Poster conventions

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Poster conventions

Poster Conventions

A poster convention that I used was this unique selling point that is to inform and interest the audience.Informing them of previous credits will encourage them to consider watching this movie especially if the previous credit mentioned was a success.

The names of the cast are included separately as their own unique selling point. This helps to promote the actors as well as the movie.Also an actor could determine whether someone goes to watch the movie as they could like the actor or the actors other movies.

A large image of the characters acts as a promotion of the cast and also attracts the audience as it is the first thing likely they will notice. The image will determine whether they give the poster a second look or not.

The title is a main convention as usually it gives clues as to what the movie is about.It tends to be the biggest feature after the image therefore is play a key role in attracting the audience.

The blurb is a unique selling point that provides additional information and credits including the director, actors, producers and other crew members.This shows the movie has been worked on and developed by a number of people therefore it must be good.

Logo’s are present to help the audience recognise the companies involved.Recognising well known companies will help the movie gain respect, status and a wider audience.

The date given creates anticipation for the audience and may encourage them to perhaps save the date or start making plans to see the movie.

Other conventions I have used is the movie Facebook page link and a link to the movie website. They are there to provide detail and information on the movie and to also give spoilers to entice the audience. Since these are not common conventions, I used them to develop my poster.

Photo manipulation is another popular convention that is used in every poster to help create the perfect atmosphere and image suitable for the product. I tried to keep my photos as authentic as possible to suit my dark thriller genre. I kept the characters makeup very neutral and also faded the images using transparency tool to give it a natural gloomy look.

The grey smoke helped to blend in my images whilst also creating a misty theme.The mostly black background represents the darkness of my movie whilst helping the characters contrast against this helping them to stand out.

The font I chose was far from basic and has kind of an edge to it with sharp corners and flicks. I felt this fitted my thriller movie well as the trailer also features sharp items such as knives. I have kept the font consistent throughout my poster except for my blurb which I kept straightforward and simple to make it easier to read as the size is notably smaller.

The colour scheme for the text is fairly simple yet effective as the white text contrasts strongly against the black standing out and the red title text represents blood to suit the movie genre and content. These features give an insight as to what the movie may contain

I used media conventions of a real magazine poster that I worked off of but I also developed my poster further by using more newer features such as the online Facebook and website logos and links.

I have missed out some conventions such a reviews and taglines to describe the movie, I felt like I did not want to overcrowd my poster since a more simple image would best fit my genre.

I have implemented the same conventions to create a mysterious poster that does not give away too much detail but enough to entice an audience.