Post 1800

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Post 1800

Post Election of 1800


UN = opposite of Constitutional = if something follows

the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution

Election of 1800

Tripoli Declares war on the US

1803 – Marbury vs. Madison

Chief Justice John Marshall ↑

Anatomy of a Supreme Court Case

Marbury vs. MadisonThe person

suing The one being sued

P.S. He’ll be the next President

1803 – Marbury vs. Madison

Chief Justice John Marshall ↑

Judiciary Act of 1801



1803 – Jefferson buys Louisiana Purchase

=$15,000,000 (less than 3¢ per acre) (from France)Jefferson sends out Louis and Clark a little later

Lewis and Clark


To withdraw from a federal union, alliance

Blockade an effort to cut off food, supplies,

war material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally

Embargo Act of 1807

American Goods

MUST stay in


Supply and Demand: When you have a lot of a product, it

isn’t as valuable, So, in order to sell more of your

cotton than someone else’s cotton, you have to sell it for less, you don’t make any money



SO…what happened to American products?

Jefferson REPEALED the Embargo Act! Replaces it with…the Non-Intercourse Act Goods

can go anywher


Importance of Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery Journals were invaluable

Plants and Animals Native American tribes Maps, lay of land Record of Journey

Inspired nation to move westward…heard about all the ‘adventures’ that were there.


1. British were still on the continent…Americans wanted them gone. They controlled Canada

2. America wanted to expand, maybe North, GB in the way

3. Indian uprisings in NW territory…GB was encouraging this

4. GB/F war…U.S. caught in the middle, blockade was costing us money

5. GB were capturing American sailors and forcing them to be British sailors

Started in July 1812

Fought on 3 major fronts New Orelans On east

coast of the U.S. (DC)

On the water, Atlantic Ocean

Baltimore Clippers Baltimore was the

#1 Shipbuilding city The best selling

model was the “Baltimore Clipper”

It was built for speed so that it could outrun British/French navy ships

Became obsolete after the war of 1812

Battle at Sea: Clippers vs. British Navy

British blockade was successful, but Clippers did do some small damage.

Mostly British were successful.

D.C. Up in Smoke British troops landed in Washington

D.C. Set to burn down the capital… A thunderstorm came in and put out

the fires before they did much damage

Battle at Fort McHenry After they left DC, GB

moved toward Baltimore/Ft. McHenry

U.S. was ready, had blocked roads, militiamen were waiting

Ft. M: brick with tons of ammo, lots of cannons

British sat in the water and shot at us with new Congreve Rockets, just outside of what our cannons could reach

F.S. Key went out to a British boat to negotiate the release of a hostage

Was not allowed to go back immediately

Saw the flag flying every morning and was inspired to write a poem

Poem later becomes the national anthem

Winner: US for outlasting GB

Treaty of Ghent

Arranged by James Monroe (current secretary of state and next president)

Signed in Germany…. No major issues resolved…a lot of

the causes for the war went away when the French/British war ended.

War End/New Orleans US/GB signed Treaty of Ghent in Belgium Before the US found out about it, one last

big battle happened in NO Andrew Jackson slaughtered hundreds of

British troops Jackson becomes a war hero, US gains the

state of Louisiana

Results of the War of 1812 No major territory swap

No major treaty of any sort between countries

Some Federalists in New England wanted to secede from the union, made Federalists look bad, but no one agreed with them

New national pride

Was this the war that nobody won?

No major issues resolved Clear boundaries between

US/Canada Oregon Territory in NW is shared

between US/Can for 10 years

Election of 1820- James Monroe Elected

Era of Good Feelings…

James Madison is replaced by James Monroe, who won in a land slide

Federalist party is gone, they lost followers

Traveled the country visiting cities…was elected 2x

What are these?

Top Inventions of the Industrial Revolution Clothing Industry – quick moving loom Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin Steam Engine Steam Boat/Trains New Methods of Steel production Eastman develops Photography, founds

Kodak Morse develops Telegraph (later part of

AT&T) Eventually, Edison will invent the light


Sectionalism = loyalty to your

region People thought of

themselves as “westerns,” “southerners,” or “northerners” – became more intense as new laws were debated

Issues: slavery, states/national rights, taxes,

Missouri Compromise The government tried to keep a balance

between free and slave states If the balance was uneven, it would make

it difficult for the smaller side to pass laws in Congress

Missouri was admitted in as a slave state, Maine was admitted as a free state

Banned slavery north of the 36°30’N parallel for any new states (MD, KY, VA were already in)

Moving West First Census: 1790 – 4 million Wagons were packed, people moved

west Companies built turnpikes National Road built: Maryland to

Virginia, Virginia to Ohio, Ohio to Illinois

Steamboat travel started up and down the rivers

Relations with GB

Monroe wanted once and for all to settle issues with GB & S

Sent his Sec. of State: John Quincy Adams

Brit: 2 treaties Rush-Bagot Treaty: Limited # of navy

vessels on Great Lakes, Disarm border of US/Canada

Convention of 1818: set boundary of Louisiana Territory at 49th Parallel, US gained rights to Oregon Country

Relations With Spain

Andrew Jackson (still a general) charged into FL and took over forts

Was never ordered to do this, some people thought he should be Court-Marshaled

JQ Adams made a treaty with Spain Adams-Onis Treaty: We got FL! Gave away parts of TX Spain left Oregon Country

Monroe Doctrine

Spain owned: Part of North America All of Central America All of South America, except for Brazil

People started revolting against the Spanish

Spanish partnered with: France, Austria, Russia, and Prussia to help fight revolutions

Monroe Doct.

US said we would not interfere with any existing European colonies in the US, but we would fight any new ones North and South America “are henceforth

not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.”

We would not interfere in European colonies

Marked the last step in our independence