Presentación en power point Inglés

-What are some of the most important people in history? -What are some of the most famous inventors or discoveries in history?

Transcript of Presentación en power point Inglés

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-What are some of the most important people in history?-What are some of the most famous inventors or discoveries in history?

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The most important people in the history

Cristóbal colón was a navigator, cartographer,

Admiral, Viceroy and Governor General of India in the service of the Crown of Castile, famous for making the so-called discovery of America in 1492.

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Ludwig Van Beethoven was a composer, conductor and pianist

German. His musical legacy includes, chronologically, from the classical period to early musical romanticism. It is one of the most important composers in the history of music and his legacy has had a decisive influence on later music.

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Aristóteles it was a polymath: philosopher, logician,

and scientist of ancient Greece whose ideas have had an enormous influence on Western intellectual history for more than two millennia.

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Hernán Cortéz Spanish conquistador of the Aztec

empire (today the center of Mexico). I Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca, governor and captain general of New Spain.

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Bill Gates better known as Bill Gates, is an

entrepreneur and philanthropist, co-founder of the software company Microsoft. Recently returned to hold the title of being the world's richest man.

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Pelé Is a retired Brazilian footballer. It is

considered by many former players, for various sporting bodies, journalists and the media in general, and much of football fans as the best player in the history of the sport.

He was elected the best player of the century in a poll done by the winners of the Golden Ball IFFHS named him the best player in the world and the International Olympic Committee awarded the title of the best athlete of the twentieth century. He was considered the best player ever in a survey conducted by the members of the Football Committee of that institution and the FIFA Magazine subscribers.

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Homero  Is the name given to the ancient Greek

bard who is traditionally credited with authorship of the major Greek epic poems - the Iliad and the Odyssey-

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Julio César Was a skilled military strategist and

courageous, whose victories allowed to extend the Roman territory, was a shrewd politician, whose populist policies won him the affection of large segments of the population. In the same way, highlighted as an outstanding writer whose writings, such as The Gallic War are among the most accomplished of classical Latin.

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The most famous inventors or discover´s in the history

Isaac Newton Was a physicist, philosopher,

theologian, inventor, alchemist and English mathematician, author of Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, better known as the Principia, which described the law of universal gravitation and laid the foundations of mechanics clásicamediante laws that bear his name. His other works include scientific discoveries about the nature of light and optics (presented mainly in his Opticks) and the development of mathematical calculation.

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Albert Einstein was a German physicist of Jewish origin, nationalized after U.S. and

Switzerland. It is considered as the most important scientist of the twentieth century. Manuel Alfonseca 1000 quantifies the importance of scientists of all time and, on a scale of 1-8, Einstein and Freud are the only twentieth century to achieve the highest score, 1 Einstein also qualifies as "the most popular and well-known scientific twentieth century

In 1905, when he was an unknown young physicist, used in the Bern Patent Office, published his theory of special relativity. It sat in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical principles, concepts and phenomena studied earlier by Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz. As a logical consequence of this theory, derived the equation of physics known at the grassroots: the mass-energy equivalence, E = mc ². That year he published other works that would lay foundation for statistical physics and quantum mechanics.

In 1915, he presented the theory of general relativity, which reformulated the whole concept of gravedad.3 One consequence was the emergence of the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the universe by the branch of physics called cosmology. In 1919, when the British observations of a solar eclipse confirmed his predictions about the bending of light, was idolized by the prensa.4 Einstein became an icon of popular science world famous, a privilege available to very few scientists .

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Galileo Galilei was an astronomer, philosopher,

Italian mathematician and physicist who is closely associated with the scientific revolution. Eminent Renaissance man was interested in almost all sciences and arts (music, literature, painting). His achievements include improvements to the telescope, a variety of astronomical observations, the first law of motion and decisive support for Copernicanism. It has been regarded as the "father of modern astronomy," the "father of modern physics" and the "father of science

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Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who postulated

that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through a process called natural selection. The evolution was accepted as fact by the scientific community and much of the public life of Darwin, while his theory of evolution by natural selection was not considered as the primary explanation of the evolutionary process until the 1930s. Currently forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory. In modified form, Darwin's scientific discoveries are still the foundation charter of biology as a science, since they constitute a logical explanation that unifies observations about the diversity of life.

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Hermanos Wright are named together and known

worldwide for being pioneers in the history of aviation.

The brothers were bicycle makers are nevertheless known for his contributions in the field of aviation. They design and manufacture a plane controllable, which was able to plan on a short flight using a powered external catapult. This plane never was able to fly on its own, because its design had not allowed enough lift to stay aloft. However, when thrown into the air with a catapult external short flight was achieved, sufficient to test the steering and control system aircraft.

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Louis Pasteur was a French chemist whose discoveries

had enormous importance in various fields of natural sciences, especially chemistry and microbiology. He was responsible for the technique known as pasteurization.

Their contributions in organic chemistry was the discovery of tartaric acid dimorphism, observing the microscope showed that the two types racemic glass mirror symmetry. It was discovered by both right-handed and left-handed forms which diverted the plane of polarization of light at the same angle but in the opposite direction.

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Antoine Lavoisier chemist, biologist and French economist,

considered the founder of modern chemistry, with his wife, Marie-Anne Pierrette scientific Paulze, for his studies on the oxidation of the bodies, the phenomenon of animal respiration, air analysis, the law of conservation of mass or Lomonosov-Lavoisier law, the heat and combustion theory.

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James Watt it was a Scottish engineer. The

improvements made in the Newcomen engine led to the so-called steam, which would be essential in the development of the Industrial Revolution in both the UK and the rest of the world.