Pre-Teach Project Workshop - Surrey Plus Maths Hub

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Transcript of Pre-Teach Project Workshop - Surrey Plus Maths Hub

Intervention in a Mastery


Spring Term Workshop

March 2019

Always, Sometimes or

Never True?

If you add three

consecutive integers,

the answer is a

multiple of 3.

Think, Pair,


What resources/

representations would

support children in

solving this problem?


● Discuss and share actions taken to implement

the research project following the November


● Evaluate and discuss the initial impact of

implementing the Pre-Teaching and Assigning

Competence research project

● Prepare an outline plan for the Gap Tasks

● Examine how Case Studies and reflective

journals can be used to summarise projects

● Review project plans and consider further


OutcomesWhat are the specific intended outcomes of this Work Group?

Professional learning

Teachers will:

Deepen their understanding of Intervention in Teaching for Mastery context

Engage in research and case studies which exemplify possible intervention

models in order to decide on a model to trial.

Teaching and/or leadership practice

Teachers will:

Trial a model of Intervention and consider the impact of it on the child and their


Be able to plan and deliver intervention to promote a ‘keep up’ approach

Whole school/ departmental policies and approaches

Schools will review the impact of their current practice and be open and flexible to making organisational and attitudinal changes to existing models. By participating in this project, they may change policy and practice to intervention in their schools.

Pupil achievement, attitudes, participation or experience

Pupil achievement, attitudes, participation or experience

Although there may be circumstances where ‘catch up’ programmes are necessary, most pupils will access whole class teaching due to swift and timely interventions in order to keep up, when needed.

Expectations of Participant Schools

• Support of your HT and Leadership team to

implement this project

• Commitment to TfM approach either in two classes

or more widely spread across school

• Commitment to on-going and final evaluation,

including collection and analysis of data

• Commitment to attend workshops, complete Gap

Tasks and arrange at least one visit from WG Lead

including time for WGL to speak with you and a

member of SLT

Expectations of

Participant Schools

• Gap Tasks:

• Outline Plan

• Background reading

• Reflective Learning Journal

• Participate in online group


• Evaluations and case studies


Surrey Plus


Think, Pair, Share

What is your most

positive thought

about your

involvement in the

project so far?

Make any appropriate notes in your

Learning Journal

What’s the same and

what’s different?

1. Number of teachers, TAs & classes


2. Selecting children for the project

3. Baseline assessments

4. Start of Project (first pre-teach session)

5. Timing and frequency of Pre- teach


6. Assigning competence in the classroom

Initial thoughts

What have you

learned from these


Any Surprises?

Make any appropriate notes in your

Learning Journal

Next Steps

1. What do you see as the

successes so far?

2a. What barriers have you


2b. How have/will you

overcome these?

How are the children

responding to the additional


How have you actively

assigned competence to the

children involved?

In the Whole Class Lessons

Reflections: Think, Pair, Share

• What format have your pre-teach

sessions taken?:

• Planning

• Focus

• Teaching

• Which ones have been the most

successful and why?

Gap Task: Co-planning Activity

• Multiplication & Division

• Y3 Mastery Lesson: 6 x table

• Lesson Practice sheet

• Varied fluency

• Discussions

Evidence base to support your


• Pen portrait of individual children –

introduced in November

• Learning Journal/reflection log

• PTAC observation and reflection


• Evaluation and Case Study examples

• March reflective journal entry

Collecting Evidence

• Reflective Log

• Data

• Questionnaire

• Classroom observation (possibly by TA)

– see handout

Reflections and Next Steps

• How have the activities this afternoon

supported your research project?

• What have you identified as your next

steps back in school?

• Make any appropriate notes in you

Learning Journal

• Please complete the evaluation form

Next Steps: Summary

• Gap Tasks

• Reflective Learning Journal

• Video clips of Pre-Teaching sessions

• Visit from Work Group Lead

• Participation in online Community

• Consider possible case studies and

continue collating evidence

Final Workshop

Tuesday 21st May Afternoon 1.30 – 4.30pm

• Finalising Case Studies

• Sharing Good Practice

• Next Steps for you and your schools

• If possible, please bring a laptop to the


Next Steps

● Ensure you are completing your Learning

Journal and collecting evidence of impact

● Consider & plan when you will collect further

quantitative data

● Use the group NCETM Community for

sharing and support

● Further information on evaluations to follow

Good Luck and enjoy the challenge!