Procedure text how to make fried chiken

Post on 24-May-2015

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how to make fried chiken ,prosedure text how to make rice chiken ,prosedure text

Transcript of Procedure text how to make fried chiken

Fried Rice

ProCEdure Text HOW TO MAKE

By:Freygieon Ogiek R.S.


White Rice that's previously been cooked




Black Pepper


Shrimp,Chicken,and/or pork/tofu(optional)


Frying pan


Frying spatula

Steps to make fried rice

step 1 : Add oil and heat up the pan.

step 2 : Toss the garlic and shallot to the pan until it's half cooked.

step 3 : Pour the egg that already been mixed with salt and pepper.

step 4 : Put in the rice that's previously been cooked

step 5:  Give salt, black pepper, sweet soy sauce, salty soy sauce

step 6:  Mix thoroughly

step 7:  Toss the shrimp or chicken or pork or tofu (optional)

step 8:  Mix it again.

step 9:  Move it to serving plate and garnish it with cucumber, tomato, and fried shallot

step 10: Eat it with joy and happiness


1. What is Prupose of the Text?

To tell the reader about How to make Fried rice

2.What will we do after Add oil and heat up the pan

Toss the garlic and shallot to the pan until it's half cooked

3.What is materials to make Fried rice

White Rice that's previously been cooked,Oil,Garlic,Egg,Black Pepper,Salt and Shrimp,Chicken,and/or pork/tofu(optional)

4. How many steps in this procedure text? Ten Steps

Arangge the random picture below !

Frying pan Salt Black Paper

Garlic Frying Spatula