PSV Presentation (HL)

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Transcript of PSV Presentation (HL)

  • 8/9/2019 PSV Presentation (HL)


  • 8/9/2019 PSV Presentation (HL)



  • 8/9/2019 PSV Presentation (HL)


  • 8/9/2019 PSV Presentation (HL)


    WHEN it appears & WHERE???

    Emerged in the mid 1950s in Britain and in thelate 1950s in the United States

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    H OW do pop art is produced???P op art challenged tradition by asserting that

    an artist's use of the mass-produced visual commodities of popular culture is

    contiguous with the perspective of fine art.P op removes the material from its context and isolates the object, or combines it with

    other objects, for contemplation. The

    concept of pop art refers not as much tothe art itself as to the attitudes that led toit.

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    WH O is the artist of POP ART???Figuration Libre (Free figuration) is a French artmovement of the 1980s. It is the French equivalent of Bad Painting and Neo-expressionism in America andEurope, Junge Wilde in Germany andTransvanguardia in Italy. The term was coined byFluxus artist Ben Vautier.

    The group was formed in 1981 by Robert Combas,Remi Blanchard, Franois Boisrond and Herv DiRosa. Other figures include Richard Di Rosa andLouis Jammes. Between 1982 and 1985, these artistsexhibited alongside their American counterparts KeithHaring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Kenny Scharf in

    New York City, London, Pittsburgh and Paris.Figuration Libre (Free Figuration) can be translated asFree Style.

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    Examples On POP ART.

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    Examples On POP ART

    Richard Hamilton . Just What Is It That Makes Today s Homes So Different, So Appealing? (1956) is one of the earliest works to be considered "pop art".

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    Examples On POP ART

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    History Of POP ART

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    T he origins of pop art in North America, Chinaand Great Britain developed slightly differently.

    In America, it marked a return to hard-edgedcomposition and representational art as aresponse by artists using impersonal, mundane

    reality, irony and parody to defuse the personalsymbolism and "painterly looseness" of AbstractExpressionism.

    Early pop art in Britain was a matter of ideas

    fueled by American popular culture viewed fromafar, while the American artists were inspired bythe experiences of living within that culture

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    However, pop art also was a continuation of certain aspects of Abstract Expressionism, such asa belief in the possibilities for art, especially forlarge-scale artwork.Similarly, pop art was both an extension and arepudiation of Dadaism. While pop art and

    Dadaism explored some of the same subjects,pop art replaced the destructive, satirical, andanarchic impulses of the Dada movement withdetached affirmation of the artifacts of massculture.

    Among those artists seen by some as producingwork leading up to Pop art are Pablo Picasso,Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters, and Man Ray.

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    In Britain: The Independent GroupT he Independent Group (IG), founded in London in1952 , is regarded as the precursor to the pop artmovement.T hey were a gathering of young painters, sculptors,architects, writers and critics who were challengingprevailing modernist approaches to culture as wellas traditional views of Fine Art.T he group discussions centered around popular

    culture implications from such elements as massadvertising, movies, product design, comic strips,science fiction and technology.Artist :Eduardo Paolozzi and John McHale

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    Eduardo Paolozzi. I was a Rich Man's Plaything (1947) is considered the initialstandard bearer of pop art and first to display the word "pop". Paolozzi showedthe collage in 1952 as part of his groundbreaking Bunk! series presentation at theinitial Independent Group meeting in London.

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    In the United States

    Pop Art in America was given its greatest impetusduring the 1960 sadvertising had adopted many elements andinflections of modern art and functioned at a verysophisticated levelArtists :Jasper Johns and Robert RauschenbergRoy Lichtenstein. His work probably defines thebasic premise of pop art better than any otherthrough parody. Selecting the old-fashioned

    comic strip as subject matter, Lichtensteinproduces a hard-edged, precise composition thatdocuments while it parodies in a soft manner.

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    R oy Lichtenstein's Dro wning Gi r l (1963) on display at the Museum of Modern Art,New York

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    In Spainthe study of pop art is associated with the "new figurative", whicharose from the roots of the crisis of informalismEduardo Arroyo could be said to fit within the pop art trend, onaccount of his interest in the environment, his critique of our mediaculture which incorporates icons of both mass media communicationand the history of painting, and his scorn for nearly all establishedartistic styles.Alfredo Alcan, makes of popular images and empty spaces in hiscompositions.the Chronicle Team (E l Equipo Crnica ), existed in Valencia between1964 -1981 , formed by the artists Manolo Valds and Rafael Solbes,itsuse of comics and publicity images and its simplification of images andphotographic compositionsFilmmaker Pedro Almodovar emerged from Madrid's "La Movida"subculture (1970 s) making low budget super 8 pop art movies andwas subsequently called the Andy Warhol of Spain by the media at thetime. In the book "Almodovar on Almodovar" he is quoted saying thatthe 1950 s film "Funny Face" is a central inspiration for his work. OnePop trademark in Almodovar's films is that he always produces a fakecommercial to be inserted into a scene.

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    In Japaninspiration largely from anime , and sometimes

    ukiyo-e and traditional Japanese artT he best-known pop artist currently in Japan isTakashi Murakami, whose group of artists, KaikaiKiki, is world-renowned for their own mass-

    produced but highly abstract and unique superflatart movement, a surrealist, post-modern movementwhose inspiration comes mainly from anime andJapanese street culture, is mostly aimed at youth in

    Japan, and has made a large cultural impactMany pop artists in Japan use surreal or obscene,shocking images in their art, taken from Japanesehentai

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  • 8/9/2019 PSV Presentation (HL)
