Production plan 1

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Transcript of Production plan 1

Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Production Plan Template

Week beginning: Monday 27th October

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

To start the process of planning where all my images will be located. I will also gather together all the appropriate clothing and makeup in which the model will be wearing in the images. The next step I will take is to organize what camera equipment I will need on the day of taking the images.

The next task I will then begin is to p-lan out the layout and flat plan of my magazine, once I have established what will feature on each page I be able to organize where any advertisements or additional features will be placed.

I then will proceed into sketching drafts of the pages in which I need to complete, Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page spread.

After the corrections have been made on both the magazine flat plan and my hand drawn drafts the process of making the pages can proceed, I will first start by setting up the templates for the pages and the features they contain on both Photoshop and InDesign.

After the basic layout of the pages has been completed I will then move on to selecting the colour scheme and font style I want to be used across all of the pages.

Today I will be taking the majority of images to be used across all my magazine pages; I will need to take all the photos in a variety of different locations.

On this day I will begin to edit all of the images I took the day previously. If there are any images that need to be retaken due to lack of lighting or quality I will schedule to retake them with the model that is appearing in the main story of this month’s issue.

Complete by: 1st November

Complete by: 5th November

Complete by: 31st October

Complete by: 2nd November

Complete by: 1st November

Complete by: 3rd November

Complete by: 7th November

Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Production Plan Template

Production Process:

• Date of Publication – The first thing that is done it to set the date the magazine will be published to the general public. This will help with setting a schedule for the development.

• Managing the Schedule – You must have enough space in the schedule to fix any mistakes before the deadline.

• Editorial and Budgetary Decision – It is the editorial decisions which involved the content that is covered in the next issue of the magazine. Once they have made the decisions they look at how much money is available for them and how much should be spent in the production of the magazine.

• Content Acquisition – Probably the most important step because without content there would be no magazine. There is in-house staff writers for the magazine and external writers that write about a specialist nature. There is also artwork and illustrations and pictures in the magazine.

• Sub-Editing – This focuses on the quality control, it involves checking the accuracy of the facts, making sure words are spelt correctly, property grammar and punctuation are used, make sure that the articles follow the house style and work on the page layout.

• Page Layout – This person will correctly lay the articles out to put it together as a magazine using powerful programs such as Desktop Publishing (DTP) or InDesign or Pagemaker to do this. The advertisers are also placed into the content.

Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Production Plan Template

• Proof Reading – The editorial department will print a hardcopy of the magazine in order to read through it and to find any mistakes. Any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected, the editorial keeps proof reading until all the team is satisfied there is no mistakes.

• Printing – The entire magazine is send to the printer, Pre-Press’ are printed to check all the colours and layout is fine before printing hundreds or thousands of copies.

• Distribution – It is the final stage where the company packs the magazines and go to a warehouse to go to the general public.

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