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Transcript of Presentation14

A Far Greater Subjective Landscape of Abundance


Table of Contents• Rightful Equivalent

• Realization of a Subjective Landscape

• Subconscious Mind

• Subjective Landscape in Realization of the Animal Archetype

• Servant of the Spirit

• Subjective Landscape in Unification With Spirit of the Age Groups

• Firmness of Center

• Like Unto Rays of the Sun

• NASA Recognition of the Subjective Landscap

• Equilibrium of Ether

• Subjective Landscape in Recognition of the Lifespan

• Subjective Landscape in Highway Gratitude

• Graditude to a Stuffed Animal

• Foundational matrix

• Law of Inverse Sqares

• Transpersonalities

Rightful Equivalent

• Realization of truth correlating with translation of symbols into their rightful equivalent

• Bound to a greater gallery of arcana in revelation of decipherable truth

• Recognition of experience translated into correspondent ideation, axiomatic fact of an undifferentiated presence

• Grateful to a contemplative energy of responsive intelligence

• Release of an expansion from the center unto an order of sequence

Realization of a Subjective Landscape

• To board a jetliner, canoe, train or luxury liner

• To brave the forest jungle of arctic terraine of wherefore to reclaim that core serenity

• Of livelihoods manifest as well as those intangibles in the nonlocal realm

• To live in the first world wherefore though life may be hectic ventures thrive abundantly

• Or to remain in the second world where though life is extremely easy grandiose plans are reserved unto the undertakings of the first world

Subconscious Mind

• Realization of a live wire empowered by corresponding conditions in consciousness

• Bound to a world within possessing sensibility a vibration catching faculty, a celestial disc prespared to recieve all vibrations within transmitter range

• Recognition of the subconscious mind the great seed plot by which thoughts have been planted

• Grateful to the tuning coil vibrating its' harmony perceptible to recievers enmasse

• Release of thought coalescing into form, nucleus of similar thoughts blossoming to the fruitage of their grwoth

Subjective Landscape in Realization of the Animal Archetype

• As dogs frolic, just some riff raff ruff ruff reminding us of our social ambiences

• As cats go about their affairs in auras of invisibility reminding us of why we left our dwellings

• As a family of racoons in their bandit personaes remind us never to tread on the vulnerable

• As the possum embarks his route reminds us all of our routines

• As the coiled snake reminds us of inaliable boundaries and keeping equilibrium

• As eagles and ravens lend a birds eye view of navigating external terraine

Servant of the Spirit

• Realization that law is the servant of the spirit

• Bound to subjective thought patterns automatically adjusting themselves with mechanical law

• Recognition of the government of harmony and coordination of will, outward picture of god's thought as well as the sum total of experience

• Grateful to the mind body spirit alignment with divine reality

• Release of a collective field of thought operating through everyone

Subjective Landscape in Unification the Spirits of the Age Groups

• As the infant of ground zero gives a screechy cry

• Emebedded within that subjective landscape the inner infant, inner child, inner teen ager, inner youth as every child would also have an innner adult

• Ponderance of all the times your world really didn't know how much rope to give you that chid in the disctance your closest proximity to the core of your being, your spiritual mucleus

• Routinely you visit this child cultivating trust

Mechanism by Which to Find Expression

• Realization of a very animating spiritual magnetism ether the apprehended immaterial substance

• Bound to the inherent properties of ether from the local substratum

• Recognition of every thought which sprung from the source of all awaiting its rightful mechanism by which to find expresssion

• Graditude to the animated aggregate of magnetized spiritual life

• Release of a system of throbbing specks of synamic force

Firmness of Center

• Relaization of an event caused account, that randomness which generates elbow room , to up the ante an infinite set of possibilities

• Bound to the internal antecedant to internal disposition bridging the gap between sensory impressions

• Recognition of the agent whom holds the capacity for more than one choice

• Grateful to the buoyancy of youth throughout ones years, that care laden thought which materializes

• Release of a crystalization of an unseen element, thought current of an all round symmetrical state

Like Unto the Rays of the Sun

• Realization of an ordered plan, thoughts blossoming with combined intelligence like unto the formation of crystals

• Bound to the republic of independent existence, these myriad unityies of life

• Recognition of the agents of mobilization, radiant energy the medium of sensory impressions

• Grateful to a harmonious coordinated action, concord of action the central administration

• Release of mechanical impressions the likes of the rays of the sun upon a photographic plate, vibratory preservation of cognizance expanding its' wave cent

A Nasa Recognition of the Subjective Landscape

• Some seven years ago as NASA needed another seven astronauts again

• Not a clue there was a problem, the exchange of jokes and social ambience between ground control and orbit

• Then there was static as all of America wished upon a star

• If only they could have held their concentration together a little long they could have made it to the ground safely then followed their destination at the end of the rainbow

Equilibrium of Ether

• Realization that all manifestation would be the result of interacting planes of thought

• Bound to the equilibrium of ether filling all of macrocosmic space, substance in transmission of celestial wireless message

• Recognition of the thoughts in unity with the thoughts of similar correspondence uniting all similar vaibration

• Graditude for this substance carefully refined to carry vibration to every corner of their world, that very spirit endowed of such a mechanism, reciever intuned to the universal ether

• Release of thoughts which follow in rapid succession blazing channels to their manifestation

Subjective Landscape in Recognition of the Life Span

• Infant soul longing for the day one may sleep in every day, ponderance of all the easy way outs

• Baby soul and old soul enshrined in they second for very different reasons, as the baby soul searches for one's rightful point of grounding to unearth direction, As the old soul enshrines oneself in the second for serenity and to reward oneself for a job well done

• Young souls warriors of the first world, cultivators of discipline, never leaving the first world until their very imprint of beauty and symmetry is well embedded

• Mature souls mediators of the first and second world juggling initiative and boundary

Subjective Landscape in Highway Gradtude For the Discipline to Stay Within the Bounds of Our


• All of the lush scenery along these expansive highways of the midwestern states, these lush states parsely populated, set aside for scenic driving in NASA correspondence to stay within the bounds of our ventures as to correspond with NASA's seven astronuts that the majority of traffic accidents happen only a few miles from home that premature signal that one has reached the apex of their rainbow as on this noc shift though it is ten minutes to go home yet two kindred have not left the dwelling capacity for tradgedy all over as the spirits of seven astronauts would remind us to keep our concentration within the bounds of our shift with rythm, routine, and response

Subjective Landscape in Gratitude to a Stuffed Animal

• Interference from old belief systems, monsters from under the bed whom attemt to come out and greet the parent spirit later in life

• Life imprint of layered over memories, persona of concentrated resentment, children devouring the gingerbread men whom attempted jailbreak

• Personae of a stuffed animal, elaborate celebration within the child's mind's eye

• Personae of that destitute stuffed animal sucked within the great black hole of that child's mind's eye

• A disagreement between that child and stuffed animal as to really whose party is this is

• Stuffed animal the subpersonality as the child would be the transpersonality that big party squared away as yet more fugitive gingerbread men are aprehended as it is established that it takes the active and receptive alike to make a process such as this worthwhile

Foundational Matrix

• Realization of sagacity that capacity to percieve and cooperate with universal law, to set law into motion

• Bound to induction of forms evolved from action the likes of simultaneous integration of refined energies Recognition of desire as the seed thought with the potential to sprout and blossom, mind the weaver of the inner garment of character

• Grateful to the foundational matrix, axiomatic higher law surmounted

• Release of latent possibility, law unto oneself consequence of expression, mold from which the future emerges

Law of Inverse Square

• Realization of capricious individuality, law endowing spirits a spiritual lens, drawing into focus a directive center of energy

• Bound to the circle of vital influence, the axiom of foundation

• Recognition of the law of inverse square by which forces of reciprocal attraction are the equivalent of the sum of the forces

• Grateful to the modus operandi

• Release of the magnetic thought drawing us to our corresponding condition

Subjective Landscape in Ponderance of Inherent Transpersonalities

• Ponderances of transpersonality, ethereal correspondenc, one's sixth sense the totality of the elements and variables adding up to one's individualized field of expression

• Etereal conduits to the five senses, archetypes, animal, children

Affirmation for Quality and Worth

• Realization that it is natural to have ideals that for those whome strive towards the lofty and ideal gravitate the energies of their inherent system towards that which has quality and worth

• Bound to a world whereby persons and populations grow progressively conscious of their innate capacity to disern for themselves which circumstance they will accept as conditions of their existence, a world whereby spirits are testing for themselves which environments correspond with the core of their very being

• Recognitionof serene environments everywhere as well as practical application which ushers the inspirations of interior insight

• Graditude for this days daily opportunity of applying lofty ideals, to catch glimpses of the ideal, a spiritual cognizance calm yet breathtaking yet beautiful

• Release of that which was discerned from the transcendental, ones very inherent divinity empowering others, possibility and potential molded into tangible results