Presentación corta (inglés)

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Presentación corta (inglés)

What is it?

Participa en Andalucía is a web platform for e-democracy.

Participa en Andalucía was born in 2007 and has already integrated more than 25% of Andalusian towns in the project.

The project is developed to promote the digital participation of citizens and local authorities and organizations.

It is based on free software, allowing citizens to communicate, think, discuss, join or assist with political or social purposes.


How does it work?

Participa en Andalucía is a “A2C” site ( Public Administration / Government for the citizen)‏

Developed in FLOSS. Intuitive and usable. It complies with "AA“ accesibility standards. It works with some obligatory Rules of Participation.

In this A2C portal, citizens may propose improvements regarding their towns, express their opinions, reject or subscribe proposals made by others.

The most voted proposal may be voted in town councils.

Global Organization


Citizens ® Associations ®

Make proposals, give their opinion, debate comment in blogs, make suggestions


Make queries and sign up

Political Parties Councillors

Local Agents

Manage their specific contents


Local Coordinators

Technical Office

Manage membership

Moderate according to theterms of use

*Delegated fuctions

Configure basic parameters

Present proposals in town councils

Regional follow-up commitees


Follow-up committees

Technical Management

Users (citizens)‏


Guadalinfo local agents

Association representatives

Politic Parties representatives

Local coordinators



Some data about our users


What are the main benefits for mayors?

A better knowledge about the real needs of citizens.

Updated information about the situation of the town.

This allows the Council to act more efficiently on a daily basis

How do we spread the use of the site?

Several communication actions intend to reach the highest

level of participation in every town.

Several communication channels will be used in order to reach out for new

participants and ensure their loyalty:

For this reason, our target audience are: • Andalusian citizens from towns below 20,000 inhabitants. • Associations, political parties and groups.• Mayors from the region.• Entities integrated in the Consortium (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía, Diputaciones Provinciales y Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos).

• Promotion in local media. • Presentation of the project at events associated with e-Participation. •Signing cooperation agreements with other regions, projects and initiatives, at the national and international level. •Use of the main channels and tools of the social media in order to give the project a 2.0 dimension. Intensive use of the social network

How do we measure the impact of the platform in our society?

Measurement tools for the project are aimed at assessing its social and political impact. This is done using both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Quantitative data: reports are generated with a maximum level of disaggregation through an advanced statistical system online.

Qualitative data: are mainly based on human analysis through the collection of information that users provide in their speeches from the platform.

General access statisticsCitizen participationPolitical participationParticipation of associationsDebate triggered by proposals

Which are the main benefits already obtained?

We arrive directly to 1/8 of citizenry, almost 1,000,000 Andalusians out of 8.202.220 living

in the region.

1.046.229 visits to date. .

800 proposals made since the begining of the project and an average of 60 active proposals every month.


Participa en Andalucía is an important tool for the spread of local politics.

The participation of mayors is of paramount importance for the promotion and spread of proposals.

This web portal is a useful tool for the active participation of citizens in local decision making.

The web portal serves to promote the use of new technologies.

The site is a viable tool for other regions.

The project is inexpensive since it can be funded through progressive investment.

Because your ideas matter

Participa en Andalucía