Prayer Diary - February - May 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Prayer Diary - February - May 2015



“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you.” Psalm 40:5

Wednesday 28th - Praise God that Abbotsleigh Year 12 is at Galston to kick off their HSC year. Pray for the Summit team to encourage the girls in their studies and show Jesus through their words and actions.

Thursday 29th - Pacific Hills Christian School Year 10 is at Lake Mac with the Summit team this week. Pray that the leaders will faithfully share God’s love with the campers and for safety as they share in many activities.

Friday 30th - Pray that God will open doors this year for CRU Groups to be established in schools where they don’t currently run. Pray for teachers who are willing to volunteer for this important ministry.

Saturday 31st - Thank God for Crusaders’ faithful prayer supporters and ask that the CRU team will continue to be committed to prayer in everything that they do.

Sunday 1st - Thank God for the freedom that we have in Australia to meet in Jesus’ name and to speak openly of the Gospel in so many independent schools.

Monday 2nd - Shore Preparatory School Years 3 and 4 are at Galston this week. Pray that the students learn through the activities and the leaders explain the Gospel clearly.

Tuesday 3rd - Praise God for the recent addition of a chef to our Catering Team. Gordon Brice joined us in November after 23 years as a head chef in Sydney. Pray that he may settle in and feel part of the team quickly.

Wednesday 4th - Summit is running two camps for Tara Anglican School for Girls Year 11 and Year 12 this week. Pray for the logistics of activities, for the team to build relationships quickly with the girls and for opportunities to share God’s love with them.

Thursday 5th - Newington College Years 3 and 4 are at Galston on camp with the Summit team. Pray that the campers will have a fun and exciting time doing the activities with the leaders and learning about God. Friday 6th - Summit is running a camp for St Luke’s Grammar School Year 6 at Lake Mac. Pray for safety on camp and that the team will be faithful to God’s Word and excited to share it with the students.

Saturday 7th - Pray that the Summit team will be caring and gentle, showing God’s love and being a great witness to the families on the Connecting Carers weekend at Galston.

Sunday 8th - Pray for the new Summit Fellows as they put all they have learnt into action on camp. Ask God to fill them with confidence and enthusiasm as they settle in and learn how to lead activities and discussion groups on camps.

Monday 9th - Tara Anglican School for Girls Years 3 and 4 are on camp at Galston this week. Pray that the Summit leaders can care for these young girls and share God’s love with them.

Pray that CRU Campers will grow into life-long disciples of Christ.

Tuesday 10th - Praise God that the good news about Jesus impacted the hearts of Chris and Adam on Frantik CRU Camp in spring. Pray that they will go along to the CRU Group at their school and spur each other on in their new faith.

Wednesday 11th - Tara girls in Years 5 and 6 are at Lake Mac with the Summit team this week. Pray for safety on the water as they complete many activities in God’s creation.

Thursday 12th - Praise God that Summit has the opportunity to run another camp for Oxford Falls Grammar School Year 6 at Galston. Pray that campers will grow in confidence and leaders will generously serve the campers, teachers and our great God.

Friday 13th - The Summit team are with Northholm Grammar Year 7 at Lake Mac this week. Pray for good weather for the week’s activities and that God will provide lots of opportunities for Gospel conversations.

Saturday 14th - Pray for the new members of the Schools Ministry team. Ask that they will settle in quickly and that God will use them for His glory in their new positions, speaking at schools across NSW and the ACT.

Sunday 15th - Pray for our Fellows who finished up with Summit at the end of 2014. Praise God for the amazing blessing they were and pray that they will settle into their new jobs or study and continue to serve God in many different ways.

Monday 16th - Summit is running a camp at a non-Crusader site for William Clarke College Year 7 this week. Praise God for wonderful partnerships with other campsites and pray that the team can be an encouragement to the kids, teachers and site staff.

Tuesday 17th - Pray for the many chaplains starting new roles in schools this term. Ask that God will sustain them and work through them to support and encourage the students in their care.

Wednesday 18th - The Summit team are running a camp for William Clarke College Year 5 at Lake Mac. Pray that the leadership team will have lots of energy to run fun activities and share God’s love through their words and actions.

Thursday 19th - Summit is running a camp at Galston for William Carey Christian School Year 11. Pray for the students as they learn about study and leadership skills this week.

Friday 20th - Pray for Christina, who heard about grace for the first time on a Last Chance Study Camp last year. Pray that she will find a church and university Christian group to connect with and that her family will be open to the good news of grace.

Saturday 21st - Pray for the Summit team as they are in one of their busiest times of year. Pray that God will fill the team with energy, enthusiasm and passion as they spend most of their time on camp each week.

Sunday 22nd - Thank God for the funds raised from our recent Christmas Appeal to help train camp leaders in 2015 and to help disadvantaged families send their kids on CRU Camps. Pray that God uses these resources to bring many children and youth into His Kingdom this year.

Monday 23rd - Presbyterian Ladies College Year 11 is at Galston with Summit this week. Pray that the girls will take in what they learn about study skills and Jesus this week.

Tuesday 24th - Praise God for our Summer CRU Camps and the many volunteers who made them possible. Pray that God will continue to work in the campers and bring many to know Him.

Wednesday 25th - Summit is with Loquat Valley Years 5 and 6 at Lake Mac this week. Pray for safety for the students and leaders during the many activities they will complete.

Thursday 26th - Thank God for the kitchen staff at Lake Mac and the work they do to serve groups on camp. Pray that God will provide permanent and casual staff to continue this work well.

Friday 27th - Praise God that Summit has the opportunity to run the camp program for Macarthur Anglican School Years 3 & 4 at Galston. Pray for a fun camp experience and that the leaders will show God’s love as they care for the campers.

Saturday 28th - Thank God for all the campers who were able to have a wonderful time on the water at Lake Mac over summer. Pray that their memories of camp and the Christian community experienced will continue to prompt them to consider Christ.

Sunday 1st - Praise God for the opportunities Crusaders has to share Jesus with so many school students this year and pray that He will soften hearts to see the truth of the Gospel.

Monday 2nd - Medowie Christian School Year 7 is at Lake Mac with Summit. Praise God for this new camp. Pray that the teachers will see how the kids can benefit from being on Summit camps and keep rebooking for years to come.

Tuesday 3rd - Pray for the Inter-CRU events scheduled in 2015, that through these events students will be encouraged by uniting with others from other schools and being taught faithfully from the Bible.

Wednesday 4th - Praise God that St Luke’s Grammar School Year 5 is at Lake Mac this week. Pray that the Summit leaders will help the kids to grow through the activities and demonstrate God’s love in their discussion groups.

Thursday 5th - Thank God for the junior boys at Nowra Christian School, who late last year started a new boys’ group as a result of their FIT training.

Friday 6th - Lift up the InterCRU event this afternoon at Barker College in prayer and ask that Chris Rooleht will encourage all the students as he speaks from the Bible. Saturday 7th - Pray that many of our 2014 study campers will join university Christian groups and that they will be welcomed, cared for, encouraged and grown through these fellowship groups.

Sunday 8th - Pray for the Schools Ministry team as they establish new relationships with chaplains and teachers in schools. Pray that the team will be an encouragement and support to school staff as they seek to make the Gospel known.

Monday 9th - Jaden was so excited about his new relationship with Jesus on Easyriders CRU Camp. Pray that God will guard his faith and grow him in understanding. Pray that he will be bold in sharing his faith with friends and family.

MARCH 2015

Tuesday 10th - One church camp group recently shared, “[Lake Mac was] perfect for our needs with very friendly staff. Beautiful facilities for fun, group discussion, fellowship and reflection.” Pray that many more groups will also be blessed by visiting the Lake Mac campsite.

Wednesday 11th - Northern Beaches Christian School Year 5 is at Galston. Pray that the kids will grow in their teamwork skills and for the Summit leaders to be ready to share about God’s great news on camp.

Thursday 12th - Thank God for the students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College CRU Group, who recently served ice-creams (which they paid for themselves!) to show Jesus’ love to other students in the school.

Friday 13th - St Paul’s Grammar School Year 11 is with the Summit team this week on a logistically tricky camp. Pray for the leaders and students as they travel from Lake Mac to Point Wolstoncroft on sail boats and sea kayaks. Pray for safety, good weather and a great time of relationship building.

Saturday 14th - Pray for new student leaders who are helping run their CRU Groups at school. Pray that they will learn how to explain the Gospel clearly and show God’s love to their fellow students.

Sunday 15th - Thank God for enthusiastic primary school students being trained to run their school CRU Groups at our FIT events this coming week. Pray they will be excited to take what they learn and put it into practice.

Pray that children will quickly build friendships with their peers and leaders on camps.

Monday 16th - St Phillip’s Christian College Year 3 is at Lake Mac with the Summit team. Pray for patience and energy for the team as they run camp for these little ones.

Tuesday 17th - Praise God Scots College Years 3-6 are at Galston this week for an action-packed camp. Pray for the Summit team to shine Jesus through all their actions.

Wednesday 18th - Summit is running the Barker College Years 3 and 4 camp at Galston this week. Pray for the boys as they learn about themselves through the activities and about God in Christian discovery.

Thursday 19th - Arden Anglican School Years 4 and 6 are on camp with the Summit team. Pray that the kids will be kept safe during camp and engaged during Christian Discovery time.

Friday 20th - Crusaders’ annual Business Luncheon is being held today at NSW Parliament House. Pray for Glenn Davies (Anglican Archbishop of Sydney) as he encourages supporters. Ask that guests will give generously to support Crusaders’ ministry.

Saturday 21st - Give thanks to God for revealing Himself to us in His Word. Pray that all Crusader staff and volunteers will continue to be committed to reading and understanding the Bible and teaching it faithfully.

Sunday 22nd - Pray for our new Schools Ministry Associates who have started a two year traineeship this year. Pray that they will grow in their ministry skills and in their love for God as they lead kids in schools and on camps.

Monday 23rd - Summit is with Oxford Falls Grammar School Year 11 at Galston. Pray that the students will enjoy the camping experience and grow in the faith and understanding of God through the discussion groups.

Tuesday 24th - Thank God for the dedication of the cleaning and maintenance staff at Crusaders’ campsites, who continually create a wonderfully inviting environment for our guests.

Wednesday 25th - Roseville College Year 5 is on camp with the Summit team at Galston. Praise God for the ongoing relationship between Summit and the school and pray that the enjoy being challenged by the activities.

APRIL 2015

Thursday 26th - Northern Beaches Christian School Year 3 is at Winmalee with Summit. Pray that the kids will learn about teamwork through the activities and the leaders will show Jesus’ love wherever they can.

Friday 27th - St Phillip’s Christian School Newcastle Year 4 is on camp at Lake Mac. Pray that God will grow the students physically and emotionally and do eternal work in their hearts.

Saturday 28th - The very first Crusader camp was held 85 years ago at Easter time. Praise God for His faithfulness to this ministry for all these years and for the many young people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel on camps.

Sunday 29th - Praise God that Calrossy Anglican School Year 7 is at Lake Mac with Summit for the first time. Pray that the students and teachers enjoy the camp and that this will be the start of an ongoing relationship between Summit and Calrossy for many years to come.

Monday 30th - Thank God for the opportunities the Schools Ministry team have had to speak the Gospel at chapels and school CRU Groups this term. Pray for many good ideas about how to proclaim the good news clearly to students from Kindergarten through to Year 12.

Tuesday 31st - Summit is with Wycliffe Christian School Year 8 at Galston. Pray that God will move powerfully in the hearts of the kids helping them to grow in confidence and understand Him more.

Wednesday 1st - Belmont Christian College Years 7 and 8 are at Galston. Pray that the Summit team will be a great example of what a Christian is to these students and that they can build relationships with each other.

Thursday 2nd - Covenant Christian School Year 7 is finishing their camp at Lake Mac today. Praise God for the opportunity that Summit has to preach the good news again and pray that God will provide many opportunities for the team to have conversations about God.

Frisday 3rd - Give thanks for Jesus, our good shepherd, who lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11).

Saturday 4th - Pray for the many people who will go to church over the Easter weekend. Ask that they will hear and understand the true message of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for us.

Sunday 5th - “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” Romans 4:25. Praise God for His mercy and kindness and for the new life He has given us in Jesus.

Monday 6th - Pray for wisdom and strength as Emma Bennett directs Pumped CRU Holiday Camp for primary school students at Lake Mac this week. Pray for unity and good communication among the leaders and for the campers to know and trust God more.

Tuesday 7th - Praise God for two new camps running this week side by side. Pray for Kat Swaisland as she directs a Day Camp in a new area and that the Master Chef camp will be fruitful and a popular camp for many years to come.

Wednesday 8th - Pray that the Spirit will cause Autumn Study 1 campers to see the cross as God’s greatest act of power and love, not as weakness or folly. Pray that the leaders will be genuine and gentle.

Thursday 9th - Ask God to provide good rest for the Summit team over the school holidays after a very busy Term 1, and pray for the training opportunities planned for Term 2.

Friday 10th - Pray for positive relationships to be built between campers and leaders on Destination QLD and that the campers will feel comfortable to ask questions.

Saturday 11th - Give thanks for our wonderful volunteers who give generously of their time and resources to help with mail outs, events, database updating and other tasks. Praise God for their willingness to help and for their encouragement to us.

Sunday 12th - Pray for godly wisdom for Nick Hood as he leads the CRU Camps team and enables the staff and volunteers to show God’s love to over 3,000 campers each year.

Monday 13th - Pray that the leadership team on Autumn Study 2 this week will show care for the campers’ studies

that springs from a deeper love for their souls. Pray for fruitful discussion groups and conversations.

Tuesday 14th - Pray for a close and inclusive camp community to be quickly established on Evacu8 to encourage positive memories and Gospel conversations. Pray for Jess Follers and her team to have Christ-like love and an eternal focus even when tired.

Wednesday 15th - Praise God that Timothy can now ride a bike! He is a young boy with reduced motor skills due to brain damage and on his Summit Camp he learnt to ride a bike for the first time! Soon he was even starting to teach the other students how to ride.

Thursday 16th - Thank God for the work to improve Crusaders’ database and websites over the past year. Pray that this will help Crusaders to efficiently handle administration and continue to share the Gospel with students in schools and on camps.

Friday 17th - Praise God for his protection over the campsite staff as they do their work. Pray for staff to be diligent in their roles and for continued safety and beneficial camp experiences for the thousands of guests who use the sites each year.

Saturday 18th - Thank God for all the campers who came on CRU Camps over the Easter holidays and pray that leaders will be able to follow them up well and keep reminding them of the truths about Jesus.

Sunday 19th - Thank God for the mentoring relationships between older Crusader staff and younger trainee staff. Pray

Thank God for all of Crusaders’ supporters who pray, give and volunteer to enable the Gospel to be proclaimed to thousands of kids each year.

that these young people will grow in their ministry skills and their love of God.

Monday 20th - Praise God that He has placed Christian teachers in many schools who are willing to put in extra time to run CRU lunchtime groups where students can explore faith and encourage one another. Pray for energy and God’s strength for these teachers.

Tuesday 21st - Pray for safety on the roads for the Schools Ministry team this term as they travel to schools across Sydney and as far as Nowra, Scone and Canberra.

Wednesday 22nd - Pray that the Summit team will set time aside time to spend time in God’s word. Pray that they will keep God at the centre and will always seek Him first.

Thursday 23rd - Pray for the marketing campaigns being sent to churches, schools and community groups during the year, that they will be effective in encouraging groups to use our sites for their camps and retreats.

Friday 24th - Thank God that social media provides a great way for leaders and campers to stay connected after camps. Pray that this platform can be used well to encourage kids to keep thinking about Jesus.

Saturday 25th - Crusader Council provides strategic direction and oversight to all the work of Crusaders. Pray that God will help them to be prayerful and wise in their decisions.

Sunday 26th - Thank God that schools and youth groups across Australia and even overseas use CRU Groups’ Bible resources to help teach the Gospel to kids. Pray that these resources will help many to come to know the truth about Jesus.

Monday 27th - Praise God for his glorious grace and for the privilege it is to share in the mission of making disciples of Jesus. Tuesday 28th - William Clarke College Year 8 is on a country camp at Attunga with Summit. Pray for the team and students to have safe travels and for all the activities to go ahead smoothly.

Wednesday 29th -Thank God for Nathan McElveney and his years of service to the Summit team. Pray for wisdom and prayerfulness as he leads the team and helps them to focus on the Gospel.

MAY 2015

Thursday 30th - Pray for love and grace in the CRU Camps staff team. Pray that God will be growing them and directing them at home and work in line with His good and perfect will.

Friday 1st - Registrations have now opened for winter CRU Camps and Study Camps. Pray that many kids will register on camps and have the opportunity to hear the Good News of salvation in Christ.

Saturday 2nd - Praise God for the DA approval for the accommodation and meeting room additions at Galston. Pray for diligent contractors and good weather so that the work can go ahead efficiently and will be ready for winter Study Camps.

Sunday 3rd - Praise God for the sure hope we have in Him and that we can share this hope with thousands of kids each year.

Monday 4th - Pray for the Christian principals of the schools Crusaders works with. Ask God to help them lead their schools in a way which glorifies Him and points students to Jesus.

Tuesday 5th - Pray that many CRU Campers impacted by the Gospel on Easter camps will go along to their local church or youth group and feel welcomed into God’s family.

Wednesday 6th - Sutherland Shire Christian School Year 10 is at Galston with Summit. Pray for good relationships to be formed with the leaders and for the students to engage with the activities and discussion groups.

Thursday 7th - Pray for the June Appeal as it goes out to supporters towards the end of the financial year. Ask that God will provide the funding needed to further our camping and school ministries.

Friday 8th - St Paul’s Grammar School Year 11 finish their Summit camp at Lake Mac today. Pray they will have had a memorable time away from their books and that they will be

challenged to broaden their understanding of the world by the social justice components of camp.

Saturday 9th - Pray for energy and enthusiasm for the Schools Ministry team as they visit CRU lunchtime groups to give Bible talks, run discussions and provide support to the teachers and student leaders.

Sunday 10th - Thank God for the campsite facilities at Galston Gorge and Lake Mac. Pray that funds will be provided to maintain and improve these sites for camps.

Monday 11th - Thank God for new CRU Groups which have started up in schools this year. Pray that many students will start to come along and enjoy hearing from the Bible each week.

Tuesday 12th - Thank God that so many students who came to know Jesus through Crusaders are now serving Him in many different ways all across the world. Pray that God will hold all of them close and continue to grow them in maturity in Christ.

Wednesday 13th - Pray for Year 8 at Lakes Grammar as they head to Lake Mac for their camp today. Ask that God will give them an excellent time learning and growing their friendships and that they will see God’s love in the Summit leaders and site staff.

Thursday 14th - Thank God for designers, printers and other suppliers who help Crusaders spread the word about our ministries. Pray for these good relationships to continue.

Friday 15th - Pray for the site staff at Lake Mac as they work on lots of projects during this quieter time of year.

Saturday 16th - Thank God that Study Camps are so popular and that they are a wonderful way to reach kids with the Gospel at a key time in their lives. Pray for the truth about Jesus to be clearly explained on all Study Camps this year.

Sunday 17th - Praise God for CRU Groups meeting is schools in places like Perth and Singapore. Praise Him that these students too can benefit from CRU resources and that there are teachers giving their time to share Jesus’ love with their students.

Monday 18th - Kuyper Christian School Years 7 and 8 are on a bivouac camp at Galston. Pray for safety as they camp out and for good conversations between students and leaders.

Tuesday 19th - Pray for the students at St Paul’s Grammar in Years 8 and 9 as they are on camp with Summit. Pray for safety during activities and for the leadership team to display the Gospel clearly through talks, discussion groups and their actions.

Wednesday 20th - The CRU Camps team are running a training day for volunteer leaders this month. Pray that leaders will learn new skills to help them lead discussion groups and activities and that they will get excited about the amazing Gospel opportunities on camps.

Thursday 21st - Summit is running two camps for Northcross Christian School: Years 3 and 4 at Galston and Years 5 and 6 at Lake Mac. Pray the kids will have a fun learning experience and that God will soften their hearts to hear about Jesus’ love for them.

Friday 22nd - Praise God that many young people who have never attended church have the opportunity to learn about Jesus through their CRU Groups at school. Pray that these groups will be welcoming places where students can experience God’s love.

Saturday 23rd - Pray for good health for Crusaders’ staff (especially those serving on camps) as we head into the winter months.

Sunday 24th - Thank God for Anna Wood and her many years of service leading the Marketing and Fundraising teams. Pray for wisdom, creativity and energy as she handles the many projects going on at once.

Monday 25th - The Summit Outdoor Leaders are heading off

Pray that young people will seek answers to their questions and God will provide opportunities for great discussion.

on a training hike for their Outdoor Recreation Certificates today. Pray for good weather and safety over the next five days and that they can encourage each other in their faith during their time away.

Tuesday 26th - Pray for perseverance for students in schools where it is difficult to be a Christian and pray that CRU Groups can be a good support and encouragement for them.

Wednesday 27th - Thank God for Christian teachers and for their service to their schools and students. Pray they can be an example for Christ in everything they do.

Thursday 28th - Pray for the Marketing and Fundraising teams as they help spread the word about Crusaders’ camps and ministries and how these are impacting young lives.

Friday 29th - Pray for the Summit Fellows to grow in their understanding and love for Jesus as they complete PTC courses through Moore College.

Saturday 30th - Pray for the directors of winter CRU Camps as they gather and train their teams and as speakers prepare their talks for camps. Pray that in everything they will seek to glorify God and make Him known.

Sunday 31st - Thank God for Crusaders’ wonderful supporters who give and pray to make sure that this vital ministry can continue. Pray that God will continue to raise up workers for the harvest fields.

The Crusader Union of Australia PO Box 590, Eastwood NSW 2122 Ph (02) 9874 8933 ABN: 90 213 359 332

Pray that campers will enjoy the activities and see God’s love in action on camps.