PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF climate reality Project

Post on 29-Jul-2016

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MY DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, History will remember Earth Day 2016 as a critical moment – the day that world leaders solidified their commitment to climate action and finalized the landmark Paris Agreement at the UN. Seeing key nations like the US and China united in working to solve the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced has given me a tremendous amount of climate hope for the rest of 2016 and beyond. And we have our incredible supporters like you to thank for what lies ahead: a healthy, sustainable future powered by clean-energy solutions for the entire planet. Thank you.

Transcript of PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF climate reality Project

The Climate Reality Project <>


May 12 at 11:35 PMTo body





Dear Anjan, 

This May marks the 10th anniversary of the groundbreaking documentary An Inconvenient Truth featuring former Vice President Al Gore, the film that forced the issue of climate change into mainstream


culture and raised global awareness of the crisis like nothing before. 

After the film’s release, people everywhere began talking about the climate crisis – to their friends, family, and everyone in their lives – sparking a new kind of movement with millions demanding action all across the planet. 

That’s why today we’re asking you to help shine light on the 10-year anniversary and tell us how An Inconvenient Truth affected you. Maybe the film inspired you to talk to your community or school about climate change. Maybe you paid more attention to the news every time the issue came up and started writing your elected officials letting them know it was time to act. 

Whatever it was, we want to hear your story. Use the hashtag #ait10 and share your story on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or in a video capturing how An Inconvenient Truth inspired you to do something about the climate crisis. 

The movement the film inspired continues to grow even today, and it’s up to each and every one of us to spread the word about what’s happening to our climate and how we can create a healthy, sustainable future for our planet. 

Share your story on social media today and join the global conversation An Inconvenient Truth started 10 years ago.

Thank you for all that you do,

- Your friends at Climate


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