Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt

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description Brought to You By: Zach “the Big Handsome” Werlinger Cody “the Dirt Farmer” Conrad. Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt . 1900s – 76 million Americans, 1 out 7 foreign born - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt


Brought to You By:Zach “the Big Handsome” WerlingerCody “the Dirt Farmer” Conrad

PROGRESSIVE ROOTS 1900s – 76 million Americans, 1 out 7 foreign born A new reform movement immediately began, led by

"Progressives". Their goals were to stop monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice. Strengthen the state

The roots of Progressivism began with the Greenback Party (1870's) and the Populist Party (1890's).

PEN-WIELDING KNIGHTS! Other causes gained steam during the Progressive


Room in a Tenement Flat, 1910

RAKING MUCK WITH THE MUCKRAKERS Around 1902, a new group of social critics

emerged—the muckrakers. They typically exposed what they saw as corruption or injustice in writings. They were called "muckrakers" first by Teddy

Roosevelt. The muckrakers were very active and

prolific… “Muckrakers were loud about the ills, but

didn't offer cures.”

In his muckraker speech (1906), Theodore Roosevelt said,

“Now, it is very necessary that we should not flinch from seeing what is vile and debasing. There is filth on the floor, and it must be scraped up with the muck rake; and there are times and places where this service is the most needed of all the services that can be performed. But the man who never does anything else, who never thinks or speaks or writes, save of his feats with the muck rake, speedily becomes, not a help but one of the most potent forces for evil.”

POLITICAL PROGRESSIVISM The progressives generally came from the middle

class. Broadly dispersed supporters Progressives pushed for a variety of political

reforms to help their cause: Initiative Referendum Recall Secret ballot – Australian ballot Direct election Female suffrage

Jane Addams and Fellow Pacifists, 1915


Progressivism really got its start and took off on a more local level rather than national.

Galveston, TX successfully used the city-manager system.

Local Progressives cracked down on "slumlords," rampant prostitution, and juvenile delinquency.

Wisconsin was the Progressive leader for states.

PROGRESSIVE WOMEN Women were an indispensable catalyst in

the Progressive army. Court decisions impacted women.

Muller v. Oregon (1908) Lochner v. New York

Alcohol had long been under fire by women.

During the Progressive era, temperance would reach its peak.

TR’S SQUARE DEAL FOR LABOR President Roosevelt had been moved the by

muckrakers and the Progressives' ideals. He pursued the "three C's": (1) control of the corporations, (2) consumer protection, and (3) conservation of natural resources.

A strike took place in 1902 at the anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania. The workers called for a 20% pay increase and a reduction of work hours from 10 to 9 hours.

Roosevelt called on Congress to form the Dept. of Commerce and Labor, which it did. The department split in half ten years later.

TR CORRALS THE CORPORATIONS The Interstate Commerce Commission (1887)

had been designed to regulate railroads but it was proving to be ineffective. Therefore, it was decided more needed to be done. Elkins Act Hepburn Acts

Teddy Roosevelt nurtured the reputation of a trust buster. TR concluded, however that there were "good trusts" and there were "bad trusts." The bad trusts had to go. Northern Securities Company

CONTEMPORARY EXAMPLE Modern-day political parties still reflect some of the

views of the original Progressives in the early 1900s. Progressive Democrats are usually recognized as

what we know as Liberals. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton claim to be

Progressives. Progressive Republicans are typically called RINOS

(Republican in Name Only). Both believe in a big government, big spending, and

more control of the people, but Liberals more than Republicans.