Puzzle Treks

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Puzzle Treks

Puzzle Treks


About UsStart dreaming of Israel, as you've never imagined it before. We welcome you to a country bursting at the seams with many languages, distinctive cultures, and breathtaking sights. Five young adults recognized the drastic need for deeper engagement in Israel and Israel advocacy from young adults around the globe. They combined their unique talents to build Puzzle Israel, a travel company specifically for young adults who wish to explore Israel from the ground up.

Eyal LevyEyal Levy, grew up in Kamun, a village in the Lower Galilee. He served six years as a combatant officer and captain in an elite IDF unit. After, he spent ten months traveling the Silk Road through Central Asia, Nepal, China, and India, also spending time in Mongolia and New Zealand. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy from Hebrew University and loves hiking, playing soccer, horseback riding, reading and spending time with his friends.

Nikki AvershalNikki Avershal, is from Philadelphia. She grew up speaking Hebrew with her Israeli father and visiting Israel often to see family. In 2009 she graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in Political Science. Throughout her studies and after, she worked various positions in the Jewish community in Pittsburgh. She moved to Israel to participate in OTZMA, a yearlong volunteer program. Following this, she received her International MBA from Tel Aviv University. She loves yoga, singing and playing guitar, hiking, and reading.


Nir MargalithNir Margalith, grew up in Yuvalim, a village in Misgav, Israel, surrounded by the magical nature of the Lower Galilee. From 2003-2006 he served in the IDF as a driver and assistant to a senior officer. Since he can remember, hikes, trips, and nature have always been important to him. He has traveled extensively independently as well as with his family and friends. Every day meeting new people, discovering new places, and trying new foods helps him to continue his journey of exploration.

Guy MaromGuy Marom, was born and raised in Koranit, Misgav. His appreciation for nature and his love of Israel stems from his grandparents, who helped build the land of Israel after escaping the Holocaust. Guy served 3 years in the IDF and after, he spent eight months traveling around New Zealand and the Far East. His travels gave him a fresh perspective on Israel and what makes his homeland so unique. He holds a B.A. in Behavioral Sciences from Bar Ilan University and loves riding horses, cooking, traveling, and music.


Tomer ShohamTomer Shoham, was born and raised in the Galilee community, Yuvalim. From 2002 to 2008 Tomer served in various elite units of the IDF and after his release from the army he traveled throughout Australia, New Zealand and the United States. He loves to explore Israel in his 4x4 and takes every opportunity he can to travel. He lives in Jerusalem where he works for Magen David Adom after 10 years of voluntary service and is a licensed tour guide of Israel.

About The Crew


Puzzle TreksPuzzle invites you to cover Israeli terrain on

five fascinating and challenging treks built

specifically for travelers who love nature and

sprawling landscapes. Small intimate groups

will set out to explore Israel on foot and

discover the hidden magic of mountainous

vistas, unique geographical phenomena, with a

rich mix of ancient history and modern society.

Weaving through portions of the Israel National

Trail, each trek provides the core contents of

all Puzzle Israel trips including survival and

navigation workshops, interactive cooking

demonstrations, music evenings and sunrise

yoga for an unforgettable experience.

Nimrod Fortress to KinneretDaily ProgramDay 1: From the Mountain to the Valley • Breakfast at Nimrod Fortress • Descent from Nimrod Fortress to Kibbutz Snir • Hike from the suspension bridge at Banias Riverbed to entrance of the

settlement• Visit monument commemorating victims of helicopter accident • Kibbutz activities and evening at “Pub Sheli”, Kibbutz Dan• Accommodation at Kibbutz Dan

Day 2: Israel's Water Sources • Trip two see additional water sources of the Jordan River • From Dan Riverbed to Hatzbani Riverbed • Crossing the Jordan River Valley to Kfar Giladi• Visit the Tel Hai courtyard and Ha'Shomer Museum, stories and explanations

about Ha'Shomer and Trumpeldor • Continue to Crusader Fort Hunin• Campfire in Fort Hunin and swim in ancient waterhole in the fortress. • Camping in Fort Hunin

Day 3: Fortresses and Caves • Watch the sunrise from the top of the Crusader fortress• Explanation and discussion of what can be seen of the Golan Heights, Lebanon,

and the path from the two previous days of hiking. • Walking along Galilee landscape with full view of the Jordan River Valley• Visit to Koach (Yesha) Fort and lesson about the war of liberation in the Galilee • Descent to Dishon Riverbed and Ascent to the Alma Cave (one of the largest

caves in Israel)**The courageous may descend into the cave while the rest of the group sets up camp in the surrounding area


Day 4:From Alma to Mt. Meron• Alwa Spring and Blue Eye Reservoir• Visit to the ancient Arab village of Jish (Gush Halav) including local lunch• Ascending Mt. Meron• Cooking workshop atop Mt. Meron

Day 5:Amud • Wake up before the sunrise to view the surrounding area from the top of Mt.

Meron (Israel's second highest mountain)• Descend from Mt. Meron by way of the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai• Descend into Upper Amud Riverbed • Swim in Sichvi Pools • Accommodation at Kibbutz Hukuk or outdoor camping at Habakkuk Spring

(Miqve) • Music evening

Day 6:Kinneret • A short hike to the Kinneret• Swim and “Al Ha’Esh” (Barbeque) on the shores of the Kinneret • A visit to Tiberias• Sleep in a hotel in Tiberias


Day 1: The Battle on the Road to Jerusalem • Start at Latrun Armored Corps Memorial • Ascend on the Burma Road to Outposts 16 and 21• Descend to Kisalon Riverbed and continue to Kibbutz Tzuba• Sleeping and music evening at Kibbutz Tzuba

Day 2: Agriculture in the Judean Mountains • Hike from Tzuba to Mt. Eitan and Sataf• Cross Soreq Riverbed • Finish at Kobi Spring• ODT and military activities• Campfire and Poike evening

Day 3: Bible stories: David and Goliath, Samson • Hike from Kobi Springs to Charbet Chanun• Nativ Ha’Lamed Heh: Mt. Sansan, Main Battle Hill, Ha’Elah Valley• Accommodations at Tel Azeqa• Outdoor cooking workshop

Day 4: Bar Kochva Rebellion• From Tel Azeqa to Tel Masuah• Continue to Beit Govrin• Visit to Beit Govrin National Park (Bell Caves)• Sleep at Beit Govrin

Day 5:Trip in Wadi Kelt • Travel to Anatot (Option to drive the previous evening)• Hiking trek in Wadi Kelt • Travel to the Dead Sea hot springs • Sleep near the Dead Sea • Alternative Options • Begin the first day in Tel Aviv and then continue to Latrun• Begin at Reading portion of Israel National Trail to Hayarkon (antipatrus) • Camping at Fort Afeq

The Kinneret to Hof HaCarmelDaily ProgramDay 1: The first Kibbutzim and the settlements around the Kinneret (14 km) • Introduction at Arbel Cliff lookout • Descend by way of Poriyah Heights to Kibbutz Kinneret• Accommodations at Rob Roi campsite

Day 2: Agricultural Settlements in the Galilee (22 km) • Hike to Sirin Heights (Elot Observation point) by way of Yavniel riverbed • Option A- INT by way of Elot hills • Option B- By way of Yavniel Spring, climb of Yavniel ascent • Walk to Olam Spring to the foothills of Tavor• Accomodations at Gazit, Ein Dor, or Kfar Kish

Day 3: Jeep trek around the area’s Bible stories • Climb Mt. Tavor • Start INT, climb to Mt. Devorah with accommodation in Nazareth Hostel (top of

Mt. Yonah)

Day 4:Ancient settlements in the Lower Galilee • Hiking the INT from the Old City of Tzipori to Mizpeh Hosha’aya• Alonim Hills and Tzipori Riverbed• Bicycle ride through Tzipori Riverbed• Accommodation at Kibbutz Yagur

Day 5:History of the Carmel Mountains, Ancient and Modern • Climb the Carmel (Ma’apilim Riverbed) • Descend in Kelach Riverbed from Top of Carmel to Mt. Shokef• Descend through Oren Riverbed via Etzbah Cave and Oren campsite to Carmel

Beach • Finish at Carmel Beach

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Around JerusalemDaily Program

MakhteshimDaily ProgramDay 1: Introduction to the nature of the desert • Begin at the Asmodeus Gate (Hatzeira stream) • Start crossing the small Makhtesh and climbing of Eli ascent • Stop at observation point above the small Makhtesh with an explanation of the

special geological phenomenon. • Arrive to campsite• Outdoor cooking workshop

Day 2: Man in the desert • Climb to Fort Zafit• Descend to Yamin Riverbed and climb "Palmach Ascent" at Hatirah Riverbed. • Swim in Yorqe'am Spring• Climb to the "Shark tail" trail (edge of the large Makhtesh) and entrance to the

Makhtesh, meet the bus at the colored sands site.• Observation from Mt. Avnun• Spend the rest of the day in lectures and workshops related to life in the desert,

with explanations about desert tribes, old and new• Sleep at S'de Boker College

Day 3: Bible stories: David and Goliath, Samson • Walk from Aqev Spring to Shaviv Spring• Climbing the "thirsty snake" ascent• Camping in "Eva waterholes" Campground• Desert wilderness survival workshops

Day 4: HaMakhteshim• Early wake up for desert sunrise yoga• Walk to "Eva waterholes" • Arrive at overlook of Makhtesh Ramon • Bike trek along the northern rim of Makhtesh Ramon to Mitzpeh Ramon• Visit the sculpture garden at Mitzpeh Ramon• Spirituality workshops at Mitzpe Ramon • Sleep at Mitzpe Ramon

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The Road to EilatDaily ProgramDay 1: Kibbutz Yotvata and Israeli Settlement in the Desert • Start at Khan Shaharut• Hiking: Shaharut Ascent path or Zugan Ascent to Yotvata • Visit to Yotvata’s desert dairy farms • Walk to Yotvata’s wildlife shelter• Poike, campfire, and ODT activities • Sleep at Kibbutz Samar or at Chai Bar campgrounds

Day 2: Timna • Hike to Timna • Guided bicycle tour of Timna National Park • Timna attractions: Sand dunes, Copper mines and Solomon’s Pillars • Scavenger hunt in Timna Park• Accommodations at Bedouin tents near Lake Timna

Day 3: Jeep Trekking • Early climb of Berech Ascent to mt. Berech• Begin jeep trip from top of Mt. Berech• Half a day jeep trip visiting Betamim Riverbed, Sayarim Ascent, Eteq Riverbed,

Raham Riverbed, Be’er Orah, and Mt. Amram• Swim in Eteq waterholes• Outdoor cooking workshop • Camping at Mt. Yocheved campgrounds

Day 4: Hiking• Sunrise yoga on Mt. Yocheved• Hike from Mt. Yocheved to Shchoret Canyon to Mt. Solomon and Mt. Yorem• Campfire and music evening• Sleep at Mt. Yoram campsite

Day 5:Israel National Trail• Hike along the most southern portion of the Israel National Trail • Through Mt. Yohash, Gishron Ascent, Bulbusim Ascent, and Mt. Tzfachot• Final observations from Mt. Tzfachot to Eilat, descend to the beaches of Eilat


CONTACT US:USA No. (215) 764-6412

Nir Margalith 972 (52) 226-1323

Nikki Avershal 972 (54) 453-1236

www . Pu z z l e I s r a e l . c om

Puzz l eIsr a e l@gma i l . com

Contact Us:USA No. (215) 764-6412Nir Margalith 972 (52) 226-1323Nikki Avershal 972 (54) 453-1236w w w . p u z z l e i s r a e l . c o mp u z z l e i s r a e l @ g m a i l . c o m