Put The Life Back into Work Life Balance

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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How do you know if your employees are disengaged? Learn 5 Key Strategies to creating engaged employees who love to come to work. Don't fire your employees - Fire them up!

Transcript of Put The Life Back into Work Life Balance

63% of workers admit to wasting 1.7 hours of work time per day (Salary.com)

1. You’resigningyetanotherfarewellcardforsomeonewhocostafortunetohireonlyayearago.

2. YourHRdepartmentisdealingwithunproductiveordisruptiveemployees,whohavenointentionofleaving.

3. Absenteeismisup,productivityisdown–youwantittobetheotherwayaround!



• Providebalancedandinformedperformancefeedback.

• Identifykeydriversofworkplaceengagementandcommitment.

• Profiletheemotionalintelligenceandbehavioural stylesofmanagersandfutureleaders.

• Developyourpromisingstaffintohighachievingstaff, andturnyourhighachieversintonewground-breakers.

• Conducttrainingworkshopsthatareinteractive,and tailoredtoyourcompany’sneeds.

689% ROI for executive coachingParker-wilkins, V. (2006). “Business impact of executive Coaching: Demonstrating monetary value.” Industrial & Commercial Training, 38, pp 122-127.

“Losing so much manpower may cause alarm bells, but at Personnel Development Solutions we know there is more to being productive than simply being on-task. Recent research suggests that allowing some personal time during work can result in greater productivity than employees who are strictly monitored. Companies like Google have recognised this, and even promote “20% time”, where employees are permitted to have fun, socialise, twitter or, whatever. This is an example of thinking outside the box, and creates a more engaged and commited workforce. Talk to Personnel Development Solutions to gain the most from your employees.”

Alison Skate, Principal Psychologist and Workplace Coach

17 times ROI over 2 years when training managers to be internal coaches

Rock, D & Donde, R. (2008). “Driving organizational change with internal coaching programs: Part one.” Industrial and Commercial Training, 40, pp 10-18.

3 signs


5 Strategies tobuildemployeecommitment

We have solutions!

Staff AnalysisGeneratehighlevelsoforganisationalcommitmentandperformance.Wecansurveyyourpersonnelandidentifythekeydriversofemployeecommitment.

Performance ManagementPerformanceappraisalsareonlyonestepinaneffectiveperformancemanagementprocess.PersonnelDevelopmentSolutionscanassistyoutomanageandenhancetheperformanceofyourpersonnel.




Speak to a consultant today.



689% ROI for executive coachingParker-wilkins, V. (2006). “Business impact of executive Coaching: Demonstrating monetary value.” Industrial & Commercial Training, 38, pp 122-127.

96% of coaching clients would hire a coach again in the futureSurvey by International Coaching Federation, 2009

5 Strategies tobuildemployeecommitment

