Preparing for Your PMP Exam Day

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Preparing PMP Exam

Transcript of Preparing for Your PMP Exam Day


Last time we looked at exam taking strategies to help you plan what you are going to do on the exam day. Today I want to share a countdown plan with you to help you schedule your time leading up to the PMP exam.

One month before the examBook 2 vacation days away from work. These are to help you focus on the exam, not on your job. Schedule a vacation day for the day before the exam. Don't forget to schedule a vacation day for the day of the exam as well. Of course, if your company allows you to take study leave you may find that your manager is willing to let you have the day of the exam as a study leave day.

One week before the examVisit the test center one week before the exam, preferably arriving at the same time as you will have to on the exam day. For example, if your exam is on Friday at 11am, then drive to the test center around the same time as you would on the actual exam date.

Make sure you know the driving route to the test center, or if you are relying on public transport, make sure you know the route and have an alternative plan in case there are difficulties on the day.

You can go into the testing center and introduce yourself to the staff. Ask them to explain the PMP exam test protocols. This is your opportunity to ask about the schedule for the day, so check with them what the arrangements are for breaks, lockers and what you are allowed to bring with you. Double-check what forms of identification you need to bring, and if they require any other documentation from you.

If you can't physically get to the test center in advance of your exam, call someone at the building and ask the same questions over the phone.

All these activities will help lessen the amount of stress you feel on the exam day, as you will be familiar with the journey, the building and possibly even some of the staff.

One day before the examThis is a vacation day. Use it to take your final 4-hour sample exam. Review the exam taking strategy you defined (look back at last time's email for some advice about this). Before you go to bed, lay out all the items that you will need to bring with you tomorrow and make sure you have a bag ready.

Then get a good night's sleep!

The day of the examDon't skip breakfast. Eat light, nourishing meals. You would be surprised how many people skip a meal or two and then go into the exam tired. That's usually a prescription for failure. However, avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Don't try to cram too much revision in before you set of for the test center. Do a 30-minute review of your study notes, and then stop.

Dress comfortably. Review all the items that you laid out last night, and pack the following to take with you:

The PMI exam eligibility letter / email. The test appointment confirmation. Two forms of ID (at least one must be a government photo ID). A sweater or light jacket. Snacks and water. Foam earplugs (practice wearing these in advance so you know what they will feel like).

Aim to arrive at the test center at least half an hour early. Building that contingency into your plan is good project management practice and it will stop you panicking if you hit unexpected road works or delays on the journey.

After your PMP examYou will get your exam results as soon as you have finished the exam. So, CELEBRATE! You have worked very hard to achieve this milestone. Be sure you recognize this accomplishment. Plan a celebration after the exam.

You are a PMP immediately after you pass the exam. There is no waiting period. Go ahead and send an email to all your friends and add those 3 letters behind your name!

I sincerely hope that your studies are going well and that you will soon be sending that email telling everyone that you have passed. Keep practicing and using your study materials: it really is worth becoming a PMP for so many reasons.