Professionalism Presentation with Questions

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Professionalism Presentation with Questions


Tim Obertein

Punctuality (Being on time)

What does being on time mean? Being in the center With your stuff put away Signed in And ready to work by your scheduled shift time

If you’re going to be late/absent Call the supervisor on your shift Call Kelly or Jessica Call another supervisor Call the CDC

Once you’re there…

NO phones during your shift Exceptions only by supervisor approval

NO talking about what happened on the weekend, drinking, etc. Instead, talk about: Procedures Problems you’re having with your kid Cute stories that you have about your kid

Don’t talk negatively about your kid in front of them Some of them will pick up on it

It can reinforce their inappropriate behavior

Correct data collection

Don’t run more than 3 trials without collecting data.

If data is incorrect: A child may be moved to another phase or

procedure that they aren’t ready for They may be held on a phase or procedure

that they already have mastered Case coordinators waste time fixing or adding


Correct data collection cont. Make sure you’re perfectly clear what the

correct/incorrect response is before you even start the procedure

If you think that the data may be incorrect in any way Invalidate it! IV

Don’t be afraid to IV data! It will help the kids get the best treatment possible!

Missing procedure materials? Call a supervisor over and if they can’t find them…

Record it in the log

Log sheets at the end of your shift Time ELO’s/LO’s

Outside of the KAC

The only places you can use a child’s full first name are at the KAC and in these meetings.

That means no: Facebook/MySpace/Twitter/whatever posts Text messages to non-center staff Conversations outside of the KAC or these



Unfortunately you can’t post any of the ridiculously cute pictures of you and your kid online.

No negative posts about: Western, The Psych Department, BATS, The KAC and it’s students, or the CDC staff

Dealing with the CDC staff

Be respectful at all times We’re in their building and need to abide by

their rules Don’t complain about any of the CDC’s rules

or regulations

Talking to Mommy and Daddy

Don’ts Talk negatively about anyone involved with the

KAC Make any promises Make vague statements Make any scheduling decisions (Talk to

supervisors) Tell them anything they are doing is wrong

Ex: “You’re reinforcing your son’s problem behavior!”

Use emotionally charged words

Talking to Mommy and Daddy cont.

Do’s Use objective (never subjective) words Talk about a specific procedure and how it’s going

Explain new procedures Talk about specific behaviors Tell cute stories Ask questions about behaviors at home

Do you ever see him stomping his feet at home? Alert supervisors of any important changes

Medications, diets, schedules, other treatments

Quiz Time!!! Writing in your kid’s notebook/Talking to Mom and

Dad “He had a really rough day and didn’t do much

of anything.” “I had some problems getting him to attend today, but

eventually “All he did was freak out all day!”

Give specific behaviors (Swatting materials, feet stomping) “…and we worked through it until he was back on track”

“His case coordinators don’t do anything. I think he’s bored with his procedures” “He’s having trouble with phase _ of his ___ procedure

and his case coordinator is working on that.”

Quiz Time!!!

“I’m going to the dentist tomorrow. Can you pick him up at 2 instead of 3?” Talk to Kelly or Jessica about getting it covered

“I’ll get that procedure put in his book immediately!” “I’ll talk to a supervisor for you and have them let

you know what I find out immediately!” “Hey don’t attend to that problem

behavior!” “Hey check out the data for today! Look how

awesome he did!”

Quiz Time!

It is alright to tell the parents that you will put a procedure in the next day? True False

What do you do if your procedure is missing materials? Where can you use your child’s full name? How can you better word: “All he did was tantrum all

day, he was horrible!”?  What’s the protocol for calling in?

Questions Or


Thank you