Proposal Task 9

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Proposal Task 9

Task 9


Robbie Wilson

Title of the Magazine

X Magazine X Magazine X Magazine X Magazine

I have decided to call my magazine X magazine. This is due to the fact that the masthead would connote an image of a mysterious magazine and would not give to much away. Also the masthead would be simple meaning that the image of the masthead does not take up much room at the top pf the page meaning for more focus on the single striking image. A short and snappy magazine title would be more effective than a longer title as it is more likely to stick in the mind


My choice of genre is the mainstream rock and pop. This is due to the fact that it appeals to a wider range of people therefore the readership is greater. Also there is more that can be included in a magazine of this genre such as more bands to be covered and there is a wider rage of artists in this genre.

Target audience

The target audience of my magazine is for a younger audience aged 16-25. This is due to the fact at this age readership would me more common as this is the common age where earnings will be made and can be used to purchase the magazine. Also the main bulk of people that listen to mainstream music are people aged in this range.

Initial ideas about front page

My front page will be dominated by one single striking image. By doing this it will draw in the reader and will allow to show an area of importance. I will include a main cover line and a few others. This is so the main cover line can anchor the main image and the other cover lines will provide the reader with enough information without knowing too much. Finally I will have a limited colour pallet therefore it will not look too much towards the reader. Most magazines have a limited colour pallet, which attracts the reader by not having too much that draws them away from the main information

The contents page will use again surround one large image on the left that is below the title of the magazine and the bi line. I will be following the style of MOJO as is shown below. I feel as though that this will offer the reader an image that is not as common as most but also will make it look effective.

However I will stray from the style of Mojo magazine and will put the article titles and page numbers on the right of the magazine and will have another large single striking image on my contents page. By doing this it is using two popular features that will attract the reader and will make it more interesting for them to look at. If the reader is drawn in early on it will make them want to read on.

Initial ideas about contents page

Initial ideas about double page spread

The double page spread will consist of one page dominated by a large image and the second page will contain the main bulk of the article. I feel as though that this will show the reader the importance of the person in the image and will attract the reader to the article. Also the fact that the article is focussed only on one page will not bore the reader with too much information. It will give them an interesting read and maybe will make them want to purchase the magazine in the future.

Initial ideas about photographs

The photographs I will use will have the use of promoting the image of mainstream music. Therefore I will use an image of someone standing listening to music with headphones in. This is due to the fact that the main bulk of people tend to download music and have it on phones or Ipod. This will connote a relatable image. I will also use an image of someone with an instrument or playing an instrument. This allows me to offer a different style of image for the magazine. By having a range of image I can show off different images of the magazine itself.