Prot Interaction

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Transcript of Prot Interaction

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Chem/Biol 8360; Fall Semest

    ass : ec n ques : pro emicroalorimetry, surface plasm

    September 27, 2011

    Instrumental MetProtein-Ligan

    Lecturer: Bob Wohlhueter; bob

    r 2011 (mini-semester I)

    n- gan n erac on,n resonance, light scattering

    ods for MeasuringInteractions

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Some useful references:

    1. Biomolecular Ligand-Receptor BindinCharles R. Sanders, Dept. of Biochemistr

    . .This is an excellent introduction to theory

    2. Protein-Ligand Interactions: HydrodyB.Z. Chowdhry, eds.; Oxford University PrThis Practical Approach text, along withSpectroscopy cover all instrumental met

    . ro e n- ro e n n erac ons: e o s Press (2004).This text covers mostly biological method

    ha e-dis la not addressed in this lectu

    4. Biocalorimetry, J.E. Ladbury and B.Z.

    This text remains the authoritative sourcevery detailed, mathematically rigorous.

    Studies: Theory, Practice, and Analysis, Vanderbilt University (available on-line at

    .nd practice of binding measurement.

    amics and Calorimetry, S.E. Harding andess (2001)ts companion volume on Structure andods in detail.

    an pp ca ons , a an u, e .; umana

    , like the yeast two-hybrid approach ande.

    Chowdhr , eds.; Wiley (1998)

    for theory and practice of microcalorimetry;

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    General Introduction:1. Biological systems characteristicall

    (H-bonds, hydrophobic bonds, electheir functioning.

    a. sma mo ecu es n erac ng w mallosteric effectors, 2nd messenger

    b. macromolecules interacting with e,pathways

    2. Accordin l our abilit to understa

    requires us to discern such interact

    3. Not surprisingly, a large portion of tdirected at detecting non-covalent i

    a. Qualitative (yes-or-no) methodsm croarrays, an exp o e n any

    b. Quantitative methods for measurinradioisotopically) binding to protei

    .mass, binding enthalpy) of the bindinstrumentation.

    y rely on non-covalent interactionsrostatics, van der Waals forces) for

    cromo ecu es, e.g. enzyme su s ra es,, promoters, membranes

    ch other, e.g. enzyme complexes,, ,

    d biolo ical structure and function

    ions, often quantitatively.

    he biochemists methodology is


    sing bait-and-prey, implemented inorm o a n y c roma ograp yg small ligands (labeled, usuallys; typically equilibrium dialysis

    ,ing entities, and thus requiring

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    Familiar examples of compl






    D.Voet and J.G.Voet, Biochemistry(

    x, catalytic machinery:

    nzyme complexes: pyruvateehydrogenase includes 26 subunitsomprising three catalytic activities;s n erme a es o no m x w uolvent.

    iquitin system for proteingradation takes place in the

    ,llow tube, 190 x 450 , comprisingleast 3 catalytic functions.)

    e ribosome, with 52 proteins and. ,al of 2.52 megaDaltons, is thend-master of ensemble function.

    nd ed.), Wiley 2004)

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    Caveat #1: the cell is not* It is a crowded, organized space, a 20

    onsequences or v scos y, us on co

    * Biochemists who like to work with purifishould alwa s bear this in ind.

    B.Alberts et al.Molecular Biology of the Cell (

    dilute, aqueous solution:protein solution.

    ns an s, c em ca ac v y o 2

    d proteins in dilute, aqueous solutions

    th ed.), Garland (2002)

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    Caveat #2: Beware of pro

    Bait and Prey methods-

    have been devised in which a bait p

    of cellular proteins. Those that stick, t,

    A recent protein-graph analysis [DePNAS 103: 311 2006 concludes that

    by the yeast 2 hybridtechnique, therethe number of interactions made by aresidues on its surface.

    Using a clever protocol [quantitativ

    knockdown, QUICK], Selbach and Mas owe a , o pro e ns cap ureall but two were noise. To differentialabeled proteins in vivowith heavy- or

    ein stickiness when using

    ,otein is exposed to a large collections

    he prey, are construed having. . . . .

    ds, Ashenberg and Schaknovich,in two ma or studies of east roteins

    is a significant correlation betweenrotein and the fraction of hydrophobic

    e immunoprecipitation combined with

    nn [Nature Methods 3:981 (2006)]as prey y an o y- oun - ca en n,e signal from noise, the researcherslight- isotopes of N in normal and


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    Physical Methods for Analysis

    TechnologyPhysical QuantityMeasured

    so erma ra oncalorimetry

    enthalpy of reaction


    solid interface




    analytical sedimentation inultracentrifugation gravitational field

    li ht s ectroscoabsorbance,fluorescence, Raman,circular dichroism

    mass spectrometry mass of complex

    f Macromolecular Interaction

    Characteristics of Method

    solution- hase bindin of macromoleculewith ligand; allows complete thermodynamiccharacterization

    detects solution-phase ligand binding to-

    immobilized molecule; kinetics ofassociation/dissociaton

    computation of molecular size and shape inso u on; m e o macromo ecu arassociations

    computation of molecular mass in solution;limited to macromolecular associations

    dependent on ligand altering optical behavior

    mass spectrometry occurs in vacuo;extrapolation to liquid phase?

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    Technique 1: Calorimetryso er a ra on vs.

    Note that in differential scanning cachamber is closed. One applies heat

    rise in temperature as a function of hlinearity are due to transient changesas regions in which the protein undere.g. unfolding.

    In isothermal titration calorimetry (Ireaction chamber is introduced conti

    concentration of added ligand).

    Accordin l DSC lends itself to roligand interaction studies.

    eren a cann ng

    lorimetry (DSC), the reactiono the chamber and measures the

    at applied. Positive diversions fromin heat capacity, and are construedoes gross conformational change,

    C), reagent extraneous to theuously. The heat generated (or

    tein foldin studies ITC to rotein-

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Isothermal Titration Calorimetr

    One rea

    (ca. 100undergo


    ea sinstrume(set bet

    Raw dat


    the reacIntegratthese dto which

    estimateH, Kd,

    : basic experimental scheme

    tant li and is contained in s rin e

    l) at high concentration; its a 15-fold dilution upon injection.

    eactant (protein) is preloaded in aell (1.5 ml).

    n ca a e or w rawn ynt to maintain constant temperatureeen 2 and 80); the amount added is


    is collected as cal/sec; integrated

    mic) or taken up (endothermic) by

    tion, as triggered by one injection.ed over time of whole experiment,ta describe a binding isotherm,a theoretical curve is fit to yield

    s o t e t ermo ynamics parametersas well as reaction stoichiometry.

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    ITC: example of raw and inte rated thermal data

    Each spike represents asuccessive injection of ligandsolution, say 5 l.

    As the binding reaction saturates,

    area under the spike decreases.e sma , res ua sp es a ersaturation are construed as heatof dilution (of ligand solution in

    ,as correction.

    as the integrated heat release

    against molar ratio of reactants,calculated their from knownconcentrations.

    Here, half-maximal heat occurs

    at approximate y mo ar ratio = ,implying 1:1 stoichiometry.

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    The directly measured quantity isH; K can be evaluated from theisotherm. If you perform theexper men a severa , a comp e ethermodynamic description of thebinding reaction can be calculated.

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    ITC: experimental design con iderations

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    ITC:Y.V. Griko


    Protein Sci


    denaturestable, an

    and drive

    At highershown) itthe stabilinegativefrom an e


    etal ion binding to a proteinnd D.P. Remeta, Energetics of solvent and

    - ,

    nce 8:554 (1999)

    min is a Ca2+ binding protein; the

    states. At 5 its conformation isCa2+ binding is modestly exothermic

    b ositive entro .

    emperatures (only summary dataconformation is much more fluid, and

    zation induced by Ca + involves a large,ntropy. That is, the reaction switchesthalpy-driven to an entropy-driven

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    ITC: Ca2+-dependent peptide:A.Y. Gribenko, M.Guzman-Casado,M.M.Lopez and

    thermodynamic properties of peptide binding

    11:1367 (2002).

    rotein interactionG.I. Makhatadze, Conformational and

    o human S100P protein, Protein Science

    - 2+,binding protein whoseexpression is elevated in

    rostate cancer. It has bothhigh (Kd= 5 M) and low (Kd= 200 M) affinity calciumsites.

    Mellitin is a 26-residuepeptide from bee venom with

    -aqueous solution. The

    characteristics of binding toon occupation of the low-affinity calcium site.

    ITC C 2 d d id i i i ( )

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    ITC: Ca2+-dependent peptide

    capacity: Cp = [H0/ dT]P , and that aa conformational change in protein.

    :protein interaction (cont)

    hange in heat capacity usually implies

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    Another example of ITC: T-c

    K. M. Armstrong and B.M Baker, A comprehe


    interation, Biophysical J. 93:597 (2007)

    ll receptor:peptide binding

    sive calorimetric investigation of an

    MHC (type I) presents

    antigenic peptides (ca. 10-mers) arising from theintracellular proteolysis ofviruses. The MHC:peptidecomp ex s recogn ze y aT-cell receptor specific tothe peptide. When the T-

    infected cell, it kills the cell.

    The A6 TCR reco nizesLLFGYPVYV generatedfrom the tax protein ofHTLV-1

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    Binding of A6-T-Cell-- -

    presenting HLA-A2

    measured in this experiment (pH6.4)differed from those measured at

    . ,suspect proton linkage with binding,i.e. that a shift in pKa occurs uponbindin .

    They pursue this hypothesis bycarrying out the reaction in variousbuffers covering a wide range of

    ionization enthalpies: protonsoun or re ease y pro e n are

    released or bound by buffer.

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    pH=6.4 Deon







    endence of binding enthalpythe bu er-t e i lies

    lies that the binding altersof the protein.

    deed, there is a correlation between

    bserved enthalpy of the rxn (H0, one ordinate) the enthalpy of ionization

    f the buffer used (Hib, on thebscissa).

    he slopes of the lines give nH+, theumber of protons released by buffer;

    i b pure H0 of protein:protein

    ncomplicated by buffer interactions.

    ere nH+ is -0.28 / molecule of protein,H0 = -1.15 kcal/mole

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    Overall, this thorough studyallows conclusions o an

    entropy-driven reaction,involving change in protein pKa

    The dependence of H0obs ontemperature indicates a small



    Extendin such studies to

    systematic changes in pH,temperature and bufferionization enthalpy, and applyingglobal fits to the data, supportsthe conclusion that the TCR

    binds to the HLA:peptidecomp ex w a s g yexothermic reaction, driven by alarge, positive change in entropy

    adaptive movement of the TCRsCDR loops.)

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    1. Isothermal titration calorimetrybinding reaction heat lends its

    characterization of binding reac

    2. It is capable of analyzing proteiion ligands, as well as heterolog

    3. Limited by instrumental sensitivrequires fairly large amounts ofexperimental design.

    4. It measures only macro thermo

    reaction, and does not handle w

    because it directly measureself to exquisite thermodynamic


    -ligand binding, including metalous protein-protein binding

    ity of heat measurement, itprotein, and careful attention to

    ynamic properties of a

    ell micro properties such as .

    T h i 2

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Technique 2:Surface Plasmon Resonance

    (as implemented in BIAcore

    These cartoons and several that follow are tafrom website

    SPR arises when the electricvector of light resonates with


    electrons + holes, e.g. ingold), thereby losing energy at

    incidence. The angle isdependent on the refractive

    index of the medium n .

    The effect ofn falls off isdistance, related to

    wavelength of the impinginglight. In the BIAcoreinstrument, the depth of the


    binding phase (the dextranphase in CM5 chips) is 120


    Within this phase theincrement in mass when amolecule bindsis sufficient to

    change n, and thus the dipangle.

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    BIAcore couples SPR to a bioc

    The BIAcore instrument exploits this phdextran) and connects it with a microfluiligands across the surface. A binding emass an increment in refractive indexresonance angle is recorded as the signagainst time.

    emically friendly environment:

    nomenon by providing the SPR-dics system which can move testent represents an increment in. This consequent shift in

    l, a sensorgram of the shift

    B h d fl d ff l

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    BIAcore sensor chip and microfl

    nm dewhichcom a

    Fluid flcompu

    It is usminiatcolum

    in thepasse

    uidics as affinity column:

    p layer of carboxymethy-dextran,ffers a hydrophilic, easily derivatizedrtment.

    ow over the sensor surface ister-controlled through a system of

    , .eful to think of the sensor cell as arized, affinity chromatography: one bindin artner is immobilized

    ell, and a ligand (the test analyte) isthrough it in a mobile phase.

    Th li id h dli d l

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    The microfluidic system in fact defines fourseparate areas (columns), each of whichcontain a different immobilized ligand. Mob

    ,combinations of them in tandem.

    In addition to the standard CM5, a varietyof other surfaces are available: old onlmonolayer carboxymethylated surface; a shlayer of CM-dextran; dextran with a low degcarboxylation.

    lipophilic chip (L-1) allows assembly of lilayers and embedded proteins to simulatemembrane receptor interactions.

    The liquid-handling moduleallows one to schedule a

    ligands to be passed throughthe sensor cell.

    This includes the reagentsneeded to immobilize a

    substance to the cell in thefirst place.


    ortee of


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    A Variety ofA n tyMatrices are

    chips offers avariety of surfaces

    immobilizationchemistry and ligandt es.

    Surface Plasmon


    P. Anton van der Merwe

    available from BIAcore.

    Immobilizing a substance to a carboxylated dextran surface:

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    Immobilizing a substance to a ca

    NHS =- y roxysucc n m e

    PDEA =2- 2- ridin ldithio ethaneamine.HCl

    EDC =N-ethyl-N-(dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimi

    rboxylated dextran surface:


    Immobilization chemistry is impl mented on-line

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    Immobilization chemistry is impl




    mented on-line

    1. Activation of carboxyls by

    EDC/NHS; the signal bulkrefractive index shift.

    2. Accumulation of ligand indextran phase. Not

    necessarily covalenta ac men ; p s e era e yadjusted to help accumulateligand by ion-exchange. RUbetween *s measured actual

    mass immobilized.

    3. Ethanolamine is injected to

    carboxyls not reacted withligand.

    4. All such fluid movements,including binding experimentsare programmed by means of


    BIACore: experimental str tegies

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    B ore exper mental strSPR angle shifts are recorded as Resonexperimentally to amount of protein boun

    of 1 pg protein/mm2

    (factors for DNA or glvolume of dextran phase one can calculat

    teg esnce Units (RU), which have been related

    to the dextran phase: RU of 1 masscans are different). From the effective

    e that RU of 1 conc of 10 mg / L.

    BIAcore: experimental design considerations

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    BIAcore: experimental de

    1. The ligand to be immobilized shouorganic moleculer, etc.) or chemic

    ayers .

    2. Ligands presented in the mobile p


    3. Because the SPR response is propone can enhance sensitivity by im

    . ,

    Da) to a peptide (e.g. MW = 1,5for an IgG:peptide event if you iantibod in mobile hase.

    4. Be aware that immobilization of

    linkage of its primary amino grousome cases this effect has beenappear as heterologous binding ki

    sign considerations

    ld be pure (peptide, protein, DNA, smalllly defined (e.g. construction of lipid

    ase may be heterologous (e.g. diluted

    ortional to mass of the binding ligand,obilizing the lessmassive binding

    = ,

    0 Da) you get 100x more sensitivitymobilize the peptide and present the

    protein, for example, via covalent

    s to dextran-carboxyls may result in.hown to introduce artifacts thatetics.

    BIAcore: experimental design considerations (cont)

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    BIAcore experimental design

    5. Generally you want to strip off bo(regeneration) in order to use a

    a. quantitatively strips off bound

    b. leaving immobilized ligand intdilute formic acid, or chaotrop

    6. BIAcore lends itself to a lot of proELISA: e.g. immobilized streptavisecondary Ab binding and other t

    considerations (con t)

    nd material from the sensor cellsurface for many rounds of binding.

    mobile-phase ligand, while

    ct. (Try short bursts of 10 mM HCl,ic salts.)

    ocols immunologists have applied indin; competition/inhibition;ndem binding experiments.

    The mass transport proble :

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    The mass transport problecore c p es gn presents a poten

    one would analyze binding curvesreaction:

    A + B A:B

    -concentration of both are experimthe dextran phase is not instantankinetics sometimes a l :

    Amobile Adextran + B A:B

    If A is bulky and/or [B] is high, the firsand if you analyze the data applyi

    constants you get will certainly b

    :a mass transport pro em. ea y,

    according to a simple bimolecular

    ental givens.) But diffusion of A intoeous, so that in reality biphasic

    step may become rate-limiting. If so,g the simple model, the rate-


    The mass transport proble : Remedies

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    The mass transport proble

    REMEDIES: the robust approach is to

    order with respect both to [A] and [B].relatively easy: simply vary the concensystematically varying the effective coeasy. But there are work-arounds:

    . Amobile Adextran + B A:B

    slower and thus more likely to be r

    2. Use BIAcores Pioneer Chip F1,phase, and thus is less likely to be

    3. If possible, try reversing the rolesrate-constants in both configuratio

    against orientation heterology.)

    4. Try fitting more a complex kineticIs it a signifantly better fit to the da

    allow such models.)

    : Remedies

    rove the reaction velocities are 1st-

    With mobile-phase ligand A, this isration of A in mobile phase. Butcentration of immobilized B is not so

    ate limiting.

    hich has a much less dense dextranbarrier to As penetration.

    f A and B. Do you get the sames? (This is also a strong argument

    odel which contains a diffusion term.a? (BIAcores analysis software, and

    . . .

    The mass transport proble : sometimes its useful

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    The mass transport proble

    There are situations in which you wowrt [A] and zero-order wrt [B].

    Amobile Adextran + Bimmobilized A:B

    For example, if you are interested incomponen n serum, an on car

    binding. In that case, immobilize a herate to be limiting in As diffusion into

    : sometimes its useful

    ld like the reaction to be 1st-order

    stimating the concentration ofa ou measur ng e ne cs o

    avy load of B to force the overallthe dextran phase.

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    Evaluatin BIAcore Data:

    General Considerations:

    . core ec no ogy n eren y yequilibrium concentrations). Forconcentration of analyte [A], one

    2. The reaction curves encompassof the binding reaction, not just igenerally wants to use rate equaanalyze the data.

    3. Typically a kinetic run is done ovconcen ra on run y e s a u sekinetic parameters are over-det

    globally, i.e. all together enhan

    4. Consistency of fit parameters ovargument that the rate-law used i

    e s ne c a a as we asany single run at a singlecan measure a k


    , koff

    , KD

    nearly the complete time coursenitial velocities. Thus oneions integrated over time to

    er a series of [A], whereby eacho ra e cons an s. us e

    rmined. Fitting the data

    ces the rigor of the fits.

    r such a global fit is a strongs theoretically appropriate.

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    Notes:Rate constants are over-determined,

    . . 1 -1 from association reaction; k-1 can bedetermined independently fromdissociation. Moreover, in a series

    ,should be consistent.

    From the association rxn, k-1 is bestdetermined when k1A k-1, i.e. atow . rom ssoc at on rxn, -1

    is best determined when [AB] is large,i.e. at high [A].

    In general, the best strategy is touse global curve fitting of integratedrate e uations coverin both

    association and dissociation reactions(BIAEVAL3 or CLAMP).

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    As rxn 1 becomes rate-limitin , formation of[AB] becomes zero-orderwrt [B].Large [B]0 favors rate-

    limitation by rxn 1.

    Rate of dissociation isnot validly described bysimple, exponentialdecay, because [A]t 0for all t.

    Rnx 1 is a complexfunction of flow-rate,ligand size and Fick

    diffusion coefficient,sensor geometry, etc.;thus the meaning of k1and k-1 is not easilyinterpreted.

    Fitting global, integrated rate equati(simple bimolecular mechanism using

    nBIAcores BIAevaluation software)

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    (simple bimolecular mechanism, using

    Note bulk-phase refra

    BIAcore s BIAevaluation software )

    tive index shifts

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    BIAcore xa le: se ue

    protein-protein interacti

    Biological background: smallpox vimmune mo u a on pro e ns, w

    response to the virus. Among thesbinding protein, which specifically


    Experimental design: 44 residues o

    Purified vaccinia virus chemokine-bas mobile phase, and the Kd measu

    ce de endence o


    ruses make a variety ofn er ere w os mmune

    is a 35 kDa chemokineinds monocyte chemo-

    , .

    f MCP-1 were mutated,

    inding protein was perfuseded.

    BIAcore study of smallpox viruschemokine inhibitors

    .T. Seet et al.,

    NAS 98:9008 (2001)

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    chemokine inhibitors

    This study looked at affinity of 44 mutants ofrotein monoc te chemoattractant rotein

    immobilized) towards the vaccinia chemokinKda; mobile phase ligand). Nine of the amintested markedly decreased affinity (i.e. increa

    NAS 98:9008 (2001)

    human MCP-1 77 residues

    -binding protein (35acid substitutions

    sed Kd).

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    Another BIAcore exam le: cblood-coagulation factor bind

    Biological background: Zymogens of t

    activated ex osin domains rich in thtranslationally modified residue, -carfactors require Ca2+ bind to phospholisalt bridges between -carboxyglutam

    Experimental design: 25 % phosphotivesicles (~100 nm ) are prepared andme o w c r ges rom pro e n oSince FXa binding is calcium depende

    bound protein by washing with EDTA.

    nstructin vesicles to measureng

    he blood-clotting cascade are

    vitamin K-de endent ost-boxyglutamic acid. These activatedid vesicles, presumably by formingte and phosphate head-groups.

    ylserine + 75 % phosphotidylcholineimmobilized on Au-chips in a clever

    o ny a e ags o p ayer.t, the vesicles are easily stripped of

    Construction of immobilize vesicles:

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    Construction of immobilize vesicles:A. Wikstrm and J.


    Probing the interaction

    of coagulation factors

    with phospholipid vesicle

    surfaces by surface

    plasmon resonance,nalyt. Biochem. 362: 98


    25% phosphatidylserine:

    + defined number of A (dsDNA)per vesicle (145 nm, preparedeitherin vacuoor under N2)

    biotinylated DNA complementaryto the sin le-strand tail of A

    adsorbed, biotinylated BSA


    bare Au chip

    1 DNA / vesicle 12 DNA / vesicle

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    Mobile phasesare coalgulation

    factor FXaat 400, 200,100,50,25,and12.5 nM

    plus 10 mM Ca2+

    phospholipidsdried in vacuo

    phospholipidsdried in N

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    dependent, the vesicles could becleanly stripped of bound FXa,

    without destroying their bindingcapacity, by a pulse of EDTA.

    quilibrium constants were independent

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    quilibrium constants were independentoa ng, w e assoc a on ra e

    onstants decreasedsignificantly withNA loading (implying that dissociationate constants increased.

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    Comparison of the binding of several fa,content and binding equilibrium.

    tors show that Gla (-carboxylglutamic

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    BIAcore SPR instrument


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    1. We have considered BIAcore as athe binding reaction can be obsersignal. The total column volume

    .but may be a complex, biological mcomponents that bind to the immo

    uantified b mass .

    Q: Is there any way to identify qualitatie

    A: Not by SPR, but the mass captured

    mass s ectrometr ! Indeed three

    -- elution of the entire captured co-- on-chip proteolysis, with subseq

    spray-ionization ms-- removal of the chip to use as a M

    ini-affinity chromatograph, in whiched directly as the SPR optical

    is on the order of 1 l.

    ,ixture, from which someilized phase will be captured, and

    vely what these components might

    is sometimes sufficient to identify by

    roaches have been successful:

    ponentent elution of peptides into electro-

    LDI-TOF sample target

    Coupling SPR to mass spectro eters: elution

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    p g p

    This approach simplyinjects an elution-

    between air bubbles --across the chip

    ,the eluant.

    In standard anal ticalruns effluent from thereaction cell goes towaste. But the streamcan e verte acinto the instruments

    tube rack.The collected eluant isthen processed off-line



    Coupling SPR to mass spectrousing the chip as MALDI targ


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    using the chip as MALDI targ tIn this mode, one physically

    removes the chip from theinstrument and separates itrom e carr er.

    Trypsinization insitu is


    Matrix is added directly to the

    The chip is then placed directlyon a MALDI-TOF-MS target.

    The chip can be used only once,

    and requires an especiallymac ne arge o r ng echip surface to the laser focalplane, with electrical connection


    Interfacing BIAcore to ESIon-chi di estion


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    on chi di estion

    Natsume, Nakayama

    and Isobe, A TRENDS

    Guide to Proteomics, a

    Biotechnology, 19:S28(2001).

    A thirda roach is topark a trypsinsolution in the

    cell to hydrolizethe boundprotein in situ.

    e re ease

    peptides arethen routed

    nano-LC-MS-MS, for de

    BIAcore SPR: summar

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    BIAcore SPR summar

    1. Surface plasmon resonance is a

    2. It is sufficiently sensitive to detecis solute mass caused by a bind

    3. The BIAcore implementation printerface to SPR, with a variety of


    4. Monitoring binding in real time aloff-kinetics as well as equilibria.

    5. Depending on experimental desiprotein:protein interactions.

    6. Experimental problems are potenimmobilization geometry artifa

    ptical phenomenon that depends of

    t an increase in n due to an increaseing event.

    ovides a miniaturized affinity columnbiochemically friendly surfaces

    ows direct measurement of on- and

    n, it detects ligand:protein or

    ial diffusion limited kinetics andts.

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    MALS: basic concepts

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    . nsp re y e ques on y s

    3rd Baron Rayleigh (a.k.a Lord Ratheoretical description of light sca.

    2. Maxwell had just enunciated the th

    based on the idea that the electricwithin a molecule, and consequenand tra ector .

    3. The pattern of trajectory change, tof angular deviation from the unscthe radius of gyration of the molecmolecule, as with globular protein

    molecular size and mass.

    4. For mixtures of molecules, where ttumble independently, scattering i


    e s y ue , o n am ru ,

    leigh) in 1871 developed atering. We still refer to Rayleigh

    eory that light waves were composed

    .vector of light could polarize chargesly itself undergo a change in phase

    at is, the light intensity as a functionattered direction, can be related toule. Assuming a roughly spherical, this radius can be calculated as

    he molecules are not associated andsimply additive. Where molecules


    MALS: basic concepts (con


  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    5. For particles whose radius of gyrathe light (e.g. globular proteins le

    scattering is said to be isotropic.anisotropic, and yields information

    6. Because it registers size and massdetermining the aggregation statehetero-complexes.

    7. The method works with static samcoupled with size-exclusion chroma

    ion is smaller than the wavelength ofs than about 5x106 Da), the angular

    For larger particles the scattering ison the shape of the particle

    the method is useful forf homopolymeric proteins as well as

    les, but is particularly useful whenography in a constant-flow mode.

    MALS: instrument designhe 18 diodes measure light

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    intensity at their corresponding

    ngles continuously andimultaneously, and with aens v y a ma es poss e oonitor a flow-cell (with volume =

    .5 l) or much larger static


    For small, isotropicalyscatering proteins, the

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    term (virial coefficient

    becomes negligible, inwhich case, K* simply

    relating scatteringintensity to MW.

    e cons an s reproportional to (dn/dc)2

    which measuresolarizabilit of the mol

    and inversely proporti

    to 4.

    For isotropic scatterers2nd and higher terms ofare sma , an usua y


  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Traditionally, the Zimm plot is used toanalyze MALS data. In effect, this takesdata in two inde endent variables, c and

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    , and plots them in a single 2Dcoordinate system.

    The k term is a gimmick to bring kc ansin2(/2) into the same numerical range.

    A2 from initial


    Linearized plots likeZimms were popular in a

    re-com uter a e. Neither

    c nor are continuous, andthe approach is still widelyused.

    cK 2 d R 2


    rms radius from initialslope

    The two dependencies of the Zimm plottheoretical components of scattering. Tintramolecular scatter; the linear relatio

    on c and ) correspond to twoe linear relationship with c reflectsshi with reflects intermolecular

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    cK 1

    MR 0 2

    Intramolecular scattering arises when aphoton interacts with several parts ofthe same molecule before it is detected.The ideal case, where there is no

    intramolecular scatter, corresponds tolow angles,,where as 0, .For practical reasons R(0) cannot be

    measured directly!

    A2 from i


    ncK 116 222



    MMR g 23 20

    Intermolecularscattering arises whena photon scattered from one molecule

    is detected. The ideal case, wherethere is no intermolecularscatter,corres onds to low concentrations, i.e.where c 0


    rms radius frominitial slope

    A Zimm plot of bovine serum albumin monomer:

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    Molar Mass (MM) : (7.7140.01)e+4 g/mol (0.16%RMS Radius (Rz) : 2.62.2 nm (2nd virial coefficient : (1.4130.06)e-4 mol mL/g2 (

    source: Wyatt Technologies

    c52 3



    The curvature as c increases

    2represents some non-ideality, probably significantdimer formation.


    Note that molecular mass isdetermined with high precision,comparable to ms.

    But the error in radius of gyration islarge, as a consequence of the factthat BSA is an isotropic scatterer.

    MALS is most useful for proteinsize-exclusion chromatography (

    in conjunction withSEC)

    Degasser: MALS is verysensitive to out gassing!!

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    sensitive to out-gassing!!

    Filter: MALS is verysensitive to large particles(e.g. dirt)!!

    UV detector: with proteinsthe UV signal can used tosupply the neededconcentration term (seetheory); refractive indexdetector is less useful, butcan e use o - ine to

    establish dn/dc.DAWN-EOS: is the MALSetector. or e uent

    protein peaks, the MALSsignal can be computed to

    accurate (a few %) MWsw t out ca rat on.

    Since SEC chromatography ca-

    measure MW, why couple it

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    -.prior calibration. (See next slide.)

    2. Static samples of mixed aggregatbecause they yield weight-averagMALS can quantify ratios.

    . ,standard UV trace, but calculatesacross a peak, revealing inhomog

    Note that, in principle, any chromato,

    index is a big problem.

    Note also that proteins that absorb a(unless dn/dc is known) present


    on states are difficult to interpretMW; by separating MW classes,


    at several concentrationseneities and aggregations.

    graphic process can be linked to

    t 633 nm, and glycoproteinsroblems.

    MALS-SEC: molecular weight a curacy

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction



    E. L Folta-Stogniew and K.R. Williams, J.

    =, , , .

    iomolec.Techniques, 10:51 (1999)

    MALS-SEC examples: molecular

    e ye p o s s m ar o a mm

    weight of ovalbumin

    o , u gnores e 2c erm an

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    y pinverts the ordinate, that is, R()/

    ovalbumin (monom

    E. L Folta-Stogniew and K.R. Williams, J.

    , g 2*c

    This plotcorresponds to the

    r), sequence MW = 42.8 kDa

    single slice atthe apex of thechromatographicpeak. The root-mean-square-


    , isthe slope; MW isthe intercept.

    The AUX detector

    a UV detector, andsupplies c (on aslice-by-


    iomolec.Techniques, 10:51 (1999)

    MALS-SEC: more examples E. L. Folta-Stogniew and K.R. Williams,J.Biomolec.Techniques, 10:51 (1999)

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    In this representation of the data,the Debye-intercept (= MW) for eachslice of the chromatogram issuperimposed on thechromatographic trace as a


    =46.7 kDa; molecular calibration ofthis SEC column gives an MW ~ 50

    kDa. But MALS calculates a Mindicating the enolase dimer!!

    One expects the 93.3 kDa to elute before.

    The authors explain it this way:

    i h f h SEC l

    ,i b h h

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    penetrating the pores of the SEC-colu

    sequestering monomer from participati-

    equilibrium, and exists mostly as dime

    the dimer should elu

    n, it behaves as a monomer, thus

    on in the equilibrium. When emerging-


    te about here

    SaDebye plots

    C-MALS: monitoring thesembly of virus capsids:p149 is an expressed version of the

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    y psuperimposed

    on SEC

    Protein and saltdependence ofassembly

    p1492 is an expressed version of the

    B capsid protein lacking a 34-residue,terminal, RNA-binding domain.

    4 x 106 Da / 3.5 x 104 Da => 114.3dimers in capsid. CyroEM imagessugges an cosa e ron. us slikely that there are 60 tetramers inT=4 pseudosymmetric icosahedral

    . , -

    Protein Interactions Are Sufficient toDrive Assembly of Hepatitis B Virus

    Capsids, Biochemistry 41:11525 (2002)



    C-MALS: monitoring thesembly of virus capsids: (cont)

    G from MALS data and H from

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction



    corresponthermodye uce .


    -but the nis, apparefavorable





    G from MALS data and H froming vant Hoff plots, a completeamic description of the process is

    Calculate values are erive rommodels.)

    ,gative entropy attendant on organizationntly, more than offset by the entropicallyburial of hydrophobic interfaces.

    Keq H0





    Ceres and A Zlotnick, Weak Protein-

    otein Interactions Are Sufficient to

    ive Assembly of Hepatitis B Virus

    sing MALS to measure

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction



    rotein:This 16 kDa protein contains just 8potential sites for PEGylation.

    Hence extend of PEG lation shouldbe between 16 kDa (0 PEGs) and 56kDa (+ 8 5 kDa).

    In fact, the RI trace shows a small

    impurity, which 90-scatter traceshows to be very high MW.

    Slice-by-slice Debye analysisindicates a large aggregate. Such

    FDA) because of theirimmunogenicity.

    urce: Wyatt Technology, Applications Librar

    Dimerization Equilibrium and Fuodulator Protein:

    ctionality of a Viral Immune

    t ti l l h th t th

  • 7/29/2019 Prot Interaction


    Vaccina virus encodes aprotein (B14) which blocks h

    -activation of NF-B. B14 existsin monomer:dimer equilibrium,


    . d

    Benfield et al., Mapping the IB Kinase (IKK)- bindi

    Inhibitor of IKK-mediated Activaton of Nuclear Facto

    utational analyses shows that theydrophobic face of the monomer

    K complex to prevent NF-Bctivation. That is, that the IKK


    ng Interface of the B14 Protein, a Vaccinia Virus

    B; JBC 285:20727 (2011)


    ation Equilibrium andnality of a Viral Immune

    tor Protein: (cont)

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    ( )

    Shows the dimerization interface(helices 1 and 6) of w.t. B14

    & C. show the mutationalreplacement of four hydrophobicresidues with hydrophilic ones.

    Shows the results of MALS analyses

    indicating that 3 of these mutationsprevented dimerization entirely,while T31K weakened dimerization.

    the exception of Y35E, disruptionof this hydrophobic interaction face

    mutants to trigger NF-B signaling.

    Multi-Angle Light Scattering: Summary

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    1. Rayleigh scattering of monochrommacromolecules yields informatiomolecular mass of the molecules.

    2. Thus it is useful for studying the hof proteins in solution.

    3. Because light scattering intensity iis particularly appropriate for char,


    tic, plane-polarized light fromabout the shape, size and

    mo- and hetero-oligomerization

    creases with molecular size, itcterizing large aggregates such, ,