.1 - Medical 10.70% <10% 13% 14.75% 14.17% 14.17%

2.2 - Nursing (Total) 2.58% <4% 5% 7.15% 7.83% 7.83%

2.2 - Nursing (Registered) <6% 7% 8.88% 9.54% 9.54%

2.3 - Nursing (Unregistered) <2% 3% 3.38% 4.10% 4.10%

2.4 - AHP (Registered & Unregistered) 2.05% <5% 5.00% 3.73% 4.46% 4.46%

2.5 - Other 1.44% <2% 2.5% 3.23% 3.14% 3.14%

3.1 Agency Staff Use Nursing(WTE) 582 <700 711 55 64 735

3.2 Agency Staff Use Nursing (£) £4,702k <£5,500k £5700k £420k £524k £5752k

3.3 Agency/Locum Staff Use Medical (WTE) 1025.33 <1300 1400 108.68

3.4 Agency/Locum Staff Use Medical (£) £14,624k <£14,662k £20,492k £1,172k £1,897k £20,183k

4.1 Bank Staff Use (WTE) 651 <1200 1116 110 125 1,176

4.2 Bank Staff Use (£) £3,281k <£3,500k £3,500k £337k £384k £3,557k

5 Staff Turnover rate (LTR) All 13.20% <9.4% 10.26% 0.99% 1.12% 15.98%

5.1 Staff Turnover rate (LTR) excl Medical 10.40% <9.4% 10% 0.76% 1.14% 13.23%

6 Stability 89.62% >88% 95% 99.16% 99.20% 88.99%

7 Sickness Absence 4% <3.5% 4% 4.23% 2.81% 4.16%

7.1 Long Term Sick (Occurances) 944 <1000 1200 201 200 947

7.2 Occupational Health Referrals <900 900 67 61 797

8.1 Staff Appraisals 73.66% 95% 80% 93.03% 90.00% 90.00%

8.2 Statutory and Mandatory Staff Training 72.26% 95% 90% 92.00% 92.64% 92.64%

9 Staff Satisfaction (Morale Barometer) 6.42.5%

increase/Qtr 6.8 5.3 5.3 5.3

To recruit, retain and develop a high performing workforce to deliver high quality care and the wider

strategy of the Trust




Target 14-










Delivering or exceeding target

Underachieving Target

Failing Target

Improvement Month on Month

Month in Line with Last Month

Deterioration Month on Month

YTD 14-15

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Operational HR Dashboard – March cases

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1. Vacancies, Recruitment and Apprenticeships

1.1 Trust wide Overview In the month of March, the Trust wide vacancy rate was 6.49%, an increase when compared to February (6.17%).

Directorate Budgeted WTE

Contracted WTE

Vacancies WTE

Vacancy Factor

Operations 4300.83 3984.18 316.65 7.36%

Path Links 384.68 360.86 23.82 6.19%

Facilities 514.19 479.42 34.77 6.76%

Corporate 469.73 477.09 (7.36) (1.57%)

Totals 5669.43 5301.55 367.88 6.49%

Nursing (Registered and Unregistered) 2365.34


185.25 7.83%

Medical & Dental 593.81 509.65 84.16 14.17%

Scientific, Therapeutic, Technical 1041.54 995.08 46.46 4.46%

Admin & Clerical 1179.97 1153.57 26.40 2.24%

Maintenance 44.00 42.50 1.50 3.41%

Support Staff 442.05 417.62 24.43 5.53%

"Other" 2.72 2.72 0.00 0.00%

Totals 5669.43 5301.23 368.20 6.49%

1.2 Nursing Vacancies March 2015 The March vacancy rate for Registered Nursing has increased again in March to 9.54% from 8.88% in February. This equates to 154.76 registered nursing vacancies, 10 more than in February. The Trust were due to receive 10 nurses from Portugal in May as part of the recent recruitment drive, however, 5 of those nurses have withdrawn their applications and are no longer taking up the position offered to them. Work is currently underway to determine any reason for the withdrawal of their acceptance. When excluding the 5 Portuguese nurses who are still due to start in May, the vacancy rate would stand at 9.85% (159.76 vacancies) for Registered Nurses. The Unregistered Nursing vacancy rate has also increased in March from 3.38% to 4.10%. However, recruitment is ongoing for unregistered nurse positions and there is no anticipated difficulty in recruiting to these vacancies. From the data currently available for analysis, 45% of the nurses who left in March left due to retirement, 7% left due to relocation, 7% moved to another post within NLG having gained promotion. The remaining 41% left for varying reasons, including child dependents.

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*Budgeted Exc bank

WTE Contracted

WTE Vacancies


Vacancy Factor

Registered Nursing

Medicine DPW 285.00 260.15 24.85 8.72%

Medicine S&G 322.85 256.63 66.22 20.51%

Ops Central 57.61 58.30 (0.69) (1.20%)

S&CC 386.75 343.42 43.33 11.20%

C&TS 177.28 162.93 14.35 8.09%

W&CS 324.14 312.87 11.27 3.48%

Diagnostics 5.00 4.00 1.00 20.00%

Corporate 63.17 63.74 (0.57) (0.90%)

Planned recruitment 5.00

Registered Nursing Total 1,621.80 1,467.04 154.76 9.54%

Unregistered Nursing

Medicine DPW 152.03 151.45 0.58 0.38%

Medicine S&G 168.69 152.63 16.06 9.52%

Ops Central 74.18 73.27 0.91 1.23%

S&CC 160.23 155.64 4.59 2.86%

C&TS 68.27 63.89 4.38 6.42%

W&CS 116.41 112.77 3.64 3.13%

Path Links 1.53 1.00 0.53 34.64%

Corporate 2.20 2.40 (0.20) (9.09%)

Planned recruitment 0.00

Unregistered Nursing Total 743.54 713.05 30.49 4.10%

Nursing Total 2,365.34 2,180.09 185.25 7.83%

1.3 Allied Health Professionals In the month of March, the vacancy rate for Registered AHPs has increased, from 3.80% in February to 5.45% in March, an increase of 10 FTE vacancies. This is partly due to an uplift in establishment from 688.94 in February to 692.98 in March. The Unregistered AHP vacancy rate however has decreased, from 3.60% in February to 2.49% in March. This is due to ongoing recruitment activities in the area.

Registered AHP

Budgeted WTE

Contracted WTE

Vacancies WTE

Vacancy rate

Medicine DPW 8.87 7.60 1.27 14.32%

Medicine S&G 9.85 8.85 1.00 10.15%

Operations Central 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Diagnostics 212.38 200.13 12.25 5.77%

S&CC 60.55 64.04 (3.49) (5.76%)

C&TS 226.04 210.16 15.88 7.03%

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W&CS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Corporate 3.79 3.80 (0.01) (0.26%)

Facilities & Information 11.00 12.00 (1.00) (9.09%)

Pathlinks 160.50 148.62 11.88 7.40%

Total 692.98 655.20 37.78 5.45%

Unregistered AHP

Budgeted WTE

Contracted WTE

Vacancies WTE

Vacancy rate

Medicine DPW 3.52 3.52 0.00 0.00%

Medicine S&G 4.88 4.28 0.60 12.30%

Operations Central 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Diagnostics 74.36 71.20 3.16 4.25%

S&CC 3.57 3.49 0.08 2.24%

C&TS 92.95 90.40 2.55 2.74%

W&CS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Corporate 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00%

Facilities & Information 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Pathlinks 166.28 163.99 2.29 1.38%

Total 348.56 339.88 8.68 2.49%

Average Vacancy Rate Trends % - 3 month rolling average

2013-14 2014-15

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3


Registered Nursing 6.01% 5.49% 5.78% 5.81% 8.24% 7.54% 8.03% 9.31%

Unregistered Nursing 7.90% 6.17% 1.74% 0.00% 2.59% 0.78% 1.21% 4.10%

Registered AHP 4.23% 3.95% 2.12% 1.73% 7.16% 6.10% 4.22% 4.46%

Unregistered AHP 4.94% 4.39% 4.23% 2.99% 5.67% 5.04% 4.94% 3.13%

Trust Total 4.86% 4.34% 4.41% 3.76% 6.29% 5.70% 5.74% 6.27%

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2. Turnover, Retention and Exit Data

2.1 Stability and Retention

7,258 Employees were in post at the start of the period, with 7,200 remaining at the end, meaning 99.20% of employees were retained.

2.2 Turnover From the data available at the time of producing this report, in-month turnover has increased in March (1.12%) compared to February (0.99%). There has been an increased number of retirements in Nursing during March which is has increased the overall turnover rate. March 12 month turnover rate (turnover for the period April 2014 to March 2015) marginally decreased to 15.35% when compared to February 12 month turnover rate (turnover for the period March 2014 to February 2015) which was 15.42%.

Start End Remain Index

7,258 7,268 7,200 99.20%

8,791 8,799 8,716 99.15%


Assignment Count

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Leavers and Turnover Rate by Staff Group – March


Headcount Leavers FTE Average FTE FTE %

Scientific and Technical 3 2.61 148.94 1.75%

Additional Clinical Services 27 14.57 1,155.61 1.26%

Administrative and Clerical 10 7.87 1,126.84 0.70%

Allied Health Professionals 4 3.60 333.17 1.08%

Estates and Ancillary 11 4.99 485.91 1.03%

Healthcare Scientists 1 1.00 196.26 0.51%

Medical and Dental 5 5.00 522.63 0.96%

Nursing and Midwifery Registered 27 20.83 1,491.38 1.40%

Students (All occupations inc nurses) 0 18.00

Grand Total 88 60.47 5,478.73 1.10%

2.3 Exit Interviews Of the 18 Exit Questionnaires received in March, the following reasons for leaving were given;

Reason for Leaving Number of Staff

Retirement 22%

Job promotion 17%

Concerns over staffing levels 11%

Lack of flexible working options 11%

Supervision/mgmt relationships 17%

Other 22%

Total 100%

(Data collated from the Exit Questionnaire returns in March 2015) From the above, significant work is underway, especially within nursing and midwifery, to reduce the turnover. As such, a retention action plan has been tabled for ratification at the Nursing Recruitment and Retention Steering Group meeting. This plan covers the following: Short term/immediate aims: To gain workforce stability and address leadership concerns Medium term aims: To address workforce engagement and workforce planning concerns Long term aims: To bolster staff rewards, invest in team development and staff


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2.4 New Starters – Summary available to date - March 2015

Staff Group Headcount

Scientific and Technical 2

Additional Clinical Services 30

Administrative and Clerical 10

Allied Health Professionals 3

Estates and Ancillary 4

Healthcare Scientists 1

Medical and Dental 4

Nursing and Midwifery Registered 15

Total 71

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3. Bank and Agency – Usage and Costs

3.1 Medical

The reported position on internal and external locum expenditure shows an in-month decrease of £92k, however this includes a reduction in expenditure due to a central and technical adjustment for in-year outstanding accruals unlikely to materialise of £263.8k. Therefore the actual in-month movement is an increase of £1 71.8k. However £175.3k of this is due to late notifications of work booked by the Groups, meaning an actual in month reduction of £3.4k. Internal locums have remained consistent with last month, but continue to remain higher than at any point last financial year. External locums have decreased for the third consecutive month and are now at the lowest level this financial year, although still slightly higher than the peak of last financial year. The total cost of Agency this financial year is 2.1 times the total cost of internal locums, however the largest differences continue to be at SAS and Other Grades, where agency expenditure is approximately 2.4 and 3.2 times that of internal expenditure respectively. Agency expenditure covering Consultant grades is lower at approximately 1.5 times that of internal locums; however this carries a much higher premium than other grades. 1415 has seen a 38% increase in total locum expenditure year on year.

£'000 Combined 1415 Actual 1314

Locum Agency Locum Agency Locum Agency Locum Agency Total Total

Diagnostics* 1,337 494 0 0 0 0 1,337 494 1,831 1,296

Medicine 846 4,421 530 3,089 713 3,357 2,089 10,867 12,956 9,314

Surgery & Critical Care 834 297 880 524 548 738 2,263 1,559 3,822 2,804

Women & Children's 371 290 147 113 127 289 645 692 1,337 1,039

Operations Total 3,388 5,502 1,557 3,726 1,388 4,384 6,333 13,613 19,946 14,453

Path Links 215 0 0 0 0 0 215 0 215 171

Organisational Dev & Workforce 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 22 22 0

3,603 5,524 1,557 3,726 1,388 4,384 6,548 13,634 20,183 14,624

% of Total Spend 5% 8% 2% 6% 2% 6% 10% 20% 138% 23%

Consultant - 1415 YTD SAS - 1415 YTD Other - 1415 YTD Total - 1415 YTD

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3.2 Nursing Background This report provides a monthly update of bank shifts to allow the Board to monitor bank usage. The report provides data in terms of:

The total number of shifts requested and total fill rate during the month

Of the shifts that are filled, the number of shifts requested for both vacancy and sickness and other reasons

Outcome Data Numbers of shifts requested. The total number of shifts requested for coverage by temporary staff in March was 7012. This shows an increase of 1016 shifts on last month’s figures. Of the total requested shifts 4388 were filled overall maintaining a percentage of 62%, an increase on last month. The number of shifts filled by Bank staff in March was 3298, an increase of 483 shifts. Agencies filled 1090 shifts during March, an increase of 228 shifts compared to February. Diagram 1: Showing numbers of shifts requested, filled by Bank staff and filled by agency.










Total Number of Requests Total Number filled by Bank Total number filled byAgency




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Reasons for requesting temporary staff. Across the Trust, the request reason with the highest number of requests was vacancies. For March, the number of requests for Vacancy/Backfill showed an increase from 2059 to 2301. Sickness has shown a slight decrease, as have ‘Other’ reasons. Diagram 2: Reasons for requests for Bank staff.









Vacancy/Backfill Sickness Other




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4. ETD Update

4.1 Performance Appraisal and Development Reviews (PADR)

At the end of March, the Trust achieved an overall 90% PADR compliance. Managers continue to receive a monthly report which enables them to plan their PADRs over the year and workshops are offered to enable managers to develop their appraisal skills.

Directorate/Division 31.12.14 31.1.15 28.02.15 31.03.15

CEO/NEDS 100% 100% 100% 86%

Chief Nurse 97% 95% 98% 95%

Path Links 100% 95% 95% 77%

Facilities 98% 96% 98% 97%

Finance 94% 94% 95% 98%

Clinical & Quality Assurance 100% 95% 96% 96%

Medical Director's Office 83% 84% 82% 88%

OD & Workforce 100% 97% 95% 94%

Operations - Central & Diagnostics 97% 92% 94% 90%

Operations - Community & Therapies 96% 93% 93% 92%

Operations - Medicine 85% 80% 79% 76%

Operations - Surgery / Critical Care 90% 88% 87% 82%

Operations - Women & Children 89% 89% 88% 83%

Strategy & Planning 86% 83% 90% 88%

Average Directorate Compliance  95% 92% 92% 90%

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4.2 Mandatory Training As at 31st March, the average percentage of staff across the Trust who were verified as compliant with their mandatory training was 92.64%, in line with February’s performance. Managers continue to be informed on a monthly basis of their team’s compliance and encouraged to ensure all staff are booked on to the relevant training to remain compliant. A wider range of booklets have been developed to assist those who find online training difficult to access.

Directorate/Division 21.4.14 11.5.14 18.6.14 14.7.14 13.8.14 17.9.14 20.10.14 31.10.14 25.11.14 31.12.14 31.01.15 28.02.15 31.05.15

CEO/NEDS 81% 81% 89% 79% 80% 79% 75% 80% 86% 97% 97% 97% 94%

Chief Nurse 81% 82% 85% 85% 83% 85% 85% 88% 91% 94% 93% 92% 94%

Path Links 91% 91% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 85% 86% 94% 93% 92% 92%

Facilities 76% 77% 78% 79% 81% 82% 86% 86% 86% 96% 96% 96% 96%

Finance 96% 96% 96% 94% 95% 95% 95% 92% 95% 99% 97% 95% 98%

Clinical & Quality Assurance 91% 89% 93% 94% 97% 94% 95% 94% 98% 100% 99% 99% 100%

Medical Director's Office 87% 82% 80% 83% 72% 72% 77% 79% 81% 97% 89% 85% 81%

OD & Workforce 84% 82% 82% 84% 77% 89% 90% 93% 88% 97% 96% 95% 94%

Operations Central 92% 93%

Operations Directorate 92% 92%

Operations - Central &

Diagnostics 87% 88% 87% 86% 86% 87% 90% 88% 92% 95% 93% 94% 95%

Operations - Community &

Therapies85% 84% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 88% 89% 95% 95% 94% 94%

Operations - Medicine 75% 80% 78% 79% 80%Operations - Surgery / Critical

Care73% 74% 75% 76% 75% 77% 76% 76% 79% 85% 84% 85% 85%

Operations - Women &

Children77% 78% 77% 78% 76% 77% 78% 80% 82% 86% 85% 86% 85%

Strategy & Planning 97% 95% 97% 95% 93% 93%

Average Trust compliance

(excluding Bank Staff)82% 82% 83% 83% 81% 83% 83% 85% 87% 95% 92% 92% 93%

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 21 of 28 pages

5. Operational HR

5.1 Sickness From the data available at the time of writing the report, during the month of March, 6,374 days were lost across the Trust due to sickness from 382 occurrences, an absence rate of 2.81%. Of the 382 occurrences, 200 were due to long term sickness, equating to 52.4% of all in month sickness absence. Due to a system upgrade in ESR at the beginning of April, it is envisaged that at the time of writing the report, the amount of sickness data that has been added to ESR is less then would normally be expected at the same time any other month. On that basis, it is expected that the actual sickness rate for March will be somewhat higher when reconciled in next month’s report. At the time of writing the report in March, February’s absence rate was 3.86%. Reconciliation of February data now shows an absence rate of 4.23% (8,305 days) as further sickness absences have been added to ESR following the original data extract in March. Operational HR continue to promote ‘Healthy lives, healthy living’ in conjunction with Occupational Health and are proactively working with ward managers to reduce sickness and manage the long term sickness. ‘Healthy lives, healthy living’ promotes staff wellbeing initiatives and staff embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Despite the sickness rate increasing the above data is encouraging when compared to the average acute average sickness which is on a significant upward trajectory. Actions and links to line manager through operational HR aim to address the marginal upward NLG sickness trend. Please note the ‘Acute Average Y&H’ sickness absence data is only available up to January 2014 at the point of producing this report.

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5.2 Occupational Health

5.2.1 Management Referrals The number of management referrals to Occupational Health from April 2014 to March 2015:

5.2.2 Self-referrals

The Occupational Health team purchased an occupational health electronic records system which was installed on 4th March. Work is ongoing with various aspects of this system with an aim to gradually transfer staff paper records to electronic records in order to make processes more efficient and paper-light.

Self-referrals during March:

26 self-referrals for physiotherapy

3 self-referral for nursing

Surgery and Critical Care 10 11 8 13 10 14 13 10 13 11 14 10 137

Medical Directorate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 4

Women’s and Children’s 8 7 10 6 10 7 11 6 3 6 6 6 86

Pathlinks 0 1 0 2 4 1 2 2 0 1 7 2 22

Finance & Planning 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 9

Central Operations 4 5 14 9 6 4 5 4 0 8 6 8 73

Diagnostics and Therapeutics 3 6 7 7 2 2 3 9 1 2 4 8 54

Facilities 8 3 5 17 4 7 8 4 12 10 7 10 95

Chief Nurse Directorate 6 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 14

Community & Therapies 6 6 6 6 3 7 5 6 7 5 0 6 63

OD & Workforce 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 5

Strategy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2

Medicine 16 16 23 29 26 26 21 16 15 22 14 9 233

Totals 61 57 73 93 66 73 68 60 51 67 67 61 736

Mar-15Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 TotalDirectorate Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Feb-15Jan-15

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6. Workforce Planning

6.1 Workforce Data for Workforce Planning/Succession Planning Purpose, including maintain ‘Establishment Control’ with the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) HR/Payroll system.

At present around 35% of the returned staff data capture forms have been updated on the ESR system. Work is now underway collating and cleansing the position titles from the establishment review spreadsheets that were sent to each line manager. Position titles provided by each line manager are being cross-referenced against those supplied by others across the Trust, and a condensed list of proposed position titles, that will be standard across the Trust, is being developed. This will be circulated to heads of departments for agreement, before being updated on ESR. The next stage of work will then be to link job descriptions to each of the standardised position titles, to enable the creation of a “library” of Trust job descriptions. 6.2 Interim Workforce Plan The key work streams within the workforce plan continue to gain momentum. Some areas of particular interest/development are below:

Calderdale Framework (an approach to driving forward service redesign) Sixteen candidates have now been identified to complete the Facilitator training in June. These candidates represent a broad range of staff groups and departments across the Trust, as well as level. This will give the Trust a robust, diverse and flexible team of facilitators to support redesign projects across the Trust. The work within theatres continues and additional awareness raising sessions are in the process of being organised to move the project forwards.

Bursaries for Radiography – This scheme offers second year under-graduate Radiography students:

o An annual student sponsorship payment towards their study expenses o Paid work within the radiology department during their studies o Career support through coaching and mentoring from the Trust radiology

professional lead and the Trust network of executive coaches o A permanent position with the North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS FT, and o A payment of up to £5,000 will be paid off any student loan if they stay with us for at

least three years

Unfortunately, a meeting has yet to take place to discuss some of the concerns that Sheffield Hallam had with regards to some elements of the proposed scheme, due to annual leave commitments and busy schedules. The meeting will now take place on 30th April. Following this meeting, it is anticipated that the Trust will open discussions with existing first year students who will be progressing to their second year in September.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 24 of 28 pages

Advancing Clinical Practice (ACP) – The job descriptions for the Band 7 and 8a posts have now been created. There a few small adjustments and clarifications that are needed, namely the inclusion of prescribing. Once these have been done, the job descriptions will then be ready to place adverts for existing, ready qualified ACP’s.

The Trust is currently still awaiting the generic job description and competencies from Harrogate which they have agreed to share.

Physician’s Associates (PA) – Conversations have taken place between the Trust’s workforce team and Sheffield Hallam University to confirm interest and participation in the placement of PA students as part of their new course form January 2016. Sheffield Hallam has offered to undertake awareness-raising sessions both for Directors, managers and staff. The workforce team are working with Sheffield to arrange these sessions and dates. A further update will be available in May’s report.

In addition to the Student placements, there is a project being mounted by the Department of Health to bring 200 Physicians associates from the USA to the UK for 2 years, starting work on or about 1st December 2015. The purpose is to demonstrate to the NHS the usefulness of this grade of clinician, in advance of the future increase in their availability as the UK trains more. The Trust has been invited to bid for a number, which is anticipated to be around 10 to 15. Those coming from the USA will have experience in their current roles and will have been orientated into UK practice. There is a commitment from the Trust to use such members of staff to try and ease the pressure for other medical staff.

A further update will be available in May’s report.

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Directorate of OD and Workforce, April 2015 25 of 28 pages

7. Benchmarking – Monthly Ewin Figures

7.1 Sickness – January Benchmark position

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7.2 Grade Mix – January Benchmark Position

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7.3 Staff Turnover – January Benchmark Position