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CSE4904 Computer Science Design LabCSE4904 Computer Science Design Lab

Prof. Steven A. Demurjian, Sr. Computer Science & Engineering Department

The University of Connecticut191 Auditorium Road, Box U-155

Storrs, CT 06269-2155steve@engr.uconn.edu

http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~steve(860) 486 - 4818



Course GoalsCourse Goals CSE4904: The “First” Project Based CourseCSE4904: The “First” Project Based Course

Objective of Course Expand Knowledge on Emerging Disciplines Learn about New/Innovative Technology/Standards Transition from Requirements to Design to

Development Work as a Loosely Organized Group You Make Decisions, Resolve Problems, etc. You “Apply” your Coursework/Experiences

What is Instructor’s Role?What is Instructor’s Role? Provide a Set of Potential Project Topics Serve as Manager - Organize Meetings, Available

for Questions, etc.



Expand Knowledge on Emerging DisciplinesExpand Knowledge on Emerging Disciplines Biomedical Informatics/Health Information Biomedical Informatics/Health Information

Technology Rapidly Emerging DisciplineTechnology Rapidly Emerging Discipline Cutting Edge, Incredible Career and Research Cutting Edge, Incredible Career and Research

OpportunitiesOpportunities Improve Practice of Medicine Through InformaticsImprove Practice of Medicine Through Informatics

Patient Managed Patient Care Hospital Based Research (Genomics/Trials)

What is Biomedical Informatics?What is Biomedical Informatics? Where is the Future?Where is the Future?



What is Informatics?What is Informatics? Informatics is:Informatics is:

Management/Processing of Data From Multiple Sources/Contexts Classification (Ontologies),

Collection, Storage, Analysis, Dissemination

Informatics is Multi-DisciplinaryInformatics is Multi-Disciplinary Computing (Model, Store,

Mine, Process Information) Social Science (HCI) Statistics (Analysis)

Informatics Can Apply to Multiple Informatics Can Apply to Multiple Domains:Domains: Pharmacology, Nursing,

Medicine, Biology, etc. Business, Fine Arts, Humanities


Information Technology


Adapted from Shortcliff textbook



What is Biomedical Informatics (BMI)?What is Biomedical Informatics (BMI)? BMI is Information and its Usage Associated with the BMI is Information and its Usage Associated with the

Research and Practice of Medicine Including:Research and Practice of Medicine Including: Clinical Informatics for Patient Care

Medical Record + Personal Health Record Bioinformatics for Research/Biology to Bedside

From Genomics to Proteomics Public Health Informatics (State and Federal)

Tracking Trends in Public Sector Clinical Research Informatics

Deidentified Repositories and Databases Facilitate Epidemiological Research and Ongong

Clinical Studies (Drug Trails, Data Analysis, etc.) Clinical Informatics, Pharmacy Informatics,

Consumer Health Informatics, Nursing Informatics



BMI & T1 Research (Bench BMI & T1 Research (Bench Clinical) Clinical) Transfer of Knowledge from Laboratory or Bench to Transfer of Knowledge from Laboratory or Bench to

Clinical TrialsClinical Trials Move Genomic Research from Bench (Lab) to Move Genomic Research from Bench (Lab) to

Clinical Trial (or Genetic/Test Intervention)Clinical Trial (or Genetic/Test Intervention) Transfer in Lab/Bench Research to Pre-Clinical and Transfer in Lab/Bench Research to Pre-Clinical and

Early Clinical Human Subject ResearchEarly Clinical Human Subject Research Informatics Support via:Informatics Support via:

Simulations, Super & Grid Computing Data Mining, Data Reduction, Data Analysis Database Interoperability, GUIs



BMI & Clinical Research (Trials) BMI & Clinical Research (Trials) Applying Clinical Research Results via Trials with Applying Clinical Research Results via Trials with

Patients on Medication, Devices, Treatment PlansPatients on Medication, Devices, Treatment Plans Multi-Phased Process for Clinical Trials:Multi-Phased Process for Clinical Trials:

Phase I: First Stage – 20-80 Healthy Patients Phase II: Second Stage – 20-300 Patients Phase III: Multi-Center Trials – 300-3000 Phase IV: Monitoring of Drug After Approval

Informatics Support via:Informatics Support via: Electronic Multi-Site IRB, Collaboration Tools Clinical Trials Recruitment and Management Multi-Site Clinical Research Data Repository



BMI & T2 Research (Clinical BMI & T2 Research (Clinical Community Community)) Translating “Successful” Clinical Trials into Practice Translating “Successful” Clinical Trials into Practice

and the Communityand the Community Improvements in Practice New Evidence-Based Guidelines or Care Models Phase III Success Translated to Health Providers

Informatics Support for:Informatics Support for: Disseminating Education Materials to Providers &

Patients to Track Acceptance, Collect Outcomes Includes Tools from Clinical Research (Trials)



BMI & Clinical PracticeBMI & Clinical Practice Tracking all Information for Patient and his/her CareTracking all Information for Patient and his/her Care

Medical Record, Medical Tests (Lab, Diagnostic, Scans, etc.), Prescriptions

Dealing with Patients – Direct Medical CareDealing with Patients – Direct Medical Care Hospital or Clinic, Physician’s Office Testing Facility, Insurance/Reimbursement

Informatics Support via:Informatics Support via: Electronic Medical Record Linking/Accessing Data Repositories Collaborative and Secure (HIPPA) Web Portals



What is UConn Doing in this Area?What is UConn Doing in this Area? NIH’s CTSA Program: Transform the Way Clinical NIH’s CTSA Program: Transform the Way Clinical

and Translational Science Research is Conductedand Translational Science Research is Conducted From Bench to Clinical Research to Translational

Research to the Bedside and Back Again 36+ Academic Medical Centers Awarded to Date

see: http://www.ctsaweb.org/ Under President Mike Hogan’s LeadershipUnder President Mike Hogan’s Leadership

UConn Submitted a CTSA Proposal in Oct 2008 Formed CICaTS: Connecticut Institute for Clinical

and Translational Science (Sept. 29th 09) University Initiative with Partners

John Dempsey, St. Francis, Hartford Hospital, CCMC, Hospital for Central CT, Institute for Living, etc.




CICATS CICATS Official Launching:Official Launching:

Tuesday September 29, 10:30am-1:30pmTuesday September 29, 10:30am-1:30pm UConn Global Business Learning Center, HartfordUConn Global Business Learning Center, Hartford Speakers Include: Pres. M. Hogan, Provost P. Speakers Include: Pres. M. Hogan, Provost P.

Nichols, and Dean Cato Laurencin (Med School)Nichols, and Dean Cato Laurencin (Med School) Mission:Mission:

to educate and nurture new scientiststo educate and nurture new scientists toto  increaseincrease  clinical and translational clinical and translational

research being conducted at UCHC, regional research being conducted at UCHC, regional hospitals, UConn Storrs, and healthcare hospitals, UConn Storrs, and healthcare organizations throughout greater Hartford organizations throughout greater Hartford 

to work collaboratively with regional stakeholders to work collaboratively with regional stakeholders to combat the leading causes of morbidity, to combat the leading causes of morbidity, mortality, disability, and health disparitiesmortality, disability, and health disparities

CICATS will have Biomedical Informatics CenterCICATS will have Biomedical Informatics Center



Increasing Biomedical Informatics ExpertiseIncreasing Biomedical Informatics Expertise Grow “Our Own” Biomedical Informatics FacultyGrow “Our Own” Biomedical Informatics Faculty

Announced Provost Initiative in mid-July 2009 $100,000 Committed for Faculty Training Costs

and Associated Release Time Three On-Line Program Options:Three On-Line Program Options:

AMIA 10x10 Health Informatics Program http://www.amia.org/10x10

MS Program in BMI (Oregon H&S, UIllinois, etc.) Certificate Program in BMI

8 UConn Faculty (7 UCHC/1 Storrs) took Course8 UConn Faculty (7 UCHC/1 Storrs) took Course



Eminent Faculty Search in BMIEminent Faculty Search in BMI Soon to be Approved (this week) Dual Campus Soon to be Approved (this week) Dual Campus

Eminent Faculty Search for Biomedical InformaticsEminent Faculty Search for Biomedical Informatics 7 to 9 total Faculty Recruitment of “Leader” for BMI Center and

Faculty at All Levels Seeking Profiles that Include:Seeking Profiles that Include:

Clinical, Medical, and/or Health Informatics who are Medical Professions (MD Likely) with a Track Record in Informatics

Computing and/or Information Science PhDs with Medical, Clinical, or Health Background/Training

This year – Senior Leader (UCHC) and multiple This year – Senior Leader (UCHC) and multiple PositionsPositions



Biomedical Informatics in CICATSBiomedical Informatics in CICATS



GAANN: Advanced ComputingGAANN: Advanced Computing

Graduate Assistants in Areas of National Need Proposal Funded by: US Dept. of Education

PI: R. Ammarco-PIs: S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran, J.H. Cui, and S. Zhou

Advanced Computing Spans:Biomedical Informatics (BMI)

Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN)



Advanced Computing and its Focal AreasAdvanced Computing and its Focal Areas

Systems andDevices

Demurjian (CSE)Kiayias (CSE)Russell (CSE)

Shvartsman (CSE)

Ammar (CSE)Cui (CSE)

Wang (CSE)Shi (CSE)

Architectures and Protocols

Bio/Genome Informatics:

Super Computing

Ammar (CSE)Graveley (GDB)Gryk (MMSB)Huang (CSE)Kuo (STAT)

Mandoiu (CSE) Moraru (CCAM)

Rajasekaran (CSE)Schiller (MMSB)

Shin (CSE) Wu (CSE)

Medical Informatics:Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Agresta (DFM)Aseltine (PHDS)Demurjian (CSE)

Harel (ST)Huang (CSE)

Kim (CSE)Mandoiu (CSE)

Rajasekaran (CSE) Shin (CSE)

Security andNetworks


Advanced ComputingAmmar (CSE)

Underwater Sensor NetworksCui (CSE) and Zhou (ECE)

Biomedical Informatics Demurjian (CSE) and Rajasekaran (CSE)

Ammar (CSE)Bagtzoglou (CEE)

Cui (CSE)Fei (CSE)Kim (CSE)Liu (CEE)

Rajasekaran (CSE)Torgerson(MS)

Shi (CSE)Zhou (ECE)Wang (CSE)

Auster (MS)Cui (CSE)

Chandy (ECE)Fei (ECE)Li (CEE)

Lei (CMBE)Pattipati (ECE)

Shi (CSE)Zhou (ECE)

Wang (ECE) Willett (ECE)



GAANN FundingGAANN Funding Support for Five Doctoral Students (each for 3 years) Support for Five Doctoral Students (each for 3 years)

each of whom Must be US Citizen.each of whom Must be US Citizen. One Student will be Funded in the Areas ofOne Student will be Funded in the Areas of

BMI Bio/Genome Informatics: Supercomputing Medical Informatics: Warehouses and Mining

UWSN Architecture and Protocols Systems and Devices

5th student in Security and Networks will be in either BMI or UWSN

Educational Program for GAANN includes Research, Educational Program for GAANN includes Research, Training in Teaching, etc., to Prepare Graduates to be Training in Teaching, etc., to Prepare Graduates to be Faculty MembersFaculty Members



Learn about New/Emerging TechnologyLearn about New/Emerging Technology Explore Smartphone Technologies and ApplicationsExplore Smartphone Technologies and Applications Four Smartphone PlatformsFour Smartphone Platforms

Android Blackberry iPhone Microsoft

All with Differing APIsAll with Differing APIs Java Java Objective C .NET

How do we Develop Applications? How do we Develop Applications? How can we Link to Web and Existing BMI Apps?How can we Link to Web and Existing BMI Apps?



Learn about New/Emerging TechnologyLearn about New/Emerging Technology Personal Health Records (PHR) are Patient Controlled Personal Health Records (PHR) are Patient Controlled

RepositoriesRepositories Google Health (www.google.com/health)

Accessible via Java API XML-Based Interface

Microsoft HealthVault (www.healthvault.com/) Accessible via .Net Infrastructure

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are Health Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are Health Provided Controlled RepositoriesProvided Controlled Repositories General Electric Centricity EMR Version 9.2 – Secure Web Services



Project Focus this SemesterProject Focus this Semester Smartphone Applications that Interact with Google Smartphone Applications that Interact with Google

Health (or MS Health Vault) and GE CentricityHealth (or MS Health Vault) and GE Centricity Focus on Observations for Daily Living (ODLs)Focus on Observations for Daily Living (ODLs) What are ODLs?What are ODLs?

Patient Provided Information Related to their Chronic Diseases or Health Goals Augment Typical Information Provided at MD

Visit Continuous Input Clinical Decision Support to Spot Problem Trends Intervene Before Event Occurs Monitor Progress Towards Goal (e.g., weigh loss)



Two Types of ODLsTwo Types of ODLs Passive – Once Initiated, Collects DataPassive – Once Initiated, Collects Data

Accelerometer Pedometer Pill Bottle that Sends a Time Stamp Message (over

Bluetooth?) to SmartPhone Active – Patient InitiatedActive – Patient Initiated

Providing Information via Smartphone on: Diabetes (Glucose, Weight, Insulin) Asthma (Peak Flow, use of Inhaler) Heart Disease (Pulse, BP, Diet) Pain, Functional status, Fatigue, etc.

From Basic to Sophisticated!From Basic to Sophisticated! All ODLs will have Help (Usability) and Education All ODLs will have Help (Usability) and Education

(Disease) Capability Built in.(Disease) Capability Built in.



Overall ArchitectureOverall Architecture


Patient Demographicsand ODLs

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram of the Proposed System.





SQL ServerDatabase

Client Side Technologieshttps, html, Ajax, XML

Server Side TechnologiesJava, JSP, Hibernate, Relational Database, XML

Centricity EMR



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Multi-Media Support Repository:Multi-Media Support Repository: It has been found in a It has been found in a

number of settings, that people with chronic diseases may be number of settings, that people with chronic diseases may be able to cope with their pain, fatigue, etc., through the use of able to cope with their pain, fatigue, etc., through the use of audio clips, video clips, or pictures that mean something too audio clips, video clips, or pictures that mean something too them. For example, for one person it may be pictures and clips them. For example, for one person it may be pictures and clips of family and loved ones, for another person it may be popular of family and loved ones, for another person it may be popular music, for yet another inspirational speeches, and so on. The music, for yet another inspirational speeches, and so on. The intent is to develop a Smartphone application that is capable of intent is to develop a Smartphone application that is capable of tracking a repository of audio, video, and pictures, categorized tracking a repository of audio, video, and pictures, categorized by Topic, Title, and/or Keywords. The system will track a by Topic, Title, and/or Keywords. The system will track a complete historical record for each participant, noting the complete historical record for each participant, noting the selections that are being utilized along with their date-time selections that are being utilized along with their date-time stamp and frequency. There will be the ability to have a stamp and frequency. There will be the ability to have a favorites list of most frequently used selections, as well as for favorites list of most frequently used selections, as well as for each participant to upload their own audio/videos for her own each participant to upload their own audio/videos for her own use. The intent is to also have a version of this application that use. The intent is to also have a version of this application that could cache selections with the memory of the Smartphone to could cache selections with the memory of the Smartphone to reduce download times, particularly for those selections chosen reduce download times, particularly for those selections chosen most frequently. most frequently.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Pedometer or AccelerometerPedometer or Accelerometer: For either of these : For either of these

applications, you will need to have an actual applications, you will need to have an actual Smartphone that has motion sensors. The idea would Smartphone that has motion sensors. The idea would be that these applications would be initiated by a be that these applications would be initiated by a patient to collect information associated with walking patient to collect information associated with walking (pedometer) or movement (accelerometer) for a fixed (pedometer) or movement (accelerometer) for a fixed period of time. period of time.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Discrete Measurement of Symptom/Condition: Discrete Measurement of Symptom/Condition:

Historically, pain scales have been used extensively in Historically, pain scales have been used extensively in medical settings (just to a Google Search on “pain medical settings (just to a Google Search on “pain scale” images). This type of scale can be generalized scale” images). This type of scale can be generalized to collect information related to pain, fatigue, to collect information related to pain, fatigue, mobility, adherence to medication, and so on. Note mobility, adherence to medication, and so on. Note that some of these ODLs may be regularly schedule that some of these ODLs may be regularly schedule (e.g., the smartphone beeps a reminder), triggered as (e.g., the smartphone beeps a reminder), triggered as the result of a contact to the patient (e.g., an automated the result of a contact to the patient (e.g., an automated call or email to the smartphone), or initiated by the call or email to the smartphone), or initiated by the user. The numerical values are tracked for each user. The numerical values are tracked for each individual to capture all of the values entered. This individual to capture all of the values entered. This would be a simplistic ODL based on a scale (1 to 10, would be a simplistic ODL based on a scale (1 to 10, Good to Bad, etc.) rather than any actual collection of Good to Bad, etc.) rather than any actual collection of medical/personal data.medical/personal data.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Discrete Measurement of Symptom/Condition: Discrete Measurement of Symptom/Condition:

Historically, pain scales have been used extensively in Historically, pain scales have been used extensively in medical settings (just to a Google Search on “pain medical settings (just to a Google Search on “pain scale” images). This type of scale can be generalized scale” images). This type of scale can be generalized to collect information related to pain, fatigue, to collect information related to pain, fatigue, mobility, adherence to medication, and so on. Note mobility, adherence to medication, and so on. Note that some of these ODLs may be regularly schedule that some of these ODLs may be regularly schedule (e.g., the smartphone beeps a reminder), triggered as (e.g., the smartphone beeps a reminder), triggered as the result of a contact to the patient (e.g., an automated the result of a contact to the patient (e.g., an automated call or email to the smartphone), or initiated by the call or email to the smartphone), or initiated by the user. The numerical values are tracked for each user. The numerical values are tracked for each individual to capture all of the values entered. This individual to capture all of the values entered. This would be a simplistic ODL based on a scale (1 to 10, would be a simplistic ODL based on a scale (1 to 10, Good to Bad, etc.) rather than any actual collection of Good to Bad, etc.) rather than any actual collection of medical/personal data.medical/personal data.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Synching Information with PHR/EMR:Synching Information with PHR/EMR: For this For this

application, you need to consider the information that application, you need to consider the information that is stored in a PHR and/or EMR, and develop is stored in a PHR and/or EMR, and develop Smartphone applications that provide a means for Smartphone applications that provide a means for patients to enter the information which can then be patients to enter the information which can then be synchronized with the PHR/EMR. For example, synchronized with the PHR/EMR. For example, Google Health lets a user maintain his/her Google Health lets a user maintain his/her prescriptions, but it is not set up to handle nutritional prescriptions, but it is not set up to handle nutritional supplements and other home remedies. A application supplements and other home remedies. A application could support the data entry of this information, which could support the data entry of this information, which would then be synchronized into Google Health, and if would then be synchronized into Google Health, and if the user is also a patient with data in the EMR the user is also a patient with data in the EMR Centricity, a second step would synchronize to this Centricity, a second step would synchronize to this repository using its secure web services. A different repository using its secure web services. A different application could also be considered to handle side application could also be considered to handle side effects and reactions to medications, food, allergens.effects and reactions to medications, food, allergens.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Scanning/Recognition: Scanning/Recognition: For this application, it may For this application, it may

be possible to leverage the digital camera in a cell be possible to leverage the digital camera in a cell phone to take a “picture” of a medication and/or phone to take a “picture” of a medication and/or nutritional supplement label that can be then uploaded nutritional supplement label that can be then uploaded to the web into the PHR or EMR. The idea would be to the web into the PHR or EMR. The idea would be for the patient to be able to create a pictorial for the patient to be able to create a pictorial representation of medications/supplements, that would representation of medications/supplements, that would also be supplemented with their complete dosing also be supplemented with their complete dosing information (size, frequency, etc.). This would information (size, frequency, etc.). This would involve being able to capture perhaps multiple images involve being able to capture perhaps multiple images from the same medication/supplement and meld them from the same medication/supplement and meld them together.together.



Possible ODLsPossible ODLs Futuristic: Are you really Ambitious?Futuristic: Are you really Ambitious?

Link Commercial Glucose Meter to SmartPhone Digital Camera on Smartphone to Scan Bar Codes

on Supplements and/or Medications May Involve OCR

Hooking up Sensors through Smartphones Pulse, BP, etc. Treadmill or Exercise Equipment

GPS and Smartphones? For Movement? Many of these will need to store data in PHR/EMRMany of these will need to store data in PHR/EMR



Course Process and OverviewCourse Process and Overview Identify Problem – by Thursday, 9amIdentify Problem – by Thursday, 9am Requirements Specification – by 3Requirements Specification – by 3rdrd Class Class

User-Interface Driven Design Screen Shots and User Process Chosen Technologies and Platforms

Interactions and FeedbackInteractions and Feedback Explore Development Alternatives/PlatformsExplore Development Alternatives/Platforms Detailed Development and TestingDetailed Development and Testing Implementation and IntegrationImplementation and Integration Team Interactions and DynamicsTeam Interactions and Dynamics Setting and Meeting MilestonesSetting and Meeting Milestones Evaluating Success/FailureEvaluating Success/Failure



Class MaterialsClass Materials CSE4904 Web Site at …CSE4904 Web Site at …

www.engr.uconn.edu/~steve/Cse4904/cse4904.html All Course Materials Available On-Line Communication by Email Available in Afternoons and by Appointment

Other Important Class Materials – Background onOther Important Class Materials – Background on Health Information Technology Software Design, Java, Requirements Definition Unified Modeling Language (UML)



Milestones with Dates - Subject to ChangeMilestones with Dates - Subject to Change Project Proposal – 3 days after 1Project Proposal – 3 days after 1stst class class Presentation of Goals/Objectives/Focus – 2Presentation of Goals/Objectives/Focus – 2ndnd Class Class Requirements Specification – 3Requirements Specification – 3rdrd Class Class Revised Requirements Specification – 4Revised Requirements Specification – 4thth class class Overall Design and Prototyping/Management Plan – 5Overall Design and Prototyping/Management Plan – 5thth class class Prototype Report 1/Presentation – 8Prototype Report 1/Presentation – 8thth class class Prototype Report 2/Presentation – 11Prototype Report 2/Presentation – 11thth class class Prototype Report 3/Presentation –13Prototype Report 3/Presentation –13thth class class End of Semester (last day of classes)End of Semester (last day of classes)

Final Report/User Manual Final Student Assessment Solution/Materials in Source Code Repository



Documentation Packages/RequirementsDocumentation Packages/Requirements Development Environment/Source Code ControlDevelopment Environment/Source Code Control

Use of IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc.) Source Code Control (Subversion) Web Page for Each Team/Project?

All Project Specifications (Written Documents) Must All Project Specifications (Written Documents) Must be Done using: MS Word 03 or 07be Done using: MS Word 03 or 07

All Project Presentations Must be Done Using All Project Presentations Must be Done Using Powerpoint (PPT)Powerpoint (PPT) Utilize Samples on Web Page for UML and CT

Insurance Dept. Link for Guide Submit Both Hard Copy and Electronic VersionsSubmit Both Hard Copy and Electronic Versions

Hard Copy Produced on Laser Printer Electronic as a Directory zipped




Project/Team Web Page/DocumentationProject/Team Web Page/Documentation Should Each Team Develop a Web Page for their Should Each Team Develop a Web Page for their

Project????Project???? See Links for Former Projects as Examples Use To Post On-Going Documents

Augment Web Page with Detailed Design DocumentsAugment Web Page with Detailed Design Documents Together CC Generates Documentation Frame Based HTML Resembles Java Doc Make Sure you Select “All” Diagrams

Documentation of Java with Java DocDocumentation of Java with Java Doc Utilize Together Architect Utilize IDE



Today’s TasksToday’s Tasks Individual or Teams?Individual or Teams? Choosing Teams – At Most 2 Team MembersChoosing Teams – At Most 2 Team Members

Self-Organized Teams Instructor Sets Teams

Meet & BrainstormingMeet & Brainstorming Remainder of Class Exchange Email and Phone Numbers

First Project Due – 3 days after first class at 9am - First Project Due – 3 days after first class at 9am - Expect Feedback by End of DayExpect Feedback by End of Day

First Project Presentation – 2nd class First Project Presentation – 2nd class 5 to 10 minutes per team Copy of Slides/Create & Post on Web Page