Purdue Aviation

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Purdue Aviation

Lafayette Tower. Warrior five five three papa uniform at runway two three ready for take off.

Five five three papa uniform, cleared for take off. Keep left traffic.

Cleared for take off, five five three papa uniform.

When you think of Purdue … do you think of aviation ?

Do you think of Amelia?

But we’ve come a long way since Amelia’s day…

Look where we are now!

What was once analog instruments … and steering wheels…

Is now computer screens and joysticks…

With flight simulators giving us the same flying experience…

Without ever leaving the ground…

And state-of-the art aircraft…

You paved the way Amelia….

Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, graduate of Purdue University

When equipment fails, Purdue Pilots prevail!

We got it from here