Problems Associated with Immigration Overpopulation Terrorism Lack of Health Care/Increasing Taxes...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Problems Associated with Immigration Overpopulation Terrorism Lack of Health Care/Increasing Taxes...

Problems Associated with Immigration



Lack of Health Care/Increasing Taxes for Legals

Problems Associated with Immigration

Illegal Immigrants in Hospitals

Crime Rate

Major Immigration Legislation

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Emergency Quota Act (1921)National Origins Act (1924)

Major Immigration LegislationThe Immigration Reform andControl Act (1986)- Amnesty to 3m. & Sanctions for Alien Employers

1995: California voters approved Proposition 187 to prohibit undocumented immigrants from accessing publicly funded education, welfare, and health services. The proposition was later found to be unconstitutional

Patriot Act (2001)- Random Detaining of Suspected Terrorists

Welfare reform, immigration reform, and antiterrorism legislation (1996)—significantlyreduced immigrants’ access to socialsafety-net programs, toughened borderenforcement, closed opportunities forundocumented immigrants to legalizetheir status, made it difficult to gainasylum, stripped many due-processrights, reduced access to the courts,and greatly expanded grounds fordeportation

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