PPC Prep for the Holidays - Brett Stevens at #SLCSEM

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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PLAs, RLSA's and remarketing oh my! Slides from September 18, 2013 SLCSEM.org meetup featuring PPC tips for e-commerce sales and the holidays, presented by Brett Stevens of 180Fusion.

Transcript of PPC Prep for the Holidays - Brett Stevens at #SLCSEM

  • 1. Brett Stevens SLCSEM PPC Prep for the Holidays

2. Offer Extensions Plas (Product Listing Ads) Search Companion Dynamic Remarketing RLSA Similar Audiences Whats The Plan? 3. What is an Offer Extension? Offer Extensions help you drive traffic to your local business by distributing promotions through your AdWords Campaigns. Can be printed off or added to a My Offers account. Why Should You Use It? Drives Local Traffic Can help you rise above your competition online and offline. Track online traffic that converts in store. Offer Extensions 4. Test Possibilities Find out what your client is willing to offer and test it! Options: $ Amount Off $10 off purchase of $50 or more. % Off 20% off Next Purchase Combination 10% or $20 which Use Expiration dates to create urgency. Create Special Offers for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Be aware of what your competitors are offering and adjust as needed. How Do I Optimize Offers for the Holidays? 5. Why PLAs?....Because they work! PLA CTRs increased 19% year-over-year and have increased each month since February. PLAs Now on Mobile! PLAs (Product Listing Ads) 6. Granularity Optimize campaign structure to drive more efficient bidding. SQRs Run a search query report for at least the last 3 months. Find negative keywords. Align your titles with user intent. (Brand, Color, Size) Create a promotional feed for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Focus on the hot ticket items. Optimize PLAs for the Holidays! 7. Dont use stock images, distinguish yourself. Dont forget about mobile Optimize PLAs for the Holidays! (Cont.) 8. The Remarketing offerings from Google have expanded beyond traditional remarketing. RLSA (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads) Dynamic Remarketing Similar Audiences Search Companion If you Remarket, they will come! 9. Focus on the customer Increase bids on lower funnel keywords. Remove higher funnel keywords from RLSA campaigns. Optimize ad text for holiday offerings. Exclude remarketing lists from primary campaigns. RLSA 10. Reach visitors based on the products they viewed on your site. How do we optimize for the holidays? Test different layouts to see what resonates with your audience. Button color and call to action text (Shop Now, Buy Today etc) Different value ad propositions (free shipping, 10% off etc) Logo position (Keeping it at the top tends to work best.) Dynamic Remarketing 11. Similar Audiences Similar Audiences forms an "ideal user model based on your best user lists and helps you reach potential new visitors who share these same attributes. How do we optimize for the holidays? Use high level ad copy that with a value ad proposition that will work on any item they purchase. (Free shipping on all orders, 10% off, free banana holder with every purchase!) Add topics for control (something categorically related, maybe try Gifts) Narrow by demographic (Age, Gender etc) Similar Audiences 12. Impression based remarketing that takes place within a session on the GDN. How do we optimize for the holidays? Use Text and Image ads. Use different holiday ad copy from what you originally presented.(It didnt work the first time, so you might as well try something else.) Bid between Search and Display Use lower funnel keywords Search Companion 13. Offer Extensions will push your local traffic. PLAs are a must! Dont be afraid to try some new remarketing. TEST EVERYTHING!!! Takeaways 14. Twitter : @BrettStevens1 www.linkedin.com/in/brettstevens bstevens@180fusion.com Shameless Plug 15. Thank You!