Project Harmony - · housing, day care, preschool classes, ECFE classes, recreational...

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Project Harmony

Helping pregnant and parenting women

live drug and alcohol


Meeker-McLeod-Sibley Community Health Services

First grant received from DHS in 1998, a three county grant

Focus was on actively – using pregnant and parenting women, as well as women at risk for returning to chemical use (no treatment connection needed)

No funding received in 2009-2010, county $ were used to continue to see women in addiction

January 2012 was the start of a new five year funding cycle

We are currently in the 2rd year of funding from DHS, using Federal dollars

Goal is to serve 40 women in 3 counties per year

Goal is to serve 16 women with opioid use per year

Summer of 2016-Summer of 2017 30+ women have been served- we will surpass our goal

2016-2017 year more women have been served since the beginning of the program

We currently have a waiting list

Must be a resident of Meeker, McLeod or Sibley County

Must be a woman who is pregnant or parenting a child under 10 years of age

Must either be:

• a) currently in CD treatment

• b) have completed CD treatment in the past 6 months

• c) Planning to enter CD treatment in the next 3 months

• d) Be pregnant and using alcohol or drugs

• e) Some situations we can help without connection to treatment

There are no income requirements for the program

Social Services (child protection, Rule 25 assessors, mental health case managers)

CD treatment facilities



Public Health programs (WIC, pregnancy testing)

Mental health practioners


6 – 12 months for non-pregnant women

6 – 12 months after the birth for pregnant women

(can also be in the program while they are pregnant)

Possible payment of 1st month’s rent

Utility payments

Bus passes/tokens, gas cards

Assistance with daycare costs while in treatment or attending NA/AA meetings

Help paying for emergency costs (car repairs, shoes, phone cards, etc.

The multidisciplinary team consists of:

Public Health Nurse

Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC)

Recovery Coach

A wrap-around team approach is used

Client centered and directed path to recovery

A strength-based care plan is used

Strengths are identified and built upon

Resources/supports are identified and included in the plan

Clients priorities, needs and goals are the focus

Referrals to necessary community programs are made throughout the time spent in Project Harmony

Dependent on whether clients are in treatment or not

Dependent on other commitments such as work, probation meeting, job search etc.

Public Health visits usually are 2 times per month or more

Recovery Coach visits are usually 1-2 times per week at first, then they taper off

Phone calls also are made frequently, sometimes many times a week if a crisis occurs

Visits can be made at home, at a public place (coffee shops, office buildings, WIC, Social Services), in court, at NA/AA meetings and bible study meetings, parenting meeting

Visits can include social workers, job service workers, or others involved in the client’s case

Provides clinical perspective

Meets with PHN, Recovery Coach and sometimes SW and Probation to develop and contributes to the Client Centered Care Plan

Provides all mental health services

The LADC is mainly used while women are in treatment. Then, the recovery coach takes over the role of helping coordinate services in the community

Encourage clients to establish a medical home and get on, and stay on, health insurance

Encourage routine well-child exams and preventative health care (ie. dental care)

Assess woman’s health care need (tobacco cessation, family planning, mental health)

Assist families to complete regular

ASQ/ASQ-SE forms on younger children for development delays and behavior concerns

Teach infant/child safety and provide supplies to child-proof homes

Assess, teach, and model positive parenting skills using Growing Great Kids curriculum

Form a team approach with the Recovery Coach

Main goal is to provide client support to achieve recovery goals and to become the healthiest woman possible

Facilitate access to supportive community services like NA/AA, women’s support groups, counseling

Yoga/Mindfulness- Women and Children

Assist women to line up services such as MFIP, housing, day care, preschool classes, ECFE classes, recreational activities, bible study, etc.

Recovery coaches can go into court with women in the program, attend staffings at treatment centers, attend IEP meetings at school – clients get to decide what help they need and how to use their Recovery Coach


Reaching out to/finding women in addiction

Being limited to serving mainly women connected with CD treatment- Many women are taking a path that does not include traditional CD treatment

Enrolling women in the program (The program is usually voluntary. There is often shame or guilt connected to being in a program related to addiction)

Return to chemical use while women are in the program

Barriers to recovery such as unaddressed mental health issues

Getting others entities to refer women to the program


Drug free/alcohol free births for babies born while moms are in Project Harmony

Decreased drug/alcohol use for women in the program

Identification of both children and moms with FASD and referral for testing and services

Women in addiction be more connected with recovery and support services in their community (NA/AA, women’s support groups, mental health counseling)

Women and their children receiving necessary medical and mental health services

Reduced child abuse reports

Increased number of children who have health insurance and are up to date with shots and well-child exams

More positive, empathetic parenting skills

More stable housing for families

Less need for public assistance as women stay clean and return to the work force

Release of children from the foster care system to their mother

Developmental needs of children addressed

Stable and affordable housing obtained

Please call:

Ann - Meeker County Public Health


Jennifer - McLeod County Public Health


Patty - Sibley County Public Health
