Presentation 20092609

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Presentation 20092609

20092609 Lee Min-Ji

Success Factors ofSuccess Factors of



1. Introduce

2. The First factor

3. The Second factor

4. The Last factor

5. etc


• The film “The social Network” is all the rage in United States, topping the US box office on the first weekend of release.

• The buzz about the movie was created mainly because of its main character Mark Zuckerberg, who is the CEO of Facebook. The movie tells the background behind the creation of Facebook by a 19-year-old Harvard student, back in 2004.

Do you know “The social Network”?


• In 2010, Facebook membership in Korea has shown the highest growth rate in the world, with more than one million people signing up for the site.

• Facebook is a cyber home for 500 million people worldwide, and the population of Facebook is now right below the number of people in China and India, and above that of United States.

What has made Facebook stand out from the pack of Social Networking Services?

The First factor

It is in its ability to anticipate the changing

needs of people and give quick responses.

The First factor

• Facebook predicted that the main usage of the service would shift to conversations in text format, and social relationships between people.

• Facebook’s light platform is well-suited for mobile connections, which is the major trend in telecommunications nowdays.


Smart phone

The Second factor

Facebook has provided the solutions for the problems in existing services, by making th

e best use of its major strength.

The Second factor

• Problem : “Security”

• Solution :

1) Asks prospective users to submit real names and active e-mail addresses for registrations.

2) To protect user’s privacy, Facebook also devised a simple reporting system through which a member can notify the company for any malicious comments or defamation.

The Third factor

Facebook’s search system has also contributed to its success.

The Third factor

• Facebook has been developing its own semantic search system, where priorties are given to the opinions of people you know. When one of your Facebook friends clicks the “Like” button for a product and you search for it, the product will show up on the top of the list.

The Last factor

It is in its development of smart business models.

• Facebook, like any other online businesses, has been relying on paid advertisements. But the company diversified its profits by introducing new profit models such as social games and social shopping.

The Last factor

• One of the most popular social games in Facebook is Farm Ville. Farm Ville boasts more than 80 million active players per month. Facebook charges 30% of fees from its paid-game providers. Also, Facebook is expecting a huge amount of profit from its business with Amazon in the form of social shopping.

• Facebook Credit is the currency used in Facebook, which is the backbone of its business models.

• With Facebook Credit, a user can purchase the products from Amazon or even make transations with other Facebook members, without using services such as google checkout.


• Facebook’s success story gives inspirations to those who venture into new businesses or try to expand their business scope.

• However, there is an issue which needs to be resolved- the balance between openness and ethics. We have already observed some crimes where information from social networks is collected and used for malicious purposes.